Lookup Form

Nov 23, 2004

I need to create a form to allow the user to look up patient information by entering the patient's social security number (SSN). The form would have a blank box asking the user to "ENTER THE SSN." When the user enters the SSN, it would show the other info from the table (e.g., name, psychologist, psychiatrist, etc). Unfortunately, I can't use a list box for confidentiality reasons. Is this something I can do with Access or do I ned VB? Any advice would be helpful. Thanks much!


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LookUp Tables For Dynamic Set Of Attributes: Set A Pointer Or Use A Generic LookUp?

Jul 24, 2007

I'm wrestling with the issues; in other threads, it became apparent that because I could not know ahead of time what I will need to know about a given entity, I will use a table to enumerate attributes that is applicable for a given entity.

However, the stumper is that what if an attribute should conform to a set list of values? Since they are dynamic, I would have problem predicting what I will need to be able to lookup, and am even don't know whether I will need a one-many lookup or many-many lookup.

I thought that generic lookup table with a table listing "classes" of lookup would allow me to have one big generic lookup table while using "classes" to act like virtual tables so I can then set the query to appropriate "class" to return just right set of values.

But as I thought about it, I ran into some issues which is pulling me toward the crazy idea that I should have freestanding tables, and use a field in tblAttribute to give me the table's name so I'd know which free-standing table it points to, and have the necessary key to lookup the values within that table.

Even though my gut instincts tell me that I shouldn't be going against the conventions of database design (who the frick goes around creating free-standing lookups?!?), I'm simply not sure how I can use a generic lookup table to hold all information.

For example, suppose I was given a list of values that has its own categories. Since the former design allows only for two level (lookup and lookupclass), where am I to insert that extra level?

Furthermore, I found myself needing a set of virtual keys to reference a certain "class" of lookups for report purposes. That means I need an extra field in my lookup table than I originally anticipates. What if I find myself needing one more field that just won't fit the generic lookup table?

So does anyone have suggestions on how we would create a placeholder for a lookup table that will be made just in time?

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Linking Result From Lookup Column In A Form To The Values Form?

May 29, 2012

I am creating a customer database for an independent insurance agency. Within that customer database, we have a lookup field that references another table "Carriers". This is where we select the insurance carrier we have placed the clients insurance with (ex. Geico, progressive, etc). This field allows multiple entries since clients can have policies with different companies.

We also have contact detail forms for each of our insurance carriers where we store information like web logins, contact phone numbers, and other notes. These forms are based on the same table as the lookup field.

I would like to create a hyperlink so, if we are looking at a clients form with all of their contact info we can click the insurance company in the carrier field and it will bring us to the contact details form of that carrier.

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Filtering Lookup Value Based On Other Lookup Values

Jul 27, 2015

I have three large source tables imported into my database. I have created queries to retrieve relevant values from fields in each source table which feeds into my form. Each field on my form that is connected to the relevant query is a lookup field. For example, one field called "Supplier_Name" another called "Supplier_Code" and a third called "Route_Number".

Needless to say each of my lookup fields are very long. I am trying to filter my search based upon the selection from the previous Lookup field. How I can filter a lookup field's value based upon the previous lookup field selection? Each Supplier has a code and assign route(s) and I have already established these relationships.

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Form Lookup Function

May 16, 2006

Hi there, please excuse my poor access skills, I've searched the forums but can't really find what I'm looking for......I have two basic tables in my db, one is an inventory listing all the stock in the company, and this is linked to a tracking table, which contains all the different movements for this stock item......this is a simple one to many relationship, what I want to do is lookup the value of the 'In/Out' field in the last tracking record for every item, and set the quantity of that item in the inventory table to 0 or 1 depending on the value......how would i best go about this and where should i put the code.....? Any help is much appreciated.

