Listbox Of Queries

Jul 2, 2007

Can anyone help me out on how I can create this? I can create a button to activate a query but would like to create a listbox with a list of queries within it, highlight the query, press the button and the queries selected will run.

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Listbox Queries From Table

Feb 13, 2005

I have a form (all_trucks) with a listbox (qryNames). The values of the Listbox are Query Names. When I click on of of the Query Names in the Listbox it runs the Query.

I have created a table of nothing but Query Names. What I want to do is for the Listbox to show the Query Names in the Query Names Table and then run the query from the Listbox whenever I select the Query Name.

I do not know how to make the ListBox access the Query Names Table and then execute the Query when it is selected in the Listbox.

Thanks in Advance.

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Queries :: Query Using Input And Listbox?

Nov 11, 2014

The query below is supposed to accept some characters from the user and bring up a list of records satisfying the criteria. TelephoneAAA is a table with many columns. The query does not give any error message receives input from user runs quietly and does not give any result. I know that the table contains sufficient data. Probably I am missing something obvious but what.

RowSourceQy = " SELECT * from [TelephoneAAA] " & _
"WHERE (([TelephoneAAA].[SOYADI]) Like ((' * ')+ [Word] +(' * '))) OR " & _
"(([TelephoneAAA].[ADI]) Like ((' * ')+[Word]+(' * '))) OR " & _
"(([TelephoneAAA].[ADRES]) Like ((' * ')+[Word]+(' * ')))" & _
"ORDER BY [TelephoneAAA].[SOYADI], [TelephoneAAA].[ADI], [TelephoneAAA].[TEL];"

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Forms :: Filter Queries By Listbox Selection?

May 31, 2013

I am currently working on a form for my users to look at budget data. I have several listboxes for them to filter queries by. What I was wondering is, if it is possible to have data in one list box be filtered by the preceeding listbox?

For example: Three list boxes: Report_Period, Budget, Dept.

Each list contains all the values possible. This data is all in a filter table (and the listboxes created using SELECT DISTINCT queries to that table for the specific field). So, if I select Budget XYZ, could I filter the Dept listbox to only show the dept.'s associated with that budget? These are all multi-select listboxes by the way, so budget ABC and XYZ would only show the departments associated as well.

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Queries :: Listbox Rowsrc Like Textbox Or Combobox

Apr 5, 2013

Here's a link to a post with background (see the relationships image at the top): [URL] .....

So I got everything to work exactly as I wanted it to.. the listbox has its rowsrc manually changed via VB on form open or record change... so everytime the record changes or the form opens, VB creates a query string that pulls the TFE_Num and TFE_Name from the DB for only those records where the forms current key (me.key.value) equals the TFE_key values. And everything works.

The problem is that this VB based query is very slow... so everytime the record changes, we wait 1-5 seconds for this listbox to pull data and display it. My question is this: Is there a better way to do this, some way that doesn't require VB based SQL statement. I'm asking because all the non-listbox controls on the form use a control source and they get updated instantaniously on form open or record move, but the list boxes that are unbound and are populated using VB SQL are really slow... and there are really only 1 or 2 records ever displayed in the list box.

I have tried to set the rowsource for the list box within the properties tab and comment out the VB SQL code, but haven't succeeded. I suspect the issue is that the form is linked to all fields in the master table while the list box is linked to a 1st and 2nd generation child table... I just can't get it to work! I've tried simple adding the TFE tables and fields to the forms record source poperties, but when I do that I can only navigate to records that have TFEs associated with them.

I suspect I could resolve the issue myself, if only access queries allowed "me.key.value" to be used in the WHERE statement. Am I correct that you cannot do this in Accesses query builder or the SQL version? When I tried, it worked but then I notices the me.key.value got converted to a number (the first record) when it ran the first time.

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Queries :: Using Or Statement From Multivalue Listbox In Query

Jul 3, 2013

I would like to have the user select one or more values in a list box, and use those values as criteria in a query. Then the query will be used as a source for list boxes in another form based on the values of the previous selection.


