Live Updating Access Records From Websites

Nov 8, 2011

I've set up a product database in Access for my small business. One of its functions is to track the prices of competing products online.I'm trying to get Access to automatically update these prices en-mass, yanking the data off the websites in question without me having to manually enter hundreds of prices each week.

I have a unique record for each product instance as it appears online. For example, there are three unique records for a 4oz hand sanitizer I sell (one for each of my competitors that sells it). Each record has the price, quantity, and unique URL on which the product appears.I'm not great with HTML and don't really have any programming expertise aside from some pretty simple VBASIC.

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Useful Links To Access Websites And Forums

Jul 5, 2005

I am starting to add a list of useful Microsoft Access sites and forums to help beginners to Microsoft Access find what they need. If you have any useful links, then either post them below or send them to me via PM.

I thought this would be a good place to ask as many people here know quite a few good sites.

PC999 Webmaster

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Live Information In Access

Jul 21, 2006

Right guys, new to access but have experience with MySQL.
Basically, i have one table with a few fields, ID, Customername, Rating, Customer_email, Comments, Removalcompany.

I created a query to get all of the ratings from that table, and average them.
What i want to do now is put that average into a table and to have it only showing in one record. I have achieved this, but i would like to have it so that the number for the average rating is live.

This is to be used as a backend for a website.

Any suggestions?

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Add Live Time Clock Using Activex, Just Calindar In MS Access

Mar 6, 2008

Since you can add Calindar in access using activex so that I can select any date and pass that on to a field in a form, is there any way you can add a clock using activex so that I can select any time that I want to put in to a field? any suggestion? Thanks.

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Updating Multiple Access Records From Imported Excel Spreadsheet?

Mar 1, 2012

Access Database 2010 is used to capture progress on accounts. We are able to perform remedies on multiple accounts in the field and would like to update the records in Access all at once (by batch) rather than one-by-one.

I would like to export specific records from Access into Excel, make the updates to the records in Excel, then import the changes back into Access. I am looking for the updated Excel spreadsheet to overwrite the existing data in Access for that particular record.

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Track/log Changes To Live Data

Mar 11, 2008

I have created a database that I am happy with, and I am about to receive information to populate it with. I know I am about to be asked to about security and logging of changes made to the data, which I know nothing about!!

As a result before I get into this part of my project I would like to know myself what is and what is not possible!!
Currently I have 2 tables and 3 forms, one of which is a sub form........ All changes will be done via the forms, adding new records, editing existing records or even deleting obsolete records.

•Is it possible to record any changes made to the live data?
oFor this to happen I presume that I need to setup users and access rights?
•What type of information can be saved if any?
oWhat form would this be saved in and where (a temp table?)?

While typing this a change of plan – if it is possible I am going to start building it regardless, as it will enhance my database.


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Copying Changes From Test Environment Into Live

Jul 2, 2015

I've gotten to a point with my database where I have split it into front and back ends, and then made a copy so that I have a test version and a live version. I have users in live who've started keying data, and I'm working on forms and tables in test that I then copy to live as they are completed. Up to now, I've been just copying the individual item in test, and then pasting it over the version that exists in live (example: I made some changes to a form in test, copied that form, and then pasted over the version of the form that was in live).

Where it gets tricky is that I am also in the process of designing and insurance underwriting feature that's going to be a part of this application. I've set up all the tables in test, and now that I'm working on setting up the relationships, I'm wondering how I'm supposed to copy the relationship setup into live. Am I supposed to be copying the entire front-end from test when I have changes, and replacing the existing "live" front end with it? And if I do that, will I have to edit it every time to keep the new live front end from sending data keyed into it to my test version (had that happen when I initially split it)?

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How To Update A Live System With My Reports & Queries

Mar 22, 2007

I am writing reports and queries for an Access database used by a small business. I have a copy of their data and am making the report and query additions to that. Now how do I get my additions to the 'live' system?


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Storing Live Data? (Stock Control Help)

Feb 18, 2008

Hi guys,I'm new to Access except using it years back but much has changed from the 2000 version to the 2007 version - it's slowly coming back to me though, as it's mostly just an interface change. Although I'm highly experienced in SQL (mySQL) and database design / structure from being a Web Programmer.I'm wanting to store a stock amount for products. Using 3 tables, for products, orders and sales. Here's a real basic layout:productsprodID | productName | productStockordersorderID | supplier | prodID | quantityBoughtsalessaleID | customer | prodID | quantitySoldThe products table is just a list of the products. Sales is where I log what I sell to customers and the orders are what I buy from my suppliers.What I'm wishing to do is use the products table to store the stock of that item so as soon as I make a sale, that quantity for that prodID is subtracted instantly from the productStock and when I make an order it's instantly added.Is this possible, or is there a good way to do this?All help appreciated! :)Thanks,Nick.

