MailMerge Problems - Help Need

Jun 4, 2005

I have started having problems with MailMerge in my database - it has worked before but now I get this error:

Runtime error 5922

"Word was unable to open data source"

Here is my code:

Function MailMerge(strMMTemplate As String)
Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim objDoc As Word.Document

Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Open(fldMailmerge & strMMTemplate)

'Make Word visible.
objWord.Application.Visible = True
'Set the mail merge data source
objDoc.MailMerge.OpenDataSource Name:="C:cmoscmos.mdb", LinkToSource:=True, Connection:="TABLE tblMailMerge_Temp_Full", SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM tblMailMerge_Temp_Full"
'Execute the mail merge.

Set objWord = Nothing
Set objDoc = Nothing
End Function

I have searched high an low through the forum and web - but no luck.

Any ideas? I am running Access 2003.



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Access Mailmerge

Mar 2, 2006

Can anyone help?

I am trying to perform a mail merge from Access database table and using Word letter setup with all the necessary variables.
I am using VBA in access to perform this task.
All works ok to the point but the first snag I had when
the Access was not open in Read-Only mode and where
'OpenDataSource' statement was refusing to merge the database to the letter
I managed to overcome this by opening Access in Read-Only mode.

However I hit the second snag.

When running 'OpenDataSource' statement the pop up box comes with option to select a table I want to make connection too.

The table is listed in the within the parameters for the statement, so it does not make sense why is this question.

This is my code:-

Dim WordApp As Word.Application
Set WordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
MergePATH = Application.CurrentProject.Path & ""
With WordApp
.DisplayAlerts = wdAlertsNone
.Visible = False
.Documents.Open (MergePATH & "MTSheet3.DOC")
With WordApp.ActiveDocument.MailMerge

.OpenDataSource _
Name:=MergePATH & "io.mdb", _
LinkToSource:=True, AddToRecentFiles:=False, _
Connection:="TABLE tmpTable"

.Destination = wdSendToNewDocument
With .DataSource
.FirstRecord = wdDefaultFirstRecord
.LastRecord = wdDefaultLastRecord
End With
End With
.ActiveDocument.SaveAs (MergePATH & "Dummy.doc")
.ActiveDocument.Saved = True
End With

Set WordApp = Nothing

Can anyone explain what the problem ?

The is holding up progress of a big project

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Mailmerge And Security

Dec 22, 2006

I am using Access 2003 and have secured my database, so that it now consists of an .mdb and an .mdw file. The .mdb is opened using the security settings in .mdw using a shortcut.

I want to set up a mail merge into Word 2003, but whenever I try selecting my database as the source of the data I want to merge, it won't let me log in.

Can anyone advise me how I can get this to work correctly?



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Handpick Records For Mailmerge

May 21, 2005


the problem i have is this -

i have a stores database for all items in a warehouse. i need to be able to have a button on my form that sends the current record to a word template to be printed out on labels. i need to be able to specify the amount of labels for each record, and i need to be able to send multiple records to the same template. i have absolutely no idea how to do this.

ive got the template set up, but currently it is mailmerged the normal way, meaning it would just print every record in the DB on the labels. i was thinking of having some kind of check box in the DB so that the user can use the form to find all the records they want to print, check the box for each (and also enter a number for the amount of times they want that record printing on the sheet) and then have a button to send the final document to the printer. this brings up another issue - how do i empty the check box for every record each time the form is used so that all the previously printed records do not get reprinted?

If anyone has got any idea how to overcome any of these problems i would be extremely grateful.


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Mailmerge Email With Attachment

May 21, 2012

In my database which is used by a charity I have a button which opens a mailmerge email document in MS Word using the following Visual Basic code -

FollowHyperlink "C:Our FoldersBWMCJuly Donors Email.docx", , True, True

This mailmerge document draws its personal information from a query in my database. And sends off personal emails to a number of donors.

I want to attach a personal document called 'Allocations.docx' which is also a mailmerge document drawing its personal information from the same query. How can I automate the attachment of this document to the email so that each donor gets their own email plus their own attachment?

Can something be added to the existing line of VB which will do what I want? If so, what do I need to add?