User selects options 1, 3, and 4 from the list box on Form A. The query then sets the criteria to anything related to 1 OR 3 OR 4. Then in another form, Form B, all the data tied to option 1 is in its own list box, all the data tied to option 3 is in its own list box, and all data tied to option 4 is in its own list box.

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Queries :: Get SQL From Data On Multi Column Listbox

Oct 22, 2013

I wish to generate a new query consisting rows that I have selected in a multi colum list box. May I know if it is possible to work? I am totally lost now

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Queries :: Inserting Values From A Listbox Into A Table

Jun 28, 2013

inserting values from a listbox in to a table. I have a table with a field named: PrefReports. This field will hold data from values in a list box that the user selects.

Table: Profiles
Field Name: PrefReports Type: Memo

The user utilizes a form to input the values necessary for the query. I then have the query tied to a command button. When the command button is clicked, the query is executed.

The query is as follows:

INSERT INTO TblProfiles ( [Employee ID], FName, LName, Barcode, PrefReports )
VALUES ([forms]![FrmCreateNewProfile]![txtEmployeeID], [forms]![FrmCreateNewProfile]![txtEmployeeFName], [forms]![FrmCreateNewProfile]![txtEmployeeLName], [forms]![FrmCreateNewProfile]![txtBarcode], [forms]![FrmCreateNewProfile]!lstReports.Value);

How can I take what the user selects in the list box, and insert into my TblProfiles.PrefReports field? When I run the query, all other information makes it to the table except the list box values.

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Queries :: Filtering Data Between Two Dates On Listbox

Feb 4, 2014

I've filtered a listbox query between two dates selected by a user through an unbound text, however the listbox only changes after you click it. I've requeried it after someone updates the 2 unbound date textboxes, yet it still doesn't work.

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Queries :: Get Information From Selected Item Of ListBox

Nov 22, 2013

From a search form example I got from this forum I made the following:

A listBox which shows results as you type, using a query.

This listBox has 1 column, I need it that way.

What I need is to show the information from the selected item of the listBox on a textBox, getting this info from the results of the query.

I found 2 answers which I don't like:

1- =DLookUp("[Column]","[Query]") as source of textBox

This shows only information from the first row. So if you select the second result from the listBox, it still shows the first row.

2- =SearchResults.column(int) as source of textbox

It does not work, because listBox has only 1 column.

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Modules & VBA :: Listbox That Show All Queries And Run On Double Click

Jun 25, 2013

I have an access form which i have turned of menus, navigation and shift key. What I am looking for is to have buttons on my form to allow users to create and delete queries from my form. I already have a listbox that shows all the queries and runs them when a user double click on them.The codes needs to run in access 2007-2013 in both 32 & 64 bit versions.

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Queries :: Multiple Combo Boxes To Filter A Listbox

Jul 13, 2015

I have a form where I am trying to use 4 combo boxes(nomenclature,BPN,vendor, and reference) to filter a list box containing part numbers. The way I have it set up right now is in the listbox it is searching for each field and then in the criteria section i have [Forms]![myform]![respectedFieldsCombo].

This works when selections are made from the combo boxes but when one is blank (not being used to filter) then I assume it passes null for that value and the listbox doesn't return anything. I have tried to make it so the listbox ignores null values but im still having this problem.

For example: If i only have a selection for the vendor combo box then i want the list box to show all respective part numbers for that vendor, where nomenclature or any of the other fields are irrelevant. I also want to be able to stack these filters upon every new combo box selection.

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Queries :: Listbox Filter Not Returning Empty Values

Jun 14, 2013

I have a form in which users can enter data in several textboxes to filter the listbox below it, this works great except for the fact that when a record lacks certain data it doesn't show up

Basically there are 4 filters, one for the name/id which works great, as the entries without id's show up just fine but this filter needs to be checked against the other 3 filters, for their group, education and type.

Lets use group as an example.

When a student has no group it should only show up when the group filter is an empty string. AFAIK the wildcards should see to that.

