Lock Table Or Configure As View Only

Mar 15, 2012

Is there a simple way that I can lock a table or better yet configure it as view only. The table is used to populate a combo box in an entry form, and I do not want anyone to have the ability to add records to the table (options in the entry form), but I would like them to be able to view the table. I don't need a robust solution with passwords. I would imagine there is a simple preference to set, I am just not seeing it.

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How Can I Configure A Table To Auto Data Entry Into Fields Based On A Previous Field

Aug 31, 2006

My situation is this. I have 3 tables that I have imported from my mainframe system, between these 3 tables I have the data of product code, description,supplier code, supplier name, order method, and ABC code.

I am trying to create another table that I can capture daily Out Of Stock data for products.

What I would like to do is to enter the product number in the first field of my new table, and then the remaining fields will auto populate with the correct details based on the product data stored in the parent tables that I have imported.

How can this be done?

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General :: Possible To Lock View Design

Jan 16, 2015

is it possible to lock the " view design" the user at present could run a query and the view the design and change it.

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Queries :: Lock Or Disable Design View

Apr 15, 2013

I am designing a database for users with little to no knowledge of Access.

Therefore, I would like to lock/disable the design view for my queries to prevent them from inadvertently making any changes to my query criteria.

Is there a way to accomplish this?

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Tables :: Lock View Of Tables And Queries?

Sep 24, 2013

I want to lock the view of certain tables and queries so that users could not perform any change at their own. Is there any way in VB to protect it with password....

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How To Configure Query To Filter Data

Aug 14, 2012

I have large dataset(more then 15,00,000 rows) In one column I have Amount stored as text eg: $15,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 17,520.00

Data is imported from various small files and is updated regularly. Now I need to filter dataset based on this column criteria like > 15000, <= 5000

How can I configure query to filter data.For example data are:

Some text here


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Configure Option Button To Output To Memo Box

Sep 8, 2005

Alright, I'm running out of options!! I have several pieces of equipment that use text file configuration data. What I want to do is create an option button for each piece of equipment so that when I click that option button, its output ties directly to a memo box.

What I want to be able to do is have 7 different option buttons and each time I click a different option button I can paste text file config data for each piece of equipment into the same memo box and save it. That way, when I query a particular site ID and look up configuration data for any one of those pieces of equipment, I will be able to view the saved config files in the same memo box just by selecting a particular option button.

Is this possible? I've tried subforms, tabs (although I can't seem to be able to use tabs within tabs), option groups, etc. Any suggestions or help would be most certainly appreciated! :p

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How To Configure Forum (NewsGroup) In Outlook Using NNTP

Oct 15, 2005

Hi All,

Is there any way I could configure this forum in my Outlook Express using NNTP? If yes, Can I have NNTP Server Address?

Many Thanks in advance,

Jigs :)

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Field In Design View Not Showing In Table View

Jul 2, 2007

I have a table called NewTransactions_tbl that I have been using for some time. I am trying to add a new field called CustomerProjectNumber. It's not being displayed when I look at the table view. I've attached an image showing the settings for the field. I am probably missing something obvious.

Any ideas why it is not showing?

I am using Access 2000.

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Lock And Un Lock A Text Field Through A CMD Button

Jun 13, 2005

I need to lock and unlock a a few text fields with a CMd Button.

and i do know about the allowedits thing, but i only need to apply this to a few fields on my form.

can some one throw me a clue?

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Lock Table

Nov 5, 2005

I want to lock a table to disallow further records.
I want to have only one record (I would have created this rec by myself) to store initial conditions and infos such Username/company etc.
Any ideas?
I'm also interesting in other solutions than locking a table if sucj a thing is not possible or nt functional.

Tnx in advance

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Lock A Table

Apr 12, 2007

I'm working on a database that calls on a table of zipcodes. All of these zipcodes have latitudes and longitudes connected to them..... I've searched around but cant seem to find anything on locking a table. Is it possible to lock down a table so changes cannot be made?.....(until I need to make them)

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Lock Table

Jan 26, 2005

Is there a way to lock a table from recieving changes that are made in other tables?


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Design View - Where'd The Table View Go ?

Apr 18, 2008

You know how normally in design view there would be a table at the bottom of the screen where you can drag your fields from the view above.

Well, I have a query where this table view has disappeared ?

I can edit the query in SQL view, the query works, just the table view is missing.

Ever happened to anyone else ? I've done the obvious and scrolled down as far as I can and nope, it's not there ??? :confused:

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Nov 12, 2007

I'd like a code to lock a table in my access database so that it can not be mistakingly deleted by the user.
It's a very basic database program i am using for basic reporting purpose. I'd like to lock the master table from the user. How can i achieve this? Any ideas?

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Relationships: Can't Lock A Table...

Sep 17, 2006

I am trying to define a relationship between tables. The relationship is one-to-many with forcing referential integrity. When I try to define it, I get the dabaase engine error:

"The database engine couldn't lock the table, because it is already in use by another person or process"

I am sure that the database is not opened by anyone else, it is 100% local, no other instance of Access is running, and there was no *.ldb file... What can be the problem?

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Lock A Table For Editing The Records

May 22, 2007

Hello all,

I have a question, I'm building a MS ACCESS database and within it i have a table for putting in my program critical parameters. I don't want anyone to change the content of that table. That means not editing the 1 record in it and not adding a new record. Within the program is't a problem but if you make an other blanc database you can import the table, change it and export it back into the program (i know it is far looking but it happens).

How can i lock a table so it cannot change or it cannot be exported or imported???

