Linking Multiple Queries In A Report

Mar 20, 2008


I am very new to Access and have been building a database from scratch. It is for inventory management and I have a number of tables, particularly:
1. Stock List
2. Orders (stock coming in)
3. Requisitions (stock going out)

I have created Select Queries for the Orders and Requisitions tables to sum the totals in these tables (i.e. the total number of Pens coming in from all of the orders etc.). These are called StockOrderTotal and StockRequisitionTotal.

I am trying to create a query/report that will allow me list all of the Stock items and the current balance (i.e Orders minus Requisitions) for each item. However, once I add the two queries together (StockOrderTotal and StockRequisitionTotal) the final query/report only lists stock items that are found in both of the underlying tables.

Is there any way that I can tell the query to return all stock items and only list the Order and/or Requisition totals that are in the underlying tables? Sort of like an 'if' statement in Excel, where the value returned will be zero if that particular stock item is not found in the Orders or Requisition tables?


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Queries :: Utilization Report - Multiple Query Into One Report

Sep 2, 2014

I have a three-column query that tells me how many hours I have available per week for a given resource type (e.g. welders). I have a second three-column query that tells me how many hours of work I have planned per week for a given resource type.I'm hoping to produce a query (the source for a report) that will show resource types in rows and twelve months in 24 columns. the first column for each month will show how many hours I have available for all my resources, the second column for each month will show how many hours I have allocated.

How do I produce a query that will combine the other two queries, inserting zeroes where necessary considering that for any given week I might have allocated work to a resource that isn't available (because the inconsiderate buggers think they are entitled to holiday) or I might have a resource that has no work allocated (because I'm incompetent)?

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Queries :: Report Or Macro To Run Multiple Queries Using Same Parameters?

Aug 9, 2013

So I run cash flow for a business, and we export data from Oracle and insert it into an access database. I have to run about 25 queries, entering in the same parameters for each. We number each week of the year. So for say the first week in January, I would run the first query and it asks: Beginning Week, I enter in 1, then another paramter value asks me the ending week. I have to enter in these parameters for each of the 25 or so queries, and it becomes quite irritating. Each query has a number of columns, but I am only interested in obtaining the sum of one of the columns, titled Distribution amount. So I am looking for something that will run each of my specified queries, then spit out the total of the distribution column for each in a table like.

Query 1: Total Distribution
Query 2: Total Distribution

Is there anything that would allow me to do this, with entering in the week parameter once, say week 1 start, week 1 end. and it use those same parameters for each query?

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Report From Multiple Queries

Dec 21, 2004

I have a database which contains around 60 queries that I need to turn into reports. The problem is, the wizard won't work because all of the queries contain the same fields. I would greatly appreciate feedback on making this process dynamic. Thanks in advance!

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Using Multiple Queries To Create One Report

Dec 14, 2004

I have several queries that I'd like to consolidate into one report. Any ideas? I tried selecting fields from multiple queries, but I got an error message.

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Reports :: Multiple Queries Into One Report

Jun 18, 2013

We have a database that has around 30 queries that are ran on a monthly basis. They all have unique criteria (but there is a crossover of fields that are used), and are all set up so they show only the previous month's data (the date is taken from one date field for some queries, and another date field for others).

We run the queries, and only need the 'count' of number of records that fit the query each month.I was wondering if it is possible to create a report that will run the queries simultaneously, and show the 'count' of the query results in predetermined fields.

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Using Same Date Range On Report For Multiple Queries

Jul 25, 2007

Hi all,

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to input just one date range into a report that is accessing data from multiple table and multiple queries. I can create the report which gives me the info needed but I have to put the same date range in 3 or 4 time before the report is generated.


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Single Set Of Parameters For Multiple Queries In A Report?

Oct 21, 2004

I'm pretty new to Access, so if I'm doing this the hard way, that's why.

I work in a quality control position, and I'm trying to set up a single Access database for the QC staff to use instead of everyone having their own seperate Excel workbooks.

