MS Access - Calculating Estimate Form

Feb 28, 2005

Hello MS Access Experts,

I designed a form for my place of business. We do estimates for roofing and construction and the form is really basic in terms of MS Access and it's potential.

But I'd like to modify it to have it make certain calculations. The way I have it setup is... on the left of the form are different fields for. Shingles, Plywood, Metal Drip Edge, so on and so forth.

This is a line pretty much of the entire form: (noted this is only what it shows)

[checkbox] Tear Off [Shingles Text Field] First Layer [# of Sqs. Field] X [FIELD = Per Square] Per Sq. = [Field = Total]

This is the way I would like to set it up.

I dont' know if the check box would complicate things but here is my idea:
If Check - # of Sqs. X Price Per Sq. = Total Price

Then I would also like to have Total Price + All Checked Total Prices = Grand Total.

I don't know if that is too complicated. I don't know anything about MS Access other than adding fields to keep data into the Database. I played with the expressions but I couldn't figure it out.

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Contractor's Estimate Form

Aug 9, 2005

Hello... I have a form I created use MS Access... and near every aspect of the form is just the way the company wants it.

However, my boss would like it to calculate certain values... which in spite of my greatest efforts to decipher the more in-depth aspects of MS Access I am unable to do it.

I also designed it to print on legal form paper 8.5 by 14. And it prints out 3 pages. Although there is nothing but a 1/2 inch line in the middle of the 2 pages.

My boss just gave me the authorization to pay for some help.

I personally would like to pay someone to SHOW me how to do it... rather than to do it for me.

I would be willing to email the form to show you if you're serious and able to help me.


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Calculating Distance In Access?

May 3, 2014

Before I design an application in Access, I need to know if a certain task is even possible. I have a table of Physicians containing their names and addresses. What I would like to accomplish is to be able to provide an entry screen that would allow a user to input their zip code and have Access search for the physicians with a

1) 5 mile radius
2) 10 mile radius, etc.

Is this even possible within Access?

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Is It Possible To Create Self Calculating Hyperlinks In Access?

Feb 27, 2007

I am creating a database that basically holds product information. The different fields I have is Supplier, Product Code, Product Description.

For each product I have a product specification in a word document the names of these specifications follow this convention: [Supplier]&[Product Code] e.g. Coca Cola012345

I need a hyperlink to link to the relevant word document, but rather than going through and setting them up one by one I want the hyperlink to be self calculating depending on the information entered in the fields.

I tried typing in the following in the hyperlink address part in the properties:
=[Supplier]&[Product Code]&".doc"

but it seems to read it exactly as I type it in and obviously does not work.

Can anyone suggest a way round this or perhaps a completely different way of doing it which may be more effective???

Thanks in anticipation of your help.

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Calculating New Fields In Access Database

Nov 20, 2007

I am working on a system to store financial information. I will be extracting our accounts payable journal entries on a monthly basis into Excel. I want to import that data into an Access table. I have several calculations to perform to create new datafields that I need to store in my Access table. Is it possible to perform these calculations as I load the data? If so what the best method to do this? Here is an example. I will be downloading our monthly hardware depreciation and need to split it among departments based on % stored in another Access Table.

Thank you for any help you can provide me.


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Calculating Percentile On Access 2003

May 1, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I have been trying to calculate Percentile through Access 2003. Does anyone know of a code or function that would help me do that ?


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Calculating Date Difference Excluding Weekends In Access

Aug 8, 2006

I have a query that is looking to calculate staff absence.

Absence Start date & Return to work date

Looking to calculate number of days (not a problem) but to exclude weekends ie saturday and sunday ????

Not sure if this can be done --- any assistance would be greatly received.

thanks and regards

ian watson
Yarm Cleveland UK

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Calculating Shift Patterns/rosters In Access 2000

Jun 23, 2005


I wonder if someone could point me in the right direction with this one....

