List Box Total Values

Oct 18, 2006

Anyone know how to get the total value from a field in a list box please?

I have text boxes on the main form above the list box & can't work out how to get the totals in the text boxes above like I've typed them in the sample above

Any ideas?


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Total Values For One Day Only

Apr 5, 2006

Hi. In my query I have a Name column, day column (With a drop down box for the 7 days) and 10 task columns showing hours worked on each task.

I need to try and find a way automatically calculate to show the total hours worked for each specific day for each person and show each total value on a report and in a form.

Any Ideas?????

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Modules & VBA :: Count Total Number Of Integer In A List

Oct 7, 2013

In one table, I have a few fields. One of the field is "ItemSequence" and another one is "TotalPcs"."ItemSequence" is where user key in the sequence number for one or more item. 5 example for possible content of "ItemSequence" is as following :

1) 7
2) 4,6,9
3) 5-9
4) 3,5,9, 23-25
5) 3-5, 8-10

"TotalPcs" is the total number of items key in to "ItemSequence". For the 5 example above, the related "TotalPcs" should be as following:

1) 1 (1 item, which is item 7 alone)
2) 3 (3 item which is item 4, 6 and 9)
3) 5 (5 item which is item 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9)
4) 6 (6 item which is item 3, 5, 9, 23, 24 and 25 )
5) 6 (6 item, which is item 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 and 10)

For time being, the user have to count manually to get the "TotalPcs". I wonder is there a way to calculate the "TotalPcs" by programming?

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Reports :: Grouping Total Values On Footer?

Nov 2, 2013

Placing the grouping total values on the bottom of the last page of this report, such as below?

Common . . . . . . 44.55%
Convertable Bond .14.55 %
Preferred . . . . . . .40.91%

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A Query That Returns Values That Total Less Than A Required Amount?

Dec 10, 2007


Can anyone suggest a method for doing what the title asks. I basically have a single table with several fields. One of the fields is the length of music tracks in seconds. What i want to do is to set criteria so that when a query is run the records to not add up to more than 900 seconds.
1stly) Is this "do-able" using queries or do i need to start implementing sql statements which i have limited experience of?
2ndly) Can anyone recommend a suitable method to do so provided it isn't very complex.

My knowledge of Access is Intermediate.

Kind regards

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Modules & VBA :: Total Count Of Unique Values In A Query

Jan 13, 2015

I have the following code:

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim strSQL As String
Set db = CurrentDb
strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT tbl_contract_lev.ContractID FROM (tbl_leverancier_gegevens INNER JOIN

[Code] ....

The result of the query is a list fo unique values but by including the "count" function in SQL seems not te be working in combination with "DISTINCT"...

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Queries :: Adding Consecutive Values To Get A Running Total

Oct 23, 2013

I have a quick (hopefully) query about adding up consecutive values to get a running total.

Currently I have the following

ID Value
1 0
2 5
3 2
4 0
5 1
6 30
7 2


I am looking for a way to get a running total up to the point of a 0 then restarting. e.g.

ID Value Running total
1 0 0
2 5 5
3 2 7
4 0 0
5 1 1
6 30 31
7 2 33

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Queries :: Running Total Multiple Record Values

Mar 21, 2014

I am having an issue with my running total query.

It consists of a running total per vehiclenum. All data comes from one table.

It works properly only on the first vehiclenum of the query. After that, the first "previous" odometer reading of each subsequent vehiclenum starts at some erroneous number, throwing the remainder of each vehiclenum running total.

