Linking From A Subform

Mar 8, 2005

Hope someone can help me with this:

1. I have a form called F_Progress.
2. I have a form called F_Property.
3. F_Property contains a subform called F_Job.
4. F_Property is linked to F_Job by the Job ID field. Its a one to many relationship.
5. F_Job is linked to F_Progress by the Job ID field as well. One job has many months progress.

What I want to achieve:

I want a button within the subform (F_Job) which when you click on opens the related record in F_Progress where the Job ID is the same as the one in the subform.

Any suggestions very much greatly appreciated.


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Linking Form And Subform

Jan 5, 2006

Firstly, apologies if any of the following seems to denote bad database design or a lack of forward planning. It does, but I've inherited it, so I'm stuck with it (for the time being).

I have a Subform (Training_Records_Sub) linked to a Form (Employee_Training). Both forms get their data from tables of the same name.
Up to now, these have been linked on the field Employee_ID. This has been working fine, as all information stored related to permanent employees, so everyone had an Employee_ID value.

Now, however, I've been informed that the system also needs to store information on temporary and contract staff, neither of whom have an Employee_ID number. In fact - for reasons I fail to understand but which I'm sure make sense to management - there is no unique indentifier stored for any of these people.

The best I can come up with is as follows:

Permanent Personnel - Can be uniquely identifed by Employee_ID and Cost_Center.

Temporary Personnel - Can be uniquely dentified by Last_Name, First_Name and Requisition_Number (this last number can apply to many people). I realise that two people of the same name COULD be hired under the same requisition number, but I've been assured that this won't be allowed.

My problem is in working out how to now link the Form and Subform.

Is there some way to use an 'If...Then..Else' statement? Even in VBA? I've sort of got an idea of what I need, but a day of playing with the code hasn't worked, so I thought I'd try posting.

Any ideas greatly appreciated.

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Picture Linking Subform

Nov 17, 2006

I'm having a problem with my sub forms and the sample linking image code.

Top subform is in data view and the bottom in form. Sync'd with a textbox.

notes show individual data per record as you click on them, and the picture updates the location the same.

Problem I am having is that the picture does not display even though the path is there.

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Subform Linking Error

Dec 20, 2005

Could someone please help me trouble shoot this error:

"The Link MasterFields property setting has produced this error:'A problem occurred while Microsoft Access was communicating with the OLE Server or Active X Control'

I get the error when I try and select an item from a drop down list in a combo box on a subform that is linked to another form. The list is coming from a separate table.

When running the subform without opening the parent form I can choose from the combo box and do not get the error.


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Linking Subform To Form

Jul 20, 2006

hey all,

i am having a problem linking my subform data to my form data on more that one fitler.

that is, i have a form that contains Last_Name and First_Name and a subform that pull a different set of info form anther table as i scroll through the main form.

on the properties of the subform i have Filter set to "Me.FilterOn="Last_Name".

BUT i need to bring in the filter on Last_Name AND First_Name because of different entries that have the same last name.


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Linking Two Combo-boxes Within A Subform

Mar 13, 2005

I'm creating a database to assist with the sales operations of a hat shop. I have a form for creating new orders called 'Invoice' where the order number and date is set.
Within this form is a subform called 'Invoice_Order' (Continuous layout), this form is used for assigning order items to an order number.
Within the subform there are two combo boxes which search the Stock table.

1st ComboBox- diplays hat styles (E.g- v1/v2/v3/v4...)

Problem is; different hat styles are available in different colours based on the material used. I would like the second CoboBox to display a list of colours depending on the style of hat chosen.
At present i can only get it to display a list of colours for all hat styles.

Does that make sense?
Any help would be most appreciated

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SUbform And Linking Primary Fields

Oct 12, 2005

At the moment i have an exisiting database that was not created by me. It consits of about 7 tables and a main table. Each table has a Primary Key that is a joining field. The Main form is built with subforms and when i enter a number in the primary key filed of the main table it enters that number in all the other primary keys in the other subforms.
i have now tried to create another subform to put into the main form but i cannot get this "link" between the primary fields to work.
can someone please help.

