Firstly, apologies if any of the following seems to denote bad database design or a lack of forward planning. It does, but I've inherited it, so I'm stuck with it (for the time being).
I have a Subform (Training_Records_Sub) linked to a Form (Employee_Training). Both forms get their data from tables of the same name.
Up to now, these have been linked on the field Employee_ID. This has been working fine, as all information stored related to permanent employees, so everyone had an Employee_ID value.
Now, however, I've been informed that the system also needs to store information on temporary and contract staff, neither of whom have an Employee_ID number. In fact - for reasons I fail to understand but which I'm sure make sense to management - there is no unique indentifier stored for any of these people.
The best I can come up with is as follows:
Permanent Personnel - Can be uniquely identifed by Employee_ID and Cost_Center.
Temporary Personnel - Can be uniquely dentified by Last_Name, First_Name and Requisition_Number (this last number can apply to many people). I realise that two people of the same name COULD be hired under the same requisition number, but I've been assured that this won't be allowed.
My problem is in working out how to now link the Form and Subform.
Is there some way to use an 'If...Then..Else' statement? Even in VBA? I've sort of got an idea of what I need, but a day of playing with the code hasn't worked, so I thought I'd try posting.
i am having a problem linking my subform data to my form data on more that one fitler.
that is, i have a form that contains Last_Name and First_Name and a subform that pull a different set of info form anther table as i scroll through the main form.
on the properties of the subform i have Filter set to "Me.FilterOn="Last_Name".
BUT i need to bring in the filter on Last_Name AND First_Name because of different entries that have the same last name.
I have a form linked to a subform by an activity field, Both have a UID field also. I want to store the UID from the main form in each record in the subform. How do I link the two? I've done it before but cannot remember how and have been trying now for AGES! Any help would be much appreciated :)
I have an entry form with a field(combo box) called cboGetCode. I also have a sub form (continuous form) with number of fields, also an entry form. Now, I have added a code behind the cboGetCode AfterUpdate event to populate the result to relevant fields in the main form.
Go to frmInvoice, and you'll see a Net Total box (txtNetTotal) . It's control source is linked to a textbox in the subform fsubInvoiceDetails2 called txtStocktotal. It basically just pulls up all the costs associated with that InvoiceID.
The reference mechanism is as follows: =[fsubInvoiceDetails2].[Form]![txtStockTotal].Now...sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't! Sometimes i've had to use: =forms!fsubInvoiceDetails2!txtStockTotal.
It seems to be very temperamental at times and i'm not fully confident if this can be explained.By way of note, I use express builder normally to input these statements: I go to Forms > ALL FORMS > fsubInvoiceDetails2 > txtstocktotal.
1. I have a form called F_Progress. 2. I have a form called F_Property. 3. F_Property contains a subform called F_Job. 4. F_Property is linked to F_Job by the Job ID field. Its a one to many relationship. 5. F_Job is linked to F_Progress by the Job ID field as well. One job has many months progress.
What I want to achieve:
I want a button within the subform (F_Job) which when you click on opens the related record in F_Progress where the Job ID is the same as the one in the subform.
Could someone please help me trouble shoot this error:
"The Link MasterFields property setting has produced this error:'A problem occurred while Microsoft Access was communicating with the OLE Server or Active X Control'
I get the error when I try and select an item from a drop down list in a combo box on a subform that is linked to another form. The list is coming from a separate table.
When running the subform without opening the parent form I can choose from the combo box and do not get the error.
I'm creating a database to assist with the sales operations of a hat shop. I have a form for creating new orders called 'Invoice' where the order number and date is set. Within this form is a subform called 'Invoice_Order' (Continuous layout), this form is used for assigning order items to an order number. Within the subform there are two combo boxes which search the Stock table.
1st ComboBox- diplays hat styles (E.g- v1/v2/v3/v4...)
Problem is; different hat styles are available in different colours based on the material used. I would like the second CoboBox to display a list of colours depending on the style of hat chosen. At present i can only get it to display a list of colours for all hat styles.
Does that make sense? Any help would be most appreciated
At the moment i have an exisiting database that was not created by me. It consits of about 7 tables and a main table. Each table has a Primary Key that is a joining field. The Main form is built with subforms and when i enter a number in the primary key filed of the main table it enters that number in all the other primary keys in the other subforms. i have now tried to create another subform to put into the main form but i cannot get this "link" between the primary fields to work. can someone please help.
I have a form with a combo/dropdown on the MAIN form and a child subform.I have designated a Master /Child link of ID to FGId respectively linking the combobox with the subform.
However, when a select an item from the combobox I expect to see the subform datasheet refresh accordingly. This is not happenining , even when I force a refresh call on the subform control itself....?
I have a form and subform linked by the ID field (AutoNumber) on the Form and Record ID field (Number) on the subform. I have the field size on the Record ID field set to Long Integer.
When the form is opened, a message pops up "The LinkMasterFields property setting has produced this error: 'Ambiguous name detected: Add_client_info_Click' There was a macro set up with the name Add client info. However, that macro is not being used on either of these forms. I don't understand why this message is popping up.
Any ideas? I have checked each form, each form section and each field to make sure that macro didn't somehow get assigned, and I can't find it anywhere in relation to these 2 forms.
I have a from "frmMainClient" which has a subform "frmJob". They are linked using a field "accoint_no". when run the output show me the content of the "frmMainClient" and all the related jobs in the "frmJob" subform.
