List All Assigned Static IP's

Jan 30, 2008

Hi guys, back on the development trail!!

I have a database, the 3 tables of current interest are:
tblStaticIP (IP)
tblComputerIPAllocation (ID - IP - ComputerID)
tblHardwareIPAllocation (ID - IP - HardwareID)

Realtionship via IP (no RI enforced).

I would like to be able to list all allocated IP's in a single query, even better prevent allocation of IP's allocated elsewhere?

Can anyone advise?

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Tables :: Form That List Available Static IPs In Network Range Blocks

May 29, 2013

I've been tasked with coming up with a table structure that will allow me to make a form that lists the available static ip's in my various network range blocks (we have multiple off-site locations and use different ip ranges at each site).

I have the vision in my head of the form, you would select the block range from a drop down list, then see all the available addresses in that range. From there you could assign mark one as used and it is no longer listed on the form (I'm thinking a simple yes/no checkbox). What my co-workers would love to see is if there were entering a new PC assignment and put one of those available IP addresses into that forms record (different table too) then the ip would get deleted from the available pool as well.

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Query Assigned To A Button

Nov 3, 2006

I have made a query for each column in my table in order to sort by ascending order. I want to assign this Query to a column heading button on my form. What is the code, or how do I go about assiging this query to this button so every time it is clicked the data is sorted according to what that query says?

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Filter By Records Assigned To User

Jul 23, 2012

I'm trying to create a table that shows only records assigned to the user based on their environ("username"). I tried creating a code that adds the user name to a table, but this won't work as multiple people will be using the database at once.

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Reports :: Counting Records According To Assigned Criteria

Oct 24, 2014

I am trying to use =DCount() on a report and its half way working, it does count records acording to the criteria I asign the problem is its using the whole universe of records in the table so I have a report displaying 10 records of which 953 are Red and 752 are Blue...

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Tables :: How To Recreate AutoNumber Column With Values Assigned

Nov 19, 2013

I am using a form based on a table in MS Access 2010 for data entry.

The Data Type for column ID is AutoNumber with Increment=1. When I found ID for recent entries gets an anomaly (e.g. should be ... 3, 4, 5 ..., but it shows ... 3, 5, 6 ... that misses 4), I tried to refresh/change the ID column with the following steps:

1). Change the Data Type for column ID from AutoNumber to Number
2). Add a new column IDD and set its Data Type as AutoNumber
3). Delete the original column ID
4). Change column name IDD into column name ID

However, I got a problem with step 2): here the order # for the records becomes messed up, e.g.

Should be:
1 1
2 2
3 3
5 4
6 5
7 6
... ...

But, I got:
1 3
2 4
3 5
5 1
6 2
7 6
... ...

Why? Is this caused by the relationships between this table and other tables?

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General :: Email To Domain Names Assigned To Gmail

Sep 2, 2013

I need to send email with attachment on click of a button. We use emails like which is assigned to gmail.I tried the following code but it throws transport to server error.

Dim cdoConfig
Dim msgOne
Set cdoConfig = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
With cdoConfig.Fields
.Item("") = 2


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Maximum Of 20 Combo Boxes Will Appear Based On Assigned Number

Oct 14, 2014

I am trying to create a training matrix in which i need a form that if I put or assign maximum of 20 attendees then 20 comboxes will appear in form.for example, i enter in textbox1 6 or 15 depends but max is 20 then if hit enter comboxes will appear but quantity will based on value that i enter in textbox1.

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Tables :: Static Import From Excel

May 14, 2015

I want too import data from excel, this data is test results and contains the students names as well as the answers to the questions.

Currently my import looks like this:
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "Resultyear", "C:UsersjesseDesktop est-7-2015.xls", True, "Worksheet!A11:AV32"

However is it possible to import 2 lots of data ranges from the one import? as in can I have "Worksheet!A11:C32" + "W11:AA32"?

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Adding Static Fields To A Select Query

Nov 15, 2005

I wish to add a static field to a select query i.e a field that does not exist within a table.

Does anyone know how I can do this?


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Reports :: Setting Static Textbox To Null?

Sep 15, 2013

I am new to access. I have created a report form a query and have fields with a value of "0" or "$0.00" I would like to set a static textbox to Null. I belive it can be done with the IFF function but I get a syntax error.

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Queries :: Left Function With 2 Static Characters

Jul 23, 2015

I have to query a record with 2 of the same static characters. "-".I can get the left function with the first " but I can't get the rest up to the second "-"

Example: B-4352B-PXP02W01-10

TagNo: Left([EventInstanceID],InStr([EventInstanceID],"-")) Brings me the first char plus "-" The next section is needed also but the remainder is not.

