Magazine Land: A Collaborative Online Magazines Provider.

Mar 30, 2008

Hey everybody out there,

Recently I came to know about a wonderful website providing cheap magazine subscription. One can find any popular magazines here, that too on a price less than 35% newsstands price. You can subscribe for all popular Sports magazines, lifestyle magazine, health magazines, and magazines related to popular music genres and almost any kind of publications.

The website is I hope you’ll get benefit through this latest news.

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Provider Not Installed

Mar 14, 2006


I have developed a MS Access tool to be used in multiuser environ. In some computers, the tool is working while in some, there is an error message-"Provider not found. May not installed properly". Is it problem with the script or is it that the provider was not installed with MS Office. I have used ADODB connection.

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MS DB Provider Error 0x80040E37

Sep 1, 2004

Hi Guys

I'm kinda stuck with this error.

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E37)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'Results'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.
/Access_Mem/verifypassword.asp, line 18

I just don't know where I'm going wrong. Pls help

Thkx (Attached is my code)


<!--#include file=""-->

email = trim(Request.form("username"))
password = trim(Request.form("password"))
if email = "" or password = "" then
Response.Write "please enter username and password"
ConnString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("member.mdb")
set my_conn= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set rs = server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
my_Conn.Open ConnString
set rscheck = my_conn.Execute ("Select * from Results where UserName='" & UserName & "' and Password='" & Password & "'") --- Line 18

if rscheck.eof then
Response.redirect invalid_page
'invalid password and redirect to login page
session("login") = "yes"
session("name") = rscheck("name")
'session("...") = rscheck("...")

'add session ..if you want to keep profile of your user.

Response.redirect valid_login
' password accept and go to memberpage.asp

end if
set my_conn = nothing
end if

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IIF Statement For Service Provider

Feb 28, 2008

A child in our company can have up to 4 different service providers offering different services at a time. I have to do a report for each individual service provider and there delivered services. The problem is, all the providers and delivered services are listed on one record (the child's record). How do I make a query that will only pull up their delivered services in a record and not the services of the others attached to it? Should I use IIF? If so, what would be a good statement to use? If anyone can help me out, I'd be thankful. Let me know if additional information is needed.

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Queries :: Possible To Have Multiple Instances Of Same Provider ID

Feb 9, 2015

I have a table called providers with the following 3 fields:

Provider ID
Cancellation Reason
Visit ID

It is possible to have multiple instances of the same provider ID, cancellation reason and visit ID on the same date. I'm trying to count just 1 instance based on visit ID if there are multiple instances of the visit ID and reason on the same date. Select distinct doesn't seem to do the trick.

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Microsoft OLE DB Provider For ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)

Feb 24, 2004

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x818 Thread 0xa74 DBC 0x5f5c1024 Jet'.

I get the above error when I run my login form can anyone help? it points to the code below

<% Response.Buffer = true %>
Session("DatabasePath") = "MoneygallGAA.mdb"
If Request.Form("btnLogin") = "Login" AND Request.Form("txtName") <> "" _
AND Request.Form("txtPassword") <> "" Then

'-- Declare your variables
Dim DataConnection, cmdDC, RecordSet
Dim RecordToEdit, Updated, strUserName, strPassword

strUserName = Request.Form("txtName")
strPassword = Request.Form("txtPassword")

'-- Create object and open database
Set DataConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
DataConnection.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _
"DBQ=" & Session("DatabasePath") & ";"

Set cmdDC = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
cmdDC.ActiveConnection = DataConnection

'-- default SQL

If Request.Form("txtName") <> "" Then
SQL = "SELECT Login.* FROM Login " & _
"WHERE Login.userID='" & strUserName& _
"' AND Login.password ='" & strPassword & "'"
End If

cmdDC.CommandText = SQL
Set RecordSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

'-- Cursor Type, Lock Type
'-- ForwardOnly 0 - ReadOnly 1
'-- KeySet 1 - Pessimistic 2
'-- Dynamic 2 - Optimistic 3
'-- Static 3 - BatchOptimistic 4
RecordSet.Open cmdDC, , 0, 2

If Not RecordSet.EOF Then
Dim struserLevel
struserLevel = RecordSet.Fields("userLevel")
Session("userLevel") = struserLevel
'The user was not validated...
'Take them to a page which tells them they were not validated...
Response.Redirect "default.htm"
End If
End If

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How Do I Create A Link To A Foxpro Table Using OLEDB Provider?

Jul 17, 2006


I am a newbie in Access. I am running Access 2003 and would like to be able to create links to Visual Foxpro9 tables using the VFP OleDB provider and not the ODBC drivers.

A few of my clients want to use the VFP9 tables in their reports but so far I have not been able to find a way to do it using OLEDB (except in a module with VBA code which I don't want).