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Lock Specific Records In Table

Jul 18, 2007

Is there anyway to lock specific records in a table so users cannot edit them after a manager has approved them?

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General :: Lock A Table In MS Access?

Aug 29, 2014

Is it possible to lock a table/macros/forms/reports in MS Access?

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Table Lock - Run-time Error 3211 ????

Aug 1, 2005

I have a form with a combo box that contains a list of customers. Select a customer from the combo box and the form fields populate with general customer info. The form has a subform on it with a combo box where you can select products. Select a product from the combo box and the subform populates with customer-specific product info.
If I open the main form and select a customer, then without doing anything else I select another customer, everything works ok. It’s when I select a product on the subform, and then try to select a different customer on the main form that I get “Run-time error 3211: The database engine could not lock table tblCustomer because it is in use by another person or process.”
Can anybody shed some light on this? I’ve been confounded by it for days.

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Forms :: Database Engine Could Not Lock Table

Jun 23, 2015

I am having a problem running a make table query which is based on the same tables that I am using in a sub form.

Basically, the user selects certain records in the subform (which is in datasheet mode) using a check box, then once selected he hits a command button where there is some code that will run the make table query, which I use to filter other tables in a related reports.

However I keep getting this silly "database engine could not lock table" message relating to the sub form name. The subform is not linked to any records in the main form as the main form is unbound.

The solutions offered by putting DoEvents or Me.refresh/Me.requrey in the code do not work.

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General :: Lock Date In Table And Query

Feb 11, 2014

I have a field that generates a date from when the first input is put into another field.

I know and can lock the "date" field in the form but is it possible to lock that date in the table and query?

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Database Engine Could Not Lock Table .... Etc Error Message

Feb 14, 2006

I have a live db running on a VPN network (FE/BE both centrally located on a main server , users 'view' their own personal front end through the VPN tunnel) ) and have recently provided a new updateto the FE. Until this time , most users were problem free but one persisted in getting the above error message. Now the new update is in place , they all get it, and this is when no one else is using the db and a single user logs in and tries to use the system. I guess it must be an internal fault ( ie my fault ) but then why does it work for some and not for others?. It also works no problem on my system at home. The user runs Access 2000 and the db was developed in 2003 ( default file format 2000)
Any help most appreciated
Thanks in advance.

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Modules & VBA :: Ms Access Lock Table While Inserting Data

Oct 31, 2014

In a Access 2003 database, I have an "Inscriptions" (subscription) database with a primary key on 2 fields idPersonnel (employee) and idSession. I have made a form so that user can select a session (in a listbox), then one or more employee (another listbox) and suscribe them to that session by using a button, which, on VBA side, first check that there is enough room on the session (defined by "MaxParticipants" field on "Sessions" table, linked to "Inscriptions" table on idSession), then insert data in "Inscriptions" table

This is working fine in a single-user environnement, but fails if 2 people want to join some employees on the same session at the same time, as I have a confirmation message between check and insertion. Therefore 2 users can select employees, get the confirmation message (at this point both are told there is enough room), resulting in having more people than expected joined to the session. Fortuneatly, if both users try to insert the same employee(s) to that table, one will get a duplicate error, but insertion will be made if employees are different.

On another DB engine, such as SQL server, I would use a stored procedure that would lock the table, do the check and the insertion then unlock the table.

But it does not seem to be possible in MS Access. What are the possibilities in MS Access to prevent a session from having more than maximum number of participants ?

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List Box Causing Database Engine Could Not Lock Table

Jul 12, 2014

I've added a list box to my form that displays a table. This table is completely independent and gains it's data from an Append query. There is also a Delete query, which clears the table for a new set of data, and an Alter query which resets an AutoNumber column in the table (so that new data sets always start numbered at 1).

Here's the problem: Since I've added the listbox and set the RowSource to the table, whenever I run the Append query I receive the error: "The database engine could not lock table 'tblLineSheet' because it is already in use by another person or process." I've made sure to close the table, but to no avail I still get this error. Without the List Box I don't encounter this error.

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Modules & VBA :: Error 3211 - The Database Engine Could Not Lock Table XXXX

Oct 20, 2014

I have a DB with multiple import processes to take in information and populate various tables. This has been in place for some time and works with no issue.

The import process involves the creation of a local staging table, to which I import the received data, normalise it according to my own table structure, remove any duplication (i.e. same data imported repeatedly) and append the cleansed data to the main tables.

I've just added a validation step to check for data integrity. In other words, for duplicate data, rather than simply purge it as I was doing previously, I now check to see if the data has changed in any way and prompt the user if necessary (with the option to either ignore the change or update the existing record)

However, since I added this extra step, I am getting the following error message during my import process :

Error 3211 : The database engine could not lock table 'tblStaging' because it is already in use by another person or process

It only appears a) when a data change is detected and b) when the option to update is chosen, and seems to occur after the update has taken place (i.e. I can see the records suitably updated)

But I can't replicate the error while debugging so it seems to be a run-time issue. It's definitely not another user as the staging table is deliberately local (specific to that user's front-end)

I suspect I can probably solve the problem by adding some kind of DoEvents call or brief pause somewhere but the problem is, I don't know where the problem is occuring, so I don't know where to add the line? Or if that would even solve the problem at all?

Is there an easy function I can call to check if the staging table is locked? Which I could then use to debug and identify exactly where the lock is causing a problem? Or even apply the DoEvents to release the lock? (It must eventually get released as if I step through the code, I don't get the error?)

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