Looking For Experienced Access/MySQL Developer

Nov 10, 2005

I have an existing MS Access/MySQL app that I need an experience developer to develop further. The existing application is fairly complex, so experienced developers only.

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Question For Experienced Access Developers Only.

Jun 23, 2006

We have come accross a very strange problem.

When we compact the database one of our reports fails to print.

If we use the older version before compaction the same report succeeds printing.

The query underlying the report works for both the compacted and uncompacted databases ... the problem occurs when the report is printed or previewed.

We have isolated the problem in the report to four fields which are all from the same table. When these four fields are removed from the report the report prints in the compacted database. As mentioned before in the uncompacted version the report prints with these four fields.

I don't understand this error and don't know how to go about fixing it.
What could be the problem? How could compaction corrupt the report? It works fine before compaction but once the database is compacted it fails to print. The Query stalls at a certain point and just sits there and the report is never printed.

Any ideas? This has been a recent error. This report has been working for over a year now until recently.

Thank you very much

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MySQL Amd Access

Feb 7, 2006

I am building my frist database with MySQL as a backend to Access. I am using the ODBC driver and it looks very interesting. I have a question already though. I know that I can use the InnoDB engine and create relationships within MYSQL to enfro referential integirty, but should I? Or should I create the relationships in Access and let Access do the enforcing? Will my Access application report MySQL errors?

Thanks for the time.

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Mysql Access

Mar 13, 2006

I have a mysql database on my website (remote db). And i want to link to this database in acess(local bd) so that i can manipulate data.

How is it possible

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Access V.S. MySQL

Apr 22, 2006

Hey, Just wanted to throw the question out there, I already asked another member on their opinion on this but havent heard anything back yet, so im going to also throw the quesation out here as well and see what i get. Im new to databases and started out trying to learn Access with the intention that what i learned in Access i could use to learn MySQL, I figured access was a easier starting point to get my feet wet. I eventaully want to apply my databases to the web and im not sure but just wanted to find out. Does access have capabilities to manage a site where customers create an account on the site and log in and everything?? I was thinking access cant really do it and if it could it might be hard, so thats why i was looking into MySQL. I guess what im really asking is whats the difference between Access and MySQL, and what advantages and disadvantages do they have?? Everybodys opinion is welcome, it all helps me out. Thanks! ~[MikE]~

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May 31, 2006

Hello everybody,

Who can help me.
I want to access a MySQL database with ms access.
I cant seem to get it.

Please help me.

Thanks in advance,

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Access And MYSQL

Aug 25, 2003

Hello to all
this is my first post

i am havinga problem with my access database
so i started to converted it to MYSQL

but after converting it and running asp script it gives the following error

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E09)
[TCX][MyODBC]You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'SELECT tblTopic.Topic_ID FROM tblTopic WHERE tblTopic.Forum_ID = 4 ' at line 1
/mycplus/forum/Default.asp, line 335

and the orignal sql statement in ASP Forums is

strSQL = "SELECT " & strDbTable & "Author.Username, " & strDbTable & "Author.Author_ID, " & strDbTable & "Thread.Topic_ID, " & strDbTable & "Thread.Thread_ID, " & strDbTable & "Thread.Message_date "
strSQL = strSQL & "FROM " & strDbTable & "Author, " & strDbTable & "Thread "
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE " & strDbTable & "Author.Author_ID = " & strDbTable & "Thread.Author_ID AND " & strDbTable & "Thread.Topic_ID IN "
strSQL = strSQL & " (SELECT " & strDbTable & "Topic.Topic_ID "
strSQL = strSQL & " FROM " & strDbTable & "Topic "
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE " & strDbTable & "Topic.Forum_ID = " & intForumID & " "
'strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY " & strDbTable & "Topic.Last_entry_date DESC) "
'strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY " & strDbTable & "Thread.Message_date DESC;"

it was fully working in ASP + Access forums

Plz help me

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Using Access As A Front End To MySQL

Sep 16, 2005

I have Microsoft Access on my desktop connecting to a MySQL database at my host, using an ODBC driver. I can read the data just fine. But when I try to add another record, it won't seem to do it.

Is it possible to update a MySQL database from MS Access on my desktop?

I have just one table. Very simple. Is it to do with primary key number generation or something?