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Active / Live View Of PDF File In A Form

Aug 18, 2014

I have a table with 4 Fields:

Drawing Number
File Link


I basically want to have a live preview window of the "File Link" attachment in that current record. I have heard it's best to use a Web Browser Control when doing this, but I cannot get it to display the currently attached pdf file in that field of that record.

Is there a way to edit the link properties of the Web Browser Control so that it dynamically detects. The file location of the attached file in that field? There will only ever be one attachment in that field, as this will be a live pdf view of the drawing to which that drawing number was assigned

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Tables :: Choose Between Test And Live Back End Files

Mar 31, 2015

I have a split accdb in Access 2010 with tables/data in the back end file (stored on a network drive) and the forms, queries and code in a front end file stored on each desktop. Note the front end file is common to two back end files. Both back ends will be mirrored but I need to use one for live data and the other for development and testing.

I want to be able to include vba code when the front end is launched that prompts the user to choose between one of two back end files, one 'test' and the other 'live'. But I've spent all afternoon scouring the net with no success on something simple but effective.

As I see it I just need an option on a form and depending on which is selected the following happens:

- links to current/existing tables are deleted
- chosen back end file (test or live) is selected (this has a password)
- links to the tables of the chosen file are created in the front end
- the appropriate back end source is now working with my front end

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Updating Records

Mar 31, 2006

I have a database with details about employees in it.

There is a field with yearly salary in it and another with an ID number. Recently these slaaries have been increased by a non-standard amount. I have another table with the emplyee ID number and their new salary. I need to update the slaary figure in the first table with the salary figure in the second table. Is there anyway of doing this?

Any help would be most appreciated


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Updating Records

Sep 27, 2006

Hi there people...i'm doing a databae project for A2 level coursework and have encountered a problem..please help me if you can.
I have a table of names. Also another table (actions) which contains several fields, but 2 of them are names, (1 being Proposer, and other being Actionee), are obtained from the names table.
However, when altering for instance the spelling of one of the names in the names table it does not update the spelling in the actions table. i have tried using the relationship-update option but this doesn't work because the names appear more than once in the actions table. if it were to appear just the once in the actions table then i wouldn't have any problem. but it is a requirement that the 2 names fields are in the actions table.
Any ideas of how to solve this?

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Updating Records!

Sep 28, 2005

How can i update record in a table, for example i have 2 table PURCHASE ORDER & DELIVERY RECEIPT, the PO Table has Fieldname [PO NUMBER] & [PO BALANCE], the DR Table has Fieldname [PO NUMBER] & [DELIVERY QTY], after i entry a value in [DELIVERY QTY], when i close the form the [PO BALANCE] will update, the sequence is like this [PO BALANCE = PO BALANCE - DELIVERY QTY], any idea how can i do this in access. I used the update query but all the records in a table was updated. Only i need to update is PO BALANCE that match on both PO NUMBER. thanks in advance.

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Updating Records

Jan 10, 2006

Im using Microsoft Access 2003 and have a form 'frm_contacts' linked to a source table 'tbl_contacts'. My frm_contacts form has a button which when pressed opens a popup form 'frm_hottarget' of some additional fields from the same source table. The frm_hottargets form contains the field 'State' which is the same field in the frm_contacts form.

What i want is to have the State field from the popup frm_hottarget form to change to the value of the State field in the frm_contacts form as soon as the button is pressed. At the moment, the only way i can get the State field from the frm_hottargets form to change to the same value as the frm_contacts form is to close both forms and reopen them, or click the next record button and then back record button from the frm_contacts form.

Any ideas? Cheers

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Updating Records From 1 Server To Another

May 17, 2006


I need some help, I’m trying to update 1 database which is in SQL on one server with data from another database which is on another server There are around 8000 records. It is taking for ever updating the data via MS Access Append Query and Update query. Do you know if there is any other faster way in code, which can be updated? Maybe in a loop doing 100 records at a time or any other suggestions.

Reason I need a faster way is the data on the SQL database is needs to be updated is linked to a website with data in , while the data is being updated the website crashes.

I would really appreciate your help.


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Updating Records In A Table

Oct 16, 2006


I have a table with many records, and I would like to update for one of the fields, the same information as in the first record. Keep in mind that a group of records have the same attribute.
The same problem is easy to solve in EXCEL just by dragging down the info from the above cell - in this way you populate all the records with the same info as the first record, for a specific field.

How can I achieve this using ACCESS?

I want this:

1 cost1 cost2
2 cost1
3 cost1
4 cost1
5 cost1

1 cost1 cost2
2 cost1 cost2
3 cost1 cost2
4 cost1 cost2
5 cost1 cost2

Thank you!