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Form Lookup For Edit

Feb 21, 2005

I want to be able to choose a record from the combo box and then the rest of the fields fill in themselves... Also some of the fields are in a subform but are all linked to the entry in the combo box... can someone help me ? :confused:

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Need Help With Lookup On Table/form

Apr 22, 2005

I have a contact dB with 2 contacts (main & alternate). I would like to be able to pull any record containing either the main or alt last name up. Right now the unbound combo box works fine pulling up the first contact name but I need to be able to pull up a record if the second contact name matches as well. I am trying to use 1 unbound combo box to look at both fields (LastName1 & LastName2). Is it possible and how should I set it up?

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Creating A Form That Allows For Value Lookup

May 20, 2005

Hi, I'll give you a little background info before I ask my question:

I have a table called "Company" with the following feilds:
Company_ID (PK), Ticker (Indexed, Unique), Company Name

I have (or at least want) a single record access form, and now for the problem:

I would like someone to be able to type a ticker into the ticker feild, and have it search for an existing feild with that ticker (it would automatically populate company name with the correct value). Now, if the ticker doesn't exist, I would like it to bring up a new record form so the user can type in that information. I know I've seen something like this before, but its been a while since I've used access, so I'm still kinda brushing up on this stuff. Can anyone help me out here? Thanks!

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Add To Lookup Table From PopUp Form

Jul 30, 2005

I have a form with a combobox based on a query of a lookup table. If the name entered is not found in the combobox, I want a popup form to open allowing the user to enter a record for this new name in the lookup table, then close. What is the best way to this? A command button? The Not in List Event? A msgbox? I'm not sure.

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Updating A Table Using A Form Lookup

Aug 7, 2005

Can anyone help?

I'm having trouble storing autofilled data from one of my forms and I was wondering if anyone has any ideas.

My data is as follows




Now I have a standard order entry form which works fine, my problem is with the subform:

On my form Description and Nett are auto populated referencing ProductID but this information does not transfer to the table tblPurchaseOrderDetail. The main problem is that a nett price can occasionally chanege (inflation) but I need to be able to look back to a particular order for audit purposes and be able to see what I paid.

I'm sure there is w way round this, but I've been unable to figure it out. I've gone through loads of different threads on the forum and as a result am sure it can be done, I've also looked at the examples posted by several users, but none seem to approach the lookup quite from this angle, does any one have any idea...sorry for the long post, thanks.

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Dsplay Lookup Data In Form

Sep 21, 2005

This is going to sound really stupid but I urgently need to have one form, where people can enter a product code and the description automatically shows in another field.

I have two tables, one for the form and another with all product codes and descriptions.

Presumaby I would need to make a query, which i've tried and failed miserably.

it seems so simple when you read the access help but i've missed something fundamental.


Thank you.

PS I should have said my boss expects to enter data in one field - the product code - and the description automatically and instantly pops up in another field on the same form before leaving that particular record.

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Table Relationship Lookup In A Form

Oct 1, 2005

Hi all,

I am wandering if anyone can help me here. I have a form which is linked to a table called tbl_File. Within in this form & tbl_File there is a field called Country_Code. In the Country_Code field the user places a number that corresponds to their country they want.

Now Country_Code & the corresponding country is defined in a seperate table called tbl_CountryCodes.

What I would like to do is in my form once the user has inputed a number in the Country_Code field (it will be a combo box), a label or textbox in the SAME form will then do a search of the corresponding Country name in tbl_CountryCodes and then display it to the user.

Any ideas will be greatful :D


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Creating A Form Lookup From 2 Tables

Mar 20, 2008

Hey all.

I'm having a few issues with creating a Lookup on an Access form. I'll recreate the scenario below as best i can to help with my explanation.

I have 2 data entries. The first is a Post Code (Zip code), and the second is an Area Rating that applies to the Post code. For example:

Post code AB1 8 is awarded a rating of A
Post code SO1 3 is awarded a rating of F

I have already created a table in Excel with all 2,922 Post Codes (AB1 1 to ZE3 9) and the corresponding Area Rates (A to F)

What i'm making is a form that holds customer details. I'd like a combo box or text box that when you type in the Post Code, another text box automatically displays it's corresponding Area Rating.

