I am trying to create a table of help messages and display them help in a form. Using MSAccess.
Each Form used will have a help button, that runs a macro "mcrHelp.xxxxx". This macro should select the relevant record from the table to display in the "Help Form".
I have a parent form showing some of the contents of a single record in a parent table. This form contains a button that opens a specific subform (using an IF statement based on the contents of another field in the parent table/form. There are actually any of 8 child forms/tables that could be selected and the related record is in only one of them. The relation between the tables is based on the PK of the parent table and the related FK in the child table. and the data is correct in all tables.
My problem is that when I run this button on the parent form/table it returns the appropriate form/table, but displays the first record rather than the related record. In the past (using this same process) I have been successful in getting to the right record by fiddling with the where statement (sometimes putting in a equal sign or taking it out fixes the problem). However, no matter what I do to the Where statement nothing works. I have not yet placed the final else condition for where the form selection field (VMValIdentType] is empty yet as there is no point at this time.
Here are the button macro contents:
If [VMValIdentType] = "Software" OpenForm Form Name: tmpVMValSW View: Form Filter Name:
I have a form (Student Details) that has an unbound lookup box using a query to select a student. The lookup has the hidden Student ID autonumber key field plus Class Number, Last Name, First Name, Status, sorted by Class Number (descending), Last Name, First Name.
The form record source is a similar but unsorted query.
There are nearly 1000 student records. The form has pages (tabs). The lookup box is in the form header. There are dozens of fields in the 1st Page (General) including an picture (attachment, not hyperlink) field holding a photo of the student, the other 6 pages have less.
When you select a student via the look up, at least one sometimes more students "flash" before it displays the one you want, which seems to display twice before it stops.
I deleted the picture field to see what difference that made, because it seemed to do the most flashing, and indeed, without that field you go right to the record. I looked at the Student table indexes and it seems that field type is not index-able, which is understandable.
Is there any way to improve this with still leaving the photos as attachments? Some thoughts:
It improves if it is displayed first as an Icon or Paper Clip, and probably would if a hyperlink field, but we like to have the picture displayed and not have to open the link to see it nor worry about the location changing invalidating a link. It seems that if the record was displayed with the picture field only filled after all the other fields were filled it would make for a better impression.
Can an On Load form event VBA or Macro be written that either hold the picture back until the rest of the fields are displayed or if an icon or changed to a hyperlink to open. Would it work if the pictures were attached to a separate joined table?
Bit of a problem I'm hoping someone can help with. I have a telephone call logging system. The system is a tabbed form with each tab representing a person's Telephone Call Inbox. As new calls are entered into the database, they appear in each person's inbox until they are marked as dealt with.
This all works fine and there are no problems with the basics of it, but the problem I do have is that after I have split the database into a Back end and a Front end and distributed the Front ends to each user, when a new call is entered it doesn't appear in the persons inbox until they do a requery.
At first I sent the form to requery using the ontimer event, but the problem I have is that after every reqery the form goes back to the first record. A user on the office forum suggested I use the following code:
I have a report that is based on a query. The query has filters in it based on user info entered from a form. So the form asks the user to select which division of the company, and the date range for when the info applied to. My issue is that I am trying to set a macro that opens this form whenever some tries to open the report.
But the macro appears to run the query before it opens the form and it gives me a generic message box asking for the division. After I type that in (instead of selecting from a drop down list like I have on my form) another window pops up asking for start date, etc...instead of opening the form I created. What am i doing wrong and how do I get the macro to open my form? If I open the form directly and enter the criteria, it runs the report correctly.
I currently require a macro that takes the record and when clicked, it opens a form and displays this record. This is so that I can use it to click buttons and open existing reports based on the data and field that match the 'clicked' record.
I have a Combo Box bound which gets its values from a table (T_Users).
The Combo Box displays the Users 'Initials' [Column 1], but the Bound Column [Column 2] is that of the Users 'ID' (which is used when a record is edited or a new record added).