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Updating Records As An Import

Jan 11, 2007

Ok so I have a table that has Customer Contacts logged into it. One of the fields in the table is Owner_ID. This field is a text field that contains the salespersons name that is the current "owner" of that account. Because of the business that I am in, this field can change many times within a given quarter (I will be updating every quarter). For duplication purposes (i bulk upload records from excel worksheets that the salespeople give me) I have my primary key set up as contact first name + contact last name + zip code. If I have to update lets say 400 records just to change the owner of a certain customer contact, how can I do that as a bulk import?

My first thought would be that I would have on my excel sheet the 3 fields that make up the primary key along with the 1 field (owner_id) and it would autochange the information in that particular record....but obviously I don't know how to really do this.

Please help. :)

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Counting Records And Updating

Sep 6, 2007

i have a query which find all the records of stock that are similar. I want to count how many of these there are. How would i go about doing this?

I then want the user to type in the system they want, how many they want, and this will "remove" the system from the list, but not from stock i.e. makes it unavailable. The query is been created from the stock, and so everytime the query is run, it would overwrite the "unavailable stock". If any one could help, this would be great!


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Updating Records In Form

May 9, 2005

Hey guys..

For some reason, after i added new records to my table, the fields on my form don't update... :confused: .. any idea why and how i can solve this problem ?

any help will be appriciated.

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Updating NON Sequencial Records

Jun 15, 2005

Underlying tables - Farmer, Field(as in crops)... Each Farmer has about 30 fields.

In a form I want to select a Farmer and then be presented with a list of his fields... I then in two text boxes want to put a date and a product name (weedkiller)... Finally, I want to select some (NOT ALL) of the fields using a tick box or similar, then press an update button and then each of the records for the fields are updated with the product name and date...

Please help I do not know where to start?

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Updating Records In A Form

Mar 10, 2006

I have been struggling with this for weeks now and it must be fairly simple.

I have a form linked to a table with the fields




I input the first 3 fields and I would like to be able to click a command button and copy those 3 fields to the last 3 fields to save extra typing. I cannot get the command to work though.

any help appreciated


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Forms :: Updating Several Records At Once

May 22, 2013

I have a database I created. its has Units, then it has Tracts and under tracts it has Leases. the main form is for the units. then I have a sub form which is tracts. in the tracts there is a field for Leases Vol/Page. everything works great. now I have a client that wants to send me Title opinions which are for several of the leases in the tract sub form. I need to input the info in a form and have it saved in fields in each Lease at one time.

Right now I have to goto each lease and insert it every time one by one. the field for each lease is the Vol/Page field. is their a way I can do this without having to goto each lease one at a time.??????? in other words one title opinion might be the same for ten of the leases I need to update these all at once.

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Updating Records To Another Table?

Jun 30, 2014

I have one form and its consists of some records. I will assign one button to that form. when i click on this button this record need to save to in another table or query. How to do this. I want to create a receipt that's why i am asking this question.

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Moving Through Records And Updating Sub Forms

Jan 23, 2006

hi all,

I have this database I'm working on and have a couple of issues I can't work out.

The first is this, I want to have my sub forms go to the last record when moving through the main form, currently I can only get this to work when I open the form?

If I move through the records in my main form (forward and backwards), the two sub forms go to the first record only, so how can I get them to go to the last recor?

I've attached the DB to show you what I mean.
Thanks in advance

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Back On This One Again... Updating Multiple Records

Aug 21, 2006


I am tryin now (having cured my first troubles lol) to update multiple fields at once in my db from an asp web page. Code involved is

Code:DIM idid = request.querystring("id") strDSNPath = "PROVIDER=MSDASQL;DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};pwd=password; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("....dbusers.mdb") strSQL_insert = "UPDATE * FROM CustRecords SET " & _"Cust_Name ='" & strName & "', " & _"Cust_LastName ='" & strLastName & "', " & _"Cust_Status ='" & strStatus & "', " & _"Cust_Orient ='" & strOrient & "', " & _"Cust_Address ='" & strAddress & "', " & _"Cust_City ='" & strCity & "', " & _"Cust_Country ='" & strCountry & "', " & _"Cust_PostCode ='" & strPostCode & "', " & _"email ='" & strEmail & "', " & _"Cust_PartName ='" & strPartName & "', " & _"Cust_PartOrient ='" & strPartOrient & "', " & _"Cust_Descrip ='" & strCustDescrip & "', " & _"Cust_Goal ='" & strGoal & "', " & _"Cust_Username ='" & strUsername & "', " & _"Cust_Password ='" & strPassword & "', " & _"Cust_Question ='" & strQuestion & "', " & _"Cust_Answer ='" & strAnswer & "', " & _"Cust_Type ='" & strLastName & "', " & _"Cust_IP ='" & strUserIP & "', " & _" WHERE id="&id Set Conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Conn.Open strDSNPathConn.Execute strSQL_insert Conn.Close Set Conn = Nothing

Long winded I know but usually works and I am getting the following error

Code:Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14' [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in UPDATE statement. /sitesec/first_time1.asp, line 179

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