Linking Excel Table In Access 2013 Causing Shut Down

Mar 27, 2014

I am trying to link an excel file (.xlsb) into Access 2013 running on Windows 8 (External Data-->Excel). It will first act like it's working, but it will just shut Access down after a couple seconds of churning and ask for a Backup to be created or it will restart (no rhyme or reason as to which you will get). I've tried a Compact and Repair. I've tried rebooting. I've tried renaming the excel file(although I have other files with the same naming convention linked), but no matter what I do, it will not accept it. I've tried doing just a straight Import....same results. This file, along with a others that are already linked in this database, are stored on a network server.

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Linking Tables Within Access To A Linked Excel Table

May 16, 2012

I'm trying to use a template to track assets-specifically this template:URL....Is there a way I can link an excel doc to my database that provides all of my data, that is thereby linked to other tables within Access?I want my data to be updated as it is manipulated within the independent excel doc when I open access.

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Transferring Data From MS Excel To MS Access 2013

Mar 27, 2014

I am setting up a database using Access 2013, and am trying to test downloading files from Excel. For some reason it is not allowing me to have more then 4 columns in the excel file, it gives the error "Subscript out of range". I thought it was the type of variable at first, but when I tried deleting different columns on both files, the transfer always worked with 4 columns. How do I allow more columns to be transferred?Also, is there a way to not include the row numbers of the excel file as an ID column and only include the ID given in the first column?

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Linking Excel & Access

Feb 16, 2007

Is there a way to link a ACC table to an Excel spreadsheet so that when changes are made to one it automatically changes the other?

And -
How do I link (or join) two (or 3) Access tables so that the above happens - when a change is made to one it's made to the other.

I have an overall big table with 7 fields.
I created a query from it that has 5 fields. Or create another table that has 5 fields.
Can I join/link them so that changes made to one is made to the other?

An ID number changes
or a wage salary changes.

Thanks in advance.

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Linking Excel With Access

May 23, 2005

I have an excel spreadsheet that i have linked to an Access database. I need to append and delete records from the spreadsheet into an existing table in my Access database. I am able to append specific records from the spreadsheet into my table but then i want to delete the records from the spreadsheet. When i run the delete query i get the following message; "Deleting data in a linked table is not supported by this ISAM" Is there some way i could get this to work?

I have records in this spreadsheet that needs to get into the database but once it is appended to the database i need those records deleted from the spreadsheet. I am kinda using this spreadsheet as a temporary table so one employee who does not use access can put data into his spreadsheet and then the other employees can pull want they need from this into the database.

Any suggestions?

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Linking Access With Excel!

Nov 23, 2006

I have a table which is being populated with data when I click a button in a form. Now I want the data of the table to be shown in an excel file but the problem is that I want that data to be refreshed everytime I insert new data in the table.

Any ideas??

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Linking Table To Excel File

Jul 31, 2007

I have a table in Access databse link to excel file in the network, the format of the fields of this file are set to general. When I create a link table wizard the fileds formats changes to numbers for some of them. It's wierd, I spent a lot of time figuring out what is the problem and creating new excel file with changing the fields format around and still not solving the problem. Any idea or help for this problem is apperciated. Thanks

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Linking Table To Excel File

Jul 31, 2007

I have a table in Access databse link to excel file in the network, the format of the fields of this file are set to general. When I create a link table wizard the fileds formats changes to numbers for some of them. It's wierd, I spent a lot of time figuring out what is the problem and creating new excel file with changing the fields format around and still not solving the problem. Any idea or help for this problem is apperciated. Thanks

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Conditional Formatting A Table In Access 2013

Nov 4, 2013

I have a table in access and I need to format it so that when column "Status" = "Closed" column "Closed" = "yes". so it will automatically mark column "Closed" "yes" if "status" says "closed". Instead of having to change both columns all the time.I know how to do that in MS Excel, but is it possible in MS Access 2013?

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Tables :: Linking Excel Spreadsheet To Table?

Jan 7, 2015

I am creating a database for the company I work for. My boss wants it to have every information possible stored and accessible through the one database. Right now the time sheet that we use is a hard copy that the guys fill out and turn in each week. Before the database started I created an excel sheet for them to start using. My boss wants me to link the excel sheet to a table in access. The way it would work is each of the guys would fill theirs out and email them to me by Friday. I would then link it to the table so that we could easily pull information we needed through a query.

I read online on the office support website that you can link a spreadsheet but then access does not store the data and the data if needed to be changed had to be done through the excel spreadsheet. Doing it like that made it sound to me that each time sheet that was turned in each would would create a new table. I was hoping there was a way to have one table with all the times on it using an employee number as the relationship key. The biggest thing though is that the guys have to use excel to fill out the time sheet because getting each guy access is "not an option" .

