Linking Queries To Reports From Forms

Sep 8, 2004

I KNOW I'm making this harder than it needs to be.... I have a union query that pulls from two sales tables. I'm setting up a report where a person can select a manager name, start date, and end date for those union'd sales. I can do all this no problem in the query, but I want to be able to have this information selected on a form, instead of through popups, to bring up the report. How do I link the form information to the query? I can't get the report to show information it "read" from the form. Does that make sense?

Please help!

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Queries :: Linking Query To Reports

Apr 19, 2015

When I make a search using a search form, I get a table with the results that match.Can I make a link from this table to a report to display the details of the matching product?One of the reasons I need to do this is because one search may bring up more than one product.

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Linking An Embedded Image From A Form To All Reports And Other Forms

Mar 4, 2005

I thought this would be pretty simple, but I cannot figure out how and wasn't able find the solution here or anyway.

I have a source form. (I can resort to having a Table with OLE Object if I must, but prefer not to.) On this source form I wish to include different things such as company logo. This will determine what logo shows up in all the reports, so all the reports will have an image linking back to this embedded image on the source form.

Pseudo-code Example:
frmSource contains imgLogo
rptSample contains an image whose
control source = Forms!frmSource!imgLogo

How can I do this or achieve the same effect in a more-or-less simple way?


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Problem Linking Forms To Tables / Queries

Jul 22, 2005

Hiii All.......

I am new to MSACESS........and i am just trying a small project and having a problem .... when ever i use any table / query in the expression builder of a FORM element...i am getting this error mesg " Automation object table / query not found "..........Should we link the objects of same database in some way ?? R they not connected??...Why is it that form elements r not recognizing tables of same database???...i am trying on this in several ways......but not able to solve this.... :( ....plzzzzzzzz can anyone help me out with this??????

Thankz in Advance

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Reports :: Print Out Single Page Reports (or Forms) To Show Detail From Several Tables And Queries

Apr 21, 2014

I have a database of high-school football players, and I am looking to print out single page reports (or forms) that will show detail from several tables and queries. This will act as their resume when they visit schools on recruiting visits. The reason for needing query items, is that I have developed queries that return the most up to date height, weight, 40 time etc., and that single most up to date number is what should print, not the entire table. When I try to build a report it will let me bring in multiple tables, but not queries.

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Reports :: Linking Report To Subreport Chart

Jun 25, 2014

linking a report and a subreport (chart). I have uploaded my sample DB. I'm trying to chart all the individuals and three fields for each Home. Both report and subreport are using the same query for the record source. My charts are blank "All_Homes_Individual_Totals". Just use date range 05/01/14, 06/24/14 on my Main form page for the data.

My second question is how would you create a chart to pull by each individual with their monthly totals per Home using "qry_Community_ Inclusion_ All_Homes" with a report and subreport (chart) as above. Report would show the individual's totals by month for each home.

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Forms, Queries And Reports (Searches)

Jul 16, 2007

HI folks

I have a db. I have created a search form which when you click the search button executes a query to find the required records.
The query is currently outputting to printpreview of the query.

What i want to be able to do is have the option to select the correct record and then print it. The search can either be exact and return 1 record or use a wildcard and return a few records.

I have the report setup and working I just can't for the life of me figure out how to link everything.

Maybe I've missed something I don't know.

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Reports :: Linking Record On The Report To Form Page?

May 9, 2014

I am trying to set up a very simple database for inquiries we get in the office. So far i have 1 table called Pink Sheets that has Enquiry Number, Date, Details requested, Website/telephone enquiry, Property type, Name, Company Name, Address, Phone Number, etc on it.

Then i have made a form so we can add new inquiries electronically and then made 4 reports so we can see what inquiries we get by category.

Is it possible to link the record on the report to the form page?

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Newbie Question – Forms, Queries And Reports

Feb 15, 2006

Hi All,

I’m completely stumped … could be because its so late or my brain has just decided to give up on me!

Short of not going into too much detail, could someone advise … does one HAVE to create a query in order to create a report based on a form OR can one create a report based solely on a form?

Is there a right way and a wrong way ... ?!?!

Hope someone can help me ... thanks in advance.

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Forms Instead Of <Variable>: [Prompt] In Queries/reports

Mar 30, 2005

Ok, so now this is where it's getting more complicated... (though I guess this is where you guys usually start)

When you have a query, and you type in your inputbox thingy like so:

PeriodEnd: [Enter period end date dd/mm/yyyy: ]

And you can have multiple, then it will prompt you for several of them.

