Linked Photos Open In IE Not In Default Photo Viewer

Aug 28, 2011

With XP photo linked in Access would open from Access in my default photo viewer. With Win 7 they only open in EI.

How do I fix Access in Win 7 so the links open in my default photo viewer like they did in XP?

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Default Image Viewer

Mar 8, 2006

Just wondering can anyone help me please. I am only a learner with access so please go easy. :)

I am using access 2000.


I have worked out from a lot of help from this forum how to put a cmd Button on my form to call the dialog window and store a file path in one of my text fields called “imagelinks” I can then view the image on a subform. I have two buttons one to insert a new image and another to delete the image. So far so good. Now I want to put another button on the form to preview the image with the default image browser. Can this be done so that if I gave a copy of the database to my friend and he has a different image browser the image can still be viewed by the click of that button.

I hope I have explained the above so it can be understood. :confused: myself.

Thanks in advance.


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Open PDF File With Viewer

Dec 16, 2013

In my VBA (access 2003) project, Im struggling to open a pdf file using Adobe viewer/Reader. Is it possible ?

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Modules & VBA :: Update Default Value In Linked Table

Jun 14, 2015

I have a split database ,and I need to update the Table default value of a field.Rather than go into the table I would prefer to use a form.I found this code but it wont work,I presume becouse my data base is split

Private Sub UpdateInvoiceReportNumber_Click()
If Not IsNull(Me.txtDefValue) Then
CurrentDb.TableDefs("PaymentsT").Fields("SelectInv oice").DefaultValue = Me.txtDefValue
MsgBox "Default Value has been changed to " & Me.txtDefValue


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Default Parameters Which Slow Down Access Database Linked Tables?

Jun 29, 2012

I recall reading somewhere (fairly recently) about a parameter or property in Access which is "On" by default and allows a form/query to identify when backend table field names or query arguments are changed and automatically looks for and "fixes" the renamed link. By leaving this switched ON, the database is slower than it could be. The db speed performance can be can be improved significantly by switching this 'feature' off. (i.e. Name of the property)

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Modules & VBA :: Default Value Not Working When User Open A Form

Sep 14, 2013

I think my issue is that when the user opens my form a record gets created. Thus default value will not work. what happens is; the user fills out form 1 goes to form 2 and on form 2 i want a check box default value to be true...but its always false.

the checkbox in question is adequite staff. the user gets the question, "was there adequate staff" if there was the "adequate staff box" would be true. what i have tried is i created a "dummy" checkbox (checkbox299) entitle no. and labled adequite staff checkbox as yes. on the form2 open insert the following

If Me.ADEQUATE_STAFF = False And Me.Check299 = False Then
End If

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Shutter Bar - How To Make Default Closed Upon Database Open

Oct 26, 2012

Is there a way to make the shutter bar be closed on database open?

I already have an autoexec macro to take people to a main menu, but would like to ensure the shutter bar is closed for aesthetics and to keep people away from clicking on something.

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How To Open A Report In Pivot Chart View By Default

Nov 30, 2011

I like to open a report as a pivot chart from my query. How to open a report by making the default view of report as pivot chart?.

I am able to manually create a pivot chart by clicking pivot chart view from the sql view in a report. Then I pull in the required columns to the x axis and y axis and a graph is generated. I do not know how to save it and open the report by default in pivot chart view every time I click a button.

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Open Form Linked

Jun 19, 2006

I have searched the forum but seem to be missing something.
I have a client table and several grant tables for different grants that each client can apply for. The tables are linked one to many.

What i have is a Clients main form showing Refnum, Name, Address etc. What I want to do is have command buttons on the Clients main form to open a specific Grant application form linked to the clients main form. There are currently 4 different grants they can apply for and they can apply more than once.

I have used the command button wizard to link each Grant form with the Client form, but when the Grant form opens it doesnt show the Refnum or the Client name etc. The Graqnt form is based on a query made up of the Client table and the Grant table.

I have looked at the wherecondition, openargs but i cant get it to work, mostly because i dont understand the code. I also need to see any previous applications that have been made for that grant.

Not sure I am making sense - sorry.

Can anyone help?

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Open Form, Link Criteria, Filter, Cant Set Default Value To A Control.. Why?

Dec 15, 2006

Private Sub btncard_Click()
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
stLinkCriteria = "[jobref]=" & "'" & Me![jobref] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm "k_job_card", , , stLinkCriteria
End Sub

this button code opens the k_job_card form.

the form opens and says 'Record 1 of 1, (Filtered)

i have a control on the form that opens.. and i am simply trying to assign a default value to that control..

it is a textbox.. for my jobtype field (text datatype)..

is there any particular reason why i cannot assign a default value to a control if it has been placed on a form that has been opened using a form filter?

this is how the Form Data tab is set at the moment..

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Linked Tables To Open Databases

Apr 27, 2006

I have a db that runs call stats (Master) this exports to several Department (Slave) Databses. The Slave db's can be accessed by any of number of Managers.

My problems (Amongst others!) is that I run the master every 15 mins and the slaves are linked to the master tables. How can I set this up so that these slaves can be updated whilst they are logged into?