I need to be able to check at any time which person is working a shift on a specific day, and whether they are working a day or night shift. In effect I have 4 engineers, who work on shifts A B C & D. All the engineers work a 4 on, 4 off shift pattern, so for example if engineer A is working day shift, engineer B will be working nightshift, C & D will be on rest days. The pattern rotates every 4 days, so in the case of engineer A:

1st - days
2nd - days
3rd - days
4th - days
5th - rest
6th - rest
7th - rest
8th - rest
9th - nights
10th - nights
11th - nights
12th - nights
13th - rest
14th - rest
15th - rest
16th - rest
...................and so on.

I need to be able to pull up a form that tells me which engineer is working which shift on a selected date -I hope I've explained myself properly. Can this be calculated 'on the fly' using VBA & a reference table or lookup? I'd prefer to do this by programming if possible.

Hope that someone can help.

Many thanks,


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Queries :: Calculating Daily Change In Access Query

Jan 21, 2015

I don't use Access too often but I'm trying to connect a table to some business intelligence software I use.

A. Date B. Price C.Ydayprice
01/01/2015 101.45
02/01/2015 104.70
03/01/2015 103.00

Simple stuff. Once I've connected to the table, I can easily do what I want with Field 'Price' and 'Ydayprice'. However, I can't calculate column C. All I want is row 2 to say 101.45, R3 to say 104.7 etc. I've tried various things but I don't have the knowledge to write the action I require. I don't want to calculate the change in Access either.

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Calculating Sum In A Form

Jul 11, 2006

I have a form based on a query that gives the user 4 choices (check boxes), if they check the box an amount is put into a text box (this is done with an expression in the query) and this works fine. What I can't work out is how I total the amounts into a 5th text box - I have tried =[Expr1]+[Expr2]+[Expr3]+[Expr4] and it displays the 4 seperate amounts as if it is joining 4 text strings - the fields are formatted as currency. I don't know enough to figure this one out, I'm sure it is quite straightforward, but I need you guys to help me please!

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Calculating In A Form

Sep 14, 2006


This is my first post to the forum and thanks so far for the answers I have gotten already just by searcing. I've got to a point where I don't even know what question to ask for this problem:

I have created a sub-form to a 'clients' form called 'Needs' showing a list of 13 specific needs of people that my team support. Each need has to be scored from 1 to 10 and be re-scored every three months (or sooner). I also have a total score field that will be used to summarise the distance travelled in a persons move towards independance that I would like to be able to put in to some form of chart to give the person a visualisation of how well they are doing and where necessary, where more work is needed through charts showing distance travelled on each individual need.

I have named each need in a table and set the data type to number with a field size of double. I have called the total scores field 'total.

How do I get the scores from the 13 needsfields in to the total field?

Thanks for reading, and for any assistance offered.

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Access Rookie - Calculating Difference Between Dates In Format Mm/dd/yyyy Hh:mm

Jan 24, 2008

Hi, I am a longtime Excel user, and am now migrating some work to Access.

I have 2 fields dealing with dates in the format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm, OPEN and CLOSE

I'd like to get the difference between the two in hours, but I have no idea how or where to do this in Access. I'm assuming it is put into the queries, but it would be easier if I could just put it in the table.

Here is an example
1/1/2008 1:00 1/2/2008 2:00
I want the result to be "25"

Thanks in advance!

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MS Access Query Help. Expression For Calculating Multiple Expiration Dates.

Feb 28, 2008

Hi everyone
I'm a very very new access user so many apologies in advance for when I have no idea what I"m talking about.

I'm working on creating a report that will display multiple expiration dates. Currently I have an employee database, not created by me, that has all of our employees professional licenses listed.

Prof license, auto license, liability, etc.

I want to create a report that will tell me what has already expired or will expire in the next 30 days.

I did use this
Between DateAdd("d",-30,Date()) and Date() and it is bringing back info up to 2009. which isn't what I need. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong here.

I want anything that has expired regardless of the date from today, before today, and 30 days from today but I don't care about anything more than 30 days from today's date.