Now this is not very tidy, so I'd rather do it on a form. How can I display the form as the query/report runs, and insert the values entered into the form as the inputs into my variables? (This case PeriodEnd)


Grrr... I can't get the image to display.

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Copying Numerous Forms/queries/reports

Jan 10, 2005

I have a problem that is very tedious. I have 9 separate copies of the same databse (there is a copy of each database for every branch of my company. Each database has small custom features that show what company it belongs to) i was told to make a new feature, and in the making, i had to make 40 new queries, 12 new forms 8 new macros, 12 new macros and 6 new forms. this feature needs to go into all of the databases. As far as i know, im going to need to copy and paste each individual query,form, macro and form. Thats 72 different things i will have to copy and paste into 9 separate databases. Does access provide an easier way to go about this?
any help?

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Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports And Modules Have Disappeared

May 24, 2006

Good morning All.

I have a database which updates via a Function in a module every morning (i.e imports and exports data).

Yesterday the DB crashed and incurred a problem. The DB was closed down and re-opened.

When it was re-opened all the Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports and Modules were no longer showing in the DB window.

When I selected the Tables tab the following message appeared:

Operation Invalid Without Current Index

this was then followed by another message:

"Isn't an index in this table. Look in the indexes collection of the TableDef object to determine the valid index names

This also appears if I try selecting the other tabs i.e. Queries, Modules etc.

The strange thing is the DB still updates at its stipulated time, and still imports and exports data. I am running Access 97.

Does anybody have any idea of how I can sort this out?


Chathag :confused:

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Reports :: Dynamically Linking MS Word Document To A Report In Access 2010

Apr 18, 2013

I have developed a database using Access 2010. This is split into a Front End and a Back End.

In the same folder as the Back End I store a number of user modifiable files in either bitmap (.bmp) or MS Word (.doc to retain compatibility with older versions).

Unfortunately, the drive letter where the back end resides will change from location to location and I can't do anything about that.

I have set up a function that returns the location of the folder where the docs reside irrespective of the back end drive location, and this works perfectly with OLE linked pictures but not with OLE linked Word documents. User changes show correctly in Word document changes at locations with the original drive assignment but other locations show only the original doc contents even though they have been changed on the local back end location. - even if I delete the Source Item info on the report!!

An example of the code I am using for the Source Item is <GetBackEndPath() & "Footer.doc"> without the angled brackets of course, where GetBackEndPath() is a global variable storing the location of the documents folder ending with a back slash.

I have tried the above in the reports Source Doc property but Access won't accept this and says it isn't valid for this property.

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General :: Securing A Database / Can't Edit Forms / Reports / Queries

Jan 21, 2014

I'm trying to secure my database so users can't edit tables, forms, reports, queries, etc.I'm splitting the database, making an ACCDE for users:

1. I inserted code to disable the bypass key.
2. I inserted code to hide the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) in the On_Load sub of the form that opens with the DB.
3. Deselect Navigation Pane, Allow Full Menus and Allow Default Shortcut Menus are deselected
4. Then, I use the immediate window to show the QAT, I then create an ACCDE.

How do I link this ACCDE with the original ACCDB? Am I supposed to delete tables from the front end and link the forms/reports to the back end DB?

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General :: Naming Of Tables / Queries / Forms And Reports For Identification

Sep 22, 2013

Is there any systematic way of naming Tables, Queries, Forms, and Reports in order to identify easily which of them are connected to each other?

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Linking Queries

Oct 27, 2006

I know I can link tables between databases

Can I link queries between databases, or even just export the contents of a query, as formatted, to another database

I've searched the forum, but its like looking for a needle in a haystack, so sorry if I'm missing an appropriate posting.

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Linking Queries (I Think)

Nov 19, 2007


i'm not sure if i'm in the right forum or not, but it is in quries where i am trying to do this.

Basically, due to getting data from 2 different places i have got 2 queries that have got the same field names.

Person Code

There is no overlapping in the person code for the 2 queries, but basically, i want to have just one query that has all the person codes under each other and then the income & expenditure along side these.

i hope you know what i mean.

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Forms :: Linking Data Between Multiple Tables / Forms

May 27, 2013

I am a girl guide leader trying to make a faster way to keep track of my unit's completed badge and program work. I have made tables for every area I need (I started with one table but it was too large to change into a form).

