Locking Users From Records

Jan 18, 2005

About six months ago I created a database for tracking customer calls and comments. I replicated this database because I wanted to be able to make design changes without effecting the users ability to add records. I have no security set up for the database except for startup options. I am having an issue with users being locked from adding records once in awhile. The dialog box says "Could not update; currently locked by user 'Admin' on machine '***'". The more I read this the more I am thinking that they are getting assigned the same record ID when they go to make an entry. Although, if the users are patient and wait a few minutes they are able to finish adding the record without deleting it and starting over. There are now 22 people utilizing the database and about 17 of them are using it consistently. Any insight on this would be appreciated.

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Access Locking Up With Multiple Users

Mar 12, 2007


I have a database that i created for our tech support team. I have split the database and have given the 3 users each a shortcut. I als e only installed Access Runtime on their machines.

The first user in pilot testing had no issues and we have just added the other 2 users. At first all was well. However, the 2 new users are now having periodic lock ups where they go to enter a new record and the dbase freezes on them. It seems to release itself in a few minutes, but this does not help my productivity.

My original user is still not having any trouble. Does anyone have any ideas of something that perhaps I missed? Everything I have read, suggests that 3 users should not have any trouble using a split dbase.

Is it runtime that may be causing this? I have considered going to full versions if need be, but then I would need to figure out how to lock it down better.


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Modules & VBA :: Record Locking Multi-users Over Network Split Database / Access 2007

Aug 5, 2015

I have designed a database which I intend to split for multi-users to access from one front end icon on a shared folder at work. I have designed a form bound to cmr record table and on it a subform to another table where cmrs activities will be saved. The form has buttons to and blank controls.

User can create a new activity entry by typing into the blank controls and pressing the save button which saves to the activity table. the edit button extracts a selected records details (selected on the subform) from the activity table and populates the blank field for a user to edit and then hit save to save changes. The delete button deletes a selected record from the activity table. I intend to have multi-users either accessing, viewing and a possibly editing the same customer at the same time. The simultaneous viewing is essential but the simultaneous editing, though not desired is inevitably going to occur.

What I would like to know is:

1. Can you lock an individual record in a table or does the whole table have to be locked. E.g If Colleague 1 is editing Cmr A's record in Table1 can he lock it so Colleague 2 can view and edit Cmr B's record in Table1

2.Can Colleague 1 access/read Cmr A's record in Table1 to retrieve details toe the form controls if Colleague 2 is viewing or editing Cmr A's record in Table1

3. If record lock is possible, how can I initiate it in my example code below.Edit activity record Code

Private Sub Edit_A_Click()
'Get Data to text box control
With Me.R_P_Data_P_Subfrm.Form
Me.txtrID = !rID
Me.txtrID.Tag = !rID
Me.txtrefNo = !refNo
Me.cmbrpc = !rPC


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Locking Down Records?

Feb 13, 2008

Is there any way to "lock down" newly created records somehow, so that only the person who created them can edit them after the fact?

Obviously, this would require some kind of system where everyone logged in with some kind of userID and password...and even then, I don't know how such a security system could be set up.

Is this possible? If SO, are there any examples of it anywhere that I could check out?

Thanks in advance!

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Records Locking

Aug 11, 2005

I update the table through a form.
Each page in the form updates one complete row of the table.

I am trying to find a method to block each row of the table (or equivalenty each record in the form) after completing the entry in order to prevent unwanted deletion or alteration of the entries of this record in the future.
Is this possible?

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Locking Records?

Sep 30, 2006

I’m new to access but I have created a table with a form linked to it. It shows one record per page. I just want to be able to lock and unlock individual records in the form by using a checkbox. This will prevent me from accidently making a change to an old record.

For example, when the checkbox is unchecked. the current record on the form can still be edited. When the checkbox is checked, the record can only be viewed, not edited. I still need to be able to navigate through the locked record and create a duplicate from the locked record though. Does anyone know a simple way to do this? My guess that it has to do with the AfterUpdate event? Thanks for any help.


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Locking Records

Jan 13, 2005

anyone know about this? i've messed with it, but i think i screwed it up. when one user is using a record and another tries to access it, my program shuts down completely.

