Lookup And If Choose Item Send Info To Database

Nov 25, 2011

I want to develop (create) a database using MS Access 2007 or 2010 about Amazon.com.

My ideas are:

1. Create a form to lookup items in the actual amazon website, and then sort the results of the search.
2. View the results. If I select Add to Cart or Add to Wish List, send the item information to my Access database.

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Forms :: Scan Barcode To Choose Item From Combo Box - Populate Textbox With Result

Jun 14, 2013

I'm working on a project that uses a barcode scanner. The user will scan a barcode which will choose an item from a combo box. The result of what it enters will populate a text box. I have that part working fine.

The next step is to get it to open a form based on the value in the textbox. The textbox will have about 7 different possible values and each one should open a different form.

The way this is supposed to work:

User approaches a machine and scans the barcode. He is presented with a form giving him options based on the type of equipment the machine is. A compressor for example would present him with a set of options for compressors (gauge readings, maintanence, etc).

I have an unbound form with two controls:


How to code this and which events to code it in. Users will be going from machine to machine and using the form over and over again so I need to somehow manage the clearing of the form to begin again with another barcode scan.

I saw another thread about a barcode scanner and one response was to program the scanner to send the barcode and then send an "Enter" press to move focus to the next control. I've looked through the documentation and haven't been able to find if that is possible. Right now it sends the number and that's it. It's a "Motion" Tablet.

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Send Textbox/es Info To Parameter For Report

Nov 9, 2006

Ok I saw this posted up in the forum but it was not explained.

I have a Query which asks for a parameter before giving an output.

I have a report that uses this query to display the information.

Ok what I am trying to do is create a form that has a textbox and I enter the parameter's information in that textbox or textbox. How do I send the information to the query?

The reason for such a thing is people tend to not follow the set guidelines for putting stuff in a parameter box. So what I decided to do was set up a calendar form which a person has to physically choose the date from the calendar and this leaves no room for real error. My problem is I can get the calendar information to the textbox or textboxes but can't figure out how to code the button to send the textbox information to the query & parameters & report, etc...

Can someone please help me out of this situation? or point me to a starting point?

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Modules & VBA :: Send Meeting To Outlook - Address Item Line Causing Error

Mar 24, 2014

I'm trying to have a command button send info on the form straight to Outlook as a meeting. So far, the code below works apart from the address bit. I need the code to automatically add the same 2 email addresses as recepients everytime.

Error message highlights the red line below with the following message:

Runtime error '438'
Object doesn't support this property or method

I'm new to VBA, so don't understand what is wrong here. The reference is set, I've tried different permutations of the "To:" & "Recipients.Add" for the email address with no joy.

Private Sub cmdSend_Click()
Dim outApp As Object
Set outApp = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Set outmail = outApp.CreateItem(olappointmentitem)

[Code] .....

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Tables :: Add To A Table With Lookup Does Not Find Item

May 16, 2014

I have several tables which have an indexed, no dup field. When inputting a entry that is not in the referenced table, how can I be taken directly to the input form for that field.

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Cmb Residual Lookup Info When Switching Records

Apr 30, 2008

Understand the basics of using a cascading combo box as follows:

Table criteria for stblDiscipline set to [forms]![frmPersonContact].cmbDiscipline

and SQL statement for

When I switch to another record the cmbSubDiscipline displays the correct value from the table but, the selection values are left from the last Requery. Unfortunately, the combo box will also let the user select one of the incorrect values. Tried to add a _Current statement without success.

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General :: Database To Automatically Choose Option Depending On Calculated Field?

Aug 10, 2015

I have an option button for a field [Fully Paid] (Yes/No) in my LoanT and i want to know if it's possible for my database to automatically choose an option depending on a calculated field

(Calculated field from another query) = [Outstanding Balance]

Say... if [outstanding balance] is = 0 or negative (refundable), then Yes should be On, if not it should remain No/off so that i wouldn't have to go over every record and manually choose the option

The option button is very useful when i want to display loans which are Paid and/or still active. How do I go about this?

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Specific Item Tracking Database

Mar 15, 2007

Hello Everyone,

I've been looking at all the fine db samples and advice provided in this forum and they are giving me a huge boost in my new job as a DB Admin. :D

Since this forum has a very active group and you guys know and done it all, ;) I thought I would ask if anyone out there has done or could give me an idea on how to buid the following db:

I need to create a db that will keep track of a specific item from the moment it comes in 'til it goes back out. This could be weeks in the process.

