List Dates Between 2 Dates?

Jan 2, 2013

Is there a way in this program to create a list of dates between 2 dates?

i.e I have Arrival Date and Departure Date. Is there a function or expression that will list all the dates on and between?

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Forms :: Dates As Column Headers To Update Table With Dates As Rows

May 12, 2014

Any way to have a form with Dates as column headers to update a table where the dates are stored in rows???

The table set up is like this:
DiaryID (PK) - OpDate (Date)

DiaryID (FK) - CostCode - MachineNumber - MachineHours - etc

I'm just wondering if there's any way I can do this with a datasheet or a crosstab type setup?

It's Access 2010.

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Queries :: Calculate Expiry Dates Of Training Courses - Due Dates Not Shown

Aug 28, 2013

I have built a query to calculate the expiry dates of training courses but I am trying to input a criteria so that only dates within 90 days of todays date show. I am using Date()<90 but it doesn't return the correct information. What the criteria should be for this?

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Queries :: Access 2007 - Select All Dates Between Two Dates?

Apr 9, 2015

I have a table of records, which has within it two date fields (effectively, a 'start' and 'end' date for that particular record)

I now need to create a query to perform a calculation for each date between the 'start' date and the 'end' date

So the first step (as I see it anyway) is to try to create a query which will give me each date between the two reference dates, in the hope that I can then JOIN that onto another query to perform the necessary calculation for each of the returned dates.

Is there a way to do this?

So basically, if for a particular record, the 'start' date is 01-Apr-2015 and the 'end' date is 09-Apr-2015, can I produce a dataset of 9 records as follows :01-Apr-2015


(The *obvious* solution would be to create a separate table of dates, from which I could just SELECT DISTINCT <Date> Between #04/01/2015# And #04/09/2015# - but that seems like a dreadful waste of space, if that table is only required to generate the above? And it would have to cover all possible options; so it would either have to be massive, and contain every possible date - ever! - or maintained, adding new dates as necessary when they are required. Seems horribly inefficient!)

Is it possible to just select each date between the two reference dates? Or can you only query something which exists somewhere in a table?

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List Dates 3 Months Ago

Mar 19, 2007


I need to find Customers who have not had a meeting for over three months and i need to list them in a query, please could someone help me as this is getting very frustrating

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Querying A List Of Dates

Apr 19, 2007

I have a db for a list of people who have attended courses.

Each year they have to attend a refresher.

I can easily query those people who are in date.

How do i query to find people who attended a course but not a refresher?


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Subtracting Dates From Adjacent Dates In Same Column

Sep 7, 2006


I have a database with 5000 entries, corresponding to about 10 entries for about 500 people. Each of the entries is dated, and I need to calculate the time intervals between each person's sequential entries in the table.

One way of doing this is to create another column that contains the date of the previous entry. I can then use DateDiff to subtract one date from the other and give me the difference in days.

This approach falls down if I then work with only a subset of the entries - I would have to re-enter the previous entry dates as the time intervals would have changed.

What I really need is a way of subtracting the date from the date in the cell directly above it. Will Access let me do this, or is there a better way?

Many thanks, Jules.

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Queries :: Count Dates Between Dates In Two Tables

Jul 8, 2014

I have two tables with dates. Between (!) every two following dates in table1, I want to know the number of dates in table2. How do I write an SQL query for this? The tables I have are up to a few hundred records in table 1 and a few thousand records in table2. So to prevent that this takes hours I need a fast query.

To explain the query I need, for example:


So the answer of the query would be 2,0,4.

Between 01/01/2014 and 15/01/2014 in table 1 there are 2 dates in table2 (01/01/2014 is not included between the dates)
Between 15/01/2014 and 17/01/2014 in table 1 there are 0 dates in table 2
Between 17/01/2014 and 30/01/2014 in table 1 there are 4 dates in table 2

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Summing Data Between Two Dates (When Dates Are Different Per Record)

Nov 15, 2011

I have a master table which shows all transactions per record (person) over a financial year.

Each record person has a seperate package period over which their spend needs to be measured. Therefore although I have all their transactions for the year, I only want to sum their transactions between their given [start date] and [end date] which are in columns.

I need to be able to create a field which sums all expenditure per record between the start and end dates

Name Start Date End Date Invoice Date Amount

Matt 15/5/11 15/9/11 1/11/11 £100
Matt 15/5/11 15/9/11 7/7/11 £200
Matt 15/5/11 15/9/11 12/12/11 £200

In this case I would only want to sum 7/7/11 as this is between the start and end dates

I want to write something like sumif([Invoice Date] is between [start date] and [end date] - not sure where or how exactly

(The start date and end date will always be the same per person)

Is this possible in access?