I can do it using the ODBC but the problem is that ODBC driver does not recognise the VarChar fields in the tables.

I tried creating an Access project and then 'File --> Connections' but it does not display the 'Provider' tab to select which provider to use and by default assumes that SQL Server is the source database.

How can I get Access 2003 to allow me to select the OLEDB Provider?
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

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Online Training

Apr 7, 2008

Have any of you ever used some really good online training? I really need to get good with ASP.NET, VB.NET, ADO.NET and SQL 2007 Server ect. I want to do some self pased online training, anyone used a really good service for this?

Thanks you!

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Access Db Online

Sep 24, 2004


I have created a database to track applicants’ eligibility process. Mainly, a Head of Household will call or apply in person for a medical assistance for self or for child #1, child #2 etc. I created two tables tblHeadHouseHold and tblApplicants with a (one-to-many relationships) and, a main form (frmHeadHouseHold) and a subfrom (sfrmApplicants). So far, the database works fine and just recently, I was approached first, to make this database available online, so that applicants can go to a given center (clinic) to fill in the application, and we then pull the application from the office. Second, to add a new field (source of Application) where applicants learn about our program (Friend, School, Doctor, Advertisement, other) to create a ‘Source Report’, how many from friend, how many from school, from Advertisement etc.

I’m using access 2003 and would like to know:
1. What I need to make the existing db available online
2. Given the type of report I need to generate for ‘Source of Application’ shall I use check box, drop downs,
or a lookup table?

Thank you in advance,

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Online Tutorials

Nov 10, 2005

Hey guys,

I was wondering if there are any online tutorials you know of on the subjects of table relationships and normalisation?

Any help would be great


The Yetiboy

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Publishing Your Results Online

Dec 18, 2005

Hello. This is my first post so be kind!

Im currently working on a project which involves taking customers data via MS ACCESS and storing it in a database. Which has in iternet connection. I would like stored data to be available online.

Which would be the best way to go about this?


Just a little confused.

Also had a quick browse round the forum and looks like i might be spending a lot of time here:D

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Map Online Using Access Database

Mar 30, 2007

I want to locate an address online from my access database program upon clicking a button. What will be the best way to do this. Does access database have the tool to link address from your program.

Any help p

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Online Filing System..

Jan 27, 2006

I have 5 computers in my office. What I want is after networking these computers, I want that the Office note and other work done by one employee should go to another with some pasword and it should also have a log details.

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Backup Database Online ?

Jun 12, 2006

I read a lot of threads and some KB articles before this, but am still confused.

Can a copy of the BE database be made on the Server while users are logged on ? Max No. of users is 7.

Does copying a BE while work is going on lead to corruption in the database.
Right now i make a copy of the database thru code and then compress the copy for a backup.

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Access Database Online

Aug 28, 2004


I was wondering if anybody could please advise on how to make the existing database(Ms Access) online.
Does IIS server come with Ms office? How to install and what are the steps to make it a client server application.
Would appreciate your help a lot. Thanks


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Creating Online Format Of Database

May 25, 2005

I currently have a database on my hd and four other ppl have a copy on theirs. (We are in different physical locations which makes it very slow to put the database on our server).
Currently eveyrone is sending me files that i upload to my copy of the database so i have all of their data.
the obvious setbacks to this is that the data is not live and some of the changes might be missed etc.

i would like to move this and house the tables on my company's intranet

what would i need to do to accomplish this?

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Putting My Database Online.... My Options??

Feb 13, 2007

I would like to put my database that I have created online so I can update it from anywhere, and was wondering what are my options - does access have a feature to do this? Or will it involve using dynamic coding to update the tables? I would like to use the forms that I have already created etc ... but is this possible?

I have my own server if this helps?!



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2 Problems With An Online Access Database

Jul 28, 2007

I am developing a very simple little app online that is giving me 2 main areas of trouble. Basically, all this app does is take information from a form and put it into an access db which is located on a web server (it also sends out an email to the admin when the form is submitted, but that is working fine). So there is one page that is the form and it is pointed at a second page that does the insert to the db, sends the email and then displays a Thank You message. I set up a ODBC connection on the web server to the database that seems to be working fine ( I can run a SELECT query against it and get info out of it - I put one dummy record in the db just for testing).

I'm having 2 main problems as follows:

Permissions - the sys admin is hesitant to open up the folder that contains the DB (and nothing else) to allow for write/read control to the anonymous internet user account. Just to test it, he did and I was able to run the query on the page (although I had problems with inserting - see problem 2 below). The sys admin suggested that I "use different credentials" to access this db in this folder and set up a separate user account/password for this purpose on this folder. 2 questions:
1.) how dangerous is it to allow read/write access for the anonymous internet user account?
2. what kind of code (.asp) could I use to access the DB using the separate user account the sys admin set up?

