Macro - To Perform Function Outside Of Access

Dec 20, 2004

Is it possible to create a macro in Access that opens up a word document from a shared drive? Within Access, I don't see a macro available to do this.

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Perform Function Before Next Record

Feb 27, 2006


Is there a way i can perfrom some functions before or after the next record in the recordset is loaded. (form is set to continuous)

For instance:
If i have 5 records in my forms record source after the 1st it will msgbox "sumin" after the second msgbox "sumin" and so on?

This is the record source in the properties of the form by the way not a recordset within vba?


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Perform Lookups From Access Tables

Jan 27, 2006

Can someone please tell me if there is a way to perform lookups in Excel from an Access table without first exporting the data into Excel? I have a form that is being exported into Excel from a pricing tool our company uses from an outside vendor. It is important the users have the ability to perform complicated calculations and are not at all experienced in Access. There are several data sources that are well over the 65,000+ rows limited by Excel. I need to either prove or disprove whether it is possible to perform lookups between Office applications. If it is possible to lookup between applications, I would appreciate any sources known to learn how to do this. If not possible, I would like to be able to confirm that fact to my manager.

Thanks for any help that can be offered.


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Help With Macro Function

Nov 22, 2004

I'm creating a simple database to track some data that needs to be cleared out every 4 months or so.

I have all of the data stored in a single table, and I'd like to create a button that would do the following:
Step 1: copy the current data into a backup table for disaster recovery
Step 2: delete all of the current data in the table...but leave the table structure in place for new data
Step 3: compact and repair the database

The name of the table is StudentData.

Any suggestions?

Can all of this be done with one command?

Thanks a ton!


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Using A List Box To Call VBA Function Or Macro

Feb 23, 2007

Following on from that thread, I would really like to tidy up other areas of my front end. I am using the idea that Roy suggested and it works very well.

At the moment, I have a form, that has buttons on it that people click when they want to generate specific sheets from excel using data from access using VBA on the form. These work fine, however, now that the database is going live and all features need to be added, I think it would be nice to have one small form, with a list box.

I have converted a copy of the code on the form and placed in a module by declaring then functions instead of private subs.

At this stage, I tried doing it with macros running the code by using a series of runcode. I then created a table that has the macro name stored in it along with a decriptive bit of text detailing the excel chart that gets produced to make it easy for the user.

The list box populates itself correctly, but the problem I am having is I do not know how to make the 'go' button look at the list box, pull the hidden macro/function name from the list, then go and run the macro/function.

I have tried looking about, but have not found anyhthing.

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Modules & VBA :: Public Function To Assign A Macro To All Buttons With A Certain Name

Jan 23, 2014

I have built an access application that contains a set of buttons along the top of every form that serve as navigation.* These buttons each perform the same function on every form they are on. (menu opens the main menu, etc) I have database macros to assign each button the same function but I still have to go through each form and manually assign them. I was wondering if it was possible to define a public function that on db open will look for all buttons with a certain name and assign them the macro. (so all buttons called cmdmainmenu will have the OpenMainMenu macro assigned and so on).Before you go there, I have already tried the navigation form and set all forms as subforms.

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Modules & VBA :: Write A More Complex Macro That Will Start Another Macro At Preset Time

Dec 8, 2013

I am trying to write a more complex macro that will start another macro at a preset time, however I am getting stopped at the first hurdle - getting a macro to run another macro.

Here is the code i am using at the moment, all I want to do currently is click the first button, then get the second macro to execute. But no luck, getting error 2157 "cannot find the procedure"

Private Sub Command3_Click()
MsgBox "1st macro running", vbExclamation, "Note"
Application.Run "teststart1"
' Application.OnTime TimeValue("19:55:00"), "teststart1"


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Macro In Access

Dec 3, 2007


Task: to extract data from table 1 of a database (tied to form 1) to create a record in another table 2 of the same database (tied to form 2).
Besides, I need to make it simple to use for an end user.
On the form 2 I have a command button that activates macro. Macro makes a query to run and extract data from table 1 and append a table 2.
Now I want the user to see the record on the screen (form 2) that has just been created. For that purpose I add "go to last record" step in the macro.

Problem: that doesn't work. :) For some reason it brings back same record from the middle of the table which is not the last. And what is even more interesting is that it doesn't tie to the record ID on the bottom of the screen (access generated).

Challenge: the record ID field in the table 2 is a primary key auto-numbered field (i know this is not perfect but I am not the one who created the database) and some records have been deleted over time. Might that be connected to that or that is something else?
Thank you!!

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MS Access - Project Macro

Oct 7, 2005

I have recently made a database and through MS Development Tools have been able to bundle it with Access Runtime. We are using MSDE as a backend and when I install the 'package' created by MS Project on another computer it says that it cannot find the SQL Server database.

