MS Access Help In List Box

Feb 15, 2005

Hi , i have some problems with my List Box,
I can't make a multi-selection in my List Box...
whenever i select the Simple or Extended in the properties, my query can't work anymore.
Can anyone help me ?

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Help With Putting A List In Access

Mar 20, 2006

i have started to try putting the concrete records i keep on excel into microsoft acces. for each record, i need to make note of the vehicle registration numbers. what is the best way of doing this? if it is possible


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Drop Down List In Access

Jul 10, 2012

I have a drop down list in a table with name and commission rate. When I choose the name it displays but I want both the name and the commission rate to display in my table. I want to use a data entry form to enter values in the table and I want the same in the form too (when I choose a name I want the corresponding commission rate to show up).

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List Of Access Terms In English?

Apr 13, 2007

Thanks to the the Smart Questions tips, I'm skipping this:


but proceeding with something worse:

Where is there a table of Access terms defined in English?

I've got a primitive database set up, on potential customers. 2 huge tables, a query, and a form that's worked for inputting background info and contact reports.

Problem: my user interface is in German. I'm trying to educate myself out of trouble fast, which I need to do in my native English. Abfrage = Query seems intuitive enough, but even that hurt.

I don't even have the vocabulary for searching halfway intelligently in English.

One key thing I'm trying to figure out is how to get data entered from the form as checked boxes (each referring back to one of ca 25 yes/no columns in a table) to spit out on a printed page as words separated by commas, like

End markets: gravymakers, applecart drivers, psychiatrists

To find where this is already addressed, I have to figure out what it's all called. Searching in German almost split my skull. I've already written the content in German, I've been screamed at in German, and when the co. refuses to pay for work they sabotaged, I'm going to have a long court process in German. 'nuff whining though ...

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Looking For Help With List Boxes In Access 2000

Nov 26, 2007

Hi, I am trying to create a button that upon click it moves the slelected item in list box one to list box 2 but i am not sure how to go about it, cany anyone help?


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Access Query Will Not List Certain Date

Aug 15, 2006

I have a query that reports on records according to date. The criterea line of the date field has [Enter Date]. I have confirmed that there are dates from 8/1/06 through 8/10/06 in the table, but when I enter the date 8/10/06 the query returns no records. But it does return records for all other dates (8/1/06 through 8/9/06 inclusive).
So then I tried to make the date a range:

Between [Enter Start Date] And [Enter End Date].

I entered 8/9/06 and 8/11/06 in these fields and there in the report were the records for 8/10/06. Then I went back to [Enter Date] as criterea and entered 8/10/06 and no records are returned.

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Access Related List Boxes

Apr 29, 2005

I have a music database created in Access.

I have lookup fields for CD Group and CD Name
Do I need a autolookup Query or Syncronized combo box to perform the following function.
Filter by Form
CD Group
Select from List box
CD Name only Display CD's related to that Group

Mormon Tabernacle Chior Cd Group
Only display CD's related to the Mormon Tabernacle Chior

I've bent my self backwards on this and get no were I know it might help me with some visual basic coading.
The only resources I have is some books on Access
I Live in a Rural Area and there are no computer coarses near me that fit my time.

This following procedure I think would be done for example with any Products Database let's Say like Bakery Items
NAme of Company
NAme of ITems
Only display products by each item Name

PLease email me at
So somebody can get back to me on this
I can even send you some screen shots if you don't get what I am getting at.

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Numbered List In Access Report

Sep 21, 2004

I have a report listing all individuals within my database by their score. I need to select the top say 40 people from the list, instead of counting down 40 from the top how could I put a number beside each name? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Access & File List Trouble

Oct 29, 2004


I wonder if anyone can help me.

I have a form which has a links to a table of student ID's. I also have a project folder where images and documents are loaded into. These can be jpegs, bitmaps, gifs, office files (all types) etc

The files are named by the user and dropped into the folder. The name relates to the student ID. For example student: 3001 can have multiple files: 3001.jpg, 3001.doc, 3001.ppt etc.

When each record (student ID) is displayed on screen I need a list box (or something) to display the files associated with this student ID. Then, if possible, the user can double click on the file(s) to open them in the computers default program.

I'd be really grateful for any help on this one. It's got me baffled. I'm only a starter to VBA.

Chris Coleman

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Change The Appearance Of A List Box (MS Access VBA)

Feb 29, 2008

I currently have a list Box populated with some table data which has 9 columns and 255 rows.

I want to enhance the appearance of the list box i.e. 1 row of data will be blue, and next row will be white, and the next row blue again etc etc

How can I do this?

Kind Regards

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VBA Access - Automatically Populate List

Jul 8, 2007

I wish to automatically fill in a form in datasheet view with records from a table. Currently you need to select each record to fill the list. I think this can be done using VBA, I'm a begininner to programming but think I need the code to do something like this.

Lookup the table or query, DoCmd select the first record, DoCmd select next record, Loop to end of recordset??

Basically it is automatically entering/ filling in each row (record) in the datasheet for every record in that table or query.

Any idea's please.

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Drop Down List On An MS Access Table

Jan 26, 2008

It is essential that i use MS access to do this, what i need to do is have a drop down list on an ms access table to make sure the data in the field is exact, i could use validation if this is not possible but i would prefer this method also i dont need an answer to this but is there a way to make the key field dependant on whatever is selected on the dropdown menu? sort of use a general input mask but alter something dependant on the drop down menu to have it as specific characters, i have some experience with VB if there is a way to link vb programming with access

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Modules & VBA :: Database Access List

Jul 16, 2013

So I am using the following code:

Declare Function WNetGetUser Lib "mpr.dll" _
Alias "WNetGetUserA" (ByVal lpName As String, _
ByVal lpUserName As String, lpnLength As Long) As Long


My question is how can I create a table listed with numbers as an access list? Right now only the ######## has access but I'd like to create a table for numbers who will have access.