Here is the code for the query,

SELECT qry_ODO_TotalSub.ID AS OdomAlias, qry_ODO_TotalSub.ODate, qry_ODO_TotalSub.VehicleNum, qry_ODO_TotalSub.Odometer, Nz(DLast("Odometer","qry_ODO_TotalSub","[ID] < " & [OdomAlias]),0) AS Previous, [Odometer]-[Previous] AS Difference, Nz(DFirst("Odometer","qry_ODO_TotalSub"),0) AS StartOD, [Odometer]-[StartOD] AS RunningSum
FROM qry_ODO_TotalSub
ORDER BY qry_ODO_TotalSub.ID;

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General :: Summing Total Values By Each Change In Date

Apr 14, 2014

Running Access 2010. I have a large data set here is sample:

Type Capture Date Volume
1 1/5/2014 7
1 1/15/2014 5
1 1/8/2014 3
1 1/10/2014 4

Is there any way to sum the total values for each change in date while keeping chronological order? To get access to produce something like this:

Type Capture Date Volume
1 1/5/2014 7
1 1/8/2014 10
1 1/10/2014 14
1 1/15/2014 19

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General :: How To Sum Amounts In List Box Column And Show Total On Main Form

Oct 19, 2012

How can I sum the amounts in the list box column and show the total on the main form?

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List Of Values

Sep 11, 2005

Hi Friends,

I m new to access, i want to get the Project_name into "form!project_name " from the project table when user select project_id in the form. Any idea will be appreciated.

Best Regards,

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Editing Field Values That Get Summed Up - Resets Total Field

Apr 7, 2015

I have several fields that I fill in on a form and they all need to add up in the last field. The first way that I tried this worked good for the initial data entry on the form. However if I need to edit one of the fields in the form then it resets the TotalCost field and I have to enter all of the numbers again. Is there some way that I can make this work? Or is this an Access quirk I will have to live with?

I tried to do this two different ways.

Here is the code for the first method:

Option Compare Database
Dim C1 As Long 'For Total Cost
Dim C2 As Long 'For Total Cost
Dim C3 As Long 'For Total Cost
Dim C4 As Long 'For Total Cost

[Code] .....

This way works great the first time that I tried it, I had to re-enter info in all the fields if I wanted to change one.

Here is my second method:

Which didn't work, i received an error message:

"The expression After Update you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Invalid outside procedure."

And then nothing changes.

Option Compare Database
Dim C1 As Long 'For Total Cost
Dim C2 As Long 'For Total Cost
Dim C3 As Long 'For Total Cost
Dim C4 As Long 'For Total Cost

[Code] ....

So I know this second method is incorrect.

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How To Add New Values In Combo Box List

Mar 1, 2006

need help., have a form, have put a combo box to display values from another table, works ok, but when a type a new value, it displays 'not in list', so how to add the value to the table without opening the other table or any other suggestion, should i select values in combo box from a query...

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Choosing Values From A List Box

Oct 6, 2006

I have a list box box which contains a ProNo and ProName.

I want to be able to select a value in the list box and pass it to another list box in the form so i can pick the projects i want to print reports on.

Is this possible or is there another way of going about this problem.

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How To Put Two Columns' Values Into One List-Box

Nov 14, 2006

Hi All,

I have a list box and I populate it with records from a "Select" query. I am using VBScript to do this. Here are my codes:

gr1_list.RowSource="Select Criteria from CriteriaList WHERE Criteria='" & cvalue & "';"

My "CriteriaList" table has two columns; Criteria and CriteriaDescriptions.

The question is, what if in my list box I want to be able to see both 'Criteria' and 'CriteriaDescription?' How would I code this?

Thank you.

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Query To List Max Values

Oct 1, 2006

I have a Select query that lists, among other things, two fields:

Each entry in ID_Clients may be listed several times

I want to generate a Select query based on the above query that lists each value of ID_Clients just once, by selecting the record for that ID_Clients that has the maximum value in the field EndDate.

So, sample source data

BBB............. 2005-06-30
BBB............. 2004-06-30

Desired end result:

Any ideas how I should achieve this would be appreciated.

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Query To List Max Values

Jun 12, 2007

Quote: Originally Posted by ansentry Have a look at the attached sample.

Hi John,

I am new to this site. I can't seem to find where the attachment being referred to is. I have a similar question. Basically, I have this data:

Parcel No. ......Soil Type......Area
001-001 flathead 75
001-001 whitefish 33
001-001 kiwanis 45
001-002 kiwanis 22
001-002 flathead 33
001-002 chamokane 74
002-005 flathead 20
002-005 kiwanis 53
002-005 chamokane 27

The desired result is:

Parcel No. Soil Type Area
001-001 flathead 75
001-002 chamokane 74
002-005 kiwanis 53

Can you please help me? Thanks.