The issue I'm running into at the moment is on a report. Each record is graded on four seperate types of criteria, Error Type 1, Error Type 2, Error Type 3 and Error Type 4, all of which need to be reported on seperately. So I have at least four queries set up, all with the same parameters (right now, just review date.) I'm trying to pull through all four queries on the same report, and so far I've had success having the report ask for the parameters only once and then applying it to all four queries. However, I'm running into a problem where Access is now forcing the filters of each individual query on to each of the other three queries, so it's only pulling through records for all four queries that match the criteria of all four. Any record which only matches the criteria of one, two or three of the queries is being left off the report.

Sorry if this sounds confusing. Anyone have an idea as to what I'm doing wrong?

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Extract / Count And Report From Multiple Queries?

May 20, 2013

I have set up a table for statistical information of students from our 8 campuses (campus, student first name last name, dob, parent info, grade, etc.). I have a query set-up for each campus.

I also have an excel spreadsheet when a student enrolls I change the number of students from each campus that are in grades 1-3, 4-6, 7-8 and 9-12.

Since I have already entered this information into my Access DB, I am wondering why do double-duty (thereby risking my forgetfulness) when I should be able to extract that information from these queries? Not sure how to do this in this grouping, per campus, giving a total count for each campus.

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Creating A Master Query Or Report From Multiple Queries

Mar 12, 2008

I have been running 5 reports to gather company information. I then take the data from these 5 reports and manually load them into an Excel spreadsheet to calculate a grand total. I would like to be able to run a query or report within my database to get the same information. I have attached a copy of my spreadsheet for review.

Could someone please review this spreadsheet and help me design an easier method of calculating a grand total.

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Queries :: Union Query - Multiple Records On One Report

May 7, 2014

I have a database that has over 20 tables in it and am using Access 2000. Unfortunately I cannot change the structure as it performs specific functions, so I am stuck with it.

I have created a Union Query from these tables yaking data from 5 fields using the Serial Number entered by the user.

WHERE((([Workstation].UnitSerial)=[Enter Serial No.];

[Code] ....

I use a bar code scanner to scan the serial number, and it goes through the tables and returns the results along with the other specified fields.

I would like to scan up to 16 or more different serial numbers and have it return the results. Perhaps scan the first 16 serial numbers, then run the query? Is that possible. The serial numbers are unique and will return a combination of laptops, printers, monitors, etc...

I have created a report from the above union query and it works perfectly with only one serial number entered.

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Queries :: Report For Multiple Selections Of Account Number And Work Organization

Aug 3, 2013

I have one table named Entry. This table have account number,work organization, price, date and etc.

I use a combo boxes in form which is connected to query and I can easily choose one account number,one work organization and date to see an report. There is also a possibility to left some of the fields blank, it will bring report if is null.

Now I need to make a form that have a possibility to bring up a report for multiple selections of account number and work organization?

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Queries :: Data Integrity Report - Multiple COUNTs In Single Query

Sep 4, 2013

I need to produce a Data Integrity report that lists the users of a separate database and the count of errors that they make, separated by error type.

Currently my query displays all the users who made errors, and the total errors they made. But I don't want the total - I want to break this number down by the types of errors that are made.

I modified the SQL to make it easier to read. How can I take the below statement and make a few expressions that count up the specific values? The field I need to dissect is "Type Error" and a couple of examples of error types are "A1" and "B1"

SELECT DISTINCTROW [Errors Table].User, Count([Errors Table].[Type Error]) AS [Errors]
FROM [Errors Table] INNER JOIN [Workcenter Profiles] ON [Errors Table].PWC = [Workcenter Profiles].PWC
WHERE ((([Errors Table].[Review Status])="Error Corrected")) OR ((([Errors Table].[Review Status])="Error Not Corrected")) OR ((([Errors Table].[Review Status])="Error Not Correctable "))
GROUP BY [Errors Table].User
ORDER BY [Errors Table].User;

I've seen it done with multiple queries joined together, but I'd like to avoid that if possible...

