Login Form VbkeyEnter?

Jun 28, 2006

I have a login form which works fine, but I would like it so that when the caret is in the password field that if the user presses Enter it will do the loginBtn_Click event.
This is what I've tried so far...

Private Sub txtPassword_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbkeyEnter Then
kecode = 0
End If
End Sub

Any ideas or suggestions would be awesome.

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Login SQL Server Linked Tables Automatic On Event Load Of Login Form

Apr 17, 2015

I have a ms access application in Front End and linked tables to sql server 2008 r2 in back end.. every time I open my application the linked tables ask to me for the user and password of the sql server user of the odbc conection. I want to connect to my sql database without login every time the user open the application, I know that can be possible if I start session from vba code...

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Forms :: Login Form On Opening Access Asking For Password And Login Name

Jun 17, 2013

I have access 2010, I currently have a database in place and operational. What I am wondering is there a way to have a form come up whenever someone opens access and asks for a password and login name. Also I would like to have a 2 tier system. One for Admins and the other for users with limited access.

Is this even possible to accomplish?

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Login Form

Aug 7, 2006

Dear all,
I have an application includes one table "info" and two forms "frmlogin" & "frmwelcome".
The table "info" contains many columns, two of them are [UserName] and [PassWord]. This table is filled with three records. "frmlogin" form contains two text boxes and one button. I want the user to enter user name and the password in those two text boxes, and when clicking the button, I want the application if that user is registered or no. If yes, he/she will be moved to the "frmwelcom", that display "Welcome [UserName]".

I did it, but I don't know where my error is.

See the attached file.

Sorry for bothering you.

Thanks & Regards

Mark K.

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Login Form Problem

Nov 24, 2005

Hi all

I need help with my Video rental store project the problem is that I want a security login method works with the my requirements. The manager has his own form with all the information he need and the other employees has another form.

I used this tutorial http://www.databasedev.co.uk/login.html to make the login form

the employee tables has ID, Password, Access Level

The VB code is like this

Option Compare Database
Private intLogonAttempts As Integer
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
'On open set focus to combo box
End Sub

Private Sub cboEmployeeLogOn_AfterUpdate()
'After selecting user name set focus to password field
End Sub

Private Sub btnLogin_Click()

'Check to see if data is entered into the UserName combo box

If IsNull(Me.cboEmployeeLogOn) Or Me.cboEmployeeLogOn = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a User Name.", vbOKOnly, "Required Data"
Exit Sub
End If

'Check to see if data is entered into the password box

If IsNull(Me.txtPassword) Or Me.txtPassword = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a Password.", vbOKOnly, "Required Data"
Exit Sub
End If

'Check value of password in tblEmployees to see if this
'matches value chosen in combo box

If Me.txtPassword.Value = DLookup("EmployeePassword", "tblEmployee", "[EmployeeID]=" & Me.cboEmployeeLogOn.Value) Then

lngMyEmpID = Me.cboEmployeeLogOn.Value

'Close logon form and open splash screen

DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmLogon", acSaveNo
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmMainMenu"


MsgBox "Password Invalid. Please Try Again", vbOKOnly, "Invalid Entry!"
End If

'If User Enters incorrect password 3 times database will shutdown

intLogonAttempts = intLogonAttempts + 1
If intLogonAttempts > 3 Then
MsgBox "You do not have access to this database.Please contact admin.", vbCritical, "Restricted Access!"
End If

End Sub

I am asking for two things. First I want the Manger go to his form after the login completed and all the other employees go to another form I specify.

Second if there is a way that I show the name of the Employee in the destination form by knowing his ID (passing the ID to the other form).

That’s all if any one can help please

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Login Form To Set Permissions?

Apr 20, 2005

I have built a login form which shows or hides all tool bars depending on the
user name and password. Can I also control the other permissons like being
able to edit forms and tables? I know I can do this using the MS Access
built in functionality, but can I do it programatically from my user login

I set the tool bar visibility, close the login form and open the main
switchboard using the "on click" button of my login form. Can the above
permissions controls be done here as well?

Thanks in advance.


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User's Form Or Login????

