Machine Status Monitor Suitability Opinions

Mar 23, 2006

Am fairly certain that I will be asked to design and implement a Machine Status Application.

Description below is very simplistic but believe you will get the idea

Basically simple stuff at Machine Operator. He clicks a command button on a display that signifies machine is okay or not. This updates machine status. Image it just toggles between Running and Stopped.

Each minute little process runs to at 1 to Run value or to Stop value. Okay so this will get a little more complex for sure.

Now I could end up collecting data on say 100 machines. Okay so I would not expect the status change to occur any more than once per hour on average so it would be a bit like having 100 very very slow users on the system.
Now the crunch. What effect (if any) would these 100 very very slow users have on performance and particularly the One much quicker user who is executing preset queries one after another for say 20 seconds every minute.

Thoughts and opinions welcome


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Monitor Resolution

Sep 20, 2006

I just bought a new computer. It came with a GIGANTIC (for me) 19 inch monitor.

Here's the question. What resoution should I set the screen to?
I make databases for others.
If my forms are too big for their monitors they have to use the scroll bars all the time.
If my forms are too small it doesn't look professional.

Advise greatly appreciated.

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Thanks For The Help, Now Opinions Welcome.

Mar 21, 2007

I'd like to say thank you to those who helped me with questions I had on my database. Even though some of you didn't even realize that you helped. Searching the forum yields answers to many questions.

So now that the database is complete, I'd like opinions. I'm attaching it as a zip file.
A couple of notes. I forgot to remove the database password so it's "fornax".
Also, being that I work for a very large hospital I cleared out my table and removed the logos.
I hid the menus and disabled the F11 key, but there is a hidden button on the far right of the footer. A double-click will restore the menus. Also try clicking on the logo--or it's place holder.

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Need Opinions

Jan 28, 2006

Okay, as mentioned in another thread, I was given a huge project involving MS Access. I need some opinions on what to do for this situation, and here's the situation. So far, unless suggested a better idea, I'm going to have two databases. One database will be the final version, the other will if I want to make additions, changes, etc. They will contain the same data as users will only be using one and a relationship between the two will be created. I can't remember how to do it, but I remember there was a way to prevent users from changing anything about the Access file with the exeption of what the form and the vb code allows. I plan on creating some type of login using vb. The only access to the database I want users to have is what options the forms I create give them. Please give your opinions/suggestions so I can figure out what to do.

Thanks much,


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Opinions On Security

Dec 5, 2007

I have very painstakingly worked out a new database and I'm about to present it to the departments who will be using it. At various times words like 'password' and 'locked' have been thrown out but as of now I have not implemented any security measures. I started reading up on the topic this morning and the general consensus seems to be that unless there is a sincere need for them the security process is excruciating.
Does anyone have specific advice or opinions on access security? If I were to do anything, I think it would be to set up working groups only allowing users access to the parts of the database they are concerned with.

I would love any opinions or advice from people with experience of this on if I should recommend such measures or try to steer the department away from them.

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Need Expert Opinions

Jan 9, 2008

I work for a property management compnay and they have put me in charge of coming up with a way to go some what paperless. What they are wanting is a way to enter a work order for a particular client (i.e description of work to be done for maintenance). This would then need to be printed in a report to be faxed over to the workers. This info would then need to be pulled out and placed into an invoice where, where items could be entered such as items bought ets.

My company is willing to spend thousands for software, but I think it is insane. to do so.

I was thinking that surely this could be done in access. I have an understanding of how access works (forms, reports, tables, etc.) but I have never designed one like this.

It does not have to be complex and it does not have to have a lot of formulas, I was thinking that the total could be placed in field when the invoice info is entered. Only really calculation would be adding the total of the items.

Anyway is this something that can be done relatively easily by someone with my experience, or is this to complex.

Thank You for your time

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Table Opinions Please...

Jan 29, 2008

Main table about 3000 customers with 18 fields
Will input payments for each customer monthly and / or quarterly total about 12,000 per year.
Plan to purge payments over 18 months old frequently.
1) Put it all in one table or break into two ?
2) As far as db size wise and efficiency, would it really matter ?

Thanks in advance.

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Does Some From The MS Access Group Monitor This Forum?

Mar 10, 2006

Surely I am not the only one who imports text files in to Access (on XP) containing double quote characters???

Does Access quit the import at the double quote character for anyone else.

To the MS Access group.. have you tried this??


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Form Display To Fit Window (monitor Screen)

May 18, 2006

I have a form of data base which is being shared by 3-4 persons. The problem being observed is, in Laptop it shows the complete form on screen but in PC of 14" monitor, we have to adjust the seek bar to view the form up/down.
Can there be any solution to automatically fit the form size to monitor size?