That fine. I now want to add another subform "frmSuppliers". I want to link the "frmSuppliers" to the "frmJob" using a field "supplierID" which is in both forms.
The end result required is the "frmMainClient" content is display along with all the records in the "frmJob" (linked) and all the records in the "frmSuppliers".
I hope I have been clear.
Can anyone point me inthe right direction to make this work.
I am creating a customer database for an independent insurance agency. Within that customer database, we have a lookup field that references another table "Carriers". This is where we select the insurance carrier we have placed the clients insurance with (ex. Geico, progressive, etc). This field allows multiple entries since clients can have policies with different companies.
We also have contact detail forms for each of our insurance carriers where we store information like web logins, contact phone numbers, and other notes. These forms are based on the same table as the lookup field.
I would like to create a hyperlink so, if we are looking at a clients form with all of their contact info we can click the insurance company in the carrier field and it will bring us to the contact details form of that carrier.
I have a 'main' table with a Project_Number that links all the data in my db together. I have another table that uses that Project_Number as a lookup field to connect that tables data to the main data. I created a 'main' form that has the ability to enter data for the 'main' table. I want to be able to press a button and have the second tables form pop up and add that that specific Project_Number. I added the button and went through the wizard process. I then added the linking info through the builder. It works fine if there is already data entered for the project_number in that specific field. but if the field is empty, the popup window doesn't recognize a project_number and doesn't add it to that record. below is what I am using. The project_number in the 'main' table is text and the Project_Number in the 2nd table in a number since it is a lookup field.
Private Sub CongressionalDistrictCmd_Click() On Error GoTo Err_CongressionalDistrictCmd_Click Dim stDocName As String
I am having 4 tables where i enter all the data required. The tables are Project Details, Process Detail, Installation Detail & Cable Details. Project Detail Table contains:Project Number,Project Code,wBS Code etc... Process Detail Table Contains : Tag Number, Description, Service, Process values etc... INstallation Details Table contains : Installaion Item, (nearly 40 items which are commonly used) Cable Details Table Contains : Cable Number, Type of Cable, Size of Cable and so on Now I need the form: Process detail containing the information which had been entered in Project detail also. Such as the Project Number, Code etc to appear in the form ( Just to display it) In Cable Detail and INstallation forms I need some specific fields which are in Project details (project Number, Code..), Process Details ( The tag numbers, Description etc..) to appear as display. The tag number shall be the primary key which shall be used in all forms except Project detail form. The information in Project details is just to appear in the report. I could very well do it when all this information was in one table. As a beginer i am unable to solve this. So please guide me.
Hey guys, I have a question for you. I have a query that gives me a list of names with info on each person. From the query I want to be able to click on the name of an individual and in turn have the form open up on that individuals page. Allowing me to enter more data and/or see more data on the individual. Thanks for any help you might give!!
I just added a new field to a table but i now need to add the field into a form so the table can be update. However when i open the field list to assign/bind the control the new cloumn is not present on the field list.
How do i add a new field which i have entered in the table to the field list?
Hi, i'm trying to get a field to only allow data to be entered that is in a table e.g. i have a table which has a list of country dialling codes in it. In my form i want to only allow valid country codes to be entered-i.e. the ones which are in the table? Ive tried coming up with different validation rules but cant seem to do it Can anyone help?
I am creating a Risk Management Database at work. I have created a tab with options to choose, as to log the risk relevant.
i.e. I have a catagory, subcatagory and then Risk boxes
When saving the record it will save the risk but it will not save the catagory, and the subcatagory options choosen? I have a seperate table for this information to appear, Does anyone know how I can make this happen without stopping it from shortening the catagories down.
I hope this make sense. I am sorry I am a little rusty in Access 2003.
Having a little problem, have searched the forums but have not been able to find an answer.
I have a single db with 3 tables, artist, gallery and arts.
The main form should show the work details for each artist, i.e. each piece of art they have done. The problem I have is I think I have a link or relationship problem as when I try to create a new record in the arts table, I have a combo box which populates the artist name and gallery name and it should then store these details in the arts table along with the rest of the details I enter but it doesn't.
Each table has an autonumber and there is a one-to-one relationship from arts to artist and arts to gallery.
New to Access programing and need help please. I have a main form that requires the input of a building #, this takes the primary key spot for all records. On the main form is a monitors field which calls up a form titled Resource Monitors and allows me to input primary and mutiple alternates information. My questions is, how do I get the Resource Monitors form to automatically look at what record (building) is currently open in the main form and automatically adjust the Resource Monitors (building) field to match. I have created a 1-to-1 releationship between the building field in both forms, and created a subdatasheet in Resource Monitors that correlates the entries from both forms. What is my next logical step to make this work?
I would like to link 2 fields in a form. If I select data within one field with drop down list it should automatically bring up a name within the 2nd field. How would I be able to do this?
I've managed to lind the subforms to this drop down list which works brilliantly but this is a field within a form that I don't know how to link.
Ok. I have used access before to hold data but have always accessed and used it via asp. I have never actually tried to use the access forms and queries! But for a current project i am having to use it.
So far its been fairly simple but im stuck on one point. I have one table that holds user info and has a foreign key from another table. On my form i want the user to be able to lookup the foreign keyes available. Only i want the lookup to show the description field in the other table not the unique id (primary key) but when they slect the relevant row its obviously need to record the primary key of the other table in the foreign key field in my user info table.
How can this be done? Im not sure if i explained this very well. If anyones unsure what i mean please ask my to clarify.