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Connecting To MySql From Access

Feb 26, 2006

Hi all,

hope someone can help me with this.

Before we moved webhosting company we could have external access to our MySql database which was great as our MS Access system would periodically pull data from our MySql site (namely customer enquiries which were entered via a form on our website) and dump them in our MS Access live quotes table all automatically.

With our current host (which seems to be the norm from my web-searches) they only allow local access to the MySql system.

My question is, how can I oversome this hurdle without having to move hosting company. I really don't want to move again as it's a real pain.

All suggestions welcome.


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Would Appreciate Some Experienced Eyes

Oct 17, 2007

I have been working on this database for several months now - in between all of the other jobs I am responsible for - using what I've learned from this forum, from the 'Access 2002 Bible', and lots of hit-and-miss, restarts and frustration. I may have OVER normalized . . .
I'm running into trouble creating the reports I want, and have now learned enough to think I may need to create a 'fresh' database with what I know now. Before I do, I would appreciate some experienced eyes that will see what mistakes I have made and how I can improve this database before copying mistakes and taking it further.

Background: I was asked to create a database to replace an outdated and undocumented dBase program to keep track of our cost of goods and recipe base. We manufacture waste water treatment chemicals, primarily for municipalities. Each of our products is a recipe containing various raw materials in differing amounts. One concern I have is that some of our end-product recipes are also raw materials used to create other products. I may be able to enter each one as both an ingredient and a finished product as each will be assigned a different primary key.

We need to be able to create reports that tell us how much a specific recipe costs to make in various quantities, a printed 'recipe' listing each ingredient, amount, product type, etc. as well report groups on each product type. I plan to change the raw materials cost every time a new shipment of raw materials comes in using an update query.

Thank you in advance for any direction you can give. I am an Access newbie, but I am willing to do the homework!

And if I am very lucky, maybe Doc will give it a look?!

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Looking For Access Developer

Jan 16, 2008


We are looking for an Access Developer for a small business. You must be in the New York City area and willing to come in for an interview. I will check this board every 1-2 days.

Thank you.

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MS Access Distribution With MySQL Backend.

Feb 2, 2007

On my development machine everything works great, but I know that I'm going to run into problems with distribution.

I don't think there is a way, but I'll ask. Is there any way to get around not having to install the ODBC MySQL drivers on each computer? One of the reasons I'm migrating to MySQL for a backend is the fact that I'll be going from 10 users to 150 users, each of which has a "locked down" PC, which would mean logging into each with Admin rights to install the driver. Not an impossible task, but a pain.

Is is possible to have a "shared" source for the driver? I have only a rudimentary understanding of that process.

Thanks in advance for any help that someone can provide, or some answers pointing me in the right direction.

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Linking Access To MySQL Issues

Jun 8, 2007

I have converted my MS Access database tables to MySQL Server tables. I am trying to use the MS Access front end to cooperate with the MySQL Backend database. I have created a system DSN, without problems.

My issue is when I Open MS Access --> Open File --> Files of Type: ODBC Databases, nothing happens. It does not give me the option to connect to the MySQL database I just created. I also tried to import data by linking tables (again, choosing the ODBC databases option), and it does the same thing. Does anyone know what I may be doing wrong?

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MYSQL -> Access (update Query)

Oct 17, 2007

I'm new to access and I'm trying to learn the functionality by creating a relational DB for US zip codes from an excel document. I've imported everything and I have the tables setup. Is there a way to run a MYSQL query like this:

UPDATE tbllocation, tblzipcode SET tbllocation.ZipID = tblzipcode.ZipID WHERE tbllocation.ZipID = tblzipcode.ZipCode;

in access 2007?


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Access Developer Extensions

Aug 29, 2005


I have an Access application I need to package for redistribution. Following the instructions on MSDN, I purchased Visual Studio Tools for Office 2003 to acquire the Access Developer Extensions which include the Package Wizard.

After installing VSTO, I found that Access Developer Extensions are not included. Can anyone tell me where I can get a copy of Access Developer Extensions? Is the Package Wizard available for download anywhere? Perhaps someone with an MSDN subscription would be nice enough to make this available to me?

Are any instructions availalbe for creating an installation file for an Access MDE file and including the Access Runtime?



