Locked Form

Aug 8, 2006

Sorry, i'm an access noob.

I have an ADP with a form in it, the form was working correctly until an ex coworker did something to it.

Now the form is locked, when you goto form view you can only view information. You cant edit or add new records, all the fields are locked.

How do I undo this?

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Locked Form

Mar 17, 2005

i have an access database in lan and when 2 users are working in the same form and in different record the record will be locked
ex if the first user is changing the date in the fist record the second user cant change another record
to check open together the forms table1 table1b and try to change two different records
thank you

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Form Locked, Unable To Unlock

Feb 13, 2005

Hi all,
I'm having a problem here and after searching the web, I can't find a solution.
Problem is that I have a form which seems to be locked. None of the fields can be modified. This should be ok except for 1 combo-box.
I have checked all objects settings and all objects have:
Edit/Delete/Add options enabled;
Visible option enabled;
Locked option disabled;
The form has only Fromview enabled and recordlock is off.
There is no VB code modifying a 'locked' status.

Can someone help me out here?

My project is +20Mb so first I'd like to see if there are any things I've forgotten to check before I'll strip and post it.

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Pull Down Box And Locked Text Box On Form

Jul 6, 2006

On my first form I have a pull down box and when I select an item and click the add button, the item appears in a locked text box above the pull down box. After I click the submit form button, it goes to another form. On the other form is a similar pull down box and locked text box. So far I got the item selected on the first form to appear in the second form's locked text box.
Again, the second form also has a pull down menu and when I select another item from the pull down box and click the add button on the second form it deletes the first item selected in the first form from the second form's locked text box. The items selected are put in a table. I was wondering if there was some kind of code I can input so the second form's locked text box keeps the first value from the first form and can add additional values when selected through the second form's pull down box. Sorry if this sounds confusing. I really appreciate your help. Thank You.

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Skipping Locked/Open Records In A Form

Aug 25, 2005

Hi there,

I've created a database of our customers and the plan is to have a few of our members of staff working through it doing support calls - there's very little information to get written to the database - just a flag to show whether the customer has already been contacted or not.

The problem I'm having is that as there's a set call order, and as we're going to have multiple users working through it, there's nothing there to stop 2 or more users having the same record open at the same time and customer getting called more than once. I've looked into the built in access record locking, but that is not going to help much as it doesnt seem to prevent the same record being opened more than once - it just prevents them being updated.

Ideally I want the database to set a flag when a record is opened and unset it when the user moves to next record, and have the form I'm using to browse the records just skip flagged ones. However I have no idea how I would go about doing this as I've pretty much just started writing access.

Anyone able to help me here please?

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Locked Main Form - Validate 1 Subform With Another?

Oct 24, 2005

I have a main form that has 3 fields. They are all locked fields, only to show the user the "person" record that they are looking at. They update to subforms on a tab. The first subform is activities (like from a mailing - received return no forwarding address, received updated address, called us, etc)

The other subform is for addresses, original and updated.

There is a date field for the date of any updated addresses.

What I need to do is allow users to enter activities and move around from main record to main record. The important thing is that if they enter an activity on the subform that is for receiving an address change, I need to make sure that they do not leave the main record, without entering in an updated address for that same date, on the address subform.

The activity subform has a date field too, so the validation part seems like it wouldnt be too hard...

IIF ?subform-activities-field-activitytype = "updated address" (3/code to lookup table) AND ?subform-address-field-date = grrr this is where I get confused.

Then msg "Stop, you must add the updated address for the activity of receiving an address change"
cancel = true

end if

make sense?

Any help would be gratefully appreciated!

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Form Opens Locked Up - Filter Issue?

Mar 22, 2006

Help! What seems like a simple problem is driving me crazy.
I have a form (one of 2 that are nearly identical) that appears to be opened “filtered”.

When the form opens, none of the controls react to clicks, it does not allow edits. It has a feel as if a master lock is on the form. Finally, a right click to a shortcut menu saw some progress. If I select “Filter By Form” (the current record fields become blank) and then select “Apply Filter/Sort”, the form becomes “normal”, i.e. all fields and controls behave normally.

I have gone over the code of this form and its near-twin and cannot see any differences relating to this problem.

Assuming there is some type of stealth filter at play, Access Help yielded:
Use this procedure to delete any type of filter, regardless of what method you used to create it.
1. Click in the form, subform, datasheet, or subdatasheet whose filter you want to delete.
2. Switch to the Advanced Filter/Sort window (Advanced Filter/Sort window: A window in which you can create a filter from scratch. You enter criteria expressions in the filter design grid to restrict the records in the open form or datasheet to a subset of records that meet the criteria.).
3. On the Edit menu, click Clear Grid.
4. Click Apply Filter on the toolbar. I can not find the “Advanced Filter/Sort” window they talk about. I am assuming that this is a filter issue.

Does anyone have any insight on why this form opens “locked” and what the related filter issue may be?

I have also tried the VBA code:
Me.Filter = ""
Me.FilterOn = False
To no avail.

Any help is certainly appreciated.