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Locking Some Records In A Form

May 12, 2005

I can't seem to find any answers to this maybe i am asking the wrong question, or its so easy nobody asked.

I am viewing / editing some records in a form, I want to view all of the records but only allow edits to records with forms with tblData.Locked = false.

How do I achieve this.



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Locking Records In A Form

Feb 9, 2006

I have 4 users entering data via aform. The database is located on a shared drive. They are getting errorsthat the record is locked. I believe this happens when 2 or more people open the form and are trying to enter data at the same time. Is there a way to have each person lock a new record on open at the form? or is there a better way to handle this? I'm new at this and am working my way through.



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Error Adding New Records - DB Locking?

Mar 5, 2008

Hey peeps,

Hoping you can help me out with a problem I have... Basically every now and again I get a call from my client saying they cant add a new record, to any table, they get a message saying they are not allowed. I go in and it seems the DB has somehow locked itself and I have to open it up and repair it... it is a multi user setup with the database on a server.... I have seen the users actually end task on Word if it doesnt respond quick enough and was wondering if this would cause the locking problem!? I am just asking to see if there is a setting or something I can do to try and prevent this happening!?

Any help at all much appreciated!!



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Locking Records In Order Form

Apr 21, 2005

I have and order entry/lookup form with a subform to view the line items on the order.
Once an order has been saved and status is ‘placed’ I want the records for that order to be locked.

I would also like to display a message box with a yes/no answer to confirm that they want to issue the order and if they confirm then lock the record otherwise return them to the open order.

I can't find out how to do this, but I'm sure it can be done.

Any help will be gratefully accepted.

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Locking Records Based On A Value In Another Table

Aug 30, 2005


I am working on a test equipment database project. Please could you help with a problem I am having.

I want to be able to lock out records on 1 form based on whether 1 field of its data is found in another table

Any ideas and suggestions would be welcome

Thanks :)

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General :: Records Locking - Won't Allow Updates

Nov 8, 2013

Using 2010 32 bit on win 7.I've been having an issue recently with forms not allowing changes to existing records or adding new records. These have previously worked for years and I haven't done any design changes in 12 months.

Some forms are base on queries that are based on single linked tables and some on joined queries but all have unique identifiers with enforced integrity.I noticed that changing the Record Source in the form from 'Dynaset' to 'Dynaset (Inconsistent Updates)' resolves the issue. But I'm stumped to what's causing this to happen in the first place.

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Is It Possible To Access Specific Records Without Locking The Whole Table?

Nov 19, 2007

Is it possible to access specific records from a Microsoft Access table without locking the whole table?. I have different processess accessing at the same time different records from the same table and I getting an execption, indicating the table is locked. Can any one provide me some help regarding how to access specifi records without locking the whole table in MS Access?

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Modules & VBA :: Set Of Fields - Method For Locking Records?

Aug 20, 2013

On my form I have a set of fields that can be displayed as editable or read-only depending on a "Lockout" checkbox for that record.Is there an easier way of doing this? If not, would it be smarter to create a function to do this? As it stands I'm assuming I would have to have this code run when the form loads, when the Lockout box is clicked, and whenever the record is changed just to ensure that the records are displayed as locked or unlocked appropriately.

Here's what I have:

Private Sub Lockout_Click()
If [Lockout] = True Then
Me![Customer_Text].Enabled = False
Me![ReqDesc_Text].Enabled = False
Me![MoreInfo_Text].Enabled = False


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Tables :: Locking Specific Records In A Table

Mar 18, 2014

Is there any way other than through coding/controls I can lock specific records in a table.

I have a reference table with less than 200 records on it. 5 and only 5 records need to be locked so that they primarily can not be deleted but also so they can't be edited.

I've read about locking it at form level but that, to me, means some sort of coding.

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Hiding Records From Users

Sep 8, 2005

I am somewhat lost and would really appreciate your help!

I am using a database to classify newspaper articles. There are several users - and they need to be trained to the classification rules.
Waht I would like to do have is a way to let different users classify the same sources. However, the "trainee-user" should not be able to see the data already in the database. Also I would like to flag all "trainee-user" records to compare them to the original results.
My questions are thus:

How Do I hide records from a user and yet allow him to use the database (and see the stuff he entered himself)
How can I save information on a user in a table?