Needed: B-4352B

Is there a Mid Function that I could add to go to the second chaacter instead of stopping at the first one?

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Queries :: Find Static Deviation With Query

Mar 8, 2014

ID machine value
1 111 0
2 112 1
3 113 2
4 111 0
5 112 2
6 113 2
7 111 1
8 112 0
9 113 -1
10 111 2
11 112 1
12 113 -1
13 111 1
14 112 -1
15 113 1
16 111 1
17 112 1
18 113 0

I have three machines. They all have random variations, but a machine could also have a static deviation. If the last 4 values are above 0, the deviation is considered static and should be corrected. In this example 111 has a static deviation

Nowadays the operators look at the graphs and when they observe the static deviation they will adjust it.

Question is: Is it possible to use a query to extract 111? In that case I can give operator a warning in stead of him looking at the graph.

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Queries :: SELECT CASE Statement - Populate Each Unit With Assigned Category?

Apr 9, 2013

I have a simple SELECT CASE query. I'm not sure how the syntax goes and I want to learn about it.

In the attached file, if you click on "cohort table", you will see the categorization for each unit under "field1".

how will I be able to use a SELECT CASE statement in a query to populate each unit with assigned category?

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Can I Export A Data Access Page To Static HTML?

Jan 15, 2008

Good morning! I'm using Access to redesign our company's electronic phonebook. Our intranet uses SharePoint technology and our IT people have cranked our security settings up pretty high, so I can't use data access pages or ASP. Therefore, I'm going to use static HTML, producing a single page which the CEO's secretary will upload once a month, allowing our 800+ employees to view the entire phonebook at once. CTRL-F is their friend.

I've managed to design a data access page that looks very much like we want it to, but I don't know how to export it to static HTML. Can such a thing be done, or am I just being wacky? If so, is there a way to automate it so the secretary can just push a button to generate the page?


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Modules & VBA :: Static Webpage Form - Export To HTML Using Template

Mar 12, 2014

In my DB I have a query that I need to create a static webpage from, now in excel I can do the record button and bingo, but access is a lot more confusing.

I have a template named doc_tplt.html that when I do the export from the query it creates the webpage using this template.

I want to have a form with a selection of command buttons on it to export to html using the template for various queries and tables.

What is the VBA code to export the query (qry_docs) and apply the template (doc_tplt.html) and save to the same directory as the DB itself.

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Reports :: Unable To Produce A Report Which Uses A Static Design And Does Not Change

Jun 13, 2013

I'm trying to produce a report which uses a static deisgn and does not change. For example,I require in the detail of the report a table say 3 * 8 ....and in the report I need the data to fill each one of these cells. However I may not have 8 records , therefore I need the remaing columns/cells empty - the design of 3 * 8 must not change... at the moment I have a dynamic design so if i have 3 records I have 3 *3 table leaving a massive gap on the report.

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Modules & VBA :: Static Shell Function Call Works But Dynamic Call Fails

Sep 4, 2013

I'm having to recode some old MS Access DBs so they will run in the following environments:

Office 2000 on WinXP
Office 2003 on WinXP
Office 2010 on WinXP
Office 2000 on Win7
Office 2003 on Win7
Office 2010 on Win7

When I wrote my code for Office 2000 on WinXP things were simple because directory paths were the same across all computers and I could hard code pathing when using a shell command to launch other files.

My new approach is to make a function call to the Windows registry to determine the default executable and path for opening a file based upon its extension (see apicFindExecutable in basWindows API module).

I'm able to use code to create a shell call and debug print it to the immediate window. If I put my cursor in the immediate window at the end of the shell call and hit [enter] the external file will open as desired. If I try to open the external file directly through code, I get a file not found error.

To recreate the error take the following steps:

(1) browse to files that are accessible from your computer

Shell function call is made by the fnOpenFile function located in the basOpenFile module. There has to be a trick here that I'm missing.

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Getting Rid Of "not Assigned" In A Field

May 26, 2005

I want to filter out all of the "Not assigned" so that it only displays the numbers in the field.

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Queries :: Using Variable In A List Field Query - Getting Complete List On Initial View

Mar 28, 2014

In my access form I provide the user a list of locations from various countries in a listbox . But the list is too long so I provide him a combobox for selecting a country. Selecting the country should update the listbox showing only the locations in that specific country.

So my SELECT from the listbox must cover the unselected state and show all entries and when a country is selected it must narrow the selection.

I tried to get this happen with the following SELECT statement containing a variable. Choosing a country in the Combobox results in a change of the variable and in a requery. This works after the first country is selected and for each country change, but the initial list is empty.

