Lookup Values In Existing Database

Dec 13, 2007

I've been racking my brain the last couple of days trying to figure out how to solve this problem, and I believe I've reached the end of my rope. I have a feeling that this isn't very difficult to a more savvy Access person, but I am at a loss.

Here's the situation. I have received a fairly large DB containing CCTV data for sanitary sewers. There are primarily two tables I'm dealing with, one lists a number (auto-number) for each pipe that was televised. Simple enough. The other uses this legacy number to show all deformities or service leads within a particular length of pipe. For example, for run X, there may be 7 rows in the table with X as the ID, one for each service lead along that length of pipe (I hope this is making sense :()

Ultimately, we need to tie this database into our GIS theme. To do this, I will need to add to the PipeID number from our GIS theme to the access table. What I've done so far is to create a new table in the DB with the number for each pipe televised, and I've manually added the corresponding PipeID number from the GIS in the second column. What I'm hoping to do is add a new column to my occurrence table so that for each occurrence X, I can add the GIS PipeID number. Perhaps this would make more sense:

Run # PipeID
1 S143
1 S143
1 S143
1 S143
2 S231
2 S231
2 S231
2 S231
3 S543
3 S543
3 S543

I've gone ahead and created the relationship between the newly created table and the existing table based on that auto-number field, and I've made the new PipeID column a combo box. This shows all of my PipeID numbers, which is a good thing. I'm hoping there's a way for it to automatically recognize the auto-number field and populate the PipeID field accordingly.

Have you ever known what you want to say, but not quite understood how to say it? That's kind of how I feel about this question, and I do apologize if I've made no sense. But if I have, and anyone has any suggestions for me, they would be greatly appreciated.



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Tables :: Split Database - Table Field To Lookup Values From A Query?

Jul 6, 2015

I have a split database and need a field (Combo type) in the table to lookup values from a query in the front end. How do I do this as it doesn't see the querys because the front and back end are split?

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Tables :: Replacing Existing Field By Lookup Value

Feb 23, 2013

I'm building a database to calculate yearly fees for customers. I have a list coming from our accountancy-database that shows a field with the clients name & surname combined and I have a table named 'customers' that contains the clients names & surnames as separate values.

The first table (let's name it "accountancy") thus contains a field "Customer". Example data in this field:

"John McLane"
"John Doe"
"Marcy Free"
"Zino Withers"

The second table ("customers") contains the fields "ID, name, surname". Example data in this table:


Now, what I'm looking for is a way to replace the 'Customer'-field in the first table by a lookup field that contains the correct ID for that customer in the 'Customers'-table.

Lucky thing: there are no doubles in the customer's table, so no two customers have the same name AND surname.

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Filtering Lookup Value Based On Other Lookup Values

Jul 27, 2015

I have three large source tables imported into my database. I have created queries to retrieve relevant values from fields in each source table which feeds into my form. Each field on my form that is connected to the relevant query is a lookup field. For example, one field called "Supplier_Name" another called "Supplier_Code" and a third called "Route_Number".

Needless to say each of my lookup fields are very long. I am trying to filter my search based upon the selection from the previous Lookup field. How I can filter a lookup field's value based upon the previous lookup field selection? Each Supplier has a code and assign route(s) and I have already established these relationships.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Remove Values From Lookup Values

Feb 23, 2015

I have a lookup value in a table, and I would like to remove all values of the lookup value from vba. How can i do it via vba? i've been trying to do it in a query but i have always some errors and i can not remove them.

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Calculating And Storing New Values From Existing Ones

Jan 30, 2006

I am pretty new to access, I will get right to it.

I am scoring rating scales. I want to be able to enter just the responses from a person, say on 80 questions (preferably into a form), where all the answers are 0 to 3 and have Access add the questions into the right groups to calculate all the sub-scores of the rating scale.
For example, Scale A may consist of Questions 1, 6, 15, 29, 35, and 70
I need access to add those up and save them so I can use them in a report.
I also need access to add the frequency of certain questions that were responded to with the answer 3.
I have gotten Access to calculate the scores in a form by adding extra variables to the form, erasing the variable name out of the white box and putting in the syntax =[Q1]+[Q6]+[Q15], etc. in place of a variable name but it just sits there on the form and doesn't store it anywhere.

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Queries :: Combo Box Won't Display Existing Values

Nov 28, 2013

I had a text box in a contacts DB form for the State field (Named txtState). It worked fine. I decided to replace it with a combo box. Now not only will it not display the existing values, but to rub salt in the wound it won't allow me to select from the drop down list. The error message that says that the field is too small for the value. I tried changing each of the yes/no properties one at a time but none of them change the outcome.