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Professional Access Developer

May 4, 2006

Is there anyone based in or near Nottinghamshire (UK) who would be interested in reviewing the current database system we use at our office? We are a skiing holiday company and the database is fairly complex.

It was created about ten years ago and over time has had various bits and pieces added on etc. and I am under the impression it is currently a mess!

I am looking for a professional database developer, not an amateur who fancies themselves as such! If anyone can help, please post your details and credentials and I'll give you a shout.


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MS Access Developer Icon

Feb 3, 2008

I have installed Access Developer Extensions and Access Runtime but still I can not see the "developer" option in menu. Can someone please help me to find this option.


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Access 97 Developer & Office XP

Feb 14, 2005

Hi Guys,

I hope I am in the right forum area. I have just upgraded to XP Home and have a choice of Office systems to install. However I have Office 97 Developer Edition that I use for Access Databases and this must be installed. I can also install either Office 2000 or Office XP Professional. What are the problems with having any of these combinations and Access 97 with the developer.

I have heard that there may be licencing issues or I may have to install in a particular order. Any advice would be appreciated.

Many thanks


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Books For Access Developer...

Feb 16, 2006


I need some good books for Access developers.. I want to what Access really can do.. I know create tables and queries.. How about create stored procedures and triggers using VBA in Access? Or any other more complex tasks in Access. I want to know more about this.


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Transfering MYSQL Data To An ACCESS Database- HELP ME!

Oct 31, 2005

Could someone please help me?

At work we have a website with a mysql database attached to it. It keeps data such as customer name address postcode contact id etc.

Currently our main database is made in access.

I need to transfer data from the website database (which is in mysql) to our access database. And would like this to happen regulary. We have been quoted £1800 for someone to do this!

As this is a new job i would like to be able to do this myself, is it hard to do?

Could someone provide me with some information of how to do this? or where to start.

Much appriciated.

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Export Data From An Access Database To MYSQL

Jul 17, 2007

Hi There,

Whereabouts would I change the date format from the access database from yyyymmdd ?

I am trying to convert this table from access into mysql, and when I ouput to a csv file the date is in access.

Many Thanks


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Front End = Access; Back End = MySql Problem

Mar 8, 2008


I“m working in an application using Access as FE and MySql as BE.

When I add some registers to this linked table, OK.

Problem: When I try to add a lot of registers (700.000!) it does“nt work and the msg is that the computer does“nt have memory resources to do the job.

If I try the same with Access tables it works fine.

MySql configuration, perhaps?

Thanks a lot


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Connect Access Front End To Mysql Back End

Dec 14, 2006

I have seen it done in the past but at the time my limited knowledge did not retain how to do it, it is connected through the odbc, im am running server 2000

what code do i use to connect and how do i set up the odbc

any help would be appreciated


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Where To Get The Access 2003 Developer Extensions?

May 4, 2005

I forked out nearly £600 for Visual Studio.NET Professional Special Edtion, which was advertised as coming with the Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Office. Which it did. I checked the Microsoft site and they advertised the VSTO as coming with the Access Developer Extensions, so I went ahead with the purchase.

Now I've since found out that the Access Developer Extensions are yet again separate from all this, so I will have to spend more money. That annoys me but I can live with it (I've no choice really), but where can I purchase the Access Developer Extensions CD? I have scoured the web and haven't found a single source, but apparently it does exist. As an additional note, I am based in the UK.

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Using Access 2003 Developer Extensions

Dec 24, 2005

I've finally opened the Visual studio for MS Office systems tools box and found the access 2003 developer extension CD and loaded it,
I've been reading the overviews on the CD as always it sounds easy to use, how ever through experience on APPs that is not always the case.
Sure enough I was right again, Can any one help?

My problem is when I open the custom startup wizard or the custom package wizard it opens a form that is suppose to have templates to choose from so to get started, How ever there are no templates in the form the form is blank. Which leaves me stuck with no options to get started.
All I installed on my PC is the access 2003 developer extensions, did I not install some thing I should of?

Thanks; Any Help will be greatly appreciated.

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Access 2003 Developer Extensions

Apr 12, 2006

I wonder if it is necessary for the client machine in which a deployment (with runtime) is going to be installed, to have also installed any Access version or if the runtime deployment licence is enough.

Thank you,

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