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Queries :: Selecting Dates From A List

Dec 11, 2013

I have a table containing a list of dates in "MMM YYYY" text format from "Jan 2010" to "Dec 2020".

I would like to restrict the list from the first record (Jan 2010) to the current month using today's date (eg in this case Dec 2013).

I know about

Format(Date(),"mmm yyyy")

And have tried the criteria

<Format(Date(),"mmm yyyy")

But doesn't work and haven't got much further....

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Combobox List A Year Of Saturday Dates

Oct 31, 2006

I have a form and I need a combobox on the form to produce a list of Dates for every Saturday starting from the current day displayed in a short format for the user to select. Does anyone have an idea how I could manage that?

I was going to make a table and write in each one and use that for the rowsource, but someone said that there might be a way to do that dynamically.

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Forms :: Dates Found To Be Displayed In A List Box

Sep 30, 2013

I'm new to Access VBA and I am having a bit of trouble. I want to find the dates between 2 dates(both inputted into textboxes), when I press a button I want them dates found to be displayed in a listbox.

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Queries :: List Of Rooms Available Between A Period Of Two Dates

May 20, 2013

I want to make a query in my system which finds out if a room is available for a person to stay in. I want the query to show me a list of rooms that are available between a period of two dates. So if I enter a arrival Date (12/12/12) and then a checkout date (13/12/12) the query then shows me a list of rooms that are free for those dates. How would I go around doing this?

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Queries :: Search Box Result - Add Up List Of Dates That Match A Criteria

Jun 13, 2013

I am trying to add up a list of dates that match a criteria... a search box result.

I have tried DCount, and now I'm doing it through SQL, and no matter what combinations I try I still get an error - usually 3075 - Syntax error (missing operator)

But I can't find anything missing - I copy the SQL into a query view and it works perfectly... but it won't work on its own. And I've tried using DCount with the query as a query object, and I get the same error.

Dim ResultCount As Long
Dim DateSearch As Date
Dim MyDate As String
Dim MyDateAdd As Date
Dim varReturnValue As Variant

[Code] .....

I've used the >= And < option as it solves an issue with Date Time. What operator is missing!?

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Returning All Dates Between Two Dates In The Same Record?

Nov 3, 2005


Please bear with me here as it's a little involved.

I'm doing a staff profile website which includes a section where they can enter their annual/other leave details.

I decided to store their leave in two fields Start_Date | End_Date rather than each individual date that they took - the short and wide approach vs long and narrow.

This has left me needing to do a query that would return all the dates between the start and end dates inclusive.




I appreciate i could do this using some script to loop through a recordset and build an array of dates but i wondered/hoped that it could be done using SQL.

As it is an asp page i can't use user defined functions in a VBA module in Access so the solution would need to be pure SQL.

Is this possible?

Any help v.much appreciated.


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Multiple Min / Max Dates By Sequential Dates

Apr 4, 2012

I have a scenario where the first three rows of date which have dates of 4/1, 4/4/ 4/6 with ndc 5513026701; next six rows that have dates from 4/8 to 4/20 with ndc 5513014801; next three rows that have dates from 4/25, 4/27, 4/29 with ndc 5513026701.

The issue I am having is I do not know how to have separate min/max dates for ndc 5513026701 since when I group by ndc 5513026701 min = 4/1 ; max = 4/29. I need to have min = 4/1 and max = 4/6 for one row and another row of min = 4/25 and max = 4/29.

Any easy way to sequentially create min/max for each ndc 5513026701? I wasn't sure how to verbalize this so I have attached a sample worksheet.....

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Forms :: How To Check Date Availability In A Form From A List Of Dates In A Table

Dec 16, 2014

I am making a Car Rental database on Access 2010, and I have a list of the dates available to rent a car in a table. I want to be able to check what dates are available and select a date for hire in a form.

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Modules & VBA :: Process Records Without Dates First And Then Run Another Process To Split Those With Dates?

Aug 18, 2014

I'm not sure if I am biting off more than I can chew. I have a text field in each record in my database (Inherited) The db has nearly 5,000 records. I would like to split the field into records in a seperate table. An Example of the table as is now;

5882Opossum(78-80) (87-89) Otter(80-84) Opportune(91-93) Turbulent(97-00).
5883Astute Auriga Aeneas Affray Amphion
2407H34 O10 Porpoise Trenchant Tapir.

I want to create a table as follows;

5882Otter 19801984

Is this possible in one hit or do I need to process the records without dates first and then run another process to split those with Dates? I say dates but the field is a text field. About 15-20% of the records contain dates which are always enclosed in parenthesis.

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Queries :: List Of Dates And Records With No Matching Record OR Existing Record With Higher Date

Nov 24, 2014

I've been asked to get some information from my database and I'm a bit stuck.