I have attached a couple of screenshots:


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Tables :: How To Not Allow A New Record To Have Similar Values As Existing One

Jul 29, 2015

I am having an issue with duplicates in my table. I have a table, called "Part Mods", that has about 12 fields in it. the first 2 of them are "Mod" and "Part Number". I have a form where someone can insert data into this table and what i want is for them to NOT be able to insert a record with the same Mod/Part Number combination of an already existing record. I have "indexed" turned on but I am pretty sure that is for every field.

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Queries :: DateAdd Function Using Existing Field Values

Nov 26, 2013

I have a query in design view that consists of two calculated fields at the moment. One of the calculated fields is supposed to add one year onto a value from another date/time field called "Last_Date."

The expression I've written in the "Field:" box in Query design view is

Expr 2: DateAdd('yyyy',1,[Last_Date])

When I try to run the Query it doesn't work! Access just prompts me to enter a parameter value for Last_Date.

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Queries :: Append Query To Check For Existing Values And Add Only Those Not Present

Oct 23, 2013

I have a database used to manage teaching assignments (which kid is assigned to which teacher so to speak). I have this relationship defined through three tables, a teacher table, a student table, both with unique ID's. The third table is used to define the assignment. Also, the kid table has an extra GroupID. The group ID is what is used to define. So in the definition table, Teacher 1 is assigned to Group 1, and so on (though their may be 20 kids in group 1). When a new teacher is added to the teacher table, I need it to add it to the corresponding field in the definition table. The groupID is in the table as an Autonumber so that will populate automatically.

I need to appendTeacherID to tblassignment (TeacherassignmentID) and have only one occurrence of the TeacherID. So, if I have teachers 1-8 listed, each assigned to a group# in the tblassignment, and I add Teacher 9, I need it to add Teacher 9's unique ID to the TeacherassignmentID field without adding 1-8 again. I can't figure out how to "check" for ID's 1-9 and add only those I've added to the teacher list that aren't already assigned to a group.

I've tried a few different SQL queries append/select queries but nothing seems to do what I need it to do....

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LookUp Values

Jul 31, 2006

In an order entry system I have two tables relating to products available: one listing the products (e.g. mugs, pencils, etc), and another listing options. The options table has two fields, one for the product type (e.g. mugs, pencils, etc), and the second has the options (e.g. red, yellow, green).

So, taking mugs as an example, there is one mug record in the products table, and three corresponding records in the second table because there are three different colours available.

I have created a lookup in my Orders table to lookup the product and another to look up the option.

What I now want to do is make the Options lookup only display options which are available for the product type selected.

So, say for example that pencils are standard and without options, then the options lists should not contain any items for the user to select. But, if a mug is the selected product, then the colour options should be in the list of selectable options.

How can I do this?


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Lookup Values In Another Table

Jun 13, 2006


I am desperate to solve this problem but unfortunately I have not been able to figure it out. Below I will outline a design of a database and the desired results.

I know what I want to do but I don’t know how to do it (or whether it is impossible!)


The design below is a simplified version of the real thing but it contains the essential information needed to understand my database.

Staff Data
Contains daily data for several members of staff
Staff ID
Staff Name
Data Field 1
Example records:
600-001, Bob Smith, 01/03/2006, 50
600-001, Bob Smith, 02/03/2006, 50
600-001, Bob Smith, 03/03/2006, 50
600-001, Bob Smith, 04/03/2006, 50
600-001, Bob Smith, 05/03/2006, 50
600-002, Jayne Cole, 01/03/2006, 60
600-002, Jayne Cole, 02/03/2006, 60
600-002, Jayne Cole, 03/03/2006, 60
600-002, Jayne Cole, 04/03/2006, 60
600-002, Jayne Cole, 05/03/2006, 60
600-003, Alex Winter, 01/03/2006, 20
600-003, Alex Winter, 02/03/2006, 20
600-003, Alex Winter, 03/03/2006, 20
600-003, Alex Winter, 04/03/2006, 20
600-003, Alex Winter, 05/03/2006, 20

Team Lookup
Shows what team each staff member belongs to and what date this is effective.
Staff ID
Start Date

Example records:
600-001, Sales, 01/01/06
600-002, Sales, 01/01/06
600-003, Accounts, 01/01/06
600-002, Accounts, 04/03/06

Please note:

The first three records show that at the start of the year Bob (600-001) and Jayne (600-002) worked for Sales and that Alex (600-003) worked for Accounts.