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Opinions On Master/Child Relationships

May 3, 2005


We all know we're not supposed to duplicate data right? So was wondering how people deal with the deletion of Master records.

For instance let's say I have 3 tables.

tblSales - lists the sales summary - stuff like SaleId, SaleDate, SaleTotal
tblSalesSub - lists the products contained within the sale.
tblProducts - is the Master list of products storing the product specifics

Now to prevent duplication of data I should just store the productId in tblSalesSub then reference that to tblProducts with an innner JOIN of some kind.
But what if the Master record gets deleted? The reference is broken and NULL values are returned.

How do you deal with this?
Don't allow deletion of these records?But just hide them when deleted?
Duplicate data by storing the product title and description within tblSalesSub?
Tell the user - tough cheese you shouldn't have deleted it should you?
Any other ideas?


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Opinions On Best Way To Prevent Duplicate Data

Dec 1, 2006

Hi all: I currently have a database with a list of clients, and it is to be accessible to others to enter information on clients and to add new ones. However, I want to make it so that the user who wants to add a client can easily search the database for that particular client so that they won't enter a duplicate.

I have created a search function on my form, but then it occurred to me: what if there are two people with the same last name's? At first, I wanted a search operation to display a list of client names, along with their respective ID numbers and possibly a link next to each that would take the user to the corresponding record.

However, I have no idea how to do this, and I'm unsure as to whether or not this is the best way to tackle the problem. Please, someone show me the way!

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General :: Popup Form Disappears On Multi Monitor

Mar 18, 2015

For example if I open up the Access database on my left monitor, then move it to my right - whenever I switch from design to form mode the form disappears. Moving Access back over to the left monitor will not show the form. Minimizing all windows except Access won't show it either. If I switch to layout view, then form view it will show on the monitor I have Access up on - but if I go back to Design and then form it will disappear again.

If I move Access to the left monitor (in this example). open the form in design and then form view it pops up visible. Seems clear that it ties the opening position of the popup to the monitor Access was opened on.

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Queries :: Creating Access Database To Monitor Expenses For New Snack House

Jun 3, 2013

I am trying to create an access db to monitor my expenses for my new Snack house.

I have created a "Main" table which will be holding all the daily expenses entries one the fields is called "Type" in which i formatted as combo box with the following values (vegetables , butchery , bakery).

Another field is called "Item" which should list the items based on the Type selection.

Knowing i have a second table in which i stored all types and their corresponding items , how can i force the filed "item" in table Main to simply display the ones i need based on the "Type" input.

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Forms :: Multiple Monitors - Different Form Display On Each Monitor From Single Access DB

Apr 25, 2013

I have built a few Access DBs and am looking to improve my development skills and attemt to migrate my Access DB to SQL Azure. I find access to be a very powerful development environment to build rapid applications . How to use multiple monitors so that I can display different forms on each monitor from a single Access DB.

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Default Value Machine Name

Aug 10, 2007

I have a text field in a table .. I would like the default value for that field to be the machine name. How do I do this? I know how to set a default value for a date or piece of text. I imagine it would be something like: machinename(), that's about as far as I get.

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Database For A Machine Shop

Feb 10, 2005

ok im making a database for a tumble prosses at work

first problem:
i have a yes/no field in a table "pull ontime"
witch i want to be controled by "pull actual" witch it a time filled in with the now() comand trigered by a button in a form i want to make the "pull ontime" field read no if the time is over 1hr over a value "pull" and read yes if under this 1hr

second problem:
there are machines that are loaded with parts i want to make it so when they enter the part # and the s/o # and stuff they will hit a loaded buton witch i want to make it put the Now() time in the "Loaded" them based on the operation witch has 2 cycles witch depending on the operation the first cycle could be 2 hrs and the 2nd could be 1.5 hrs i want it to based on the operation selected set the time that the oporator has to change the cycle "rinse" and "pull"

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Multiple Instances Of Access On One Machine

May 12, 2005

Hi, I would like to recreate a record locking problem (error # 3218) our users are experiencing on an application we have developed. I currently do not have access to a network, so I would like to run multiple instances of Access on one machine. How do I do that?


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Office 97 License Missing On XP Machine?

Jul 16, 2005


I´ve installed office97 professional on a computer with office 2003 standard on it.

When I try to start access it tells me there is no license for it on the machine.

Has anyone else had this problem? Of course I have a license, and there has never been any problems with it in the past.

The 2003 version has not yet been registered, if that might have something to do with it.


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Need Copy And Paste Adding Machine

Mar 13, 2012

I'm needing a pop up adding machine that will copy and paste a calculated value into a text box on a form when the calculator is exited....much like banking teller's have on their transaction pages.

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Machine Activty Log Table Design Issues

Jun 26, 2007

I have a number of checklists for my machinery

i have attached a couple of check sheets I have attached my table structure and an example of my check list in XLS format

i need to track which of these checks are being carried out each week..