Code:Post Code: Area Rating:------------- --------------| CM2 7 | | A |------------- --------------

I apologise for my really very poor diagram :P

So the Post Code box is either typed into or a combo box with the list of Post Codes, and the Area Rate box cannot be typed in to, but it automatically displays the record dependant on what is in the Post Code box.

Ideally, these will also be recorded onto the main table (IE not the table with the list of post codes or area ratings, but a 3rd table holding the rest of the details that will be used to create statistics and graphs)

Can anyone help me with how to do this? I've been trying to work it out all afternoon!

Any help is really appreciated.

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Queries :: Form Field Lookup

Jun 18, 2013

I have a form with a combo box that contains a list of Employee Names which are contained in an Employee table (column 1).Just below it I have a textbox titled Employee Number. This field should remain blank until an Employee name is chosen from the combo box at which time it should populate with the corresponding Employee number which is column 2 of the Employee table.

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Lookup Fields Using Lookup Wizard

Mar 2, 2005


I wonder if anybody can help me.

I have a table called ITEM, within ITEM I have three fields ITEM NUMBER (Key Field), Item, Cost,

I have another table called INVOICE ITEMS, Within INVOICE ITEMS I have six Fields, INVOICE NUMBER, ITEM NUMBER, ITEM, UNIT COST, Amount, Total Amount.

I want to use Lookup wizard to complete the fields ITEM NUMBER, ITEM, UNIT COST from the ITEM table.

Is this possible?


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Lookup Table Not Working In My Main Form

Jul 14, 2006

I have my main form which is connected to my main table - Query 1

I have a lookup table (actually a view from SQL Server) which holds my user name - the username used to login to the database- just one value.

In my main form I have a 'Logged By' field. I want this field to default to my login name when I process a record.

I thought it would be as easy as connecting the lookup table to my main form and then in default value typing My_login.user_name.

Apparently not. It just has the #Name? in there.

Anyone have an opinion on this ?

I can use the =environ("username") in the default value which works to good effect but different users use each others PC and I would like the field to be defaulted to thier database login and not thier windows on.

Please help ! It seems so small and its driving me ceeerazy !

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How Do I Lookup Something From A A Different Table On A Data Entry Form?

Aug 23, 2006

Okay, for simplicity's sake, I have a data entry form.

It is bound to tableData.

Inputs are:

Customer Name

ProductID is a combo box.

There is another table called tableProduct. In this table, is ProductID and ProductName.

For convenience sake, when a user chooses a ProductID from the combo box, I want it to lookup that ID from tableProduct. However, how can I do this when everything is already bound to tableData?

Thanks in advance.

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How Do I Lookup Something From A A Different Table On A Data Entry Form?

Aug 23, 2006

Okay, for simplicity's sake, I have a data entry form.

It is bound to tableData.

Inputs are:

Customer Name

ProductID is a combo box on the form.

There is another table called tableProduct. In this table, is ProductID and ProductName.

For convenience sake, when a user chooses a ProductID from the combo box, I want a separate textbox to lookup that ID from tableProduct and display the ProductName.

How can I accomplish this?

Thanks in advance.

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Input Box To Lookup And Open A Form Record HELP PLZ!

May 5, 2006

I have been editing the service call management database that comes with office XP.

I have a table called "Workorders" with fields:
WorkorderID (primary key)

And another table called "Workorders by Customer" with fields
CustomerID (primary key)

I want to be able to have an input form where I input a workorderID which then opens the "Workorders by customer form" by customerID which relates to the WorkorderID in "Workorders" which is typed in the input box.

Im only a novice and its the code part that im struggling with.

Any help would be great.

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General :: Create A Field Lookup With Value That Specify In A Form That TYPE In

Jul 17, 2013

I wanted to create a field lookup with values that I specify, not on the table sheet, but on the form. User can click on a text box or combo box and can select a list of value that I specify, not values that are listed on a table but ones that I type in, in the form.

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General :: Make A Msg Box In A Form Where Values Are Lookup From A Table?