What I want to be able to do is when the user clicks the Combo Box, and the drop down list 'drops down' the options, I want them to not only see the 'Initials' but also selected other columns - BUT - when the option is selected I just want the 'Initials' to be displayed in the Combo Box.
Code: So, Normal > | ABC |
Dropped Down > | ABC | -------------------------------------------- | ABC (Annabel Carcus, Big Company Ltd.) | | JB (Joe Bloggs, Medium Company Ltd.) | | FS (Fred Smith, Little Company Ltd.) |
when i select rows in a ListBox control on a form, using access VBA, some rows behave exactly the opposite of how they're supposed to behave-- they APPEAR unselected when i select them, and selected when i unselect them.
Code: oListBox.Selected(lngRow) = True
However, when i check their Selected property with VBA they return the expected value (meaning the row Selected value is TRUE if i set it to TRUE, if tho it LOOKS UNselected).
Code: Print oListBox.Selected(lngRow) ->True
Access ListBox Control Under VBA Control Behaving Wacko - YouTube.It seems that the more times i requery the listbox, the worse the problem gets.
Code: oListBox.Requery
This problem seems unrelated to the number of times i select rows. Only seems related to multiple requeries. At first, it does not happen. Then with repeated requeries, the problem gets progressively worse. Note, 'Row Source Type' is set to 'Table/Query'. 'Multiselect' is set to 'Simple'.
i'm not using the "Form_" syntax anyplace (which can created unintended instances of forms). this listbox source-query contains a VBA function in a module, which in turn calls the code-behind of another form.
I am new to access and I recently encountered a double click issue
My form loads perfectly on double click event but it shows the first record instead of selected record.
My search is based on a PersonID but each PersonID has different WorkID that I wish to display on double click but it always shows the first WorkID instead of my selected record
I have tried changing the filters in the form properties but it still doesn't work for me.
Here's my code:
Private Sub SearchResults_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) DoCmd.OpenForm "WorkForm", , , "[PersonID]=" & Me.[Searchresults], , acNormal End Sub
[Searchresults] draws information from my Query
Query information:
PersonID... WorkID... Type......Location 1234..........1............Paint .....Address A 1234..........2............Electric...Address B 1234..........3............Floor..... Address C
I have been told that there used to be an option to record a macro in access '97 so that it would record your steps and then this can be saved as a macro and run when needed.
I need to be able to have relationships automatically added between three tables and thought the best way would be to use this record macro option. It doesnt seem to be part of Access now..
does any one know anything about this.. or how I could get Access to assign relationships to the tables automatically?
I have a problem. In form view, if you use the mouse wheel to scroll down, you switch to the next record. Is there a way I can disable this? Even if I switch the RecordSelectors and NavigationButtons properties in the Form Selector to "No", it still goes to the next record as soon as you scroll down with the mouse wheel. I want the Form to scroll down if you use the mouse wheel, not go to the next record as it does now.
Please help. I don't know what to do. Thank you in advance. kruger101
Err_DblClick_Click: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_DblClick_Click End Sub
When I doubleclick on certain records on the subform it will open the form TRIP NV diplaying me the linked record, on other records it will open the form TRIP NV but a blank form with no records displayed! Why is this happening? Marco
Hi, I am a complete newbie to Access. I want to be able to double click on the field in the table, form or a query and have, as a result, another form pop-up with all the data from that record displayed. I have tried macros, but the doubleclick property only has things like goto first, last, etc. records. and always brings the first record in the table. Any hep in the right direction is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I have a query which selects certain record. I then use a form to display these records in a tabular format. For each record I would like to dispaly a running total (accumulative). Example
If I have five record with field say Amount and values are 10,20,25,30 and 50
On the first line I would like the TOTAL =10 next line TOTAL=10+20=30 next line TOTAL=30+25=55 and so on.