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Row Duplication Using Column List MS Access

May 28, 2015

I would like to use Access in order to duplicate the content of a list of values into new rows based on the content of a column.

Here is an example below:












How can I achieve this in Access?

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Making Call List In Access

Jul 5, 2012

We have 4 managers and 16 foreman. Each month a manager is tasked with calling 4 foreman for progress reports.

I'd like to create a simple program with Access to have the foreman assigned to the managers differently each month. It would have to remember the past 4 months so the same names aren't assigned to the same managers. It also has to randomly assign the foremen so the managers don't have the same foreman after 4 months (if that makes sense).

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Excel Spreedshet To Access For List Pricing

Jul 20, 2005

Hi. I'd like to create a database that uses an excell spreadsheet as a list price basis. (as I can download it from our venders). Then be able to update prices by using different multipliers to list pricing. This wou;d actually be the basis of a much broader database, but I'd like to make this a strong foundation for the rest of it. Future parts to include invoices that will lookup prices from the list, quotes and inventory management. Just wanna work on the pricing part for now. I can do some very basic stuff, am reading books to try to learn some more. any help would be appreciated.


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Update List Box Without Closing And Opening Ms Access

Aug 30, 2005

- i have a form, that has a List Box coming from a table ,,
This list box when you click on it, it shows that field in the main form
- and i have a front end and a backend to this database,
- When i add a new entry in my main form, it shows in the List Box just fine, but when i click on that list box, it doesn't show the entry on anyone else on the network - works ok locally

here is an eg: my main table has firstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, Address

Form : main form has firstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, Address
List Box inside my Form has: First Name

so i when i click on the firstName in my list box, it will show me the contact person in my main form

as i mentioned i have couple of people has the database open (split Database) anyone on the network, could see the update on the list box , but when they click on the new created name doesn't show in the main form, unless you close access, and reopen it again

i hope i was clear expaling,

any idea on how to have the List Box update itself without closing and opening Ms Access ??

thanks in advance

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Viewing Field List In Access Reports

Oct 20, 2004

I have created a report in Access 2002, that I use to export to
Excel. My problem is the field names in the report are quite long
and some are very similar to each other. I can not find a way to
view a list of the field names for the report while in Desing view.

I have no real formatting on the report as I only use it for exporting, and
looking at the report itself in Access, all the field names are truncated

Any help on how to view which fields are in the report and how could
I easily add another field in the middle of it if needed.


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Needing Help With List Boxes - Access 2000

Nov 27, 2007

Hi, I am trying to create a button that upon click it moves the slelected item in list box one to list box 2 but i am not sure how to go about it, cany anyone help?


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Reports :: List Box / Combo Box On Subform In Access

Apr 28, 2015

I am having trouble to link a listbox on a subform (table) tot de main form (table). I would like to use it as an lookup list for the connected records. Already tried a lot but but it doesn't work .

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Data Access Page Dropdown List Blank?

Sep 27, 2006

I have a DAP that many users have access to.When opened the Dropdown is blank on some peoples and populated on others. Is there some setting that can cause this. I have checked to make sure that they have the allow ActiveX Controls to run files on this computer checked. Any other setting that may cause this? Thanks.

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Combo List Empty - Access 2002 / 2003

Sep 29, 2007


Since the last Windows XP update on the secretary PC, all combo lists are now empty even if the related tables are not at all.

Here is her configuration:
Windows XP SP 2
Access 2003 SP 3

Here is the description:

1) I've got a combo list based on the table Towns with zip-code, name, country.

2) In the form, in addition the combolist is sorted on the name, just to easily pick up the right Town

3) Since the Windows update, the combo list displays only the zip-code, the other fields are empty even if the table content is not empty at all; I mean I checked in the table content itself.

4) I created a query based on the same arguments of the combo list and the query is working well alone; if I try to create a new combo list linked to the query, then I get the same weird result

5) I've tried to create a new field with the combo list assistant; when I select the table Towns, it shows me the full content (so name, zip, country) and when I run the form, the combo list is again almost empty !!

6) What is more weird is that when I put the Access database back on my standalone laptop which is running Access 2002, the combo list is working correctly !! In fact I am currently maintaining the Access database from my Access 2002 since more than one year and I had no issue

7) In fact, I got the same issue with all the combo-list in my Database

8) I tried to compact the DB but with no effect

Somebody has a brillant idea for me ?? otherwise I think I will contact Mister Bill directly :)


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General :: Create A Check List In Access Database

Jun 12, 2015

I'm trying to create a checklist in my access database that can be assigned to different companies. Is there a way to maintain a blank checklist so that we don't have to recreate it every time we start working with a new company?

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How To Get SQL Printout List Of All Fields In A Table In Access 2010

Sep 21, 2013

What I want to do is have the SQL printout list all the fields in a table that I have already created. Also how would I enable SQL view? Im new to Access.

Using Windows Vista and Access 2010.

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Access 2010 - List Box Changing Column Order

May 16, 2014

I have a list box and a series of 11 fields a user can search by. My problem is that the List Box has changed the column order.

Example: In the design wizard of the list box I had it such that the columns were in order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Now after I hit search the fields populate out of order... 4, 9, 2, 1, etc...

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Not Able To Save List View Data On Access Table

Mar 19, 2013

I have some issue when i save list view data in a access table.In form I have a list box(listtotalcount) and one text box(ID). In form load event I run a query on that list box like: "SELECT count(id) FROM table A" and it gave me the correct result. Now I want to store this data on a different table (table b) and I use this code:

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("table b", dbOpenDynaset)


But the problem is when I click the save button it store only id not the list box value.

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