Currently however, when a student has no group, it doesnt show up at all unless I remove the | Like '*' & [groepFilter] & '*' | part from the query.

I've never used complicated WHERE's like this so it might be something very simple. I think I could get it to work using VBA and modifying the rowsource of the listbox from there but this would be a lot easier and I'm curious as to why this doesn't work.

The SQL:

SELECT Student.Studentindex, Student.studentid, Student.studentvn, Student.studenttv,
Student.studentan, Student.Groepcode, Opleiding.opleidingsnaam, Opleiding.type
FROM Student LEFT JOIN Opleiding ON Student.opleidingid = Opleiding.opleidingid
WHERE (((Student.studentid) Like '*' & [naamFilter] & '*') AND ((Student.Groepcode) Like '*' & [groepFilter] & '*')

[Code] ....

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Queries :: Listbox Returns Empty Before Applying Filter

Jul 14, 2015

I am using two combo boxes to filter a list box with the code below. The combo boxes work, but when the form opens, the list box is empty until it is filtered using the combo boxes.

I want the list box to return all records when no filter is applied.

Here is the code:

SELECT Q_Gender_Statistics.ParticipantID, Q_Gender_Statistics.Gender, Q_Gender_Statistics.Date,
Q_Gender_Statistics.Year, Q_Gender_Statistics.[First Name], Q_Gender_Statistics.[Last Name],
Q_Gender_Statistics.[Other Names], Q_Gender_Statistics.[Passport No], Q_Gender_Statistics.[Duty Station], Q_Gender_Statistics.[Contact Number] FROM Q_Gender_Statistics WHERE (((Q_Gender_Statistics.Year) = Forms!F_Gender_Statistics!cboYear) AND ((Q_Gender_Statistics.Gender) = Forms!F_Gender_Statistics!cboGender)) ORDER BY Q_Gender_Statistics.Date DESC;

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Queries :: Union Query - Control Source For Unbound Listbox

Nov 25, 2013

I'm preparing a query as the control source for an unbound listbox. The following code gives the desired results:

SELECT DISTINCT tblCameras.CameraNum, QrySbfShotList.CamerasFK
FROM QrySbfShotList INNER JOIN tblCameras ON QrySbfShotList.CamerasFK = tblCameras.CamerasID
WHERE (((QrySbfShotList.shootsFK)=[my].[control]))
ORDER BY QrySbfShotList.CamerasFK

(My.control will be a control on the form. For the time being, I let the query prompt me for a value.)

It produces two columns like so:

CameraNum Camera ID
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6
6 7
8 9
11 12

CameraNum is text; CameraID is numeric.

Now, I'm trying to use a trick I read about that should add a single textual entry to the top of the list like so:

SELECT DISTINCT tblCameras.CameraNum, QrySbfShotList.CamerasFK
FROM QrySbfShotList INNER JOIN tblCameras ON QrySbfShotList.CamerasFK = tblCameras.CamerasID
WHERE (((QrySbfShotList.shootsFK)=[my].[control]))
ORDER BY QrySbfShotList.CamerasFK


SELECT "(ALL)", "Dummy"
FROM QrySbfShotList INNER JOIN tblCameras ON QrySbfShotList.CamerasFK = tblCameras.CamerasID
WHERE (((QrySbfShotList.shootsFK)=[my].[control]));

This produces

CameraNum Camera ID
ALL Dummy
1 2
11 12
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6
6 7
8 9

The second (numeric) column is now out of order. This is reproducible for other values of my.control. If there are double digit entries they get inserted at the third row.

Why? What am I not understanding about how UNION works?

(BTW, I know I could put the "ALL" entry into tblCameras, thereby avoiding the need for a union, but I'd still like to know why the unexpected result.)

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Queries :: ListBox Row Source Returning Multiple Blanks (Access 2007)

Jul 15, 2013

I have a list box on a form which uses the following SQL to pull the list items from a table :

SELECT DISTINCT tblMyTable.MyField FROM tblMyTable ORDER BY tblMyTable.MyField;

For some reason, during testing, the first two items on the list are blanks. I am quite happy for one blank to be returned at the top of the list (as this would easily identify for the user any records for which this field has not yet been completed, which is a good thing) but I can't understand why it would appear twice?