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MS Word Mailmerge Window Is Autominimizing

Jul 28, 2005

I just started having an issue with a mailmerge launching form in Access. A button I've set up, called "Order Form," uses the following code to launch Word, merge the data into the document, save the document, and close out the template. It's a large sample, and I think it may have come from this website at some point last year:


Private Sub OrderForm_Click()
'creates an SQL statement to be used in a query def
'On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Dim val As String
Dim db As Database
Dim rec As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strDocumentName As String 'name of the template document

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rec = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT Order_ID FROM tmpCurrentTGOrderID;")

While Not rec.EOF
val = rec("Order_ID")


'Select all records from the record table were the table's Order_ID field matches
'that of the temporary table's.
'qry = "SELECT TG_Orders.Order_ID, TG_Orders.Order_Date, TG_Orders.Order_HonoredPerson, TG_Orders.Order_TreeGiver, TG_Orders.Order_PlantingState, TG_Orders.Order_Product, TG_Orders.Order_Type, TG_Orders.Order_Line1, TG_Orders.Order_Line2, TG_Orders.Order_Card, TG_Orders.Order_Occasion, TG_Orders.Order_First, TG_Orders.Order_Middle, TG_Orders.Order_Last, TG_Orders.Order_Have, TG_Orders.Order_Digits, TG_Orders.Order_CardType, TG_Orders.Order_Comments, TG_Orders.Order_Donate, TG_Customers.*, TG_Shipping.* FROM (TG_Customers INNER JOIN TG_Orders ON TG_Customers.Customer_ID = TG_Orders.Customer_ID) INNER JOIN TG_Shipping ON TG_Orders.Order_ID = TG_Shipping.Order_ID;"

strDocumentName = "TG_OrderForm.doc"

strSQL = "SELECT TG_Orders.Order_ID, TG_Orders.Order_Date, TG_Orders.Order_Confirmation, TG_Orders.Order_HonoredPerson, TG_Orders.Order_TreeGiver, TG_Orders.Order_PlantingState, TG_Orders.Order_Product, TG_Orders.Order_Type, TG_Orders.Order_Line1, TG_Orders.Order_Line2, TG_Orders.Order_Card, TG_Orders.Order_Occasion, TG_Orders.Order_First, TG_Orders.Order_Middle, TG_Orders.Order_Last, TG_Orders.Order_Have, TG_Orders.Order_Digits, TG_Orders.Order_CardType, TG_Orders.Order_Comments, TG_Orders.Order_Donate, TG_Customers.*, TG_Shipping.*, TG_Orders.Order_Cost, TG_Orders.Order_Remembrance "
strSQL = strSQL + "FROM (TG_Customers INNER JOIN TG_Orders ON TG_Customers.Customer_ID=TG_Orders.Customer_ID) INNER JOIN TG_Shipping ON TG_Orders.Order_ID=TG_Shipping.Order_ID "
strSQL = strSQL + "WHERE TG_Orders.Order_ID=" + val

Call SetQuery("TG_OrderFormQuery", strSQL)
Dim strNewName As String 'name to save merged document as
strNewName = "Order " & Format(CStr(Date), "MMM dd yyyy")
Call OpenMergedDoc(strDocumentName, strSQL, strNewName)

Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error #" & Err.Number & " occurred. " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Error"
Exit Sub

End Sub

Private Sub SetQuery(strQueryName As String, strSQL As String)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
'set the query from which the merge document will pull its info
Dim qdfNewQueryDef As QueryDef
Set qdfNewQueryDef = CurrentDb.QueryDefs(strQueryName)
qdfNewQueryDef.SQL = strSQL
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error #" & Err.Number & " occurred. " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Error"
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub OpenMergedDoc(strDocName As String, strSQL As String, strReportType As String)
On Error GoTo WordError
'opens an instance of word, opens a merge template which has its data source
'already linked to a query in this database, merges the template,
'saves the merged file with a descriptive name, then closes the merge template

'Set the directory for any labels generated
Const strDir As String = "D:LOA-DataMerge Templates"
Dim objWord As New Word.Application
Dim objDoc As Word.Document
objWord.Application.Visible = True
Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Open(strDir & strDocName)
' Make Word visible so that if any errors occur, you can close the instance of Word manually
objWord.Application.Visible = True
'merge to a new document
'if you are not sure of the SQLStatement to use in your OpenDataSource string, uncomment the following four lines to have the 'current SQLstatement print in the immediate window. You can then copy the returned string to your code
'Debug.Print objWord.Application.ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataS ource.QueryString
'Set objWord = Nothing
'Exit Sub

objDoc.MailMerge.OpenDataSource _
name:="D:LOA-DataLOAv817.mdb", _
LinkToSource:=True, AddToRecentFiles:=False, _
Connection:="QUERY TG_OrderFormQuery", _
SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM `TG_OrderFormQuery`"
'notice that this is not the SQL statement that makes up the QueryDef of the query. It
'is the SQL statement that tells Word whether to use all the records returned by the
'Query. Notice also the funky single quotes – this is what DataSource.QueryString returned
'to me in the immediate window. I’ve also seen the query name written in 'brackets [ ],
'but have never tested this code with them.