The last record shows that from 04/03/06 Jayne switched teams to Accounts

Query Assign Team
Assigns the correct team to Staff ID for each date
Staff ID
Staff Name
Data Field 1
Desired Results:
600-001, Bob Smith, Sales, 01/03/2006, 50
600-001, Bob Smith, Sales, 02/03/2006, 50
600-001, Bob Smith, Sales, 03/03/2006, 50
600-001, Bob Smith, Sales, 04/03/2006, 50
600-001, Bob Smith, Sales, 05/03/2006, 50
600-002, Jayne Cole, Sales, 01/03/2006, 60
600-002, Jayne Cole, Sales, 02/03/2006, 60
600-002, Jayne Cole, Sales, 03/03/2006, 60
600-002, Jayne Cole, Accounts, 04/03/2006, 60
600-002, Jayne Cole, Accounts, 05/03/2006, 60
600-003, Alex Winter, Accounts, 01/03/2006, 20
600-003, Alex Winter, Accounts, 02/03/2006, 20
600-003, Alex Winter, Accounts, 03/03/2006, 20
600-003, Alex Winter, Accounts, 04/03/2006, 20
600-003, Alex Winter, Accounts, 05/03/2006, 20

Query Group By Team
Summarises data by team/date
Team – Group By
Date – Group By
Data Field 1 - Sum
Desired Results:
Sales, 01/03/06, 110
Sales, 02/03/06, 110
Sales, 03/03/06, 110
Sales, 04/03/06, 50
Sales, 05/03/06, 50
Accounts, 01/03/06, 20
Accounts, 02/03/06, 20
Accounts, 03/03/06, 20
Accounts, 04/03/06, 80
Accounts, 05/03/06, 80


I don’t know how to get the query “Query Assign Team” to work!!

I would like to lookup up the ‘Staff ID’ and ‘Date’ in “Team Lookup” and return the appropriate value for ‘Team’

If the only two records in Tbl Staff data were:

600-002, Jayne Cole, 03/03/2006, 60
600-002, Jayne Cole, 04/03/2006, 60

I want the query to return:

600-002, Jayne Cole, Sales, 03/03/2006, 60
600-002, Jayne Cole, Accounts, 04/03/2006, 60

Can anybody help me?

Should I be using DLOOKUP? If so, how?
Is VBA the only way around my problem? If so, can you tell me what it is?
Am I attempting the impossible?

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How To Lookup Values In A Table And Add Them To Another?

Jan 22, 2007

I just started a new database and I'm new at this so I have a question about ID numbers for my two tables.

In Table1, I have faculty demographic information, and a FacultyID (unique ID number created by AutoNumber).

Table2 has the courses those faculty members taught - one faculty teaches many courses. But this table does not have the FacultyID that I added to Table1.

So, how do I automate the process of looking up the FacultyID number from Table1 and adding it to the currently blank FacultyID field in Table2? Theres hundreds of records and this will be done every semester, so I need an automatic way of doing this lookup.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Updating And Existing Database

Jan 17, 2007


I have a database which i am constantly updating and improving. I have a few friends who use the database in a current form. If i made an update say to a form or to some of the coding to make the DB more efficent, how can i update the dBs my friends are using without damaging or changing the existing data, or migrating it to the new design.

I.e going from version 1 to version 1.1

Any advise would be great?

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Improving Existing Database

Jun 1, 2007


I have been assigned to "improve" an Access database that has been created by a user. However, i do not know where to start. One of the things I have to do is write a stored procedure so that when the user runs the queries, the user is prompted to enter the criteria (for instance, a data range) to narrow down the number of records retrieved from the SQL backend. I have been told to improve the database. However, I do not have any experience in this and don't know how to start. The database has been created by a user so there's obviously lots of room for improvement. For instance, there are a million queries and I don't think that many are really needed. The goal is to minimize the size of the database. Can someone please guide me as to how I should go about starting to improve this database?


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Query An Existing Database

Jun 17, 2005

is there anyway to view records in an access database from an existing database? i have 3 databases that perform basically the same things, but are for different people...
i would like to create a database that can report all this information in one spot, instead of creating reports in every database. if this is not possible, i'll probably go the asp.net route, but this seems to be an easier way, if it is possible
what do u think?

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Combo Box To Lookup Values In A Table

Nov 16, 2006

I have a small database with 3 tables.
Fields - Key - BillCustID , companyname, address1, address2, city, state



I have a form that has tblCustomers as the main form then tblOrders as a sub form.

I want to place a combo box on the form that will lookup a company name from the tblBilltoCustomer table then brin in the address1, address2, city,state , into the form for that record. But then I need that same info to print on a rpt.

I can get the lookup to work using =cboCompanyName.Column() but the addresses , city and state will not show on report
Is there any good samples of lookup fields

Any Ideas are greatly appreciated


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General :: Lookup All Values Of Another Table

Feb 12, 2014

II have been working in Access 2010 and by no means would I call myself an expert. I have two different tables, one is called 'JobsList' and the other one is called 'StatHolidays'. On the Jobslist form, I have a field that requires a ship date, however, I don't want to allow the user to select the dates listed in the StatHolidays table. Is there a way that when a user picks a date that is listed in StatHolidays that a pop up box will say "This date is Christmas, do not choose this as a Ship date". The 'StatHolidays' table has a field for a date and for a description of the holiday.

