List Feature Based Upon What A User Previously Typed?

Nov 20, 2013

I have a subform containing maintenance logs for pieces of equipment, viewed as a Datasheet.

I have a field called Comment accepting text. Since comments are similar, it would be nice to have a drop down list so the user can select what was previously typed in other records and then edit it from there, similar to how Google or search engines in its search text box generates as part of its suggestion list the previous searches after typing in the first few matching characters.

I tried looking through, but is there a property that does this?

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Forms :: Filter List Box Based On What Is Being Typed In Combobox

Jun 30, 2015

I have a database that is used to generate quotations. I have a form that I want to use to Re-Quote something. By Re-Quote, I mean I want the employee to be able to go in and search for the Part desired for Re-Quoting and create a new quotation with all of the information from that part and have the ability to change any of the information as needed. The Form is unbound, and has tab control with three tabs. I would like to search by three different categories "QuotationNumber", "Customer", Or "PartNumber". How do I have the combobox filter the list box below based on what is being typed in the combobox?

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Forms :: Blank Out Name Last Typed By User In A Drop Down Box?

Apr 3, 2015

Access 2010 leaves the last name that a user typed in after he has done and update. All of the other fields on the form are blanked except the dropdown box . This seems to confuse my users and they would prefer that the last name is blanked out after an update like all of the other fields. I told them that it is a reminder to them of the last person they updated.

The drop down box has a list of all the clients in the database and the user selects which one they want.

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Auto-populate Data Into Field Based On Information Typed Into First Record

Sep 3, 2014

I'm trying to figure out a way to get my access database to auto-populate data into a field based on the information I type into the first record.

So what I'm looking to do is that when I type a name into the UserName Field it will automatically fill in the rest of the field with the same information.

To clarify I'm looking for a way so that when I type something into one record it will fill the rest of the field in with that same information.

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Updating A Form Based On A Query Using The "total" Feature

Aug 24, 2004

I have set up an ACCESS database of journal articles. Each article has one or more authors. I have created a form listing the article title, the name of the journal etc. Included is a subform listing each of the authors. The authors are listed in the order that their names appear in the article. I wrote a query to sort the articles alphabetically according the name of the first author (in the subform). The main form is based on this query so that all the articles are sorted according to the name of the first author. However, the query uses the “First” feature in the “Total” row on the query. The use of this feature precludes me from updating information in the form that is based on the query. Is there a way around this problem and if so what is it?

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Combo To Show Only Those Not Previously Used

Apr 26, 2005


I apologise if this is a common question, but I didn't really know how to word the search!

I have a form with a person selector combo, and an asset selector combo. I would like the person combo to show everyone, but the asset combo to ONLY show those that havn't already been assigned to someone else.

Any ideas?

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Retrieve A Value From A Previously Inserted Row

Feb 19, 2006

Im using a ASP and MS Access 2000 database. What im trying to do is: I insert a row into a table, in that table is a field that auto increments. after I insert this row I want to immediately after that be able to retrieve the value of the column containing the auto increment and hold it in a variable so i can use it for other things....

can anyone help me with this? I have been messing around with SQl cursors but cant seem to get it to work right..

Thank you very much
-Justin B.
Edit/Delete Message

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Populate Field From Previously Entered Name

Mar 17, 2005

I have a form with a text box that the user enters their name into. When they click submit a menu form is opened. I want the name that was entered to be carried over to a field on the menu form. This will welcome the user, eg: WELCOME John Smith.

Im thinking that i should use the INSERT INTO function, but im not sure of how to go about it.

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Typed Data Value Not Recognized

Oct 19, 2006

I'm experiencing an interesting problem with a database I have been working on. For some reason, when I tried to enforce referential integrity between two fields, whose values should have matched perfectly, I got an error that I couldn't because they didn't match. When I ran an unmatched query, I found that the numbers DID match, but for some reason Access wasn't recognizing it. Even when I type the values into the field to "correct" it, it doesn't recognize it; I have to copy and paste from the master table into the child table in order for the values to be recognized as matching.

The same thing happens when I try to filter or query the table; if I type the value, it says no records are found, when I copy and paste, or select from the combo box, it works.

ANY IDEAS?? this is really weird and it's happening on multiple computers so it's not just one system. And, this has never happened before with this file or any other that I've worked on...

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Simple Question Probably Asked And Answered Previously

Sep 12, 2005

Trying to fix a simple problem with some tables.

In my department, we recently switched servers and from Windows 98 to Windows 2000. We had a database that got converted somehow during the transition. One person didn't get their computer switched until about a month later.