objDoc.MailMerge.Destination = wdSendToNewDocument
'save the merged document with a descriptive name
'you can delete this line if you want to leave the document with the default name “Labels 1” or “Letters 1”
objWord.Application.Documents(1).SaveAs (strDir & "" & strReportType & ".doc")
'close the merge template
objWord.Application.Documents(2).Close wdDoNotSaveChanges
'release the variables
Set objWord = Nothing
Set objDoc = Nothing

Exit Sub
MsgBox "Err #" & Err.Number & " occurred." & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Word Error"
End Sub


Just today, this code started auto-minimizing the MS Word window, causing user error (after the documents been minimized, instead of clicking on the task bar, the user would click the button again, prompting that the document is already in use, would you like to save changes before closing the document, etc). Is there anything in this code that is telling Word to minimize? It's only happening on this one button, and there are 7 other mailmerge buttons on the same form, using the same code, that work fine.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

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Blank Address Lines In Mailmerge

Dec 27, 2007

I am trying to generate letters from ACC2003 db into Word2003. Reason for Word is so client can edit letters if required.
I have set up a maketable query to generate a temporary table in the Db and the mailmerge master document all formatted and pointed at the temporary table. I still need to get the automation running so that the letters merge and print on a command button.
My immediate issue is that the address lines are intentionally spread across 5 fields Addr1, Addr2, Addr3, Town, Postcode. Not all fields in every record are full, and with the query it would be impossible to eliminate fields on the chance they might be empty.
As a result my mailmerge has blank address lines which do not look professional.
Can anyone point me to how I might solve this given my proposed use - if it was a report then I have a little code module that neatly eliminates blank lines but I cannot see how I could integrate this into the mailmerge process.
Thanks for any help or pointers

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Security Password - Access To Word Mailmerge

Apr 4, 2007

Dear Guru,

I have an issue which having read some previous threads may not be resolved simply. My database is password protected.

The password (presumably) is preventing the mailmerge from connecting the deata with the template. There is not even a password request shown. Is there any way that this can be overcome. There are a number of mailmerges but all are pulled from the same data query, can i unprotect this query only??

After convincing my boss that the dbase can easily run securely, your help will be very much appreciated.

Andrew - In sunny Hull, UK.

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Modules & VBA :: Access Mailmerge To Word Including Image

Nov 25, 2014

I have a database of film events, for which i have to do posters.

With the click of a button on a form, access opens word and puts all the fields in, including a field called [photo], which is the name of the image stored outside of the database.

Is there a way of getting that image into the word Document with all the other fields? Or have I just wasted an afternoon....

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Modules & VBA :: Mailmerge Current Record And Save As New Document

May 25, 2014

I'm looking to add a button to my Customers form which will mailmerge the current record to a Word template and then save the Word doc as a new file (Ideally the customer's name).

I've looked at the Super Easy Mailmerge but I can't work out how to implement it without all of the variables (selecting documents etc.).

The files will all be saved to one location (C:CustomersExports) and this won't change.

This is also the location of the mailmerge template (C:CustomersExportsTemplate.docx)

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Modules & VBA :: Automating Mailmerge From Access Form To Word Document

Aug 5, 2013

I am having the strangest results with my automated mailmerge. Basically it does work, but not all the time. The basic idea is to allow the user to dynamically create a query that produces a result list which fills a temporary table. The use then selects a prebuilt merge template and merge is executed against the temp table. The merge template are of the .doc type, but sme have been converted to .docx; the .doc files tend to work most often, but all of the will eventually get a Table is locked message... However if I run in test mode with code breaks and manually step through the process it always works... here is the heart of the code ...

Err_Pos = 10

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
' if tmp tbl left over from last run kill it
DoCmd.RunSQL "Drop table Word_Merge_Tmp_TBL"
Err_Pos = 12


There are many error cases in the error catch routine. That I have managed to make Access stop hanging when word has a problem or the table is locked. But I can't get the table to be free consistantly and why does it always work when I manually step through the code.

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