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Help With Linking Multiple Forms

Nov 30, 2005


I am using multiple forms to enter some data. When I enter the data in the second form and go back to the main (first) entry form it always goes back to the first record. Also when I am at a record at the first form and go to the second form it always starts at the first record. Is there a way to make the two forms match the record I am entering. I am entering data into the same table. I needed to use two forms because I could not fit all the information on one form. Thanks

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Linking To Multiple Sources

Jul 2, 2012

I work for a small manufacturing company and have been asked to set up an access database to track production. The end goal is to have a touch screen at every machine where operators will input data. This data will then dump to a different workbook for each machine. My question is: Is it possible to link one access tables with multiple xls documents so that, as data is added to any of the workbooks, it is then updated to a single access table? I also will need to find a quick way to link new files to the table as new parts are put into production.

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Linking A Form To A Report

Apr 17, 2007

Is there a way to print a report for only the form you are on.

Let say Iv got a list of customers on a form and I have a query for all the customers.

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Tables :: Linking Multiple Individual Folders

Nov 6, 2014

I am using Access 2010 and I am fairly new to it (started using it for work).

I have a table with a bunch of a agreement numbers (134) and I need to link each one to its folder on our company's shared G drive. The agreement numbers all follow the format A12.## (Where ## is the number of the agreement going from 1-134).

So I have the path to get to the location of all the agreement files, and I know there has to be a faster way than to edit each individual hyperlink, I myself just don't know how to do it.

Also the files on the shared drive start with the A12.## but then also continue with the name of the agreement. I was thinking that somehow for each record you could apply all at once the same path to the agreements and then for each individual record get it to search for its closest matching agreement number?

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Forms :: Linking Multiple Tables To A Form?

Aug 26, 2014

problem is that i have 2 tables - Consolidated Orders, Customers.

Customers has 2 fields with a record inside one field with the clients name , but it also has an address in another field in the same table which i want to link to the name of the client because in my invoice i show the companies name and to the left of it i show their address.

i wish to link the two fields together so that when the name shows up, the address of the client will be to the left side .

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Linking Columns To ID Number In Multiple Tables

Nov 8, 2012

I am working with a large database of 8,000+ entries. We have five tables in this database, but mainly use three of them. The main table is "OAKE Main Table" which is basically a list of all members our organization has had. Each member has accounting data linked to their member ID number which has been generated by ACCESS, and can be accessed or edited by clicking on a sub table next to each member. The accounting data that has been manually entered in the OAKE Main Table can be found in the Accounting table.

Here's my issue. I need to be able to extract a list of transactions from this accounting table since January 1st. I can do this no problem, but all I get is the member ID and the accounting data. How do I get ACCESS to include the member ID's first and last name? or maybe even the first, last name, address, city, state, zip, etc so that I can get a list of people who have made donations, for example?

I'm assuming this will have something to do with the relationships we have set up in our table. Here's a picture of it. I have no clue how to make this work.

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Report Assistance- Linking Like Fields Without Replicating

Nov 17, 2004

I am trying to generate a report that using 2 different tables, related by 1 field. Here's an example of what I'd like to accomplish..

a.... red....Friday
C..... red.... Tuesday






What it's doing now is:






I want to link the one field (ex. blue) so that it simply lists all of the occurances together. I tried the Access Help, but I can't seem to find the right string.


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Reports :: Linking Report To Subreport Chart

Jun 25, 2014

linking a report and a subreport (chart). I have uploaded my sample DB. I'm trying to chart all the individuals and three fields for each Home. Both report and subreport are using the same query for the record source. My charts are blank "All_Homes_Individual_Totals". Just use date range 05/01/14, 06/24/14 on my Main form page for the data.

My second question is how would you create a chart to pull by each individual with their monthly totals per Home using "qry_Community_ Inclusion_ All_Homes" with a report and subreport (chart) as above. Report would show the individual's totals by month for each home.

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Another Newby Question - Linking Multiple Rows To One Form

Jun 9, 2005

I have this form which shows an order.... linked to this order are the client, the principal company, and the company that carries out the order. The information for these three companies are all stored in one table (since the information is very similar).