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Modules & VBA :: Search Function In Locked Form?

Dec 2, 2013

I have a form that I allow my users to view but not to change any of the records.

As the number of records has grown it's become necessary to add a search function.

My problem is that because the form is locked it cannot be searched.

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Main Form Got Locked When Added 2 Subforms

Aug 2, 2012

My main form was working fine (I could key in data) until I added two subforms. Now the main form will not accept data, but the two sub forms do accept data. I have searched properties of all forms and queries, and I cannot find any suspects.

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Table Locked When Trying To Update Via Code Called By A Form

Oct 19, 2005

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :confused: :confused: :confused:

I am trying to update a database table via a command button on the main form, that uses tabbed sub forms.

The database gets its data from paradox data tables copied our company's
third-party software. These table files are copied from one location to another to stop the paradox database from locking up and giving me errors during the import process of this database. I then link to these files at a pre-determined location on a local computer hard drive.

When I try to run the code below I get the error about the table being
locked by a user or process. As you can see I have tried adding a pause
incase the files are still being copied but this does not seem to be the

I have used a msg box to confirm that the copying process has completed before starting the make query, but the same error comes up after I click ok.

Can anyone suggest anything else.

As you can see from the simplicity of the code below I am a beginner so take it easy on me, by not taking knowledge for granted. :)


Dim response
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

response = MsgBox("Are you sure that you want to update xxx with Customer
data from xxx?", vbYesNo, "Perform Update")
If response = vbYes Then

‘pause software to let any pending work to be completed
Sleep (5000)

‘close active form

‘close all active forms
Do While Forms.Count > 0
DoCmd.Close acForm, Forms(0).Name

‘pause software to let any pending work to be completed
Sleep (30000)

‘delete existing file
Kill "c:folderfile DATA.DB"

‘replace with new file
FileCopy "J:Folderew_DATA.DB", " c:folderfile DATA.DB "

‘pause software to let any pending work to be completed
Sleep (40000)

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

stDocName = "Make_DATA"
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit

‘pause software to let any pending work to be completed
Sleep (35000)

stDocName = "Make_DATA_SUMMARY"
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit

‘pause software to let any pending work to be completed
Sleep (35000)

stDocName = "qry_Update_ Status"
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit

‘pause software to let any pending work to be completed
Sleep (35000)

‘open up main form when finsihed
stDocName = "main-form"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

DoCmd.SetWarnings True

End If

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Forms :: Main Form Locked After Clicking On Subform?

Dec 25, 2013

I have a Main Form which is essentially the based on my child table called tblTaskHistory. The Main Form has a subForm which is based on the parent table called tblTasks. I am using SQL queries to feed the combo box recordsource that is located on the Main Form. The After Update for the combo box populates the subForm which allows the users to look at details of a task before he/she "accepts" it. The problem is that when he/she clicks on the subForm to view the details of the task the Main Form locks up. The user, after interacting with the subForm, cannot make an edit on Main Form now. The user has to close the Main Form and then reopen it to perform the "accept" action. The form works absolutely as intended - that is if the user doesn't click on the subForm - however once he/she clicks on the subForm the Main Form locks up.

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Modules & VBA :: Locked Database - Login Security With Created Form

Jun 18, 2013

I am looking to lock my database until the user puts in the correct credentials.

I have already put the form on Pop Up and Modal. They can still select the "X" in the top right of the window.

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Reports :: Table Locked When Trying To Print Single Report From Form

Jul 9, 2013

I have a database that has all the employees in my company with basic information. I have a auto number set up for each person. I also have on my form a subform with information about the employee's history in the company. I have bin trying for the last couple weeks, to put a button on my form, that will open up the custom report I made for the one employee, in print preview mode. Everything I have tried gives me a error. The main error I get is The database engine could not lock the table "EmployeeT" because it is already in use by another person or process. If I open the report by itself, then I get all my employees. I am looking to just open a single report from the form I am currently looking at.

I have 2 tables. One Named EmployeeT with all the employees basic information. I have a auto number with the field name EmployeeID.

The 2nd table is called IncidentT, which has its own auto number, and records all the problem/incidents with the employee. For example, lates, if the did not show up, or cancelled out of that day, etc. I have the 2 tables sharing the EmployeeID, sharing the relationship. My main form, has a lot of my information and a subform, Like i said. But no matter what I try I can get rid of that error.

The only way I got it to work without the error, is when I go into properties and change the Record Set Type to Snapshot on both the form and subform. But then I can't edit the form or subform anymore.

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Forms :: Locked Checkbox To Make Form Fields Not Editable

Apr 3, 2013

I am using Access 2010 and I have my tables hidden in the navigation pane (I don't have any concerns about users finding the tables to make edits), however I am looking to "lock" all fields on a form once a user saves the record. The concern is that when they go to enter a new record they may end up on a previous record and overwrite the information. My thought was to create a checkbox on the table that I can edit each week to lock records. At that point, what type of code can I create or use that will lock records on the form?