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Getting Values Related To Dropdown List?

Feb 7, 2007

I have a tables.
One is called: products => prdouctID,productName, ProductPrice

I created a dropdown list.
To read in the values of productName.

I wanted to have a textbox / label which will update the productPrice.
If i select productName as "Pirates", the textbox/label will show $50.00
If i select productName as "Who let them out?", the textbox/label will show $80.00

I have managed to do the dropdown list but cant seem to figure out the label / textbox.

Please advice?

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Store Multiple Values From List Box

Jan 11, 2006

Hi all,

I was thinking/hoping of using a list box on my form to store multiple values, I haven't been able to find a way of storing any value so far so not sure how easy it will be?

How can this be achieved or is it just easier to use several check boxes (approx 8)


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Tables :: How To Validate Values In List

Dec 31, 2013

I want to validate the value of the list in the lookup in the table and create a list of the values that no match the values of the list..

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Queries :: How To Join One Value To List Of Values

Jan 2, 2014

An affiliate sent us a table of email addresses, one per record. We need to find which ones already exist in our master table. Our master table contains an email field but it may contain MULTIPLE email addresses separated by semicolons. How do we create a query (or queries) which tell us which email addresses already exist somewhere in our master table?

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Forms :: Use List Values In Query?

Mar 26, 2015

I have a list in a form where the user can select multiple values. The list "Projekte" is based on the table "Projekte".

I want to be able after the user selects multiple values from the list to use them in a query to show the respectful records. For example if the user selects Project 1 and Project 2. I want to show the records where there are either Project one or Project 2. Is that possible without VB as I have no knowledge of VB.

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Queries :: Return Values From A List

Feb 12, 2014

I have two tables, TBL_Students and TBL_Email. Each of these tables have a field called Category, which allows multiple values from a list.

Is there a way to return records from TBL_Students where at least one value in TBL_Students!Category = at least one value in TBL_Email!Category.

E.g. If Student A has categories Maths, Physics and Computing;Student B has categories Maths, English and History;Student C has categories Physics and Geography

I would expect:
when TBL_Email!Category = Maths,Physics : Students A,B,C to be returned
when TBL_Email!Category = Maths : Students A,B to be returned
when TBL_Email!Category = Physics,Geography : Students A,C to be returned

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Doesn't Recognise Values As On The List In A Combobox

Jan 24, 2005


I have a table of records, with one field of the records a combobox populated by a select query based onanother table.

My problem ism that it doesn't seem to recognise any of the values as on the list, though deleting one character and then replacing it results in the value being accepted with no problems.

This is a database I have inherited (Cheers predecessor!), the table is populated with a few thousand records and scrolling through this table results in an error message on this field for every record and is making displaying data on this form a nightmare! Anyone know of the cause or of a quick fix?

I don't know the history of this table unfortunately.

Cheers in advance


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Use List Box To Assign Multiple Values To Records?

Jan 12, 2005

I hope the title actually conveys what I'd like to do.

I want to assign records on a subform to a group header on a form. For example, I have groups A, B, C, and D and I want the records on a subform to be assigned to groups A, B, and D. (The number of groups and their names will change so I can't simply use an "A," "B," "C" option box.) My idea is to have a Multi-Select List Box on the main form and choose all the groups to which the records on the subform need to belong. So I'd select the groups, enter the records on the subform, then create a another record on the master form and assign records to another group.

Is it possible to make this happen without a lot of programming?

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General :: Determining The Values In One List Based On Another

Jun 27, 2012

I have a table with a few Listbox options. I want one of the columns' values to be determined by the value chosen in another field. How do I do this?

Example: In column A I choose value ABC from the dropdown. I want column B to now offer values in that list of DEF, GHI, JKL. If I chose XYZ in column A instead, I'd want the column B list to show MNO, PQR, STU. Etc.

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