Linking Outlook And Access...but Adding Autonumbers

Feb 19, 2007

Hello Everyone

I have a question which hopefully someone can help me with.

I have a database that links into an Outlook email account. I get the information across via File => Get External Data => Link Tables.

However the issue I have is assigning some kind of autonumber to this table. I am not bothered what the number is, just so that I can differentiate between the records.

Is there an easy way of doing this?

Thanks in adavance

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Linking Access With Outlook

Jan 23, 2006


I wonder if someone could give me some advice.

I can create simple databases with Access but I've recently identified the need to create something a little more complex. My entire relational database revolves around a central table of contacts.

I have a list of contacts in MS Outlook (searchable by name, phone number, etc.), which should be the same. I want to avoid the risk of data redundancy so I was wondering if it is possible to link Outlook and Access databases in some way, so that, for example, if I was to add a contact in Outlook, it would update my database automatically and vice versa.

I'm sure this is far from simple but I'd love to hear any suggestions you may have.

Many thanks in advance


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Linking Access Table To Outlook Calendar

Oct 26, 2004

Hello Guys,

I'm totaly new to access and outlook applications etc..
What I'm trying to do is link an access table to my calendar in outlook. I can do it but there is one problem it is not importing all the fields. But when I do an export from outlook to access database file all the fields are there.

Can someone help me with this issue?

P.S. I'm using outlook 2003 and connecting to exchange 2002.

Thank you for all the help I can get

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Linking Outlook Calendar To MS Access - Appointment / Meeting Date And Time

May 30, 2013

I have linked a Shared Calendar from MS Outlook in MS Access. The fields that I need which are Appointment/Meeting Date and Time are not there, only creation date/time. Is there anyway for me to get the Appointment/Meeting Date and Time from Outlook into the table?

Windows 7
Office 2010

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Can You Define 2 AutoNumbers In Access?

Dec 5, 2007


I am trying to create a db for software change requests. I have defined 3 tables:

PCR - Change request table. This table contains all info on the software bug.
Release - Software release table. This table contains info about the release date, platform i.e. SAP
Sponsor - The person funding for the change to take place. This table contains info on the sponsor such as Name.

I have identified that I need a one-to-many relationship between the tables. For example, A release will have many PCR's. A sponsor will have many PCR's they are funding.

My Primary keys are: PCR Table - PCR_ID, Release Table - Release_ID, Sponsors Table - BPM_ID.

In order to get a one to many (the many being on the PCR table) I have put two foreign keys in the PCR Table (Release_ID and BPM_ID). Both of these keys in thier own tables are autonumbers. From my undertstanding to get MS Access to relate the data I need to set the foreign keys in the PCR Table to autonumbers. Or do I? I do not want to change the primary keys in the Release and Sponsors table to datatype number as this would mean user manual input which I am trying to avoid.

Thanks in advance for the help.


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Outlook 2010 Contacts Linking - Notes Field

Apr 23, 2014

I know how to create new table in Access by linking to Outlook contacts. The problem is, the default NOTES field in the Outlook contact does not show up in the linked Access table. Every Outlook Contact field shows up with the exception of that one field.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Report In Outlook Text Body

Aug 5, 2014

I have copied a VBA from the net and it is working fine and producing my report on outlook body text but one problem me facing is that it is pasting only first page if the second page is there it is not coming in outlook text body this what i want rest every thing is correct the code is:

Private Sub Command88_Click()
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 3
Dim fs, f
Dim RTFBody, strTo
Dim MyApp As New Outlook.Application
Dim MyItem As Outlook.MailItem

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Meeting To Outlook - Run Time Error 462

Feb 13, 2014

I have some code that creates appointment that i can send to colleagues, when I run the code first time it work all ok but the second time i run it i get a run time error see pic below

But I don't get any error's if i leave outlook open have also try the code on 2 pc's but stiil same problem


Shell ("Outlook.exe")
Dim outMail As Object
Set outMail = Outlook.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)
outMail.Recipients.Add (Me.txtsupervisor)

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Email Address To TO Field In Outlook

May 2, 2014

I have vba code set up to automate a query output to email with outlook. I am having issues with the "TO" field. I have tried different types of code, such as the following:

1) MyMail.To = MailList.Fields("EmailAddress")
2) MyMail.To = MailList.Fields("EmailAddress") & ";"

Both of these work, but the issue I am having is the "TO" field in the outlook message looks like this:

Why my code is adding the email address twice, I need to get rid of the #mailto:admin@blahblah# but I do not know how or why it keeps adding that end part.