I noticed that when I looked at the existing database that the fields are set as text fields. I tried to change them to dates and it gave me a "deleting 106" records error message. Yikes!

Any help would be appreciated. I don't really understand expressions and I don't understand if I'm supposed to put the actual date in parentheses or what. Please pardon my ignorance.

Many many thanks.

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Calculating Totals In A Form

Mar 13, 2007

I have been going over this too much, and i haven't been able to figure it out, It is probably easy solution i am overlooking.

I have a form with a subform that has 2 fields that i want to total separately and then get a grand total.

I also want the user to be able to update the fields which updates the totals.

Anyone have any suggestions
Thanks in advance!

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Calculating Two Fields From A Form And A Subform

May 6, 2005

I have created a form with a subform and I want to subtract the total of the subform from the total of the form to get a balance; i.e. I have a total of expenses on the form and the subform is a record of payments against the expenses and I want to show a balance.

I have been all over this one and can not make the expression work. I have been working in Access for some time but this one has me stumped, I am probably over thinking it or just can't see the forest for the trees.

I have gone into the expression builder and created the formula but when I complete the process I get the #name? error statement in the field.

Can anyone help me with this problem? Thank you in advance. You can send responses to

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Calculating Multiple Buckets On A Form

Nov 21, 2012

I have a Size Breakdown with 8 Buckets..I'd like to Sum the contents of the buckets and divide that to Total Yards then have the result saved to a field(Per Garment) in a table (Marker Details Table).Per Garment = Size Breakdown / Total Yards (25 / 7 = 3.57).

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Form Is Calculating But Table Does Not Show Result?

Mar 5, 2005

Hi Experts,

Novice here,

I managed to create a FORM that has fields that calculates basic additions/subtractions formula but for some reason the fields on the TABLE does not update?? Any suggestions?

Thank you,


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Calculating Line-Item Cost In Form

Oct 11, 2006

I am having trouble calculating a field in a table and on a form.
I have the following Tables
CUSTOMER: Customer No, Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Discount, Phone, Fax, Contact Person.
ORDER: Customer No, Order No, Order-Date, Delivery-Date.
ORDER LINE: Order No, Product No, Quantity Ordered,
PRODUCT: Product No, Description, Price, Product Image.

I need to calculate the line-item cost and need it to update every time the user enters a new Quantity ordered on the ORDER LINE form.
I know its (Quantity Ordered*Price)-(Price*Discount) and I did this is a query and it worked but I need it to update in the form and update in the table not the query. I have tried everything (Macros, Queries, and Formulas) and I just can not get it to work.
Does anyone know how to do this?

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Forms :: Calculating Months In Search Form?

Sep 25, 2014

I tried to create search Form in access and after trying for while I finally made it. I have drug down the "query" to the design view of "Form Search" and added up there. Now using "STD" and "TELENO" I can search for these 3 coloumns. My main table is "Example"

Now as you can see in my attached screen shot Column "Recieved Time- less than 3 month" I would like to do that in Access. I would like to create something that will autometically calculte(Substract) the date from "Order Date to Today's date and will give me a result= "Less than 3 months or Greater or less than 4 months etc". I mean it will always substract from "Order Date" to "Todays Date". I have tried with some macro as well but it did not show up "Todays date"

I tried several ways to do it, even tried to input another coloumn(Using formula) in "Query" table but failed to do so.

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Forms :: Current Time On Form Status Bar - Keeps Showing Calculating

Aug 2, 2014

I have my main menu form that shows the current time and uses the OnTimerEvent for this. (Set to 1000) Issue is that when I open another form it keeps showing Calculating. It does not seem to affect performance but keeps the status bar from showing the control explanations.

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Modules & VBA :: Calculating Information For A Text Field On A Form From A Query

Aug 4, 2014

I have a data entry form [Resources] and I would like to display some information about holidays in the form footer. Once the user has picked a combination of Trainer_Name and Start_Date I would like the 'On Change' or 'On lost Focus' event (not sure which would be the best) to perform a datediff calculation.

