Locking Fields In Access Form

Jun 4, 2012

I have 4 questions (4 fields) in a form. 2 are drop down menu type and 2 are open text fields.I would like to limit the user from entering data in the fields if one has been answered. for example: if Question one is answered, question 2, 3 and 4 should be locked and should not allow the users to fill in anything. How do I create that Locking system?

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Locking Fields In A Form

Apr 29, 2008

Hi All,

I am really new to all of this and used to use excel for this stuff.... yes I know... I can hear the screems already .......... :):eek::rolleyes:

What I am trying to do is lock some fields in a form when they are entered so the data can not be changed after they move onto the next record. I think this might be done in the table but can not be sure.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? or some pointers please. Any help would be good.

Many thanks

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Locking Fields For One Record On A Continuous Form

Jul 22, 2005

How can i apply the following code to the immediate record in my subform. I would like when the assigned check box value = true, then the fields for that record become locked.

Ive written the following code to an onclick event for a check box labeled "assigned" on my form, the problem is it executes on all the records in my form.

Q. How do i apply the code to only the immediate record?

Private Sub Assigned_Click()
If Me.Assigned.Value = True Then
Me.Serial_Number.Enabled = False
Me.Component_Group_ID.Enabled = False
Me.TypeID.Enabled = False
Me.Description.Enabled = False
Me.Status.Enabled = False

Me.Serial_Number.Enabled = True
Me.Component_Group_ID.Enabled = True
Me.TypeID.Enabled = True
Me.Description.Enabled = True
Me.Status.Enabled = True

End If

End Sub

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Locking Fields In A Table

Feb 15, 2006

How do you go about locking certain fields in a table, so that data can only be input to them via the form?? I have a few tick boxes set up, and i want them to changed only in the form, as they can only be ticked under certain circumstances which aren't setup in the table.

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Locking Specific Fields

Jan 30, 2007

Hey guys,

Is there a setting that will allow me to make specific fields in my table read-only unless I enter a password, or I am the DB administrator?

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Fields Are Locking, But Very Stange

Dec 1, 2005


Ok, i have a really stange problem

I have two tables tablea, tableb. They both have the field Line address in which is a number.

However, when i have both these tables in a query and link them on line address the dataview sheet becomes locked. But if i just run a query with tablea on its own, i can write in the dataview and if i just run a query with tableb i can also write in it, but when linked together on line address, it fails

Any ideas?


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Locking Fields After Update?

Jun 12, 2006

i have a form that looks like an invoice.. i want to be able to lock the fields invidually after they are updated but only for the current record being accessed... and password protect them to allow editing..
any suggestions or pointers would be great!


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Locking Datasheet Fields

Sep 4, 2007


I need a little help with locking some fields in a datasheet.

Simply, there are many fields, one of which is a combo which has either Yes/No fields

I would like to lock the records which have a Yes in the field i mentioned.

Ok, what i've tried already. - in on current and after update.
I have also tried this with the Me. function.

if [avail?] = Yes then

Qty.Enabled = True
StockCode.Enabled = True
StockPoint.Enabled = True


Qty.Enabled = False
StockCode.Enabled = False
StockPoint.Enabled = False

end if

This works but locks fields in all the records even when selection is "No".

Any help will be appreciated.

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Forms :: Locking Fields Even If They Have Unsaved Changes

Aug 8, 2013

I have a button on my form which locks (and disables) some fields. by locking and disabling fields, I am able to change the back color of the fields to a "grayed out" look to warn the user that they cannot change the contents of the field.

some of the fields that I have disabled are in fact option buttons and check boxes which have no back color to change, keep this in mind!

So i have a macro that changes ALL of the fields to disabled and locked, as well as their background color.

This causes an error with the check boxes and option boxes so to bipass them I have got the clause "On Error Resume Next" so that my macro continues to complete and finish locking the rest of the form.

With this "On Error Resume Next", If the code reaches a field which has been changed, another error occurs due to a field being changed which blocks the rest of the code from working however why it wont change regardless of the issue, I dont care if the content was saved to a record or not, I just want to put the fields into disabled and locked.