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Linking Tables - Adding Rows

Aug 12, 2007


I am trying to figure out how to link 2 tables to add rows based on corresponding data...below is an example...

First table contains general info...
row 1: column 1 = John Doe column 2 = Sports
row 2: coulmn 2 = Bob Smith column 2 = Music

Second table contains detailed info
column 1 = Sports
row 1= Football row 2 = Baseball row 3 = Soccer

Expected Result:

I would like multiple rows to show for each person linking all of detailed info...
row 1: column 1 = John Doe Column 2 = Football
row 2: column 1 = John Doe Column 2 = Soccer
row 3: column 1 = John Doe Column 2 = Baseball


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Dec 9, 2005

Hi. This is probably a stupid question but it is becoming annoying trying to figure it out.

I have created two linked tables and then created forms to enter information into them. While i was working i tested several pieces of information by entering information into the tables and forms. Now i am ready to start importing the intial data and the autonumber is at 13 for one table and around 6 or 7 for the other one.

Is there any possible 'easy' way, without creating the whole tables or forms again, that i can reset the autonumbers to start at 1 again?

Thanks, any information appreciated.

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Help With Autonumbers And Such

Feb 15, 2005

I started work for a wireless company a while back, and they keep track of all the mac address's for customers. The problem was that they choose to use the serial number as the primary key.

Nothing wrong with that, but what is wrong is that the serials arnt totaly in order. They werent sure on there serial number scheme so they just kind of made it up at first, then settled into something more concrete later.

The first serial numbers go up to 999, and this is fine, its after this that things get complicated. They totaly skip the 2 thousands and start again at 3000.

What they have assigned me to do, since i am the one with the only access classes from college is fix it.

What they want to do is type the serial number in a box on a form and it bring up that record. I have already built the form and just tried adding a "find record" button but they didnt like it. They want to just type it in the form, not in a nother window.

Any suggestions? I have suggested we could add all the missing serial numbers to the list, but then we have huge sections of blank data. not a real big deal, but i cant remeber for the life of me how to just type in a few recuring numbers and have access finish it off. I can remeber in excel but its not the same.

Thanks in advanced.

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Aug 20, 2004


I am hoping someone can help me here I have created a database with number of forms and queries.
My problem is that my autonumbers dont start from one but start from 40,41,42...etc this started happening
when I was putting some data in the tables for testing and for some reason went all strange have no idea/how
it happened.
How do I get it back to normal with the autonumbers in the tables to start from 1,2,3,4.....etc again?

I hope this is clear to understand.


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Dec 11, 2006

Hi All,

Apologies if this question has already been asked. Im a bit of a newb when it comes to Access. I was wondering if its possible to create a input form/email in Access/Outlook in which I can send to a number of people via email that populate a Access database/xls when they reply?

Extra Info:
-Users may have a different version of office that I have.
-I have office 97, 2000 and 2003.

Hope that all makes sense.


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Multiple Autonumbers

May 24, 2005

1st question and situation with 2 databases Customer and Plan

I have created two databases. In one of them I want to be able to assign each customer a Customer ID (CID). For the other I have a Plan Database where I want to include a (PID) Plan ID, this database will also contain the CID's relating to the first database.

Anyhoo, how can I add an autonumber to the database for my CID's? It says I cannot due so to an existing database? But I just want to assign the existing ones a number and in the future as I add more records to the database, I want the Autonumber function to come into play.

How can I do this for my Customer Table with the CID?