Can anyone help with this? Your help will be appreciated
I got a form name "X-Zone Cyber Cafe by ITE College East" Inside that form, i got a subform called "PCStatus"
In the main form, i got a image called 'pc01'. I wan to do it something like, when i click the image(pc01), the record of 'pc01' from the PCStatus table will be displayed in the subform.
And when i click on image(pc02), the record of 'pc02' will be display in subform
I really hate being stupid about this, but I'm running around in a circle and it's making me dizzy. All I want is a simple macro that opens a form (with a subform) at a new record from a button. I know I am missing something obvious so I will let others see if they can find out what has gone wrong. The current macro is:
On the property sheet of the form the following are all set to yes: Allow Filters, Allow Edits, Allow Deletions, Allow Additions, Data Entry (I suspect the problem is here) Record Locks is set to No Locks.
When I open the form from the button, it looks right, and I can enter the transaction information, but when I try to enter the subform information or save it , I get "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find a record in the table 'NewContacts_tbl' with key matching field(s) 'ContactID'". I get the same message with Allow Data Entry set to no.
And yes the key field IS there, in spite of what the Microsoft Jet database says.
I hope everyone gets a chance to enjoy the holidays and thanks to all of you for your past help and my current (relative) sanity.
I've got a form with a subform on it that has a subform on it (nested subforms - Customers form with computers subform, which has a software licenses subform on it)
I'm trying to put a button on the top-level customers form that will jump to a new record in the software license subform-subform (the licenses form is displayed as continuous with a blank at the end for new license entry). I want to set the OnClick action to move the record selector on the software licenses subform to the last (new) record in the continuous form display. I can't figure out the appropriate path to use as the Form Name in my GotoRecord macro.
Is there a special trick to use when referencing subform controls?
I am basically setting up a macro that will change the value for a field from "N" to "Y" for all records from a query. The macro works fine except for it does not know when to stop and gives an error message of "You can't assign a value to this object" after it has gone through all of the records and there are none left to change. The macro is set up like this:
OpenForm Action : This form is populated by the query and I set the Where condition to open records that don't already have a value of "Y".
SetValue Action : I use this to set the value of the field to "Y"
Close Action : I use this to close the form and save the changes
RunMacro Action : This is where the problem is. I use this to repeat the macro so it can go through the rest of the records that still have the field set to "N". I need to set the Condition or Repeat Expression so that it checks if all of the records have been changed. It either needs to check that all records have the field = "Y" or check that the macro is on the last record. Basically something that will cause the macro to not open itself again when there are no more records to be changed.
Self tought in Access07 but I'm trying to do the following:
I've got a form (Clients_F) that has a subform in datasheet view with a list of quote numbers made by each customer, I have managed to make a Macro after a few hours and googling, that opens another form (Quotes_F) so that it can be edited when a quote number is clicked, but I wish to be able to open Quotes_F as a new record when the empty field under the numbers column in the list is clicked.
Also want to know if it's possible to mantain the Customer's details pre-filled?...I am guessing that this is done through the CustomerID(PK & FK)?
I have a macro that opens up a form called SLA Complete Form - The macro then goes and examines two fields on the form to see if they contain data and if they do not then it displays a popup box with a message.
The form that gets opened up can have anywhere from one record to approximately a hundred records.
How can I get the macro to stop running when it hits the last record on the form without displaying an error message. I am currently using the next record feature in the macro.
I used the Control Wizard to create a macro on a command button to do record navigation i.e. go to First, Next, Previous and last record. The macro code, in the macro editor, is inserted on a command button on the form, asks whether it is a table, query form etc. I chose form and entered the form name but the error says the form needs to be open before I can run the macro. This happens when I open the form from a Navigation Control and Click the button containing the Macro code on the form.
I have created a button with Macro located on form in record. It does what I want except I want it to display only last record. Currently it is displays first record and I have to scroll. See attached photo of what I have. Access 2010