Linking Tables Within Access To A Linked Excel Table

May 16, 2012

I'm trying to use a template to track assets-specifically this template:URL....Is there a way I can link an excel doc to my database that provides all of my data, that is thereby linked to other tables within Access?I want my data to be updated as it is manipulated within the independent excel doc when I open access.

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Linking The Linked Tables In Access

Oct 16, 2007


I have two databases in Access.

One of the database acts as backend i.e it has only tables including some Linked Tables(which are linked to some third database)

Other database is an executable in which all the tables are linked to the bakend database.

I am not able to link to the linked tables in the backed database. Is there a way of doing that?

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Tables :: Prevent Table Linking / Identify Databases Linked

Sep 26, 2014

there are many threads about Table Linking but i coud not find one that answers my specific questions.

1. Can i either prevent database from linking to my tables? (or give permissins )
2. If not, can i make the table read only when linking?
3. Is there a way to confirm what databases are linked to my tables?

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Tables :: Linking Excel Spreadsheet To Table?

Jan 7, 2015

I am creating a database for the company I work for. My boss wants it to have every information possible stored and accessible through the one database. Right now the time sheet that we use is a hard copy that the guys fill out and turn in each week. Before the database started I created an excel sheet for them to start using. My boss wants me to link the excel sheet to a table in access. The way it would work is each of the guys would fill theirs out and email them to me by Friday. I would then link it to the table so that we could easily pull information we needed through a query.

I read online on the office support website that you can link a spreadsheet but then access does not store the data and the data if needed to be changed had to be done through the excel spreadsheet. Doing it like that made it sound to me that each time sheet that was turned in each would would create a new table. I was hoping there was a way to have one table with all the times on it using an employee number as the relationship key. The biggest thing though is that the guys have to use excel to fill out the time sheet because getting each guy access is "not an option" .

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Importing Of Data From Excel/Access To Two Tables Linked By A Querry

Jun 28, 2006

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am having the problem of importing a database from Excel/Msaccess 2000 to a Msaccess 2000 database from which the data was originally exported. The Database consists of two tables connected in a querry and the two tables has a unique primary key thru which the two tables are linked using a querry. While importing only two tables are listed in the importing wizard and not the querry.

So how to import the data to the two tables connected by a querry using a primary unique key.

help me the procedure.
thanks in advance

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Linking Excel Table In Access 2013 Causing Shut Down

Mar 27, 2014

I am trying to link an excel file (.xlsb) into Access 2013 running on Windows 8 (External Data-->Excel). It will first act like it's working, but it will just shut Access down after a couple seconds of churning and ask for a Backup to be created or it will restart (no rhyme or reason as to which you will get). I've tried a Compact and Repair. I've tried rebooting. I've tried renaming the excel file(although I have other files with the same naming convention linked), but no matter what I do, it will not accept it. I've tried doing just a straight Import....same results. This file, along with a others that are already linked in this database, are stored on a network server.

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Excel Spreadsheet Linked As Access Table

Aug 23, 2005

I'm trying to link a spreadsheet as a table in Access 2002. The link wizard is importing my number columns as numbers, even though I defined them as text. I need for them to be text in Access. How do I force this?


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Access Query Using Criteria In Linked Excel Table

May 4, 2006

I use an Excel interface to retrieve data from an Access file that has approximately 1 million records. I use an MS Query from Excel to run an Access Query to retrieve the data.

I have 16 "Criteria" fields (columns) in Excel that I change with drop-downs. Each criteria column has 2 to 9 values set; a total of 75 values. I pass these criteria fields to Access via a table link in Access.

The criteria of the fields in the query that is run in Access to pull the data based on the table link is updated by using the Values In A List (IN) option.

When I refresh this query in Excel, it pulls the data fine, but may take 10 minutes to run. (I am using MS Office 2003, 1Gig memory). I have limited VBA knowledge. Is there a better/faster way to pull this data?

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Creating Access Table Linked To Excel File

May 22, 2013

I am trying to create an access table linked to an excel file.

The excel file has 256,000 kb, 15 columns, 6,400 rows.

When I go to CREATE, DESIGN VIEW in access and try to create the new linked access table i get this message -


I click on OK and then save the back up file. The file disappears. I start over again and the same process starts again and again...

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Input Form For Excel Linked Access Table?

Feb 28, 2014

One of the tables in my access file is a linked excel file. I however now want to create a form with which I want people can enter information in the table. However when I try to do this, it doesn't work. Whether it's possible to create an input form for an excel linked access table?

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General :: How To Break Up A Table In Access Into Several Linked Excel Files

May 3, 2013

What is the strategy for doing this rather than the code (if it's possible)? I can code a fair bit of VBA in excel but I'm not too sure about what I'm doing in Access.

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Linked Excel Table In MS Access Date Data Type Problem

Aug 29, 2005

I'm using MS access and Excel 2000. I have an Excel spreadsheet that contained 8 columns, the first column has all cell format as Number, the rest of the column is set as custom date format of 'dd/mm/yyyy'. When I create a linked table in MS Access, the data types does not matched my excel spreadsheet columns, the 'Number' data type is a double and I want a Long Integer in Access, and the custom date format become text datatype but I wanted a DateTime datatype. Is there any work around this? Seems like it is a common problem.

Your prompt response is greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

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Linked Tables Not Linking

Sep 29, 2005

Hi, I wonder if anyone can help me. I'm very frustrated I have a database that I didn't create and the links aren't working on other users pc's but they are on mine. There are 9 links to various databases. 8 out of 9 work on my laptop. The 2 important ones don't work for other users. If I log on to another pc then the 2 important links don't work but all others work including the one that didn't work on my laptop.