Is there a way I can remove this "You Can't Lock A control while it has unsaved changes" error to ignore that there has been changes? Where the changes just dont matter?

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Modules & VBA :: Set Of Fields - Method For Locking Records?

Aug 20, 2013

On my form I have a set of fields that can be displayed as editable or read-only depending on a "Lockout" checkbox for that record.Is there an easier way of doing this? If not, would it be smarter to create a function to do this? As it stands I'm assuming I would have to have this code run when the form loads, when the Lockout box is clicked, and whenever the record is changed just to ensure that the records are displayed as locked or unlocked appropriately.

Here's what I have:

Private Sub Lockout_Click()
If [Lockout] = True Then
Me![Customer_Text].Enabled = False
Me![ReqDesc_Text].Enabled = False
Me![MoreInfo_Text].Enabled = False


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Forms :: Locking Row Source Fields In Properties Menu?

Mar 5, 2013

Is there a way to lock the row source fields in the properties menu as currently it keeps creating exceptions (WHERE) onto the end of the SQL this is subsequently causing me major issues in the view of the form/datasheet as fields keep appearing as blank when there is actually values stored within the table.

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Locking User Access To Database Objects (MS Access 2000 And 2003)

Apr 15, 2007

I have two database applications and they are:
- the (A) application is for administration use.
- the (B) application is for normal users use.

the idea is that: I made the (A) application for administrators who have full control over the database objects (tables, forms, queries, and so on ...).

the (B) application I have created for normal users who will have only to use forms to insert some data and display data only.

but the two applications has a respective table called "vacation request" table. where I linked them, so the both administrators and users can share the data.

The real question is that: How can I prevent the users from seeing the database objects in their application. I used the database options which have helped me in hidding the database objectives when the users open the application, but unfortunately they managed to access to the database objects by pressing the special keys.

I would like to have an access to the (B) application when I want to make some modifications to the forms and then lock it from users where they only have to use the forms for requesting vacations and view the vacations.

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Locking Down Access '07

Mar 19, 2007

So with the help of many of you on this site, I was able to build my first Access database. Thank you all.

Now that I'm all done, I have one final thing to figure out.

I have incorporated user authentication into the database for a minimal level of security. Everything finally works like it should, however there is one "flaw" I have found.

In "Access Options" I have the login form set to open when the DB is open, and navigation and ribbon/toolbars are deactivated so only the login form and "Home" ribbon are showing when the DB is opened.

The problem with this, is that a curious user that shouldn't have access could get access fairly easily.

If they right clicked the "Home" ribbon, then left clicked "Customize Quick Access Toolbar", they could change the default form to whatever they wanted. Thus bypassing the login form and nullifying any security that it offered. Ideally, there should be no ribbons or toolbars. I just don't know how to get rid of them.

Has anyone else run into this problem?

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Locking Of Access Database.

Nov 29, 2005

I have prepared an access database on a shared drive location(lan) with 5 tables. The main table has over 110 fields and is linked to a form. On an average the table stores 12000 records, which are updated via a form.

Normally, 7 users work on this form and do add/change/delete operations on the records.

The frequent issues I face are:
Corruption of records.
"Could not update, currently locked" errors.

I have constantly tried compact and repair option, but the same does not give required results.

Kindy advise a solution.

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MS Access Record-Locking Information

Mar 31, 2006


I have a question.

Does anybody know about "MS Access Record-Locking Information"?

And, the file extension is .xxx

Only one person can open the file.

Does anybody explain to me and teach me how to make/solve it?
Or, offer the link about it to me?

I want to know that.

Thanks a lot.

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Access Record Locking Confusion

Oct 6, 2006

In OPTIONS -> Advanced I have the option Open Database using Record-Level locking ticked.

What is strange is record level locking works on Form1 (Form1.recordlocks= Edited) as long as Form2 has Form2.recordlocks = No Locks. If I change the Form2.recordlocks = Edited, Form1's locking becomes page level locking.

This is even true if Form2 is not open...