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Forms :: Condition A Field To Locked On 1 Record Of Continuous Form Subfile

Jun 1, 2015

Access 2002 . Can I condition a field to 'locked' on just one record of a continuous form subfile, based on the contents of a 2nd field in same record?

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HELP!!! Locked Myself Out Of My Own Db!!

Jul 29, 2005


I know this sounds stupid but on my database with user-level security, i have somehow managed to remove administer rights from all users , and do not know how to change it back, if it is even possible.

I think what might have happened is it was stored on my USB drive and i switched computers and opened the db, would that have affected it? :confused:

Is there an easy way out of this or am i screwed? :eek:

thanks, ian :)

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Help!!! Locked Out

Aug 29, 2007

I have been following a text book to try and secure a database, i set up the Work Group Info File, allocated a password, now even when i want to start a completley new database i have to enter a password.........

AND when i set up the password i must have enetered it wrong now i am completely locked out!!

Is there any way to fix this i cant do anything!! I cant even start on a completely new databse!!

Please help

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Locked Out Of My Databse

Jul 12, 2005


Hi, can anyone help? Like an idiot I veered away from my intention to put a password on an Access database which holds only a table and a few queries and explored other security options. I now cannot get in to the database at all and get a message telling me that I do not have the necessary acces srights and to consult my administrator. When I look at the properties, I am shown as the administrator, which makes sense but despite trying various, desperate things, I cannot get back in to take the security off. Needless to say I did not create a copy first, so have learned a lesson the hard way. Any advice gratefully received.

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Locked Database

Jul 22, 2005

i have this database with tables i can't access, so i had to import the data into a new database , given the size of the new database JoeCruse (form this board) pointed out that it could be that the front end is separated form the back end. and i can't find the front end anywhere

i want to press F11 and see the tables and so forth open up when i launch the original db. how do i go about doing that.

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Locked Out Of Access

Oct 10, 2005

:eek: security levels were set on a database using the wizard, unfortunately the person who set the security did not print out the sheets with the WID etc on it, this person is now unable to open access at all from their pc it asks for a password which the user does not believe they set or if they did set one it was their standard pc log in, however the database and access can be opened from any other pc on the network......can anyone out their help...thanks

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MDE Files - Locked?

Mar 12, 2007

Are all mde files locked so that you cannot edit or see design view for forms etc?

Are there any tools out there that can unlock an mde database?



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Database Locked Up NEED HELP

Apr 18, 2007

I have a database that I password protected. Somehow, in the process of applying the password, the file became corrupted and now I am getting the following error message:

"This database is in an unexpected stat; Microsoft Office Access can't open it.

This database has been converted from a prior version of Microsoft Office Access by using the DAO CompactDatabase method instead of the Convert Database command on the Tools menu (Database Utilities submenu). This has left the database in a partially converted state."

Does anyone know what this error is and how I can retrieve my data?? I have tried to import the files into a new database, convert the database into a different version and compact and repair. Nothing has worked. I have looked into recovery tools and two of them do get me into the database and let me see some of the data, however, the programs are holding my information hostage until I purchase the software which is running around $300.00. Any ideas???

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Could Not Update. Currently Locked

Jul 3, 2007

I recently split my database and created an MDE file. Users were given a copy of the MDE file and the BE is in a shared directory on a server. There are only two users at this point in time inputting data into the database (there will be at least a dozen more in the near future), but every so often one of them experiences being unable to input data from their Form because of this lock condition. Sometimes the condition will go away (if they wait long enough) and they can input data again. Sometimes it's User A experiencing the lock, sometimes it's User B. I thought splitting would alleviate lock issues, but it doesn't seem to be the case for me. Could this be a "permissions" issue on the shared directory where the BE is located or some security setting within Access (or both)?

Thanks in advance for everyones help!

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Locked Out Of Access

Nov 3, 2007

I copied Odun's post below to describe my problem. I'm having the same problem. I can't even creat a new blank database without being prompted for my user name and password, which aren't working.

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.


#1 02-13-2006, 04:33 AM
Registered User Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 108

can't log on to database

Hi all,
I was playing with passwords for one of my access db.
I tried opening the db with the password, but it won't work. So, I thought I forgot the password. I checked some posts on this forum that helped in retrieving the password and it's the same that I have been trying. I am not sure if the Name is correct, is there a way to retrieve the log on name?

I also noticed that when I try opening any other db on my system, it asks me to log on, I though I was only applying a password to one file.

Please help


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Locked Myself Out Of Access

Nov 26, 2007


Is there anyway of returning the menus that I removed from the Tools > Startup options back?
It looks like I have locked myself out of my FE!!!!


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Locked Myself Out Of Access

Dec 11, 2007

Hello out!!

Is a moment of desperation! I created a security group or something (dont know what i was thinking!), and now there is no way to get into my application!!!! It says to contact with the administrator, but I'M the administrator!!!!

Any way to get the scripts minimun from the applications?? The classes, the modules??? God!!!! My last backup was 4 days ago!!!! I can't loose everything!!

you do not have the necessary permission to use myapplication.

:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: :confused:

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