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General :: Linking Of Excel Sheets In SharePoint Directly To MS Access

Nov 4, 2013

I have a number of Excel spreadsheets (data sources) hosted on Sharepoint that I need to link to one single Access database.

At first. I cannot link the spreadsheets directly to Access because Access cannot read the spreadsheets on SharePoint to make the links.

Secondly, I can export the spreadsheets from SharePoint to a local folder on my PC and keep them 'refreshed'. The problem with this is that I cannot link Access to the local refreshed spreadsheets because of the (auto) extention .iqy. Access does not know the extention .iqy and hence the two cannot be linked at all.

Thus: How do I link an Excel spreadsheet hosted on SharePoint to MS Access.

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Linking Excel To Access Automatically - Publishing Daily Report?

Dec 6, 2012

Having experimented with Access for a few months now; I know you can link an Access Database to SharePoint, and you can export Excel files into Access for inclusion in tables.

My question is; If I have a daily report being produced, through script, with an excel output. Is there anyway to automatically publish this in Access, negating the need to manually go into Access to import?

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Queries :: Making A Table From A Select Query In Access 2013

Jan 21, 2014

I have made a new access 2013 database. I have created a linked table that has imported a substantial amount of data from an external data source, (an Excel spreadsheet). So far no problem. I created a select query that plucked data from the original table mentioned. Again, no problem. Then I decided to create another table, using certain fields only from the select query. Microsoft's guide tells me to start with CREATE, then Table design. I am happy to use just 4 fields from my query, but what I keep ending up with is a table, that, when I double click on it gives me the following:

ID Field1 Field2 Click to add

It is presumably expecting me to enter an ID number and it will come up with some record, but I want a complete table that should show several hundred records.

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Forms :: Entering Data Into Table - Syntax Error With Access 2013

May 20, 2013

I am pretty new to access and trying to create a form to enter data into a table. I keep getting a syntax error. Below is the part of code where I keep getting the syntax.

CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INFO [Tb1 - Information]([Zone], [Controller], [Controller Type], [Panel], [CB #], [Controller Unit], [IP Address], [Modbus Address], [Sub Address/ HTC#], [PP Location], [Opp Priority],[ Startup Priority]) " & _
" VALUES('" & Me.Txtehtzone & "', '" & _
Me.Txtctrler & "','" & _
Me.TxtCB & "','" & _

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Error 2391 Field F1 Doesn't Exist In Destination Table - Access 2013

May 3, 2014

I'm getting error 2391 field 'f1' doesn't exist in destination table

Dim FileBrowse As Office.FileDialog
Dim varFile As Variant
Dim sFile As String
Set FileBrowse = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

[Code] ....

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Automated Access Launch Causing Access Window To Fail To Hide

Jul 10, 2006

I have been using "fSetAccessWindow (SW_HIDDEN)" in the open event of my
main switchboard to hide the grey Access screen from being visible behind
forms, reports, etc in this db. But when I started using a .vbs script file
to launch the db, the Access window stopped being hidden. (The reason I use
the script for launching is that it temporarily sets the db's security level
to 1 which stops the macro security warning from coming up.) Apparently MS
knows about this happening and released a technique to rectify the situation,
but I don't understand their instructions. It looks like they expect one to
have more understanding than I have. Could someone help me get this
impliemented? Here is the article:

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Access 97 And Table Linking Problem

Sep 19, 2005


When linking in a table under Access 97, any long integer fields are being converted to TEXT format. This I understand is due to the version of the Access database engine.

It does not happen in Access 2000.

Anyone have any idea's of how I can force access 97 to use the jet 4 engine installed already ?

( i have abused the registry - and it didnt like it at all )

tried service packs etc - not joy so far.

Anyone have any idea's ?

thanks in advance

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Access-Linking Table Fields Together

Sep 9, 2004

Hello all-

I'm formatting an Access table and need help linking 1 field to another. I need to specify that Field B will state "N/A" if and only if (back to good old geometry) Field A states "Yes." I've tried using the ValidationRule and Default Value functions but they don't let me refer back to Field A. Any thoughts would be hugely helpful.

Thanks much.

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Database Shut Down

Apr 11, 2005

I've created a query with a SWITCH component inside it. It
gave me the results i wanted but now if I try to see that query in Design View or run that
query, the entire database shuts down on me. So I'll have to create this query over again.
Is there any way I can avoid this in the future? Also is there any way of getting into the current
query that used to work, and fix it?

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Administrator Shut Down

Nov 19, 2005

any idea how i can use the attached DB to show a message box for 10 seconds and then automatically shut down??

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Modules & VBA :: Is There A Way To Shut Down A PC With VBA

Apr 10, 2015

I know it can be done with task scheduling for a set time. However, I am looking for a way whereby the changing the time to shut off is very quick and easy to do as it would be continually done at different times. I have searched Google high and low but to no avail. I was hoping that I could have some VBA run with the On Timer event. The shut down would have to be done while the computer was either streaming a video or playing a radio station.