What happens is that this is a program where people donate old worned out wheel chairs and they get totally overhauled. As the chairs come in they need to be tracked from start to finish to see where they came from (Somewhere in the USA), what process it took to overhaul it (ItemID and Current location [Storage, Repair BIN, Repair Table, Completed Tabe, Outbound Table, En Route to Destination, etc] and status [For parts, fixable, paint room, repair room, completed]) and where they were donated to, a city in some foreign country (Africa, Asia, Mexico, South America, Etc.).

If someone has something I can use would be great, but if not any idea on how to do it best, would be greatly appreciated.



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Send SMS From Access Database?

May 28, 2012

How do you Send SMS from Access database? I received a SMS from my dentist and the receptionist told me that the database sent it. I was wondering how it is done.

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Access Database Info

Nov 24, 2006

When i"m creating a database and the tutorials tell me to select CHAR under DATA TYPE, that is not one of the selections. Can Someone tell me why??


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General :: Get Database To Send Email?

Jun 11, 2015

I need a form that will send a email to certain contacts depending on which box is ticked

Have never done this previously would this be possible

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Modules & VBA :: Send Data From One Database To Another

Mar 28, 2014

I have two databases, both have mysql backened and access frontend.

In first database, I'd like to access the second database, check if that person has an entry in the second database and then fetch that data into the first database. To make it easier, data come from different tables (though I'd probably access only one entry in each table)

Not sure where to start, the only idea I have is to link tables from both databases into the frontend ad then it's kinda easy (would have to rename the tables).

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Database Connection Info And Driver

Nov 24, 2004


Im doing a login page for my website, and i am having trouble connecting to the DB:

'Database connection info and driver
strCon = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};uid=;pwd=letmein; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath(strAccessDB)

where strAccessDB = "cs334-45/Kosy/Kosy.mdb"

cs334-45 is my computer name in the virtual directory.

Im getting this error:

Server.MapPath(), ASP 0172 (0x80004005)
The Path parameter for the MapPath method must be a virtual path. A physical path was used.
/Kosy/check_user.asp, line 21

I dont understand. I thought that the virtual directory was mapped to the physical directory
anyway? So why do I have to enter a virtual path?

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General :: Why Is One Database Returning Info And Other Not

Jul 23, 2012

take a look at the 2 databases and the queries qryOSHAbyJob in the one database and qryOSHAJob in the other database?

One will return the data I want and the other one only returns the last record entered.

I will attach the db's. I am working in A2007.

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Send Data From Access Database Every 15min.

Aug 22, 2007


I need to send data from a mdb on an xp machine every 15min. Any tips on how to do this?

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After Database Splitting, Is It Possible Zo Send A Tabel Into Backend.

Oct 6, 2004

Hallo everybody
I have an Access databse in which I have devided the tables into backend and frontend by using the Database Splitter wizard.
Then if I create any tables in the frontend Access file then thease tables are visible only in the front end of this system , not from other systems if I put the back end in network.
its ok for some tables , but now I have a table which I have to put in the shared backend , but if I cerate in the front end it is visible only in front end and if I create in backend it is visible only in backend.
how to send a table in the front end to backend after database splitting is over, so that I can access this table from other systems.
if it is possible please help me.
Thank you.

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Modules & VBA :: Send Email From Database With Category

Aug 17, 2015

Is it possible to send an email from an access 2007 database with a category?

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General :: Order Database - Discount Table With Percentage For Each Item

Aug 23, 2013

I have been asked to create a database that creates orders, debits stock etc for my company. Now I have been asked to put in some kind of discount table with percentages for each individual item for each individual customer. What would the best way of doing this?

I figured in the Customer Table I would have a code such as 'CustomerADiscount' and 'CustomerBDiscount' etc. and then in my table maybe

Product A - CustomerADiscount - 10%
Product A - CustomerBDiscount - 20%

Product B - CustomerADiscount - 5%
Product B - CustomerBDiscount - 7%

This link these values up within a query? Would this be the best way of doing it?

Is Access able to determine a percentage in "10%" or "5%" or do I need some type of formula for it instead?

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How To Make Checklists And Other Info Docs From 'database' ???

Jan 16, 2007

Non-techy IT type of question...

How to best setup a database (knowledgebase) for use in making various work place hardcopy and electronic intetacive version process checklists that may share some of the same info ?