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Forms :: Linking Combobox With The Subform

Jan 30, 2015

I have a form with a combo/dropdown on the MAIN form and a child subform.I have designated a Master /Child link of ID to FGId respectively linking the combobox with the subform.

However, when a select an item from the combobox I expect to see the subform datasheet refresh accordingly. This is not happenining , even when I force a refresh call on the subform control itself....?

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Ambiguous Name Detected-error On Linking Subform

Aug 23, 2006


I have a form and subform linked by the ID field (AutoNumber) on the Form and Record ID field (Number) on the subform. I have the field size on the Record ID field set to Long Integer.

When the form is opened, a message pops up "The LinkMasterFields property setting has produced this error: 'Ambiguous name detected: Add_client_info_Click' There was a macro set up with the name Add client info. However, that macro is not being used on either of these forms. I don't understand why this message is popping up.

Any ideas? I have checked each form, each form section and each field to make sure that macro didn't somehow get assigned, and I can't find it anywhere in relation to these 2 forms.


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Linking Subform Fields To Main Form

Nov 22, 2006


I have a form linked to a subform by an activity field, Both have a UID field also. I want to store the UID from the main form in each record in the subform. How do I link the two? I've done it before but cannot remember how and have been trying now for AGES! Any help would be much appreciated :)

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Forms :: Linking Field From Main Form To Subform

Aug 16, 2013

I have an entry form with a field(combo box) called cboGetCode. I also have a sub form (continuous form) with number of fields, also an entry form. Now, I have added a code behind the cboGetCode AfterUpdate event to populate the result to relevant fields in the main form.

PHP Code:

Me.lngSCode = DLookup("[lngSchoolCode]", "[qrReadingFirstSchools]", "[lngSchoolCode]='" & Me.cboGetCode & "'") 

This is working very well.Now, what I would like to do is get code as shown in the cboGetCode field to my sub form lngSCode field.

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Linking A Subform To Another Subform

Apr 18, 2006

Hi All.

I have a from "frmMainClient" which has a subform "frmJob". They are linked using a field "accoint_no". when run the output show me the content of the "frmMainClient" and all the related jobs in the "frmJob" subform.

That fine. I now want to add another subform "frmSuppliers". I want to link the "frmSuppliers" to the "frmJob" using a field "supplierID" which is in both forms.

The end result required is the "frmMainClient" content is display along with all the records in the "frmJob" (linked) and all the records in the "frmSuppliers".

I hope I have been clear.

Can anyone point me inthe right direction to make this work.

Many thanks, keep safe and well.


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Frequent Error In Referring / Linking Textbox In Subform From Text Box Within Main Form

Apr 17, 2013

Go to frmInvoice, and you'll see a Net Total box (txtNetTotal) . It's control source is linked to a textbox in the subform fsubInvoiceDetails2 called txtStocktotal. It basically just pulls up all the costs associated with that InvoiceID.

The reference mechanism is as follows: =[fsubInvoiceDetails2].[Form]![txtStockTotal].Now...sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't! Sometimes i've had to use: =forms!fsubInvoiceDetails2!txtStockTotal.

It seems to be very temperamental at times and i'm not fully confident if this can be explained.By way of note, I use express builder normally to input these statements: I go to Forms > ALL FORMS > fsubInvoiceDetails2 > txtstocktotal.

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Forms :: Linking Form To Subform Set To Continuous Form View

Aug 22, 2014

How to populate the parent form's PK to multiple records in a child subform set to a default view continuous form?

In other words, how to auto populate the primary key to multiple records displayed the subform?

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Linking One To Many

Feb 6, 2005

i am new to databases and have developed a ads site

when the user registers they can post ads for free.

i would like to allow one user to post more than one add.

these are my databases

memberid = autonumber (primary key)
username unique
post code

adid autonumber (primary key)
date posted
end date

i am guessing i will have to create a one to many database but i am lost at how to do it.

any advice would be appreciated.

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Linking Help!