Additionally, Form2's locking is always page level locking if Form2.recordlock = edited.

I would like all my forms to perform RECORD level locking not page Level locking. How do I accomplish this.

I've been trying to resolve this issue for about 2 months now but no answers from the community.

Thanks for any comments.

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Access Locking Up With Multiple Users

Mar 12, 2007


I have a database that i created for our tech support team. I have split the database and have given the 3 users each a shortcut. I als e only installed Access Runtime on their machines.

The first user in pilot testing had no issues and we have just added the other 2 users. At first all was well. However, the 2 new users are now having periodic lock ups where they go to enter a new record and the dbase freezes on them. It seems to release itself in a few minutes, but this does not help my productivity.

My original user is still not having any trouble. Does anyone have any ideas of something that perhaps I missed? Everything I have read, suggests that 3 users should not have any trouble using a split dbase.

Is it runtime that may be causing this? I have considered going to full versions if need be, but then I would need to figure out how to lock it down better.


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I Have Two Ms Access Record Locking Information Open

Jul 19, 2006

I have some security issues going on all of sudden. I now have 2 Record locking information files on my drive. I have several users sharing the database. Any clues why this is happen?

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Microsoft Access Record-Locking Information

Feb 8, 2006

Hello Everyone,

I have an access file (a Form) that I put in the network and it's accessable thru a web site inside our company(intranet). I setup the database to be on shared mode so everyone can access it at the same time. The problem I'm having is that when someone open the file, access creates another file called "Microsoft Access Record-Locking Information" which still active even after users close the form and their web browser and this doesn't allow me to edit the file if I need to make changes. Is there a way to deactivate this record-locking file? The only way I found out to be able to access the file after someone used it, is having the user go into their Task Manager and delete MSACCESS.EXE from the Processes tab. Any inputs would be greatly appreciated.


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Locking Field Once Changed In Access 2000

Mar 30, 2005


Im a relative access newbie, and am updating an already created form. I want the user to be able to change the value in a field , then when they exit the field, for it to be greyed out, so that no more editing of the field is possible.

I know how to lock the field in design view, but I want the field to lock after the user has amended it. Is this possible?

Many Thanks!

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Is It Possible To Access Specific Records Without Locking The Whole Table?

Nov 19, 2007

Is it possible to access specific records from a Microsoft Access table without locking the whole table?. I have different processess accessing at the same time different records from the same table and I getting an execption, indicating the table is locked. Can any one provide me some help regarding how to access specifi records without locking the whole table in MS Access?

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Must Use File Open Command In Access To Achieve Record Locking

Mar 2, 2007

It just read in Access Help that if you have open db using record locking checked that you must open the database using the File=> Open command from the MenuBar. Does anyone know anything about this or can anyone comfirm this a s true?

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Locking Some Records In A Form

May 12, 2005

I can't seem to find any answers to this maybe i am asking the wrong question, or its so easy nobody asked.

I am viewing / editing some records in a form, I want to view all of the records but only allow edits to records with forms with tblData.Locked = false.

How do I achieve this.



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Locking Records In A Form

Feb 9, 2006

I have 4 users entering data via aform. The database is located on a shared drive. They are getting errorsthat the record is locked. I believe this happens when 2 or more people open the form and are trying to enter data at the same time. Is there a way to have each person lock a new record on open at the form? or is there a better way to handle this? I'm new at this and am working my way through.



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Conditional Locking Of Form Field

Feb 17, 2005

I am developing a simple database in Access 97, where users have to enter values manually into a form. There is one field called product. Depending on that entry, either field language or country would have to be blocked to avoid invalid entries.
Do you have any ideas on how to approach that problem?

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Locking Records In Order Form

Apr 21, 2005

I have and order entry/lookup form with a subform to view the line items on the order.
Once an order has been saved and status is ‘placed’ I want the records for that order to be locked.

I would also like to display a message box with a yes/no answer to confirm that they want to issue the order and if they confirm then lock the record otherwise return them to the open order.

I can't find out how to do this, but I'm sure it can be done.

Any help will be gratefully accepted.

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