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Excel Sheets As Linked Tables Open In Exclusive Mode

Apr 10, 2008

I have a simple Access database with a number of linked tables to Excel spreadsheets located in the same directory.When I open the Access database from two networked machines, I get an error on the second machine when I try to open a form that uses the linked tables. It says that the linked table has been opend in Exclusive mode.Any idea how I can prevent Access from opening the linked tables in exclusive mode?thanks

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Access Viewer

Aug 18, 2005

I am working for a company that does not want to spend the money on another liceance for Microsoft Access. and I want to access my database from another location. Does anybody now of a 3rd party software that will allow me to run my database forms and enter in data or change data?

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Access Viewer

Mar 20, 2006

Is there any Access viewer from Microsoft, like the others for Word, Excel and PP?

It would be nice if clients can browse forms and print reports without having to buy Ms Office. But I could not find anyone.

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Image Viewer

Sep 16, 2004

I need to use any advanced viewer to view image from my access application>.....thanks for all

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Importing Photos

Jun 10, 2005

Have can I apply individual photo's to members records.
One photo for the one person in each record.


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Photos On Reports

Feb 10, 2008

I want to have the photo of each person in a REPORT.

PEOPLE table has as primary key an ID, and photos are named ID.jpg. For example:

7112 John
2322 Lewis
3553 Peter
1222 John
and photos are labelled 7112.jpg, 2322.jpg...

How can I do this?? THANKS!!

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Photos In A Form

Jun 12, 2006

Im looking to place photos into a form. The situation being a members data base and for every member record there is a mug shot to go with there information.
Is it possible to store photos in this way so it is shown on the form as your browsing though them??

Any Help would be fantastic!

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Linking Photos

Feb 17, 2006

I've linked about 10 photos in my database and the size of it has swelled to alarming proportions. I linked rather than embed to keep the size down but it has still grown quite sizeably.

any ideas as to how I can overcome this kind of growth??

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Photos Revisited

May 2, 2006

I am a newbie in db creation..what I would like to accompish is this

I frontpage I have created a web site within the web I would liek to disply images similar to the built in display result in FP
but would rather havea DB either imbedded photos or external

photo page

table 2 cells
cell 1 large photo (created a iframe)
cell 2 table 2 cell x 6 cell (total of 12 thumbs

easiest enough to place the thumnails into the second column and edit the image to point to the large image and direct the large image to display in T1 (iframe) works like a charm

however with over 100 images I need an easier way to auto add the thumbnails and large photo to each page

my question

how do I create a DB that either contails both thum and image or asscess from folder...and ultimaley display into front page as per above

yes I ahve seach high and wide which is why I am here..seeing if any of you Access gurus can assist me

thanks in advance

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Snapshot Viewer Orientation

Aug 28, 2006

Wonder whether anyone can help me?

Each day I produce reports from access and email then out using the snapshot viewer format. The majority of recipients open this find and the report is absolutely fine, however, when other recipients open the report it comes out all slanted and blurred. It almost looks like there snapshot viewer is squashing a landscape report into a portrait view. Does anyone know how to correct this, as its driving me mad trying to find an answer?


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Linking Photos To Publisher

Jan 29, 2006

I've got some id card templates in publisher than i want to merge in access.
i can merge the text details into access but i dont know how to link the photos. should i store the file path of the image in the database or should i embed the file.

would this work with publisher or do i need to use some code?

any help on this would be appriciated as i have no experience with pictures in access.


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Pictures/PHotos In MS Acces

Jun 25, 2007

I'm not brilliant at using MS Access - can't use the VBA codes or anything like that.

basically, I want to set up a database of photogrpahs where you store thephotograph in Access, and then run a query to search for specific photos, which brings up a form showing the picture.

I seem to be OK at doing all of this so far except I can't get the photo to appear in the form - it just displays a link which you double click on to get to the photo.

I've tried to look up how to sort this on the web but don't understand the way people speak about access :confused:

can anyone help???

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Including Photos In Database

Mar 4, 2008

I've got a database that tracks name/address/phone, etc for a large group of people. I've recently added the ability to include a person's photo on the forms and reports. I've done that by saving the photos with the naming convention of [firstname]_[lastname].jpg and then using VBA, the database checks to see if there is a file with the corresponding name of the record and displays the picture if so.

It works very well, but I can see where I would have some problems in the future. For example, if someone gets married and changes their name, the corresponding photo must also be renamed to display properly. And if there are any misspellings, that becomes a problem. Also, if James decides he wants to go by Jim, the photo would not be displayed, either.

I'm wondering if anyone has any other ideas on how I might accomplish my goal. I know I could name the photo based on the record ID, but that's not a good option, since I'll be handling the photos, while someone else will be inputting the contact details. So I won't know the recordID easily.

Is there some way to have another field in each record that points to the corresponding photo? Then if James goes by Jim, his first name can be changed, but the corresponding picture name could remain the same.

Is there some great idea that I'm missing that would make this process much simpler and scalable? Or do I just have to deal with the maintenance issues?


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Embedding Loads Of Photos

Jan 26, 2007

I am wondering if it is possible to embed all of the photos that I have into my photo table automatically. I have the table set up with all of the data that needs to be there but I have over 1500 photos that need to be embedded and wanted to save myself some time and automate the process somehow. I already know that embedding these photos is going to make my database huge but that isn't an issue for this particular project.

As far as I can tell from this forum, the help and the Northwind database this isn't possible without manually going through every photo but I am pretty new to Access so thought I would throw the question out there.


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Access - Display Photos

Oct 8, 2007


How can I select a name from a drop-down box and display the corresponding student's photo that is stored as a JPEG?


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