Jul 17, 2005

can ne1 tell me how to create a User Login form in Access??? i want disply this form 1st, when i open the bd???? i am very new to Access. :)

thanks :) :)

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Login Form Problem

Mar 15, 2006

I'm currently having issues with my login script on my opening form... it's supposed to close the application if it gets 3 failed attempts, but it's not closing... it just keeps giving me a popup and letting me type the password again. Here's the Code:

'Check to see if data is entered into the UserName combo box

If IsNull(Me.cboEmployee) Or Me.cboEmployee = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a User Name.", vbOKOnly, "Required Data"
Exit Sub
End If

'Check to see if data is entered into the password box

If IsNull(Me.txtPassword) Or Me.txtPassword = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a Password.", vbOKOnly, "Required Data"
Exit Sub
End If

'Check value of password in tblEmployees to see if this
'matches value chosen in combo box

If Me.txtPassword.Value = DLookup("Password", "tblLogin", "[UserID]=" & Me.cboEmployee.Value) Then

lngMyEmpID = Me.cboEmployee.Value

'Close logon form and open splash screen

DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmLogin", acSaveNo
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmMainMenu"

MsgBox "Password Invalid. Please Try Again", vbOKOnly, "Invalid Entry!"
End If

'If User Enters incorrect password 3 times database will shutdown

intLogonAttempts = intLogonAttempts + 1
If intLogonAttempts > 3 Then
MsgBox "You do not have access to this database. Please contact admin.", vbCritical, "Restricted Access!"
End If

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How To Create Login Form

Feb 16, 2013

how can I create login form that it opens on main form and if login successfully it closes and shows main form and if login unsuccessfully alert.

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Login Form Which Restrict The Access

Feb 20, 2005


i am having a login form.
where i have only two users..may be 3
suppose it is admin and guest
then i have a main form where i have 5 tabs,...where each tab contains 7 or more command buttons which will open some forms
what i need is when the admin is login he should be able to edit add delete
but if it is a guest then all the forms should be read only
i know abt the allowaddition and etc..but i don't know where to use it..
is it in the login form or in the main form or in each and every form


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Simple Login Form With Database

Oct 5, 2005

Im not that expert in access programming, still have some more learning to do. anyway, my goal is to make a simple login form with a database of its users. How do I code it. The structure of my form is it has 2 unbound txtbox and 1 command button. A user will input its username and password then when the command button is clicked it will validate the user table if the data encoded is in the database. Thanks hope u can help me.

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Forms :: Login Form - How To Set Value For Textbox

Mar 18, 2014

i have a login form in access , i want to set the value for the textbox , for example i want to set "Username" appear in the textbox when in click in the textbox clear the textbox like the title in the web it is possible !!

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Multi User Login Form

Aug 3, 2015

I am trying to create a multi user login form for my Access 2010 database. I will have 2 different types of users (administrator and staff). The administrator will be able to see all tables and forms and edit/ add to them. The staff will only be able to view a switchboard form and 2 forms (as well as using combo boxes to look up specific records). However, I don't want the staff to be able to view the tables or edit anything.

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Login Form Help!!! Run-time Error: '2471'

Apr 13, 2006

Hi Guys,

I am trying to set up a login form in my DB. I have followed the instructions from some of the previous posts on this site.

I have a table called tblUsers with 'UserId', 'UserName' and 'Password' as the fields. I also have two text boxes 'txtUserName', 'txtPassword' and a 'cmdLogin' command button on my form with the following code:

Private Sub cmdLogin_Click()

If IsNull(Me.txtUserName) Or Me.txtUserName = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a User Name.", vbOKOnly, "Required Data"
Exit Sub
End If

'Check to see if data is entered into the password box
If IsNull(Me.txtPassword) Or Me.txtPassword = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a Password.", vbOKOnly, "Required Data"
Exit Sub
End If

If Me.txtPassword.Value = DLookup("Password", "tblUsers", "[UserID]=" & Me.txtUserName.Value) Then

DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmLogIn", acSaveNo
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmWorked"

MsgBox "Password Invalid. Please Try Again", vbOKOnly, "Invalid Entry!"
End If
End Sub

Unfortunately, this code is not working in my database (MS Access 2000). I think the error occurs on the line on which it checks the password against the stored password (If Me.txtPassword.Value = DLookup("Password", "tblUsers", "[UserID]=" & Me.txtUserName.Value) Then).