The datediff calculation would compare the difference between the start date entered on the form and the most recent past Start_Date on a query called [Hours Holiday_P1].I could adapt the same code to also look for the difference between the End_Date on the form and the next Start_Date on the Query.The idea is that when resourcing trainers I know how long it is since and how long it is till their next holiday.The sql for the query is

SELECT Resourcing.Start_Date, Resourcing.Trainer_Name, Resourcing.Duration, Time.Hours, [Hours]/7.4 AS Days
FROM (Resourcing INNER JOIN Employees ON Resourcing.Trainer_Name = Employees.Trainer_Name) INNER JOIN [Time] ON Resourcing.Duration = Time.Time
WHERE (((Resourcing.Start_Date) Between DateSerial(Year(Date())-IIf(Month(Date())<4,1,0),4,1) And DateSerial(Year(Date())+IIf(Month(Date())>3,1,0),3,31)) AND ((Resourcing.Activity) Like "Holiday*"))
ORDER BY Resourcing.Start_Date;

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Feb 19, 2007

I have a table with 2 coloums with nuberin them. I would like to add those 2 number together and display them in a 3rd coloum. I need to automatically change the 3rd coloums value should any others change. Is this possible?

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Calculating Age.

Jan 19, 2007

age: DateDiff("yyyy",[DOB],Now())+Int(Format(Now(),"mmdd")<Format([DOB],"mmdd"))Dob is stored yyyyddmmI thought this above function looks ok. When I run it, I get a data type mismatch in criteria expression.What am I missing?Any help would be appreciated.Thanks

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Calculating In VBA

Sep 20, 2005

hi all,

i have a mainform with a subform.

in the subform i have 2 fields: duur and subtotaal
in duur i enter a number.
in subtotaal a calculation has to occur: =20*([duur]/60)
i tried to do this calculation in VBA but then i got the same value on every record in the subform.

But now the problem:
in the mainform i have a control 'totaal' that needs to do a DSum of subtotaal.
And here i am getting into troubles since subtotaal is not stored in the table but calculated.

The formulla for DSum would be:
Me.Parent!totaal = DSum("subtotaal", "tblFacturenDetail", "[FactuurID] = " & Me.Parent!FactuurID)

but as said, subtotaal is not stored.

How should i proceed?


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Calculating An Age

Jan 6, 2005

If I want to work out how old all my patients will be on the 01 Feb 2005 then why doesn't the expression (in a query)

=(01/02/2005 -[tblPatient]![DateOfBirth]))/365.25 work?

How would I get the answer expressed in months?

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Calculating Totals

Jun 28, 2005

I am designing a new database for our life and disability department and they have several different policies where the base life insurance reduces at certain ages.

Please take a look at the scenarios listed below and give me any suggestions and tips on the best way to get this done. If you have any.

Below are the 12 scenarios:

1.) Reduces 75% at Age 70

2.) Age 65 to 70 the life amount is $9,000 and Age 70 and over the life amount is $6,000

3.) Reduces at age 65 by 92%, age 66 by 84.64%, age 67 by 77.869%, age 68 by 71.639%, age 69 by 65.908% and age 70 and over by 40%.

4.) On the day following the 70th birthday, the life amount will reduce to 70%. On the day following the 75th birthday the life amount will reduce to 40% of the 70th birthday reduced amount.

5.) On the Policy Anniversary Date following the 70th birthday - reduces 50%

6.) On the Premium Due Date following the 70th birthday, the life amount will reduce to 70%. On the Premium Due Date following the 75th birthday, life amount will reduce to 40% of the amount of the 70th birthday reduced amt.

7.) Age 65 life amount reduces to 65%. Age 70 life amount reduces to 35%. Age 75 life amount reduces to 25%.

8.) Terminates on the first of the month following the 65th birthday.

9.) Terminates Age 70

10.) Terminates on date of retirement or 1st or month following 70th birthday

11.) Terminates Age 65

12.) Never Reduces

Thanks for your time, Brian

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