I relaly don't understand this, the only thing I can think of is to go on every users pc and restore links but I know I shouldn't have to do that.

Has anyone got any suggestions?

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Linking Forms And Tables With Excel

Feb 13, 2006

Hi! This may be an incredibly simple query. We have access users and non-users at our organisation.

Although our database is in access, the non-users would like to use excel, so I am trying to set up a link between the two.

I have managed to set up the link between the main database table and an excel spreadsheet, but I also use a form to enter info on the main database.

When I set up the link, I add something to the main database table and it changes the excel document... but when I change a name or something on the form, it doesn't change it in excel.

Any ideas how I can link all of it would be very much appreciated!

With thanks, Hayley

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Excel Linked Tables

Jan 30, 2006

When I go into design view of an Excel linked table, it tells me that I can't change some properties. When I change the format of a field from Text to Number (and from Long Integer to Integer), a dialog box informs me that the property won't be changed but saves the changes anyway?

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Tables :: Auto-Fill Fields Based On Linked Table (Access 2007)

Jan 6, 2015

I understand right off the bat if you're reaction is "don't duplicate data!!" -- mine would be too (don't fret, I know my normalization).

I've linked a table in my db to my Global Address Book in Outlook 2007 and, upon entering an employee number as a new record, would like to verify that the number entered is listed in the GAL and then pull in the associated name and location info.

The key is that I don't want this info to rely on the GAL going forward. For example, if an employee leaves or is no longer listed in the GAL, I don't want to lose the employee info (past data is needed for audit purposes). Note: I will be creating a report later to show if there are discrepancies between the GAL and my table, but that's another story...

So, what would be the best auto-fill options in Access 2007?

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Linking Excel & Access

Feb 16, 2007

Is there a way to link a ACC table to an Excel spreadsheet so that when changes are made to one it automatically changes the other?

And -
How do I link (or join) two (or 3) Access tables so that the above happens - when a change is made to one it's made to the other.

I have an overall big table with 7 fields.
I created a query from it that has 5 fields. Or create another table that has 5 fields.
Can I join/link them so that changes made to one is made to the other?

An ID number changes
or a wage salary changes.

Thanks in advance.

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Linking Excel With Access

May 23, 2005

I have an excel spreadsheet that i have linked to an Access database. I need to append and delete records from the spreadsheet into an existing table in my Access database. I am able to append specific records from the spreadsheet into my table but then i want to delete the records from the spreadsheet. When i run the delete query i get the following message; "Deleting data in a linked table is not supported by this ISAM" Is there some way i could get this to work?

I have records in this spreadsheet that needs to get into the database but once it is appended to the database i need those records deleted from the spreadsheet. I am kinda using this spreadsheet as a temporary table so one employee who does not use access can put data into his spreadsheet and then the other employees can pull want they need from this into the database.

Any suggestions?

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Linking Access With Excel!

Nov 23, 2006

I have a table which is being populated with data when I click a button in a form. Now I want the data of the table to be shown in an excel file but the problem is that I want that data to be refreshed everytime I insert new data in the table.

Any ideas??

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Tables :: Importing Excel Data In Access Table?

Mar 5, 2015

I'm looking to import huge excel sheets in access, but normalization process in Access has forced me to divide all the columns in Excel to about 12 tables in MS Access.

How how could I import data from excel sheet columns to 12 different tables?

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Tables :: Access Table AutoUpdate With Excel Data

May 17, 2014

i want to create a link to access table with excel file when i change any value in excel it update in access automatic

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Tables :: Update Cell In Linked Excel Spreadsheet?

Jan 22, 2015

I have an access database with a linked table to an Excel spreadsheet. I have a form based on the linked table so the presentation of the Excel date is better. The spreadsheet is used by other staff in my office to record sales which I need to register with an external organisation. What I want to do is update the spreadsheet with the registration date from my access form rather than going back into excel to do it.

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Import All Excel Workbooks In Folder As Linked Tables

Mar 6, 2014

I have a few dozen Excel workbooks in a folder, and I'd like to import all sheets in each workbook to Access as linked tables. I have the following macro that creates linked tables from every sheet within a specific workbook, but I'd like to apply this to all workbooks in a folder.

Sub ImportAllSheets()
Dim wkb As Excel.Workbook
Dim sht As Excel.WorkSheet
Dim xl As Excel.Application


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Linking Table To Excel File

Jul 31, 2007

I have a table in Access databse link to excel file in the network, the format of the fields of this file are set to general. When I create a link table wizard the fileds formats changes to numbers for some of them. It's wierd, I spent a lot of time figuring out what is the problem and creating new excel file with changing the fields format around and still not solving the problem. Any idea or help for this problem is apperciated. Thanks

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Linking Table To Excel File

Jul 31, 2007

I have a table in Access databse link to excel file in the network, the format of the fields of this file are set to general. When I create a link table wizard the fileds formats changes to numbers for some of them. It's wierd, I spent a lot of time figuring out what is the problem and creating new excel file with changing the fields format around and still not solving the problem. Any idea or help for this problem is apperciated. Thanks

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Tables :: Browse For Excel File To Import Into Access Table

Jan 15, 2015

I want a user to click a button, have the file open dialog open, they select a spreadsheet, and then it imports into a table. The problem is the filename can be different every time. The table name will remain constant.

Here is the OnClick:

Private Sub Command8_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_ImportSpreadsheet_Click
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel2Xml, "Table1", "T_Staff.xls", "Yes"

Exit Sub


Resume Exit_ImportSpreadsheet_Click
End Sub

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