I get a Run-Time error'2471' message saying "The expression you entered as a query parameter produced this error: 'The object doesn't contain the Automation object for 'smith."
NB 'Smith' is the user name entered into the login form 'txtUserName' box.

Any idea why this may occur? I would be very grateful if you could let me know please.

Thanks alot for your time. And keep up the good work guys! :)

Kind regards,


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Simple Login/logout Form For Existing DB

Jan 11, 2006


i've completed the whole access DB, but now i need to implement the login form, so each user can access their data + admin access.

what is the simples/fastes way to do this, since i've got working db. I add fields (user-log-id and password)to "userTable" and now i just need simple veryfication to login and logout.

thank you in advance,

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Modules & VBA :: How To Get Login Form To Reappear After 10 Minutes

Mar 12, 2014

If the database sits dormant or unused for 10 minutes the login window needs to reappear for a possible new user.

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Modules & VBA :: Search And Validate For Login Form

Nov 27, 2014

I have a table called 'Klanten' which contains the rows 'password' and 'login' (and several rows not needed for this form)

So I'm trying to make a login form which first checks if something is entered (this part of the code seems to work).

Private Sub Knop13_Click()
'Check to see if data is entered into Username
If IsNull(Me.Username) Or Me.Username = "" Then
MsgBox "gelieve een login in te voeren.", vbOKOnly, "Required Data"

[Code] ....

But from then on i seem to have some issues.. The part of the code underneath seems to only work for the first 'login' and 'paswoord' in my table called "Klanten".

-Username is the name for the field where they enter their 'login'.
-Password is the name for the field where they enter their 'paswoord'

If Username.Value <> DLookup("[login]", "Klanten", "[Username]='" & Username & "'") Then
MsgBox "Invalid Username. Please try again.", vbOKOnly, "Invalid Entry!"
Exit Sub
End If

If Password.Value <> DLookup("[wachtwoord]", "Klanten", "[Password]='" & Password & "'") Then
MsgBox "Invalid Password. Please try again.", vbOKOnly, "Invalid Entry!"
Exit Sub
End If

Then as last part i would like to goto another form called 'Mainmenu' if both the Login and the Paswoord is correctly entered in the fields Username and Password. Here i have the most issues as this doesn't seem to do anything at the moment

If Password.Value = DLookup("[wachtwoord]", "Klanten", "[Username]='" & Username & "'") And Username.Value <> DLookup("[login]", "Klanten", "[Password]='" & Password & "'") Then DoCmd.OpenForm "Mainmenu"
End Sub

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Forms :: Any Way To Disable Hot Keys At Login Form

Nov 16, 2013

I have a fully functioning frmLogin that appears when the database opens. After correctly logging in, it takes you to the appropriate switchboard. The problem is that I set autokeys to allow F1 to automatically open the switchboard, but I don't want users to hit this to bypass my login screen. The reason for keeping the switchboard open is to force the user to close the database using the switchboard(eventually I want to limit the user to only the forms that I have created in a split database).

My other option that I tried first was writing a module that would detect when all forms are closed, then open the switchboard. But I kept getting Error91 and got frustrated/stopped attempting this method. Using the hotkey gives the user a similar functionality, but less conveniently so(since its not an automated process, etc.).

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General :: Login Access To Specific Form

Sep 4, 2013

I have a table called "tblEmployees" with columns "EmpName, EmpPassword, strAccess" in my table

The login form works but I wanted the user to go to a specific form that would be designated under strAccess

I have this code but it totally wrong to what I want it to do but not sure where to start

'Close logon form and open relevent page
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = Forms!CopyfrmLogon!cboEmployee.Column(3)
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName

[Code] ....

"stDocName = Forms!CopyfrmLogon!cboEmployee.Column(3)" - this is the line that needs to be debugged ... I need something that says open form specified in the the column "strAccess" of the "tblEmployee" tables

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Forms :: Linking Successful Login To A Form

Jan 3, 2015

i have created a login page and i have coded it but i do not know to set coding up so that it results in a linked form to open up..( main menu)

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Modules & VBA :: Login Form Data Mismatch?