Tables look like:
- OrderID
- ClientID * linked to CompanyID
- PrincipalID * linked to CompanyID
- Contractor (company that carries out the order) * linked to CompanyID
- Date
- ...

- CompanyID
- CompanyName
- CompanyAddress
- ...

An example is for instance:
- 1, 1, 2, 3, 01-01-2005

- 1, Comp A, 200 A Lane, LA,
- 2, Comp B, 100 B Lane, NY
- 3, Comp C, 300 C Lane, SF

So, on the form it should read:

Date of contract: 01-01-2005
Client: Comp A - 200 A Lane, LA
Principal: Comp B - 100 B Lane, NY
Contractor: Comp C - 300 C Lane, SF

I understand how to make one link to a form... but how do I make three links from the same table?!?!?

Any help is appreciated!

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General :: Linking Front End With Multiple Back Ends

Sep 30, 2014

My question encompasses a front end connected to multiple back ends. It is probably a mundane point, but reading a few articles didn't seem to touch on it.

By this, let me toss out that I am thinking of the personnel where I work when I say 95% have a hard time using email and MS Word, let alone mundane functions like find a file, etc. As such, I have to make my front-ends extremely user friendly.

With that in mind, when developers have multiple back ends, what are thoughts about the best way to relink when required? Even when there are 'more sophisticated' users? Security not an issue or is an issue (inasmuch as can be handled in access)?

Ex: Large corporation with a multitude of user ability. Large database with say 3 different back ends.

I was thinking about keeping a front-end table with each table name and UNC path, hard coding paths to corresponding table names, etc.

Personally I don't have a need for multiple back-ends, but the question came up while reading.

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Linking Multiple Items From A Table To One Item In Another In Forms

Mar 4, 2015

I have what should be a really simple database to build. In table tbl1PlanHdr is the header item. Many items in tbl2MaintItem will then be allocated to each header. MaintItems items will be allocated to more than one Header.

I want to set up a form that has the tbl1PlanHdr as the main part of the form and tbl2MaintItem as the subform. Possibly as a datasheet, or continuous form.

I need the ability to update items in the subform back to the orginal table.

I have a relationship of one to many from the tbl1PlanHdr to tbl2MaintItem using the primary key in tbl1PlanHdr.

But should this be a one to many from tbl2MaintItem to tbl1PlanHdr

The end result required is to be able to get a data dump of all the tbl1PlanHdr items with the corresponding tbl2MaintItems items.

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Access Linking A Job Number To Multiple Task Numbers

Dec 2, 2014

I have done multiple tutorials to get the fundamentals behind me, but seem to have a few issues on the best ways of setting out what I have in mind.So the set out I have used is creating a table called tblProjects - this will be the area where all new projects are added as they come in including details such as a ProjectID ProjectNumber ProjectDescrition Client Name etc. For costing purposes we also have task numbers that need to sit under an individual Project Number EG.

ProjecNumber: 13001


So the plan was to create another table called tblJobTasks..How then does one go about linking the project number to the job tasks... and following on I suppose where I want to get to with this is on a form having a drop down that selects the job number then another drop down that has a list of tasks specified to that particular job so when the girls are doing the data entry from a time sheet she only sees the list of tasks associated with the particular job selected in the first place..

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Linking Command Button To Combo Boxes To Get A Report

Jan 25, 2005

I am facing a problem. i am very amateur at access. I want to design a form on which there is one combo box and one command button. If i made a selection from the combo box and clik on command button it should show all the details related to that particular selection (say Shop Order) on a report. I dont know how to link this things.

report may be like..
Shop Order Description Length Width Hight..
Ax12 xxxxxx xxx xxx xxx
Ax 12
for a particular shop order selection there may be no. of parts that should show on.
like an assembly thing. Suppose Shop order for a bag is A23 and its different parts are belt and chain...
SHOP Order description ......
A23 belt
A23 Chain...

i hope i described my problem..
please do help if you can..
Thank you

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