I have a list of refunds in tbl_main and each one includes a dateReceived. I make a record in either tlk_located, tlk_unableToLocate or tlk_bulk depending on the outcome when we're trying to send the money back to whoever it belongs to. Each table has a time stamp (named locatedTime, unableTime and timestamp respectively) field

My manager wants me to report how many entries were unworked on each day in the year, and what the value of them was. An entry is unworked if there is no entry in either of the 3 tables.

So I need a query that lists a range of dates, and for each date counts the number of entries where tbl_main.dateReceived is <= to that date and either has no record in located,unable or bulk or has a record with a timestamp > than the date. (It has been processed now, but hadn't been on the date we are looking at)

I can manage a query that looks at a certain date that it prompts for on each run:

SELECT Count(tbl_main.trust2PK) AS CountOftrust2PK, Sum(tbl_main.amountRefunded) AS SumOfamountRefunded
FROM ((tbl_main LEFT JOIN tlk_located ON tbl_main.trust2PK = tlk_located.trust2FK) LEFT JOIN tlk_unableToLocate ON tbl_main.trust2PK = tlk_unableToLocate.trust2FK) LEFT JOIN tlk_bulk ON tbl_main.trust2PK = tlk_bulk.trust2FK
WHERE (((tbl_main.dateReceived)<=[cutoffDate]) AND ((tlk_located.locatedTime) Is Null Or (tlk_located.locatedTime)>[cutOffDate]) AND ((tlk_unableToLocate.unableTime) Is Null Or (tlk_unableToLocate.unableTime)>[cutOffDate]) AND ((tlk_bulk.timeStamp) Is Null Or (tlk_bulk.timeStamp)>[cutOffDate]));

I would like a query that lists all dates in a range, and shows the same information for each day listed.

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Can You Query A Range Of Dates With A Range Of Dates

Mar 17, 2008

I have a client that wants to enter a range of dates in a query of when they will call that person back. Then they want to be able to type in a range of dates and have a make table query show them all the people that fall in between these two this even possible???
Joe March 3 to March 8
Mary March 4 to March 9
John March 5 to March 10

So if they type into the query March 3 to March 6 all three people should show up because one of the dates specified lies within the parameters they are asking I am out of ideas


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How To Add Two Dates

May 2, 2005


I want to add Hours to a date value.
For example the date value=05/04/2005 18:12:35
I want to add three hours to that date value so the new date value will be 05/04/2005 21:12:35. Is there operatior to add dates.

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SQL Between Two Dates

Nov 11, 2005

I want to search a table for records between two dates.

My code is like that

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim str As String
Dim Sdate As String
Dim Edate As String

Sdate = Me.txtBeginningDate
Edate = Me.txtEndingDate

Set db = CurrentDb()
str = "SELECT ID, Date, Item, QtyRec, QtyIssue FROM DailyIssue Where Date >= '" & SDate & "' AND DATE <='" & Edate &"'"
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(str, dbOpenSnapshot)

But it is not working at all. Error message is Data Type Mismatch.

Any help is appreciated in advance.


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Dec 4, 2005

i've been reading about the us/uk date problem and found some helpful threads such as but would like to ask (cause i'm still a bit confused):

if someone enters all of the dates into an .mdb the same way, either day-month-year or month-day-year, will the dates somehow be stored correctly regardless of the system's setting? (in this case, entered day-month-year into u.s. system-settings).

i have seen how access flips "wrong" dates. if i understand correctly, the dates are then actually stored "flipped", or wrongly.

is there some way of making the wrong dates (the ones that have been flipped) right again?

also, how does one view the dbl-precision number that is stored?

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Help With Dates

Mar 1, 2007

I capture last change date on a form using now().
When I export the file my vendor wants the date to be a text field and 8 bytes in length. It has to fill 8 bytes like this - YYYYMMDD

Example in my form - 3/1/2007 8:11:55 AM

I need to convert this to text - 20070301 when I export my file.


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Dates Help

Nov 4, 2007

I have a date field in a table that I store dates in UK format, (DD,MM,YYYY). I have aform with a command buttong that is supposed to open another form at a particualr record based on the date field. However if the day part of the date field is over 12 then no record is returned. For example when trying for 02/11/07 I am assuming Access is looking for 11th Feb 2007. How do I solve this?

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Between 2 Dates

Mar 30, 2008


how would i set criteria on a query between 2 dates? i need to run a report every month between the dates 4th of current month and 5th of previous month. i wanted to either run this in code or set the criteria on the query but by setting the query criteria, it needs to pick up the current month.

a further question on this would be-

how would this work in 12 months? would it run the same query and collect 2 years worth of info or can it set with years too?

i was planning 2 options.

quick report ( click button and this months report is generated )
select report ( where they can select their desired period )

the dates will ALWAYS be the same and no other dates will be required.

any advice, graciously received.



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