Lots And Lots Of Similar Tables

Sep 25, 2006

Please be patient with me.. really a beginner here. Thanks. :)

Here is my question:
I have multiple tableS (and by multiple, I mean a LOT of tables.) They are all similarly designed, with mailing addresses of potential customers. They were all entered at different locations and different timing. What I want to do is to take out all customers from a particular country at one go. The simple and tedious way is of course to merge ALL the tables then run a query. But is there a simpler way?

Somebody wrote me a SQL thingy, that helps me remove all the duplicates, so that is not a problem. But the merging of the tables is too tedious considering the number of tables involved. I myself have around zero knowledge of SQL, but if the solution is in that direction, please let me know, and I will find someone who can help figure it out.


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Lots Of Choices

Dec 15, 2006

In this database, there is a table of users (name, address, phone, etc.) There is also a table of 35 groups. Each user may be in any combination of 1 or all of the groups. The list of groups is not static. At any point in time, I need to be able to show that Bob is in groups 1, 19 and 35. All I can think to do is list all 35 groups in the user table, then make each one a yes or no field. HELP! There’s got to be a better, more efficient way.

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Is My Table To Big? Lots Of Data Fields...

Nov 9, 2005

I only have one table and I read so often that its better to have multiple tables. For what I have, it seems to work fine.

Will this cause problems down the road?

Thank you once again

John D

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Lots Of Slightly Different Forms Or Code ?

Dec 20, 2006


I have a search form (continuous) which filters results from the main table. I can then double click on one of the filtered results to open a new form (single) showing all the fields for that entry. Fine so far.

My question - There are ten different types of operation that can be displayed, all with slightly different relevant fields.

Which of these methods is more efficient:
1. Make ten custom made forms (the correct one displayed depending on the selected operation). - Easy to do but needs ten forms.


2. Have one form with all the fields added (only the correct fields made visible by code). - Complicated code.

What do you think ?

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Lots Of Repetitive Entries... What Am I Doing Wrong?

Sep 24, 2007

I have been working on a Query to sort through a list of companies. I am trying to query the company name to include ALL entries that have the include key(from another table) anywhere in their company name... It is supposed to exclude all entries with ONLY the exclude key(from another table)... If it has the exclude key AND the include key or neither key then the entry should be included... Then it is supposed to use all of the entries added from the previous sorts and include ONLY the entries where the zipcode matches one from a ZIPCode list.

Below I have listed the tables with their variables and my attempt on the query:

Include Table (tblinc)

Exclude Table (tblex)

List Table (list)

ZIPCode Table (ZIPCode)

Query withZips <--- my attempt... doesnt work 100% ALOT OF REPETITIVE ENTRIES

SELECT DISTINCT tblinc.inckey, tblex.exkey, ZIPCode.ZIPCode, *
FROM ((list LEFT JOIN tblinc ON list.company Like "* " & tblinc.inckey & " *") LEFT JOIN tblex ON list.company Like "* " & tblex.exkey & " *") INNER JOIN ZIPCode ON list.ZipCode Like "*" & ZIPCode.ZIPCode & "*"
ORDER BY inckey DESC , exkey;

This has become urgent... If you can help, please respond asap...

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How To Handle Lots Of Input Fields

Jan 29, 2005

I have an input form that has many fields, how do I go about fragmenting the data collection.

I thought I might group related data fileds together ie personal details, contact details and have a separate form for each data grouping or one form and make the fields invisible after they are filled in and then make the new data group fileds visible ie overlaying them so it appears to be a new form. I am not sure and would appreciate guidance.



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Sort Out Report For Individual Record With Lots Of Fields?

Apr 22, 2014

I'm trying to find the best way to organize a report that will have ALOT of fields for an individual record. Because it is for an individual record not a group of records (and I want it to be dynamic) I'm thinking of doing a filter & query to fill in report with necessary details. This report is going to contain ALOT of fields, even the wizard that I used based on the query said that there were too many fields, but I can't cut down.

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Adding A Unique Identifier Field To A Table With Lots Of Data

Jan 9, 2007


I wonder if someone can help with what must be an easy solution to this problem.

I have a table with 350,000 records, but without a unique identifier field. I just want a simple incrementing number field to become the primary key but dont know how to add this in. I cannot add an autonumber as there are two many records - it falls over.

Ive tried exporting it all to excel, but as well as being cumbersome, something went wrong and so I'm back to square one.

I think there must be a way to add an incrementing number either via a query or in VBA but I dont know how. Please can somebody provide a solution.