This will mean (i believe) I will have to write a macro to reference the external SQL database (MSDE)?

If anyone has knowledge of this or/ and can point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.


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Access Cant Find The Macro 'Me.'

Mar 28, 2006


I am using the code below to populate three fields by selecting the data from one combo box

In the AfterUpdate event of a cmbBox I have entered the code:

Me.[Part Code] = Me.cmbBox.Column(0)
Me.Description = Me.cmbBox.Column(1)
Me.Cost = Me.cmbBox.Column(2)

When I then try to select from the drop down list I get a message sying that the Macro cannot be found. What am I missing?

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MS Access Macro Problem

Jan 5, 2006

I have a MS Access database which requires that a MS Word document be opened via a macro.

In the Macro design view under the Action tab I have the Macro set to RunApp. Then in the Command Line I have:-

C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOFFICE11WINWORD.EXE C:Documents and SettingsKnightALDesktopDataBase AssignmentLetterhead.doc

When the macro is run I get an error. It begins to open the Letterhead.doc document. Word begins to open but then a messages saying Word experienced an error trying to open the file. With as few suggestions on what to try none of which make any difference.

If I change the Command Line to read:-
C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOFFICE11WINWORD.EXE
Then all is well and a blank Word document opens.

I have tried quite a number of variants in the command line but all give me no joy at all. So can any one tell me please what it is I am doing wrong here. I can even get the macro to open my Spyware program but cannot get a Word document to do its thing.
I have put copies of the document in all sorts of places but still it cannot be detected.

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Run Excel Macro From MS Access

Sep 11, 2006

man am i goes. i am using a mdb that i upload a weekly excel file to build my weekly report.

the weekly excel file is called Subledger Current.xls

before i upload the excel file i run a macro that is stored in an a different file called Converter.xls on my c drive (C:Converter.xls). the macro name is "Converter_Macro". also, the workbook is hidden, therefore, when i open this ms excel file i have to go to window and unhide to view the workbook. after that, i have verified that the macro is part of the list under Tool Macro Macros.

With that said, can anyone identify my error in my code why the macro is not running. that is, the code does not error out but the macro is not running.


Code:Private Sub cmdImport_Click()Dim appExcel As Excel.ApplicationSet appExcel = New Excel.ApplicationExcel.Application.Workbooks.Open "C:Subledger Current.xls"Excel.Application.Visible = False'this is where i call another sub to open the file containing the macro and attempt to run itCall Sub xlAddin()'i have addition code here to finish out the prodecure which is function properly when i step through manually.End SubSub xlAddin() Dim objExcel As Excel.Application Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcel.Workbooks.Open "C:Converter.xls" ' Runs the macro objExcel.Workbooks("Converter.xls").RunAutoMacros (xlAutoOpen) objExcel.Application.Run (Converter_Macro) objExcel.Quit Set objExcel = NothingEnd Sub

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Access Macro - ECHO Yes / No ???

Oct 20, 2006

As I can't seem to find another way to make Access add together two seperate columns of numbers (i.e in Excell it would be A2+B2 = ) I've created a macro of some 42 lines long that copies information from a form into a table, from where it's summed in a query and the results shown on another form. The macro "Steps" through the process without a problem and will rune through the process with "ECHO - YES" selected. However, if I select "ECHO - NO" the screen freezes (although from the "Bong" it appears the macro has finished running) with the tool bars at the top missing and only the initial form infront of the Database window, on display. I've left the computer (actually a couple of computers - a laptop, a high spec desk top and the works' networked computer) for up to 15 mins without anything changing. Once (I think) I was able to shut down the database using the normal windows red / white X button in the top corner of the programme screen, otherwise I've had to Ctl / Alt / Del to end the programme. The other strange thing seems to be that I can open and work other programmes while the Access screen is frozen so it looks as if the computer isn't freezing (The task manager CPU useage bar is only up to 15 - 30 % as well)
Any ideas what may be going wrong or how I can get round this? I'd perfer to be able to run the programme in the "ECHO - NO" state as one of the guys I'm building it for is blind and has his computer talking to him. It makes a hell of a racket as the macro runs in "ECHO - YES"!!!!!!

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How To Run Access Macro In Certain Times

Mar 19, 2013

I have my data updated 3 certain times in a day. So i dont want to bother opening the same access 3 times a day. That access can be opened whole day no problem for me. So, how to run macros automatically in a time which I determine before ?

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Access Macro / VBA To Load Up A PDF

Jan 23, 2015

I have 1900+ records, of where each record is represents a PDF Document in my folders.Each document in my folders is named in the same format "2014-001a" for example. This is the combination of two fields in my Access Database - Document Number and Current Revision.