VBA in the loadform
'Application.TempVars.Add "varcountryselect", "*"
SELECT in the listbox "lstlocationsperproject"
SELECT tbllocations.locationID,, tbllocations.localstreet, tbllocations.localcity FROM tbllocations WHERE (( Like [TempVar]![varcountryselect]);

VBA in the combobox
Application.TempVars("varcountryselect") = [Form]![kombcountryselect].Column(0)

The values in [kombcountryselect].Column(0) are texts like "SPAIN", "MEXICO", etc.

Any hints, how I have to use the * for getting the complete list on the initial view ?

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Create A Randomise List From A Table And Save The List For Each Month

Dec 14, 2006

Hi All a newbie here so any help will be appreciated,

sorry for the long post but trying to give you all the information you might need.

I wrote a basic access database for my Church to aid in a paperwork audit for a charity food drop which we do monthly to give free food to the needy.

But each month it gets harder to find out who was in line first so I thought with all your help we may be able to randomize the names each month in a different order as to avoid confusion and also avoid people waiting in line as they turn up at 5am and we don't start until 9am.

So if this will work in access they can all come for 9am

I don't mind creating a new database and adding the additional information, if that's what it would take.

My Background I have created basic databases from scratch not using wizards, But I don't know much about code or how to implement it so any help in where code goes it would be very much appreciated.

Database details (Microsoft Access 2002 version)

Table Name = details
Field name = ID (auto-generated)
Field name = FirstName (text)
Field name = Surname (text)

If possible it would be nice to keep a record of the randomized lists (in the database somewhere ?) each month in case anyone wants to see it or disputes the lists, where I can just create a report to show the details.

There will be approximately 90 to 125 names.

Thank you in advance for all your help in this matter


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Reports :: Exclude Individuals From False List If They Are In True List

Jul 15, 2013

I have created my tables and form and am now trying to run reports to organize the data. I have figured out how to group the individuals by group and treatment, but can't figure out how exclude individuals from the final list if they are already in another. As background, some of the individuals are eventually excluded from the experiment, though I keep the initial data. When the exclude individual checkbox is checked ("True" on the report) I do not want the individual to be listed in the "False" list, even though there are entries for that individual when that checkbox wasn't checked (when it was "True"). This is so I can get an idea of the current totals in each group.

Implant Period
>>Exclude individual?
>>>Individual ID

I feel like this should be a fairly simple task, but I cannot figure it out... Maybe there is coding to exclude individuals from the "False" list if they are already listed in the "True" list?

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Use Multi-select List Box To Filter A Report With Two List Boxes

Nov 20, 2013

Allen Browne's "Use a multi-select list box to filter a report" solution, in particularly with two multi-select list boxes? The code works fine for me for either box so long as I code it for one box alone. Combining the two into one code results in a type mismatch error. I'm trying to use the code to pass the contents of both multi-select boxes as Where conditions to a report. Both boxes are based on number fields. To try to isolate the problem, I've removed Allen's setDescription and OpenArgs conditions. We're unfortunately still on Access 2003 as the company desires to squeeze every dime by using until end-of-life next year.

Private Sub cmdPreview_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
'Purpose: Open the report filtered to the items selected in the list box.
Dim varItem As Variant 'Selected items

[Code] .....

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Created List Box With One Column - Display All Characters Of List Item

Jan 2, 2014

I have created listbox with one column (contains one column only), now i would like to display all the characters of list item (want scroll bar to listbox).

How do i display all text of list item, I have already fixed Column Widths to max length (22";0.1"). However when scrolling to right, it is going to next blank column of list box, which is created only to change Column Widths property.

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Queries :: Return List Of Records From Original List

Apr 23, 2013

I'm looking to move an excel sheet to access because the row counts are too much.The main thing it does is compare the supplied data against a list I hold in the sheet.There are not duplicate records, however..Some data is a direct lookup for a full match, but much of it is a count to see how many records contain a certain string.

I have 500 keywords which have a countif function in using wildcards.I need to create a query/report which will return a list of records from the original list which contains each keyword featured and how many times it features.I was going to do it in PHPmysql but the time it took to parse a million records for every keyword made it pointless.


"have a look and see"
"spanish dave"
"who is billy brag"
"looky looky I go hooky"
"who's the man from argentina"
"could it be magic now"

my spreadsheet would return a 1 next to ""billy" and "magic" and would put a 2 next to "look".

the sheet has the keyword in each row and next to the column:
where "list" is the external data.

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How To Transfer Multiple Select Item In List Box To Another List Box

Jun 2, 2012

How To Transfer MultipleSelect Item In Listbox to another Listbox ?

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