One simple way I could do it would be to pull the battery from a laptop and then have it plugged into one of those plugs that you just wind back for 60 minutes or 2 hours etc. before they shut off the power. However, would doing that corrupt Windows 8.1?

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Linking Access Table To Outlook Calendar

Oct 26, 2004

Hello Guys,

I'm totaly new to access and outlook applications etc..
What I'm trying to do is link an access table to my calendar in outlook. I can do it but there is one problem it is not importing all the fields. But when I do an export from outlook to access database file all the fields are there.

Can someone help me with this issue?

P.S. I'm using outlook 2003 and connecting to exchange 2002.

Thank you for all the help I can get

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Referential Integrity Causing Problems On Only 1 Table???

Jun 16, 2005

My db is an inventory of printers in use at our company. It is to tell us where they are, and what maintenance is done on them over time.

I have the following tables:


The ones with stars are "type" tables. All possible IP's are in the tblIP, models in tblModel, office's in tblOffice etc.

Maintenance types are just like "fuser replacement", "toner replacement", "turned on computer" (IT joke)

anyway, On my main form. If I open the form and click the button I made to go to the previous record or next, I am fine.

If I choose an office, or start a record, I get a message that I have to have a record for IP chosen, that it can't leave this new record until it has an IP because of referential integrity.

If I choose an IP and nothing else, I can leave the new record. If I don't choose IP, but choose everything else, I cannot leave the record. AHHH!!!

The thing is, all my combos on the main form are (as explained above) FK's to lookup tables, and all set up the same: all with referential integrity, 1 - many, cascade updates and deletes.

This 1 table is the only one acting this way.

I am including a print screen of my form, as a visual sometimes helps.

If anyone can help me to fix this, I would really appreciate it. I have never had this problem before.


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General :: Linking 2 Table Getting Hanged Access 2003

Sep 20, 2013

It is a simple linking based on one Column in Both the Table.The problem is One Table has "11 Lakh Rows other 2000 Rows"..Actually I am not sure weather the computer is getting hanged or Not as I wait for 10 min still when I am not able to see any update I End the access.

How can I know if it is working or hanged ? (errors like memory overflow will not come after I wait for an hour or so)

Can I use DLOOKUP instead of linking as I want it to be one on One link ?

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Performance Issue Causing Access To Crash And Burn

Nov 2, 2005

Hi folks!

I've been experiencing a very frustrating problem recently.

One of my databases crahes randomly, and I'd like to know if some of you have tips to helps me.

The database is splited in front-end and back-end, both on the server. I know keeping the front-end on the client PC will improve performance, but due to a high number of users (about 60 to 80) and the need of doing frequent updates, installing the front-end on each machines is not an option for now.

Users are not all directly connected to the server. Those who are directly connecte4d to the server (in building A) have no problem. Those who don't (building B) have extensive lags on opening (about 30 seconds), and on about anything that calls an heavy query, most often leeding to a crash. Access display the message telling that the datbase needs to be repaired and restart.

I tryed several thing to improve my queries, like eleminating most of GROUP BY and UNIQUE clauses and avoiding the use of functions.

I have a lot of conditional formatting in the forms, but I don't think this is the problem, since it is executed on the local machine (as far as I know).

My theory is that the lags cause some call to the DB to timeout. I just dont know how to fix that. Is there an option to higher the timeout delay?

My other theory is that the problem is caused by dropped packets during the connection to the DB. I tryed downloading large files (100Mb to 250Mb) from the server several times and never had a problem. Although the connection is quite slow, the ping is very small, like below 10ms to 20ms. Is there better ways to test a network connection, if possible without installing software (limited rights on the machine)?

Would using Replicas be a solution? What are the pros and cons of it? I never used them and know very little about it. My idea would be of putting a back-end on both servers, but I guess the data would not be as live.

BTW, I am using Access 2002 (2000 file format) on an XP SP2 PC.

Thanks to all of you patient enough to read all of this! I Hope some of you have some awnsers, tips or tricks!

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Large Table Causing Slow Opening Form

Mar 21, 2006

I have a database with a table that contains 360,000 rows. I built a form with four boxes where a user can specify values to limit the result set. And instead of having a new window open with the results, I built a subform and placed it on the main form to display the results.

Here is how it flows:
Main Form -> user enters search criteria
Search Criteria -> feed as criteria in query
Query Results -> display on subform
Subform -> shows on main form

The query is setup to take the values from the main form and either use it if it's not null, or return all values if the field is null.

The problem I am having is that on opening the main form, Access is taking the four null values from the main form search fields, feeding them to the query, which is then feeding the subform. So 10 minutes later when the main form finally opens, I have 360K records displaying in my subform.

What I would like is to be able to open the main form instantly, specify my search criteria, then run the query, then have the query results populate the subform.

What do I need to do?

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