I am looking for some Macro/VBA where I can put the same command on every records form, that will then recognise the Document Number and Current Revision of that record, and then "On Click" able to directly load up that Pdf.

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How Do Perform Lookup

Mar 10, 2006

Hi i really need help!

i need to be able to use "lookup", i have a set of postcodes from 3000 customers, i need to extract these and compare them to lists i have of postcodes, which make up a region. And run queries from these

e.g a customer on my database has the postcode BD21 7KK

On my list of postcodes i have on paper - WEST YORKSHIRE - BD21 7

therefore The BD21 7KK Customer falls in the West Yorkshire region.

I need to do this four 4 regions with lists i have on paper then run queries.

Can some one please provide the neccessary steps?

Or even give me an example made?

Im really stuck on this at the moment and me job depends on it ! :(


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RunApp Macro In Access 2007

Jun 22, 2007

In access 2003 their is a RunApp macro to run applications from a macro. In access 2007 (at least my copy) it does not show up. Is it my copy or has it been taken out of this version.

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[ACCESS 2007] Use VBA Code Instead Of A Macro

Jul 26, 2007


When I add a butten using the wizard Access 2007 adds a macro instead of vba code.
How can I get the good old VBA code???

Thanks for your help in advance

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Access Macro To Import Sql Table

Nov 11, 2006

Let me have an example of an Access macro importing Sql table to Access table

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Running An Excel Macro From Access

Jun 14, 2004

Hi all,

I was hoping that someone could tell me if it is possible to run an Excel macro from an Access database. I am importing 3 Excel worksheets into Access and this macro needs to be run on all 3 evertime that this file is imported by the user (twice a week). If this can be done could someone please tell me how ??

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Run A Macro In Excel From Inside Access?

Sep 2, 2012

I've been opening comma delimited files in Access, used an Excel function to re-save those files in .xls which Access readily understands, then opening said files and running a query on them to organize them. Now the file needs to go to Excel where it is entered into a worksheet with a certain heading.

Problem is when opening the .xls converted file in Excel, no macros show up. If I open a blank worksheet in Excel my macro shows up. I lowered the security settings to the most basic level in Excel. How do I make the macro show up in the file opened in Excel through the Access VBA, so I can run it?

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Access Lookup Data Macro

Nov 16, 2011

I am trying replicate the northwind web database macro called getproductname getproductlist which is on the products table. this macro has a simple lookup action which looks up a record by a parameter being sent.

the customer order form has a productid combo box. on its after update it finds the product list. this UI macro just passess the product id to the data macro on the table and looks up the price for that id. then sets the value on the form. simple right? however i consistently get an error from the data macro on the table which says the "the identifier (enter field name here) could not be found"

in my case im selecting id and productname from my table. the syntax is correct. but when i run the macro i get "the identifier productname could not be found. ive been struggling with this for hours. and im using a working sample as an example.

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Field To Perform This Calculation

Feb 23, 2007

How do I get a field to calculate this formula?
I want a script to find the precise current date and from another field find a number and add it to the current date day to make current date + number = date in the future.

For example
Field: Total Nights Hired = 2
Field: Date due back = 23/02/07 + 2 = 25/02/07

I am sorry if I did not explain this well enough. I am totally new to databases but need help in my corsework. I am designing a video rental system.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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How Do I Perform A "not Like '*xxx*' Scenario

Apr 20, 2006

I know how to do a "Like '*xyz*' " type condition in a query. How do I set up a "Not like '*xyz*' " type condition in a query?

Thanks for your help. This forum is wonderful!

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Help Needed To Perform Calulation

Nov 3, 2004

Hello Everyone, (where would i be without ya)

Here is what i would like to do if anyone can help

I have a table with the following columns which are currency values, along with aload of other stuff

These have been put into a form as bound text boxes, i would like to allow the user to
chose their rate, say by a button or maybe option group "i'm open to ideas"
Dependent on the choice made the rate chosen will then go into a independent text box.

After there i'm fine, the reason for this is,.. the chosen rate/independent text box will form part of a calculation

Best Regards AM

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Not Enough Memory To Perform Operation

Apr 10, 2014

I'm getting an error when trying to run a report. "There isn't enough memory to perform this operation. Close unneeded programs and try the operation again."

1.) I tried to install both the V-Tools and Rick Fisher add-ins, and neither one could be added. I got errors from both.

2.) I'm working with a small test database to create a report. Db is tiny, 1.8Mb. But I've also created a report which has several embedded subreports. Everything is based off of queries which certainly have to sort through some data.

3.) I have compacted and repaired.

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