Jan 11, 2014

i am working on a school database, in data base i have create two tables tblAccounts and tblTransaction and a form frmTransaction .

tblAccounts contain two fields
and frmTransaction contain
transaction type

in form when i enter a glcode, lookup field match the code from tblaccounts and shows the description in form against gl code.But i am facing a problem when i enter a wrong gl code my form accept it and move to the next field and when i leave blank field of glcode same problem that i am facing, i want that , when i enter a wrong glcode in a form amsgbox will apear that asking for correct glcode.

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Modules & VBA :: Lookup Column In Text Box Access Form

Apr 5, 2015

I have 1 combo box and 1 text box i look up 2 columns in the combo box from that combo box i want to look up 2 column to text box

Table values:
Col 1 Col 2
A 1
A 2

combo box successfully look up 2 columns but i look up to text box

Formula: =combo1.column(1)

But the text box look up the first row always even i choose the second row A

Also look-up first row 1

Any solution to look up 2nd row?

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Modules & VBA :: Undo Method When Using Form And Subform / Lookup Tables

Feb 3, 2015

How come its so hard to create an undo method when using a form and subform, lookup tables and tiered selections in combo boxes?

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Queries :: Search Multivalue Lookup Field From Form Entry

Sep 20, 2013

I have a form that looks up office names and will automatically populate a field called office number based upon their selection in the combo box. I have a submit button on click event set up to run a query.

Now, here's where I am running into issues: In this query, I need to pull selected columns of information based upon a multivalue lookup field. This multivalue lookup field is joined with the table that the values populate from.

The form will only have one value stored in the txt box field, and I need to be able to search for all records containing that one value.

This is what I have for code:

SELECT FilePlan.FPName, FilePlan.Description, FilePlan.[File Code], FilePlan.GRS, FilePlan.Schedule
FROM Offices INNER JOIN FilePlan ON Offices.[Office Number] = FilePlan.OfficeNumb.Value
WHERE (((FilePlan.OfficeNumb.Value) Like "*" & [Forms]![RetCutOff]![txtOffNumb] & "*"));

Do I need to string multiple queries together to make this work, or is it just not possible?

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General :: Multi Lookup List - Using A Form As Input For Query

Sep 29, 2014

I am having trouble using a form as input for a query. The form uses multi select list boxes, with then intention being that if I select multiple fields then only records which include those fields will show (not only fields that contain those and no others).

I also have successfully worked up some keyword searches that I would like to have run on the same query. So say I want to search for two values in my list box, and it also needs to include keyword X... how would I run these all together, or is it possible?The form is "EVR Search Form"..The query is "EVR Query - Trending Filters" and I've also made a copy to test on, "Copy EVR Query - Trending Filters"

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Record Lookup In Form Flashes One Or More Records Before Displaying The One Selected

Dec 3, 2014

I have a form (Student Details) that has an unbound lookup box using a query to select a student. The lookup has the hidden Student ID autonumber key field plus Class Number, Last Name, First Name, Status, sorted by Class Number (descending), Last Name, First Name.

The form record source is a similar but unsorted query.

There are nearly 1000 student records. The form has pages (tabs). The lookup box is in the form header. There are dozens of fields in the 1st Page (General) including an picture (attachment, not hyperlink) field holding a photo of the student, the other 6 pages have less.

When you select a student via the look up, at least one sometimes more students "flash" before it displays the one you want, which seems to display twice before it stops.

I deleted the picture field to see what difference that made, because it seemed to do the most flashing, and indeed, without that field you go right to the record. I looked at the Student table indexes and it seems that field type is not index-able, which is understandable.

Is there any way to improve this with still leaving the photos as attachments? Some thoughts:

It improves if it is displayed first as an Icon or Paper Clip, and probably would if a hyperlink field, but we like to have the picture displayed and not have to open the link to see it nor worry about the location changing invalidating a link. It seems that if the record was displayed with the picture field only filled after all the other fields were filled it would make for a better impression.

Can an On Load form event VBA or Macro be written that either hold the picture back until the rest of the fields are displayed or if an icon or changed to a hyperlink to open. Would it work if the pictures were attached to a separate joined table?

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