I have created 3 tables so far, 1 called tLine and 1 called tMachine and 1 called tActivity

LineID (PK) - Autonumber
LineDescription - Text

Not sure if my use of PK is right, should it be the MachineDescription that i make the Key?

MachineID (PK) - Autonumber
MachineDescription - Text

Not sure if my use of PK is right, should it be the MachineDescription that i make the Key?


ActivityID - (PK) - Autonumber
Activity - Text
StdTime - Number

Not sure if my use of PK is right, should it be the MachineDescription that i make the Key?


I am having a few issues i could really do with some help with please

Line 1 has a Filler and Capper
Line 2 has a Filler
Line 3 Has a Filler and a Capper

if i focus on the filler:

I have 5 checks to do on this however the Stdtime on activity 5 is different on Line 1 and Line 3 but the activity is the same.

if i focus on the capper:
this has 2 differnet activities and 1 activity which has the same description as the filler activity.

Problem 1:
Table Setup - not sure i am using the PK correctly etc, have read a few reference guides etc, but am struggling with this..

Problem 2:
how do i link the activitys to the machines and the machines to the Lines

how do i account for the same activity but different std times.

Problem 4:
I need to track these checks but i will try to get the table structure right first

I really would appreciate your help here please

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Link To Tables On Server From Local Machine

Oct 10, 2004


I'm trying to establish the link from my local mdb to an mdb on a commercial server I'm using.

The problem is there's no way to locate the remote access database when using the Link Table wizard.

Anyone knows how to establish that connection??

Thanks in advance!

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Microsoft Access Can't Start Because There Is No License For It On This Machine

Feb 1, 2005

I recently bought a new computer and it was kinda cheap, so no office products were installed on the computer. A friend loaned me her copy of Office 2003 which didn't have Access on it. So, after installing Office 2003 I picked my old Office 97 CD and installed just Access 97. Then I go to open the database and get this annoying message.

Microsoft Access can't start because there is no license for it on this machine.

Can anyone help? Thanks for your time.

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Access Data Base On Local Machine

Mar 12, 2005

Hello, I'm a newbie at using access database on local machine.
I have worked with it before on a hosted site ,but need to know how to go about using it to host my database driven site on my local pc.I'm using maxwebportal ,which I have been using for a few years, After I install iis on my winXP Pro pc ,what do I have to do for my database to work,? is there something that I need to enable? thanks for any help Aussie )

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Machine Activty Log Table Design Issues

Jun 26, 2007

I have a number of checklists for my machinery

i have attached a couple of check sheets I have attached my table structure and an example of my check list in XLS format

i need to track which of these checks are being carried out each week..

I have created 3 tables so far, 1 called tLine and 1 called tMachine and 1 called tActivity

LineID (PK) - Autonumber
LineDescription - Text

Not sure if my use of PK is right, should it be the MachineDescription that i make the Key?

MachineID (PK) - Autonumber
MachineDescription - Text

Not sure if my use of PK is right, should it be the MachineDescription that i make the Key?


ActivityID - (PK) - Autonumber
Activity - Text
StdTime - Number

Not sure if my use of PK is right, should it be the MachineDescription that i make the Key?


I am having a few issues i could really do with some help with please

Line 1 has a Filler and Capper
Line 2 has a Filler
Line 3 Has a Filler and a Capper

if i focus on the filler:

I have 5 checks to do on this however the Stdtime on activity 5 is different on Line 1 and Line 3 but the activity is the same.

if i focus on the capper:
this has 2 differnet activities and 1 activity which has the same description as the filler activity.

Problem 1:
Table Setup - not sure i am using the PK correctly etc, have read a few reference guides etc, but am struggling with this..

Problem 2:
how do i link the activitys to the machines and the machines to the Lines

how do i account for the same activity but different std times.

Problem 4:
I need to track these checks but i will try to get the table structure right first

I really would appreciate your help here please

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General :: Accessing Shared Folder In Different Machine

Aug 11, 2015

I am facing a issue in accessing my db file in server. I just splitted my database into front end and back end , placed in a local folder which is shared in network . I opened the files in network from my colleague machine and everything was working fine yesterday .. but right now i am getting error like "the network path is not found " 0X80070035 which tells that check whether the source machines is able to accept file sharing ..I googled and tried 2 solutions Like turning off windows firewall and enabling NetBIOS Over TCP/IP..

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Assigning A Combo Box To Select Machine Number

Aug 25, 2015

I have a query which is currently using a prompt box to ask the user to input a machine number. This is run from a button on a form. Press the button and the prompt appears .I would like to now do one of two things either make a form with every machine number on it or use a combo box to select the machine number. My problem is that I don't know how to get the combo box or the control button to link to the individual machine number.

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