In total I have:

- Basic Member table (main information like their name and how many years they have been in, whether they are still in the unit, etc)
- Program area tables
- Interest badge tables

What I want to do is be able to "add/edit" members from the main form, then go to all the sub forms for their program and badge work -- problem is, how to link them!

I am using Access 2007-2010.

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Linking Back-end RWOP Queries

Feb 12, 2008


I know there are posts on forums all over the internet on this topic, but it is just one aspect in particular that I would like some simple advice on. I have worked through user-level security suggestions online and made a test back-end database that has a user and a group, named "Developer." All of the privelleges are activated for Developer. Developer is the only user who can access the data of "Table1." I've created an RWOP query that retrieves the data from Table1, Developer is the owner of this query. I've also created a front end and tried to create a link to Table1; which is denied, as I had hoped it would be. My question is this: How should I structure my front-end so that users can retrieve data from this query, but cannot obtain the data using a different front-end?

Thank you very much for any advice you can offer,


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Linking Multiple Queries In A Report

Mar 20, 2008


I am very new to Access and have been building a database from scratch. It is for inventory management and I have a number of tables, particularly:
1. Stock List
2. Orders (stock coming in)
3. Requisitions (stock going out)

I have created Select Queries for the Orders and Requisitions tables to sum the totals in these tables (i.e. the total number of Pens coming in from all of the orders etc.). These are called StockOrderTotal and StockRequisitionTotal.

I am trying to create a query/report that will allow me list all of the Stock items and the current balance (i.e Orders minus Requisitions) for each item. However, once I add the two queries together (StockOrderTotal and StockRequisitionTotal) the final query/report only lists stock items that are found in both of the underlying tables.

Is there any way that I can tell the query to return all stock items and only list the Order and/or Requisition totals that are in the underlying tables? Sort of like an 'if' statement in Excel, where the value returned will be zero if that particular stock item is not found in the Orders or Requisition tables?


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Linking Queries In Access 2002

Aug 29, 2006


Is it possible to link a query in access 2002? It gives me only tables in the menu. Thanks in advance.


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Queries :: Linking Data On 2 Fields

Sep 5, 2014

I then have various support queries that group customers based on reason for visit, type of visit etc. I need to be able to link this to my main table so that each customer has a category against them. The issue I have is that some customers will have more than one visit ref, which can also mean they have multiple reason for visits. I need to make sure that when I link my queries back to the main table that the right category appears against the customer and their correct visit ref.

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Linking Update Queries To Check Boxes

Feb 22, 2008

Help! I'm designing a database for my A level project at college and I just can't get this one section to work. I've spent alot of time linking things up so that you can't double book one of 4 rooms. It's a booking system for a recording studio. The thing is I have 3 basic packages of equipment and you can only choose one for each booking. The price is diplayed at the bottom of each package. I want to be able to check a box and then I want this price to be added to total price. I cannot link update queries to a check box I've tried every songle way I know. I'm not too familiar with access either :S. One more thing, I want to be able to tick a box which says Discount and then I want this to update the total price field again so it is multiplied by 0.9. I have manage to figure this out in an update query and it is also based on the fact that a band has made a deposit that is bigger than £0.00. I just cannot link it to the form.

If anyone can help it'd be much appreciated, I'm panicking too much over this project.

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Queries :: Linking Two Tables With Null Values?

Sep 26, 2014

i have 2 tables that i am linking on a field that matches with null values on both tables but it either pulls nothing or when i put a right join pulls just one tables data.

i have also confirmed both are pulling from the same data source, so no issues with field properties and confirmed they are null values in each field within both tables.

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Queries :: Linking Two Fields And Bring Current To The Top

May 7, 2015

I have a query that does a great job at fining duplicate master records

How to this query so that it fining duplicate master records like the query show and add one more record that will link up as shown in the example.

[sql]SELECT subqry2.maxdatereferral
,[PSB Accout Linkingqry].master
,[PSB Accout Linkingqry].RecordNumber
,[PSB Accout Linkingqry].FirstName
,[PSB Accout Linkingqry].LastName

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Linking Weekly Rota System To A Date

Oct 4, 2013

I have a staff rota system that works on a rolling 4 weekly basis. I am using a table to store the shifts of a person dependent on week. I want to be able to tell access that Monday on week 1 corresponds to a certain date and then get access to figure out the rolling system based on that date.

eg Monday 21/7/13 is week 1 (7 days later it knows it is linked to week 2)

This is so if a staff member is off sick I can say they were off sick on the 24th and it will populate their timesheet with the corresponding shift without me having to input it manually. Doable?

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