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Lookup To Show Related Values

Aug 19, 2011

In the attached Database, I have four tables. The purpose of the Database is to track training for employees. A quick description of each table:

Employees: List of employees requiring training
Course List: List of Courses offered
Course Schedule: When said courses are offered (one to many relationship with Course List). this has a Composite Primary key consisting of the Course Number and Section Number
Course Attendance: This is to track which employees attended which class.

Question 1:
In the Course Attendance table, the first field (SOS Course Number) looks to the Course Schedule table. This field uses a lookup to select the course and section number, but only displays the course number. How do I get it to also display both the course and section number (don't care if it is displayed in one or two columns)?

Question 2:
Similar problem, except the second field is Employee Last Name which is a lookup from the Employee table. I want to display both last and first name in two separate columns.

Note, I realize there are spaces in table and field names. Please ignore this for now. It will be fixed later.

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Restricting Lookup Values In Sub-datasheet

May 12, 2014

I am new to Access and am currently learning it so that I can construct a database of trivia questions.

I have a "Questions" table with question, answer, type, etc. This table is linked to a "Categories" table with a many-to-many relationship using a junction table called "Questions_Categories". The "Categories" table is also linked to a "SubCategories" table with a Categories as the parent and SubCategories as the child. I have attached the database for ease of understanding.

When I enter data into the "Questions" table using datasheet view, I open up a subsheet that shows me the Category and SubCategory fields which have their own lookups.

My problem is the following: I want each category to have its own set of SubCategories. For example, the "Region-Specific" category has "Canada", "London", and "Ontario" as sub categories. However, the movies category should not have any sub categories. The problem is that when I choose Movies in the sub datasheet, the subcategory lookup still shows Canada London and Ontario when I don't want it to show anything. It doesn't make sense to have a Movies category with a London subcategory.

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One Lookup Table With Two Needed Values - How To Use Both

Apr 24, 2015

The Lookup table has two fields containing values that are needed: Description and Amount ($). In the table that uses the Lookup, I'd like to have both values shown, but have a dropdown just once. In other words, when the user selects a description (the dropdown shows both the description and amount), can the amount be inserted into an Amount field as the description is done currently.

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Developing An Existing Access Database

Jun 29, 2006

We are a SME with a 4 year old access database which is in need of updating with new tabs and various other new spec. We are struggling to find an access programmer who is right for this project.

Does anyone know someone who could have a look at this project??

We are in the Greater Manchester area at present but will be rolling out on a regional and then national scale with this in the next 12-18 months

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Making A Template Out Of Existing Database?

Apr 28, 2012

We have a shared personnel access database for our department. Another department is wanting to use the same database. Is there a way to go about deleting all the info and making a template to give the other dept to use?

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Adding New Element To Existing Database

Dec 8, 2011

I was tasked by my CFO yesterday to add a new element to my existing database. I will try to keep what I am trying to do simple.

Basically we do finance for multiple projects. each project has employers.

My database records these employers names, SSN, dates registered, program they are in, and a few other elements as well.

What I have been tasked to do is create a new table with the project managers in that table. this way in a query or report i can pull "sally sue's" projects or whoever I needed to. There are many PM's who have more than one project.

Here is what I have for relationships:

On the Project Managers table I have a PK for ID and then the PM Name as a second field. the ID field is linked to the Programs table which has a PM ID and Program name

The Program table is also related to the employer table which has all of the employers and their info. the relation between the two tables is the Program Name.

So when I run a query or report my goal is to be able to pick any project manager and get the associated count of employers under all of that projects managers programs. I have gotten errors when running queries. Perhaps I have the relationships set up wrong?

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Multiple Lookup Values Into One Table Field

Apr 4, 2006


Is there anyway to have a single field in a table which is populated via the use of a lookup onto another table, but allowing multiple value selection out of the lookup table and populating those into the field...

For example

Table 1 is customer details
Table 1 field 3 = areas of interest

Table 1 field 3 is populated via a lookup into Table 2 interests

Table 2 has 4 records


I want to be able to select 1 or more of the Table 2 values and populate them into Table 1 Field 3....

Help my head hurts....

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Queries :: Lookup Multiple Values And Use Both Separately

Jun 24, 2014

I have two tables one with all the personnel (tblPersonnel) I'm tracking, another with different report names (tblReports).

For each report, there are different years that it's valid for.

On the reports table, I have three columns, ReportID, Report_Title, and Years_Valid

I'm using a lookup on the personnel table that stores the report name as the ReportID.

What I want to do is in a query use the Years_Valid column to automatically generate review dates bases on dates already in the database.

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