Thanks a lot in advance!!

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2 Users Adding Records At The Same Time?

Mar 1, 2006

Is it possible to have 2 or more users adding records into the same table at the same time? They would not be editing, only data entry.

I am wondering if this would cause a problem for the auto numbering for the ID field.

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Forms :: How To Invisible Some Records Of Form For Other Users

Feb 5, 2014

I have a database that it has 2 forms. Form 1 shows list of received letters Form 2 shows list of send letters Now database has been splitted and back end is on the shared drive and front end there is on each computer and myself and other users have read/write access to the shared drive and me and other users can see all the records. .Now I would like to add something like a check box field to the forms. When I tick the check box for each record other users cannot see that record on the form.

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Forms :: Pop Up Form That Users Need To Fill Up Whenever They Need To Add New Records

Aug 13, 2014

i have a pop up form that users need to fill up whenever they need to Add New Records. everything is working fine. BUT, what should i do that in the next time the user will click the Add New Records it will not show the previous items that have been added? since it is added in the Main Form already, no need to show in the pop up Form again once they wanted to add new records. Once they are still in the pop up form, they can see the newly added items BUT once they exit the pop up form, they cant see those items anymore in that form instead it is in the Main Form already.

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Forms :: Capture Users That Create And Edit The Records

Aug 27, 2013

What is the best way to capture the users that modify the records in the database?

Let us start from User Log-in Form After log-in, Main Form will open The main form has various menu (example Add Customer) Once I open the "Add Customer Form", I want to record the username in the Createdby/Editedby Field automatically.

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Forms :: Timesheet Database - Restricting Edits To Records By Other Users

Dec 27, 2013

I have a timesheet data base and I wanted to find a way to restrict employees from editing other employees timesheets only their own timesheet... .is it possible with access 2010?

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General :: Split Database - Multi-Users Causing Records To Lock

Apr 16, 2013

I've got a database in Access 2007 that keeps track of client data for work. It's been working fine for about a month, and suddenly today other users can't change any information because the records are suddenly locked when accessed from their accounts.

I've already checked that they can't update forms, tables, nothing.

I've checked the database properties, it defaults to shared with no locks.

I've checked the properties of my forms - no locks.

I've double checked the permissions to the folder that the database is in - no restrictions.

The database is split.

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Question About: A Table Of Users Who Have Relationships To Other Users??

Feb 21, 2006


I have a table of users somthing like this:


Users can be friends with one another and I need some way of logging this.

My 2 options (that i can see) are:

1) Putting a friends entry in the main user table then comma delimiting the User_ID's in the friend entry like so:

User_ID: 001
Name: John
Hobby: Frizbee
Favorite_Food: Cake
Friends: 002,004,010

2) Making a seperate table with multiple entries for each user like so:

User: 001
Friend 002
User: 001
Friend: 004
User: 001
Friend: 010
User: 002
Friend: 001
User: 004
Friend: 001
User: 010
Friend: 001

The database has to be handled by a web service and/or a web appliction making the comma delimited option occupy more server time breaking down the string into usable user_ID's.
But (and this is probably my actual problem) if i was to impliment my second idea, I'm not sure what I should make the tables primary key or the best way to relate it to the main user table.

My initial thought is to just have a, technicaly useless, ID be the primary key and impliment a one(User) to many(friends entries) relationship... but im a bit of an access n00b so thought i better come ask for some advice.


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Locking A Database

May 8, 2005

I have a company wanting to asses my database and i am willing to show them but i need to be able to lock the database so that they can view it but cannot edit anything in it either adding deleting or plan editing. How can i do this.

The Amateur

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Split DB, Keeps Locking Up

May 24, 2005

Hi, I just recently split my Access db (FE/BE), copied the FE to each of the clients, and it seemed to be working fine. This morning however, two users went into the db, and the second user kept getting the error can't find the file \servernameshare_namedb_fe.mdb. Now, none of my users can launch it. How can I resolve this? Will this keep happening?


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