Jul 17, 2007

I've got a back-end/front-end Access database. The front end sits on a user's desktop. There's one table she needs to update, but cannot because it's not linked. It's table called Login that contains passwords/users names. The table did not exist in the front-end. I would like to copy it from the back-end to the front-end and link it, but when I try to do that, I don't see it in the list of tables. I do this rarely. How does this work exactly?


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Linking To A SS

Dec 13, 2007

Is there anyway to link an excel spreadsheet to an existing database table - so that entries into either update each

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Forms :: Refresh Pivot Chart In Subform After Changing The SQL Of The Subform's Query?

Sep 16, 2014

I have a form, a couple of comboboxes and text boxes on it. When these are filled out, the SQL of a query is changed using these parameters.

There are three subforms on the form, all pivot charts, all based on the query being changed.

The goal would be to update all three according to the user-given parameters.

Right now the subforms only update if I close and open the form, which is probably not the best solution, since it's too slow.

I've also tried to requery and refresh them, with no result.

Then I tried to overwrite the recordsource of the subforms with the same text that was originally there. This got them to refresh their data, but then all of the charts disappeared and had to be built again, so this is a no go too.

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Forms :: Selecting Record In Parent Subform From Child Continuous Subform

Jan 26, 2014

I have two subforms on a main form. Both use similar queries and nearly the same set of records and PK. The first subform is for data entry and the 2nd subform is a continuous form that lists the entries in order that are made from the 1st Subform. (for entering in vacation days and appointments)

The continuous form cannot be edited, it is to be a list for viewing the information only.

I have an edit button next to each record on the continuous form. When the button is clicked, I want it to take the 1st subform to that specific record as well (same PK), so the information can be edited there.

I cannot figure out how to get the 1st subform to go to the record on the continuous form when the button next to that record is clicked on the continuous form.

I tried the DoCmdSearch for record and just keep getting object is not open errors.

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Linking Tables In Two DB's

May 19, 2005

Question for someone..... I was looking at the "LinkTables" in Access..... I see that I can link one database to another..... When I do this I can add the table to my relationship window... I have not played with this too much.. But looks interesting. Now, all the info I might add to this linked table is stored in the other database??? If this linked table is also linked to other tables in the other DB can I use those in queries? Not much covered (that I can find) in the Access help files on this sort of thing.

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Linking To Database

Jun 27, 2005

I have a field on my Form. The form holds all the information about Artists under our record label. I need to be able to attach a copy of each artists contract to their separate form. I just found out that you can't physically attach this. Does anyone have any ideas and how I could play this. Any ideas would be well appreciated.


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Linking To Another Database

Dec 1, 2005

I use a packaged software program at the dealership I work at. In the past I have been able to pull queries and information out of the database and into Excel. The query builder pulls the data as read-only and thus no fear of changing the main database. I have developed an access database for doing commissions. I want to be able to link my database with the companies database as read-only. This would save typing a lot of the duplicate information (ie customer name, date etc.). I have been able to successfully link the 2 databases but realized quickly that anything I change in msaccess will change on the main database. I don't want to corrupt the main database and really only want to pull the information for viewing. Any comments or help would be greatly appreciated.

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Linking Databases

Dec 15, 2005

I have a Form that refers to two Reports, both of which refer to two query's one for each. the whole lot(1 Form, 2 Reports, 2 Querys) is in one mdb file and the actual database is another mdb file. How do I get my objects to get their data from the main Data Base File? the 5 objects are acting as a small report making application.

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Linking Databases

Jan 11, 2006

:confused: Does anyone know if there is any way to link to seperate databases so that any information entered in one will update the same information in the other and visevirsa?


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Linking To Excel...?

Jan 15, 2006

I want to use the data contained in Access table in an Excell app. What is the best way to link them - preferably in 'real time' - is there a way excell can read directly from the tables? We need to analyse some of the data in the database through Excell....

Any suggestions welcomed...?

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Linking Tables

Jun 26, 2006

I am looking to lonk tables in a database.

I have one table a pc tables which has a list of pc's

the other table is a pc software table which has a list of software

i want to build a form to show the pc's and their software how do i do this

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