Why doesn't the DISTINCT command ensure any blank entries only appear once?

Incidentally, I have a subform which populates on the back of selections from the list boxes, so I can quickly see the corresponding records which generate these blanks. What's puzzling me is that the same records show for both blanks on the list - suggesting it is the same value repeating itself (and not, say, "" vs " ", for example, which was what I originally suspected...)

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Queries :: Products Form - Listbox To Show Recent Inventory Transactions

Apr 3, 2014

I have a products form, we are a manufacturing company, with a listbox to show recent inventory transactions. This is based on a query which shows all transactions with the current part id, and that all works well and fine.

The problem is, I would like to limit this query to show only the last 10 transactions in the listbox and not make it editable, ie not enabled. I set the show only in query design view to 10 and it says in the sql statement select top 10, however, the listbox consistently shows all related records. What am I missing?

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Copying Data Within Same Form From A Listbox Containing A Query To A Blank Listbox?

Apr 21, 2006

Hi, I'm new here, so I hope I'm posting this in the correct place. I've searched the forum to see if there are any existing threads that might help me, but I've not found anything that does...
(I think this thread ( )may be trying to achieve something similar to me, but I'm a beginner and don't really understand it)

I shall stop waffling! I'm not entirely sure that what I'm trying to achieve is possible, I expect it probably is!

Right, I have a form (frmGroupRegister, which contains exactly the same fields as the table it comes from, tblGroupRegister), which consists of three things:

-GroupDate - The date a group took place on. It is my primary key, as no more than one group occurs on a specific date.

-ParentList (A listbox which contains a query showing the ID number, forename and surname of everyone in a table, tblParentDetails)

-ParentsAttending (A blank listbox)

I would like to place buttons in between the ParentList and ParentsAttending, which would allow users to conduct a 'register' of attendance by copying individual/multiple details from ParentList into ParentsAttending (much like you get when choosing which fields to include in a form when using a wizard for example). I would also like them to be able to remove people from ParentsAttending by using a button in case of accidentally adding the wrong person into the ParentsAttending box.

I'm aware that another, probably simpler way of achieving this would be to use a tick-box system, but I feel that visually, the first method would both look better and demonstrate who is present more clearly.

Any help would be much appreciated, but my Access skills are quite basic and things will probably need to be spelled out for me.
I'm using Access 2000 and Windows XP.
Thanks for your help,
Alice :)

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Forms :: Dynamic Row Source For Listbox From Multi-select Listbox

Jun 10, 2015

I am using the selections made of the form to generate a query for the user.

I have a CITIES listbox that is populated with values from a stored query.

I would like to make it multi-select and populate a LOCATIONS list box and a NAMES list box based upon the CITIES that are selected.

I have the locations currently populated from a stored query that reads the City selection from the Form. It looks like this


FROM t_location INNER JOIN t_asset_master ON t_location.LOCATION_PHY_ID = t_asset_master.LOCATION
WHERE (((t_location.CITY)=[Forms]![MasterQueryGenerator]![CityList]));

I also want multi-select so that is you can un-select all and get the results for all cities.

Here is my half thought approach.


Private Sub CityList_AfterUpdate()
'Dim LocQryStr As String
'Dim r As Integer
'Dim ctl9 As Control
'LocQryStr = "SELECT DISTINCT (t_location.LOCATION) " & _

[Code] ...

I intended to have the variable LocQryStr as the row source but I abandoned the idea of having multi-select when I saw that .Selected(I) never returned true. Its like the values aren't read in this subroutine.

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Forms :: Listbox To Show Types Based On Section In Other Listbox

Sep 9, 2013

I have a list box called "product list box" based on a query called "searchqry", i also have another listbox called "type list box" , how do i get the type list box to only show "types" based on the section in products list box?