2nd question

How can I add two auto functions in my Plan Database that can give me (DATE EDITED, and DATE CREATED for each record I may add in the future)?

Also for this database, how can I tie the autofunction from my plan database together? I want to be able to have the autofunction also kick in for this database as more customers in the customer table are added, thus creating more plan ID's in my second database?

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!

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Negative Autonumbers

Jan 3, 2005

I trying to create a table where the primary key is a customerID, using the autonumber function. I would like to leave the new value setting on Random, since two people may be using database. However, I'm getting a lot of negative numbers as CustomerID's. If there a way I can limit the pool of random numbers to positive only.

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Two Autonumbers Needed, But How??

Mar 23, 2006

I have a Client Table which has the following Primary Key: "Control ID".

The Control ID is an autonumber (ID increases by 1 with each new client).

Now, I also need to create another field called "Client ID". The Client ID is unique for each client, but needs to be a random number, in the range of between 100,000 and 1,000,000.

I've been using the Control ID for the last few months, but now need to add the Client ID. The Controld ID is mainly for internal purposes, and the Client ID will be given to the client.

I can't seem to add this new Client ID field, as tables don't allow for two autonumbers. Is there any way around this? It needs to be an autonumber field as is needs to be random, and entered automatically.

Any help appreciated, thanks!

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Custom Autonumbers.

Jun 17, 2006

I would like to create a custom autonumber to use as my primary key in one of my tables in my database.

I would like my records to be displayed as such C000001 , C000002 and so forth. Does anyone know how todo this?

Thanks in advance.

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How To Look Up Formatted AutoNumbers?

Mar 22, 2007

Good evening,

I am a little confused. I have one table with the Autonumber field and another table with a field that looks it up.

Tha problem is that I am using a Format for my Autonumber, e.g.
"O0045". And the field with the foreign key refuses to accept it! It needs a number to be entered, i.e. 45, and then it can format it. So on the whole, the LookUp Feature does not work, because it suggests FormattedAutonumbers, which do not fit in (obviously the foreign key accepts numbers only).

Is there a solution? Thank you in advance.

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Autonumbers In Labels

Feb 4, 2005

Uh, hi. I'm new to using access, and I'm wondering if its possible to display an autonumber at the top of a form in a label box. For example, if I had a field set to autonumber and was ading a new record to the database, could I display the autonumber field on the actual form?

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Outlook And Access Link!!

Sep 22, 2005

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to link access to outlook so that access can send out reminders through outlook to people regarding different information??

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Outlook 2003 And Access

Oct 4, 2005


I am running a database in Access 2000. My code for creating an Outlook message from Access was running perfectly until my company switched us to Outlook 2003. Has anyone had a similar experience? Were you able to fix it?

Thanks much,


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Outlook Calendar And MS Access

Mar 19, 2006

Hi everyone,

I wanted to know if there's a way to implement a calendar in MS Access? In other words, I'd like to create a calendar that act the same way as the Outlook calendar? At first I tought about the calendar control 8.0, but we can't write anything in a square date of the calendar. So , I'm out of idea.

Thank you in advance for your suggestions!

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Linked Outlook With Access

Mar 27, 2006

Hi, forum.... I have a linked table that was created to view info in outlook. The problem is i need to be able to view or hyperlink to the attachment in access as well, for some reason in the attachment column it give me a yes or no field value only.... any ideas?

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Import From Access To Outlook

Jun 26, 2006

I want to import a contact database to outlook but for that I have to design new fields in the Outlook form. The design is no problem, and I can even enter information and save it, but when I want to import data from access, it does not show the new fields!?

What could I do? Any idea?

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Access And Outlook/Exchange

Jun 6, 2007

I have searched the forums and did not see the question I am about to ask.

I have created a link table in Access to the exchange server at work. When I try to get someone to view the table I created they can not view it. When I look at the Link Table Manager it shows the link is pointing to my personal temp directory instead of the main folder in exchange. How do you link the table to a folder that all can see?


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