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Tables :: 2 Similar Tables / One Takes Too Long To Append Data

Jul 19, 2014

I have being playing with ms access but I really don't know much about it or databases in general.I have created a very simple database to gather twitter following/followers data for research purposes.One table (table01) has a field for the "boss" user (=the user who I gather data for), another field for "client" (=bosses followers or friends).Both fields are numeric and contain the users id's.In order to distinguish if the link is follower or friend there is a third field, called type which can be either 1 (=follower) or 2 (=friend).So the data would look like this:

boss - client - type
12345, 67890, 1
12345, 54321, 2

If user with user id 12345 had a follower (type 1) with user id 67890 and a friend with user id 54321...In order to avoid getting duplicate rows I also added a unique identifier which is of the form boss_id-user_id-type.So the above row looks like this:

12345-67890-1, 12345, 67890, 1
12345-54321-2, 12345, 54321, 2

That works just fine.For several reasons I also needed data of the form source - target.So I also made another table (table02) of this form.

67890, 12345
12345, 54321

In table 2 you don't need the "type" field since the position of the user id shows the type of relationship.Still, you need a unique identifier in order to avoid duplicates, so I added on with the form: source_id-client_id..So table02 lookes like this

67890-12345, 67890, 12345
12345-54321, 12345, 54321

Both tables also have a date/time stamp for each line.As you can see, table01, having also a type field is bigger than table02.The problem is when I try to append data, exactly the same data in both tables.Appending data to table01 is ok, while appending data to table02 (which is smaller, having one less field) takes a really long time, maybe 10 times as long as appending data to table01.To make sure that no query's are causing the problem I have tried first creating temporary tables with the data to be appended, no duplicates, nothing that would cause the database to make extra calculations and used a simple update query with no filters to append data.Still I get the same result, table02 takes a very long time to finish while table01 finishes in no time.

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Keep 5 Similar Tables Updated

Apr 2, 2008

I have 5 tables which comes from different departments in our company.
All of them have the same key "project no" but hold different information in other colums.
As a starting point I have secured that they all have same no. of records meaning all "project no" are in all tables but some table might not contain other information in that record than the project no.
I have put them into a quirie and on a form I am able to look at all data from all 5 tables.
I have linked them one to one and it works fine untill I add a record to one of the tables. Afterwards I am not able to write into fields from other tables because there is no automatic creation of the record in the other tables.
Please How would this be best/easiest to make for me. ?
The reason why I have to keep the 5 tables is that regular updates are avaiable form any of them.

Appricate any comments which can make me any progress.

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Merge Similar Tables

Jun 5, 2007

Hi there, I'm quite new to Access.I have two tables which have very similar Data, but laid out differently. The main similarities are things like FirstName, LastName, Company. What I need to be able to do is merge the two tables together into one super table. I've tried linking FirstName with FirstName and LastName with LastName on both tables, and running a query, so I can check for duplicate names. But all that brings up is a list like this:Steve Smith Steve AbrahamsSteve Smith Steve McDonaldSteve Smith Steve PerrySteve Smith Steve Vere(those columns would be Old FirstName, Old LastName, New FirstName, New LastName)There are fields in the old table that are not in the new, and vice versa. But the core fields are labeled the same. What's the best way to proceed here?Cheers,Hob

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Find Similar Data In 3 Tables

Mar 29, 2008

I have 3 tables, with the same field in each of the three tables. I need to find numbers (within those fields) that are similar in all 3 tables. If a number appears in all 3 tables, then all the data for that number need to be pulled from each table and placed in one row, all corresponding to that one number.

I can get this to work for 2 tables, using a query, but not three.

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Joining Tables With Similar Fields?

Sep 18, 2015

How would I go about joining tables with similar fields? I currently have three tables that show standings of teams (East, Central, and West). They all have the same fields:

Team Name
Points For
Points Against

Team Name
Points For
Points Against

Team Name
Points For
Points Against

How would I combine them in a query so that all of the data from the tables are compiled into one table:

Overall Standings (East/Central/West)
Team Name
Points For
Points Against

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How To Join Tables With Similar Values In Query

Apr 5, 2006

Can someone please help with the following:

I am trying to join two tables in a query. One of the tables has only the fullname while another has only the surname (this table is imported from an external database). I need to be able to match the two tables up. Can anyone please suggest how to do this or even if this is possible.


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Comparing Similar Columns In Multiple Tables.

Jun 1, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to compare/relate two columns in two tables to each other in access, where the results shoud return similarities among both colums from both tables.Even if one column has some parts of it.
T1 T2
Name Members
John Johnson.kay
mike mike
Daniel Danielson.mic
Richard Richardson

I tried; "like[T1.Name]*" in the criteria section of Members.Need Help pls.

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Tables :: How To Not Allow A New Record To Have Similar Values As Existing One

Jul 29, 2015

I am having an issue with duplicates in my table. I have a table, called "Part Mods", that has about 12 fields in it. the first 2 of them are "Mod" and "Part Number". I have a form where someone can insert data into this table and what i want is for them to NOT be able to insert a record with the same Mod/Part Number combination of an already existing record. I have "indexed" turned on but I am pretty sure that is for every field.