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Forms :: Passing Listbox Rowsource To Another Form Listbox

Dec 14, 2014

Using a popup form

1. On my main form, I have a listbox, I would like to edit the values of the listbox.

To do this, I have a popup form with 2 listboxes, one to have the values of the listbox on the main form, and the other listbox with option values for the 1st

1) how to i pass the rowsource sql of the listbox on the main form to the listbox on the popup form

2) how on closing the popup form, do i update the rowsource sql listbox on the main form from the changed value of the popup form listbox rowsource sql

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Forms :: Make Listbox Visible After Selection Of Another Listbox

Oct 23, 2013

Okay then, after much trouble and confusion, I finally realized I need to use an Extended listbox in order to allow for multiple items to be selected from a list on my form (rather than the evil multiple selection combobox!).

However, now I am trying to figure out how to make one listbox (IndustryClassification) only be visible if the item "Industry" is selected in another listbox (TypeOfBusiness). Coding I can use for this in the AfterUpdate event of the listbox?

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Select All Listbox AND Update Listbox

Jun 17, 2005


I've got this multiple select listbox which writes data into a textbox:

Private Sub List2_AfterUpdate()

Dim Cursisten As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim Itm As Variant

Set ctl = Me.List2

For Each Itm In ctl.ItemsSelected
If Len(Cursisten) = 0 Then
Cursisten = ctl.ItemData(Itm)
Cursisten = Cursisten & "," & ctl.ItemData(Itm)
End If
Next Itm
Me.txtCursisten = Cursisten

End Sub

And I've got a SELECT ALL button to select all records in the listbox:

Private Sub cmdSelectAll_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdSelectAll_Click

Dim i As Integer

If cmdSelectAll.Caption = "Alles Selecteren" Then
For i = 0 To Me.List2.ListCount
Me.List2.Selected(i) = True
Next i
cmdSelectAll.Caption = "Alles De-Selecteren"
For i = 0 To Me.List2.ListCount
Me.List2.Selected(i) = False
Next i
cmdSelectAll.Caption = "Alles Selecteren"

End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdSelectAll_Click

End Sub

The only thing is that when I use the SELECT ALL button, the function List2_Afterupdate doesn't work anymore. There must be a simple solution but I just can't figure it out. Can anyone please help me?

Tnx a lot!

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Move Items From Listbox To Other Listbox

Jul 16, 2006

Hello everybody,

Hopefully somebody can help me on this one. I searched the whole internet and access forums, but I didn't find the exact solution for my problem.

I've got a table with students, a table attendance, where I now only save the students who are absent, but I would like to save also the students who are PRESENT (at the same time).
I've got a combobox where I filter the Class, which then updates a listbox with the students from that class. What I do now is select the students from the listbox and then press a save button and it saves the records to the table absence with STATUS: ABSENT.

I would like to save the NON selected students also in that table, but with PRESENT in the column STATUS.

I thought of making another listbox next to it, where after selecting the absent students, they wil apear and disappear in the PRESENT table so I can store all the information.
But the only problem is that I can find this solution when the listbox is populated by a list of values instead by a table or query. And the other solution is to store the temporary data into 2 different tables, but that's not working for me because it's a multi user database and everything will be messed up.

Hope that someone can help me, I will be very happy.

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Forms :: Hide Unchecked Values In A Listbox - Create Hyperlink On Listbox Values?

Jan 20, 2014

Firstly, is it possible to hide unchecked values in a listbox? I have a user with several roles and I want to only show the ticked roles in the listbox.

Secondly, can you create a hyperlink on listbox values? i.e, if I click on "Manager" in the roles listbox, it follows that to another form and opens the record about managers?

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Nov 23, 2006

What I am trying to do is to swap item position in ListBox without adding/removing items. Index doesn't need to change, but the text show in the ListBox need to. For example.

lstField contains:
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3 (selected)

What I want to do is when click a button (cmdUp) the Item 2 should be Item 3 and Item 3 should be Item 2

Item 1
Item 3
Item 2

How can I do this in MS Access.
Please let me know.

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