In essence we had 2 databases of the same information going for a while. Now everyone has the same database. Problem is the following:

Simply put:

We have 10,000 records autonumbered in one of the databases. The other database has 9,500 with the last 100 or so being information that the 1st database does not contain. How can I update my main table to have all 10,100 records? I have tried an append query and it doesn't seem to be working right. I have also tried to 'find unmatched' but can't seem to make that work either. There has to be an easy solution to make it work in one step.

Any help would be great. Thanks in advance. :confused:

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Make A Field Equal To What Was Entered Previously

Sep 20, 2006

I think this should be simple, but my mind just isn't functioning today. I have a form that people have to enter information in every hour. It has a lot of repetitive information to be entered each time, for example, they are supposed to enter their initials or name so that we can track them down if there is an issue. Is there some way, to make that field on their entry form, equal to the previous entry? Thank you!

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Dynamically Updating Characters Typed

May 11, 2005

I have a form, very basic.. it contains more or less an inventory frontend in which users input computer equipment that we carry in our state dept.

To make this very brief, in my form at the end I have an "Additonal Information" textbox in which users can add additional notes, comments, etc.

As textboxes are constrained to 255 characters, I chose to show an additional textbox directly below the Additional Information textbox, with a control source set to =Len([Additional_Information]) to show users how many characters they have typed.

What I'd like to do though, is make this value dynamically update while the Additional Information textbox is still in focus... so far, all I can get it to do is update once a user has tabbed away from the additional information textbox.

Is there a way to make this update in real-time?

I appreciate any feedback at all.. thanks :)

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How To Match Patterns Typed Into A Textbox

Oct 3, 2006

I have a form based on a table called checkwriter. Right now it is comprised of multiple dropdowns that work great but now I need a textbox where the user can type in a few characters and have the form display the results which match the first few characters from the field "memo" from the checkwriter table. Im so a newbie to this and not sure whether I need 2 write a seperate query for this or write a simple procedure for that text box. Any help to get me started would be greatly appreciated.

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Tables :: Display Names At ONLY Location Previously Selected

Jul 7, 2014

I am making a database, but lets say I have 12 locations and have say between 2-100 named people at each location.

I want to be able to link 2 databases together.

I can use lookup wizard to select either a location, but I also want access to display the names at ONLY the location previously selected (IE: Paul and Bert are in Brazil, Steve and Carl are in Cuba, I want once Brazil is selected only Paul and Bert to appear as options). I'm sure it's fairly basic but a having a little trouble with it, and not knowing the technical terms is making it hard to look up.

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Access 2000 - Previously Saved Data Will Be Deleted

Aug 13, 2013

i am programmer i do a project on vb.6.0 and ms access 2000

PROBLEM 1). .if i try to save data on the database its successfully saved but previously saved data will be deleted.

PROBLEM 2). if i add large number of data on database but its not increasing and constantly on 18 numbers.

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This Expression Is Typed Incorrectly, Or Is Too Complex To Be Evaluated

Aug 16, 2006

Hey guys,

I am getting this error "This expression is typed incorrectly, or is too complex to be evaluated"

For this query:
SELECT first([TblProp].[Name]) AS [SName], First([TblProp].[CommentDate]) AS DateCommented, First([TblProp].[No]) AS BNum, First([TblProp].[Indication]) AS Ind, First([TblProp].[PropSubmitted]) AS DateSub, First([TblProp].[Contact]) AS PrimCon, First([TblProp].[Prepared]) AS PrepName, First([TblProp].[Comment]) AS Comment,First([TblProp].[Value]) AS ValueNew, First([TblProp].[Rating]) AS Prob
FROM TblProp
GROUP BY [TblProp].[RFPNo];

This query had been working fine for a good long time, but suddenly it starts throwing up this message. I haven't changed anything at all with this query. Its very puzzling. I went through each of the fields and its the comment field that is causing the problem.

Would anyone have any ideas on why this might be happening?

Thanks for reading this!


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Queries :: Pass TempVar To Query That Is Selected From Previously Opened Form

May 23, 2013

I'm trying to create a query that supplies a form with data. I want to pass a TempVar to the query that is selected a from previously opened form.The TempVar is setting correctly and I can see if this if I place a textbox (NewCID) on the form showing the TempVar. The problem I have is displaying on the records according to that TempVar. If I set the query manually, i.e. "|Test|" then records are displayed but if I use the TempVar, which also displays |Test| then no records are brought back.

think it's something do with the vertical bar and that fact the field I'm searching on is a memo field, both of which I've no control over. I also have to use the Like statement because of this.Here's the query that works...


and the one that I want to use, that doesn't...

WHERE ASSET_CID Like [TempVars]![tmpvarCID]

I've even tried referring to the textbox instead of the TempVar, i.e.

WHERE ASSET_CID Like [Forms]![AssetsCID]![NewCID]

but that doesn't work either.