Eg, checklists for a building dept for how to get permits for different types of buildings that may all require some of the same types of plans and permit application docs, but may also require other plans/docs specific to the particular type of building... but in order to update a requirement in the checklist/s only one database item would need to be changed in order to update all the checklists that include that common item.

Then to carry it one step further... to use the same database to update info publications that may have checklist type information in the narratives about the same building permit requirements.

Hope that makes sense.
Thoughts ?
Where else to look ?

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Filter A Database Based On Text Box Info

Nov 20, 2014

I want to filter a database based on the info typed into the text box, after this, clicking on the button search and filter the database..I have an issue in my code, because I know just how to filter it based on a field but not for all..The fields I have are: Batchnumber, ModelnumberID, OperadorID, Datet, TestResults, Units and Status

My code is:

Me.Filter = ""
Me.FilterOn = False


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Modules & VBA :: Open Another Database And Send Variable Back

Apr 24, 2015

I have code that from DB1 opens DB2 and runs a Function in DB2.

The DB2 function produces a Boolean result that i am trying to get back to DB1 without success. Below is the script.

Sub Test22()
Dim AC As Object
Set AC = CreateObject("Access.Application")
rc = "K:ARSHRAutomation_ProjectsMikeFEDB2.accd b"
AC.OpenCurrentDatabase (rc)
AC.Visible = True
AC.Run "SendVariable"
End Sub

Because i am using AC.Run "SendVariable" i cant find a way to get the value of SendVariable!!

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General :: Memo Field In Database Will Only Send About 255 Characters

Sep 17, 2013

I have been trying to figure out this issue concerning the memo field in the database will only send about 255 characters. I am using the cmdEmail AssignedTo : On Click macro and the Message text and have two memo fields and only one will display and the one that does only displays about 255 characters

The message text ="Issue" & ":" & Chr(13) & [COMMENT] & Chr(10) & "Resolution" & ":" & [RESOLUTION] & Chr(10).

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Send Details Of Emails In Outlook To Access Database?

Dec 18, 2013

I have a contact form on our website which sends an email to the business dev team saying that the user has requested to be sent product sheets. The email contains the users name, email, phone number, and a few other fields. Is there a way I can send the details of these emails to my access database automatically?

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Importing Daily Excel Spreadsheets Into Item Inventory Access Database

Feb 1, 2005


I am not sure how complicated of a job this is, but we want to be able to import our daily recievals of inventory into our existing inventory database instead of entering it by hand. I try using the wizard, however when I get to "finish" it says there was an error and it was not imported.

I don't know much about access but I was hoping one of you could point me in the right direction.

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Setfocus On Repeating Item/accessing A Specific Item

Aug 18, 2006

I have a form that simply lists the items:

In the table: DEPARTMENT_TBL

When I edit the field DEPARTMENT_NBR and it is in error (must be between 01 and 99) I want to put out a message in a MSGBOX and SetFocus back on the DEPARTMENT_NBR.

I coded the MSGBOX with vbokonly and then DEPARTMENT_NBR.SetFocus, but after the message displays and enter is hit for the ok the cursor jumps to the DEPARTMENT_NAME on the current line. Is there a way to get the SetFocus to work properly on repeating items like this? I can never seem to get them to perform the same as they do on non-repeating items.

Thanks for your help.

If IsNumeric(DEPARTMENT_NBR) = False Then
If DEPARTMENT_NBR <> "00" Then
MsgBox "DEPARTMENT NUMBER must between 01 and 99.", vbOKOnly
GoTo DEPARTMENT_NBR_EXIT (exits the paragraph skipping other checks)
End If
End If

Also, is there a way to look at a specific item in a list like that? IE. I want to reference the 3rd row's DEPARTMENT_NBR. Thanks.

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Viewing Database Info In A Data Access Page

Oct 18, 2004

I am very new to access and have a question which I think is very easy to answer. What I have is an access file with a listing of companies, their contacts and what services we provide for them. (each company/client/service is listed in a row with each new set of information on the row below it).

What I am looking to do it to create a data access page that anyone in our office can view. I want the access page to have a text box where they can type in the name of the company, then click a 'search' button. That will then display the results in a box below everything. The results would be the contact and the services (there are other columns in the datasource as well, but I didn't list them).

If anyone can shed some light onto my problem it would be most appreciated!


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