Insert to the DB not working - When I do run this page, it seems to run fine, with seemingly no errors, but when I do a SELECT query against it, none of the data is there. here is the code I am using:
Dim objConn
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.ConnectionString = "DSN=RVU_contact_db"
objConn.Mode = 3

strSQL = "insert into `contacts`(first_name,last_name,email,phone,addres s,city,state,zip,subject,message,department) " _
& "values ('" & request.form("first_name") & "','" & request.form("last_name") & "','" & request.Form("email") & "','" & request.form("phone") & "','" & request.form("address") & "','" & request.Form("city") & "','" & request.form("state") & "','" & request.form("zip") & "','" & request.Form("subject") & "','" & request.form("message") & "','" & request.form("department") & "')"
objConn.execute strSQL

I notice that there is a .ldb that seems to stay open in that folder, even when I do a objConn.Close, and I don't seem to be able to delete this off the server.

Any ideas on how to solve these problems? Any help on any of the above greatly appreciated.




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Lost Link For Online Tutorials

Oct 10, 2007

I have lost a link for a great website that had online video tutorials in Access. It was pitbull or bulldog or something like that (tried all the combinations in google)
Jog anybody’s memory for a url


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2007 Store Online Or Offline?

Oct 23, 2007

I found a web site that reports 2007 bugs that says this:
Do not use offline folders to store your databases.

Actually, the full thing says:
Update Sep 14, 2007: There is now a known issue where a database stored in offline folders is lost when compacted. There is also another bug where you lose the objects from the Navigation Pane when you delete an object, if the database is stored in an offline folder. Do not use offline folders to store your databases.

What does this mean? I shoudn't have my database on a server? I should have it on the web? Eh?


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Online Tutorial For Form Design?

Jun 4, 2005

I am new to Access and not a sophisticated user of computers. I've been given the task of redesigning some forms on an existing data base. I understand how to put the new fields I'm adding into the table associated with the forms I'm working on, but I've having a hard time actually moving stuff around the screen and getting it lined up.

Is there an online tutorial or reference I can go to that will teach me the layout basics?

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Online Form -&gt; Email -&gt; Access Database

Jul 13, 2005

I’ve recently added form functionality on my website, which runs with the aid of a perl script and sends the results via an email message.

I’m currently able to import, or link, data from a specific mail folder (Outlook 2002) to an MS Access database (Access 2002). However, my problem is the message body, which contains the data I’m interested in, is all placed in the one field.

I would like the data contained in the message body to be imported into separate fields but I have not been able to figure out how this is done.

I can arrange the data within the email message body to conform to a particular format if needed, even HTML, but I can't work out how to import the data into separate fields.

Tried searching this forum but couldn’t find the answers. Perhaps there is a better way of processing online forms, one which I’m not aware of.

My web service does support mySQL and also has ODBC dirvers for Access but this to me seems like an over kill approach particularly since I don't need access to data from the website (active pages)

Can anyone help?


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Offline DB Showing Online Results Through Frontpage

Oct 5, 2006

I have googled and search for this subject and am more confused now...

I am running an offline A03 db with XP and have a hosted website. Right now I have a separate db online that is used for the results on the website, and it works correctly. I used frontpage to create the form.

Now with our offline db I would like to enter the information on a form, and have the results show up on our website, to avoid keying the same info multiple times.

The data that shows up on the website will not be edited, but the table offline will have some fields for edit, that will not show up online.

Is there a way to connect an offline table/query to show up as results online? And if so how or examples? Thanks in advance.

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Online Entry To DB - Views On Flat File (CSV)

Feb 13, 2007

Hi Guys,

Does anyone have any experience of writing to an Access database via Web.

Do you think it is feasible, for an online entry form, to have 'customers' input their details or wahtever, then this info is sent to some sort of flat file?CSV is it called?

Then the admin can check these, then import to DB quite easily?

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While Im Online, Here Is A Combobox Problem Thats Been Buggin Me For Ages,

Feb 15, 2005

when you have the values on a combobox, if the user wants to add another value that isnt there already,

is there a way I can have them just type it into the combobox and save it in the list ?

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URGENT: Protecting Access Databases Online

Sep 20, 2006

Hi All,

What's the best way to go about protecting an MS Access database online? Hoping to launch tomorrow, but no can do without protecting the DB first

Basically, I have a database containing some personal information and I need to block people from downloading it, while still allowing my ASP pages to read/write/modify its data.

Can anyone point me in the right direction here? Any relative links, methods, tutorials, etc, would be a fantastic.

I've looked into User-Level Security Passwords, but am not sure if there's a better way to achieve what i'm trying to do (i.e. setting up specific access rights to the folder in which the MDB file is contained).

Thanks in advance...

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