Jun 23, 2015

I am doing a login form for my database using online references and videos.

Below is the code for my login form.

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim Security As Integer
Me.txtUser = Environ("USERNAME")
If IsNull(DLookup("UserSecurity", "Userslist_table", "[UserLogin]='" & Me.txtUser & "'")) Then
MsgBox "No Usersecurity set up for this user. please contact the Admin", vbOKOnly, "Login info"

[Code] ....

End Subi am facing problem for run-time error type mismatch '13': i have listed below field names which is used in above coding.

[SecurityID] is Autonumber field
[SecurityLevel] is Text field

[UserID] is autonumber field
[Username] is text field
[Userlogin] is text field
[Usersecurity] is text field
[Password] is text field

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Modules & VBA :: Login Form And Users Permissions

Mar 30, 2014

I have been searching for info with users & permission levels. I have ready a lot about ULS (User Level Security) which doesnt seem to be my answer as I do not have admin rights and I believe it is not suitable with Access 2010.

Basically I have an 2010 Access database which is used by my department as a project management tool. It has various tables, forms, queries & reports, I have created a table with user names & passwords and a login form. So when the databases opens the login form is launched & the users selects their user name & enters their password, then the main menu is shown.

Everything works really well, but as the moment there is no difference between all the users. All I want to do is to be able to make one of the Logins read only, ie if the Reviewer is logged in they can see & read every form and run every report but they can not make any edits.

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Login Form With Network User And Password?

Nov 27, 2014

Into the form named: Administratorsfrm, I added a textbox defined as usertxt and also a textbox named passwordtxt as well as a button named logincmd.

The user defined is the Network user and this is added automatically to the usertxt field everytime when I open the Administratorsfrm form. To do this I use the next code:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim wshNetwork As Object 'New wshNetwork
Set wshNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Me.Usertxt = wshNetwork.UserName
Set wshNetwork = Nothing
End Sub

I would like that the user types his/her password (Network password or Unlocking computer) and after this could Login to the database application. I mean, the user will type his password and then the event should compare the password typed with the network password or unlocking password and if this is correct should open the database application (Main Menu Form: Mainfrm)

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How To Create Login Form With Different Level Of Authorization

Feb 12, 2015

How can I create a log-in form with different level of authorization? It means different user is allowed to access specified content (table, query, report, form).

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Login Username Password Open Form Based On Id

Sep 13, 2006

Hi Freinds,

After viewing all the threads i got some useful information but just wanted some help as i am not a programmer but can understand logics. There are 2 issues i want to resolve

1. First query is i have a login form and in a table there is username password. Now issue is based on the username person should be able to view things. There would be 6 differrent departments. So i would have six users and 1 id only for viewing. These six users should be able to see there own records either assigned to them or create new query and assign to any other 5 users. Now option is either I create six replicated forms and based on the user login i open user form or switch board. Can there be any option where in a table i store the activities they can do and whereever these guys go the code check in table and enable or disable the view of items for other guys. Users would be accessing forms, reports and they would have option of entering cusotmer information and querying and changing information. The user which has option of viewing reports will only have option of seeing some customized reports.

2. Second query is that these six users would be addressing issues to each other regarding cusotmer issue. In this every response of the case should be stored in a table. i.e. like for customer x user1 said abc on 10th then user2 said cbf on 11th. so this would have history of case what was happeining in the matter.

I dont know how to go about this and if there is a easy solution. I dont want to use access security cause then all the six users would have security file.

Would apreciate your help and till now whatever responses i have seen in other forms they were quite helpful and did help me lot in understanding access.

Thanks to all who would be visiting this thread and taking pain in answering the query.

Take care

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Modules & VBA :: User Login Form With Different Levels Of Access?

Feb 21, 2015

I have recently started a project and become stuck already. I have a login form created that works (code below). What i want to do is allow access to the users of 1-7 in table (level of access) which will determine which page they view after logging in. IE if the have Access in table "Users" as "1" then when they log in the will see a form thats called L1. Same with 2,3,4,5,6 & 7.

Private Sub LoginButton_Click()
If IsNull(Me.LoginUsernameText) Then
MsgBox "Please Enter Username", vbInformation, "Username Required"


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