MDE Synchronisation

Nov 7, 2005

I am considering creating an MDE file version of my database and I understand that this comprssed version of the DB will contain no editable source code but can improve resource usage and reduce file size for client machines running the application.

However, if I later modify the original master database object - I will need to create a new MDE file to reflect these changes. Is there a recognised procedure for synchronising the data between the original database file and the MDE file that the users have been interacting with?

(Obviously, if I simply overwrite the older MDE file with that of the newer one - all data in the tables since the MDE file creation will be lost....)

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Synchronisation Conflicts

Aug 16, 2005

Hello. I have a replicated database, and I synchronise with other members of the replica set using Access's own synchronisation tool.

Everything was fine until recently, but now it keeps telling me that there is a conflict bur when I click to resolve the conflict it tells me that there are no conflict tables.

What is causing the database to think there is a conflict? If there is a conflict then why is it not showing me where it is when I click to resolve it?

How can I resolve the conflict if I can't see what it is?

As always your help is very much appreciated.



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Synchronisation Error

May 29, 2007

Hello all. I really hope you can help me. I have a replicated database - see attached for its structure.

Most people have no problem synchronising but I have one user in the US who regularly gets the following error when trying to synchronise with the US Server:

"The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data".

Yet when I synchronise the design master in the UK directly with her replica over the network it goes through just fine! I really am baffled by this and would appreciate any advice. Is there any way to 'debug' the sychronisation so I can see exactly what is causing it to fail?


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Synchronisation Between Forms

Jan 30, 2005

I have a form that doesnt close, it gets the basic skeletal details of a booking.

I have a button that opens the next form to input the address details and it wont sync.

I have a function that checks to see if the first enrolment form is open and the function works fine. it then creates a filter string based on the studentID of the main form and switched on the filter of the second form, which appears to work. What it does is add a new autonumber in the studentID field of the second input form.

the code for synchronisation is :

' Declare and set a variable to store the WHERE
' clause that describes the records you want to
' display.
Dim strCond As String
strCond = "StudentID = Forms!FrmEnhancedEnrolment!StudentID"

' Use the IsLoaded function
' to check whether the Enrolment
' form is open, then set the properties.
If IsLoaded("FrmEnhancedEnrolment") Then
Forms![FrmEnrolmentContact].FilterOn = True
Forms![FrmEnrolmentContact].Filter = strCond
End If

Coutesy of Microsoft and Northwind

I open the second form :

DoCmd.OpenForm "FrmEnrolmentContact", acNormal, , , acFormEdit

As I recall this was working last night, all I have done is add some more fields to the respective forms.

Help would be appreciated.

I chose this way so that I could guide the user through the enrolment process.

Regards in advance


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Synchronisation In Microsoft Access

Jun 2, 2007

Please consider the situation below:
There is a central server and there are many client PCs connected to the server. On each client PC, there is an access database file that will be frequently updated by the user of the PC.

What I want to do is to allow the user on each of the client PC to backup their database file to the central server;

At the server side, it is free to use any architecture(eg using file system or another database to store the file) to facilitate the backup purposes. One of simplest solution is to upload the entire database file to the central server everytime. However, the problem is the access database file on each client PC is quite big, hence it is better not to upload the entire file but only to upload the updated data to the central server.

Is there a way to synchronise the data with central server without upload the entire database file? What kind of architecture should built up in the central server if there is a way?

Any input is welcome:)

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