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Modules & VBA :: Combining Multiple Tables Of Similar Type?

Jul 17, 2014

I have a database which is importing several Excel workbooks, each with multiple worksheets. Every workbook has 20 worksheets, with the same 20 worksheet names. When they are imported they come in as one table for each worksheet, named tblWorkSheetName_X with X starting at 1 and increasing for each worksheet brought in with the same name. So if the worksheet names are A-T I have tblA_1 through tblA_6 and likewise for B - T.

I would like to combine all of the tables which come from similar worksheets into one table (one table per name).

I.e. I want to combine the data in tblA_1 through tblA_6 into a singular tbl_A and likewise for tables B through T. So in the end I will have one table for each worksheet name A-T. t how to code this successfully?

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Tables :: Similar Option To Multivalue Lookup Fields

Apr 16, 2013

Is there another field that can be used beside the lookup field in an Access table? I am currently using the lookup field as a multivalued lookup field and I am limited to the the things I can do with it when creating a report or a query on that field. Is there a similar field in Access 2010 that has the same look as a lookup field and allows for multiple values to be selected?

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Tables :: Merge Duplicate / Similar Records Into 1 Record In Access 2010

Jun 9, 2014

Is there a way to merge duplicate/similar Access 2010 records into one record?

I have an Access table with 1,000 duplicate records, although they are similar and not exact duplicates. As you can see below, some records contain information that other records do not. Yet, the primary key is the same for all duplicate records. I want to find a way to merge data from filled cells of duplicate records into empty cells for each duplicate record. I do not want to concatenate the data (i.e. combine last and first name, etc.). I only want to fill empty cells if there is a match for it in a duplicate record. I will delete the newly exact duplicate records later. Short of correcting the records by hand.


LastName FirstName SSN Address Phone Email
Doe John 123-45-7891 123 Anywhere St. NULL john(at)gmail.com
Doe John 123-45-7891 NULL (123)456-7890 NULL

Desired Result

LastName FirstName SSN Address Phone Email
Doe John 123-45-7891 123 Anywhere St. (123)456-7890 john(at)gmail.com
Doe John 123-45-7891 123 Anywhere St. (123)456-7890 john(at)gmail.com

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Similar Records In The Same Query?

Oct 28, 2005

This is a tough one. I am developing golf management software. There is a table of caddies. And there is a table of members. The Caddies carry two bags each one for each member. They are assigned their jobs through an assignment form. Therefore, a single caddie will carry for Member1 and Member 2.

Now I need to produce a report of how many times each member plays. So how can I query the assignment table where Member 1 and Member 2 fields exist so that I can have a single field of allMembers so that I can count their rounds in a report.


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Crosstab Query Or Similar?

Dec 13, 2005


I am trying to query on a table, predominantly made up of check boxes, so that I can get a summary which essentially shows the number of 'checks' in each field within a given date range. I have attached a Word file, which should explain exactly what I would like to achieve.

If anyone can help me I would be extremely grateful.

Many thanks and best wishes

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Delete Similar Records

Jul 31, 2006

I have a table of ~165k records and need to delete records that are similar (2 or more records have the same lastname, firstname, dob). These records are not duplicates as other field values in these records are different. I've tried several sql scripts and Access methodologies but can't get valid results.


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Situation With Similar Strings!

Apr 10, 2008

I have supplier records where the supplier name in each record is different. It may be Supplier ABC, AB,C, ABC!, ABC Inc., or several other variations. In addition each of these suppliers has their own supplier ID. The supplier ID can be one of 5 different versions since the data is from 5 different ERP systems. I am trying to create one table that does not have the supplier listed many times, but has one correct name and one ID that will be able to link back to the original file with all the different names and IDs. I hope this is a good explananation. Any advise?

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Grouping Similar Terms

Aug 11, 2006

I would like to take information from a table and combine all the like terms. For example, I have a list of items, and some appear multiple times. I would like access to group the items with the same UPC together and give me a running dollar total insted of viewing the same UPC item 3 times. Is this possible?

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Query On Similar Address Fields

Oct 9, 2005

I am new at Access, but I am trying to run a query on two tables where the linking field is the address field.

One table has addresses storred as "123 Elm Street #123" and the other stores them as "123 Elm St. Apt. 123"

Is there any way to run this query on these two tables with this difference in the address fields?

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Query Similar To Vlookup (true)

Oct 9, 2006

Hello Everybody!!!

I need a help.
I have one table that has a field called "Initial ZIP CODE", another field called "Final ZIP CODE", and a field called "AREA".

I have a data base that will give me the specific "ZIP CODE", that will be between the "Initial ZIP CODE" and "Final ZIP CODE", and I want to get the "AREA".

Anybody knows how to to that???

Tks in advance.


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