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Error - "This Expression Is Typed Incorrectly, Or It Is Too Complex....

Feb 14, 2008

to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables."

I did a search and it looks like date prompts cause this error sometimes. The message pops up when running from the Switchboard to generate a report. When you hit the button, you are prompted for the Start Date and End Date, but then this message appears.

Running the query directly, not using the Switchboard or Report to generate the data, it runs fine, still using the two prompts.

Any idea on what I should look at to resolve this issue so users can run the report from the switchboard? Let me know if I need to post the sql or something.

Thanks for all replies.

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General :: Match Typed Text And Forward To That Record

Oct 20, 2013

I've got an access form, and all I want to do, is to be able to type a number into a text box, click a button and then for the record containing that number to be displayed (in that same form).

-And I dunno where to start.

I don't like using the navigation bar, although that is almost what I'm after.Also, search functions I've seen on here that use combo box lists to display results seem like too much for me, as each number typed into my search box will be unique.

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Forms :: Query Using Table - Indicate Previously Input Data In Case Of Duplicate Entry

May 30, 2015

table name : Schedule
Field 1 = Vessel code
Field 2 = Voyage
Field 3 = ETA
Field 4 = berthed
Field 5 = Sailed

there is a query by using above table and data entry form based on that query.

need to add following facilitate

While data entering, if given voyage number is already exist for the particular vessel code, msg should be pop up immediately at that time saying " This voyage number is already exist"

How could this be manage ?

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Need User Friendly Sorting Of A Report Using A Sort By List...

Jun 29, 2006

Ok, I am a noob at reports and did a search on this. My searching DID NOT HELP ME! I thought I would make that clear :D Maybe someone can tell me what to look at for this issue.

I need to take one report, allow the users to easily use a dropdown or listbox on a form to Sort and Group many fields of data. To recap: The user will click on name in the list and it will sort report by name. Also I need them to be able to select up to three sort criterias.

EX: Sort by Name then LastName then Company

Please guide me to the answer. Thanks.

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Track Order In Which User Selects Items From A List

May 11, 2012

I am trying to find out if there is a way to track the order in which items are selected from a list. I am a dabbler and any keyword searches that I can think of don't bring up what I am looking. So, here is what I am trying to do:

I have a table of symptoms with 3 fields (ID, Category, and Symptom).I have a combo box that will allows the user to pick a category (using select Distinct on category field). I then have a list box populated with all the symptoms that have a category of whatever the user selected. The problem I am having is that I need to somehow track the order in which the user selects symptoms and then save that order for future reference and to be printed on a report. The order is important because the most severe symptom needs to be listed first.

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AutoLookup Or Maybe Other Feature HELP>???

Feb 23, 2006

I'm trying to establish a ticket/citation database for a college security office at which i work at. I have two tables, table 1 includes the ticket information (date of ticket, citation number, *tag #, amount etc.), table 2 includes Repeted offenders information such as (name, address, city, zip, phone number, student ID# etc.).
I would like to have a table or query(preferably table) which automatically matches tag#'s to student information as soon as a new ticket is entered, *if the student information is available.
Thanks a lot in advance

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Cancel Feature Help

Jan 31, 2006

Hi, I want my user to be able to "cancel" his entry. At first I tried just deleting the record they were working on. But that added numbers in the auto number "ID" field, and I also needed the feature for editing, so deleting wasn't an option. As of now I have something that works, but is kind of messy. I made a mirror "temp table" that I write the record to. If they "save" i append/update the record to the regular table, then delete it from the temp, if they "cancel" I just Delete it from the temp. Was wondering if there was a cleaner way to do this ?

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Cancel Feature

Oct 12, 2006


After looking through the forums, i couldn' really see the answer i was looking for.
I have a form, that users can enter in details (with an auto-number created which is assigned to each record). Once they have entered the detials, theres a 'save' button which will save the record - which is fine. I also have a 'return' button which should return to the previous form and doesnt save the record. But as it stands, the record is saved when i click this return button. How do i make it so that the record isnt saved untill the save button is clicked? so if i return from the screen (pressing the return button), the record isnt saved (i.e. a cancel button).

Thanks in advance :)

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Forms :: Combo Box Allowing User To Edit List Values

Nov 2, 2013

I have a subform in a form that has a Combo Box that is linked (not sure is that is the correct term) to a field called PartID in a table containing a list of Parts. The list show the Name of the Part (PartName) and other fields.

This all works great except that it allows the user to change the text in the Name of the Part (PartName) field directly from the Combo Box!!!! I really don't want this to be able to happen.I have the "Limit to List = Yes" but it still allows the user to change the value...The "Allow Value List Edits = No"...

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