I have a 2 paged Form. frmCustomer (page1) and frmCustomerOrderHistorySub1 and frmCustomerOrderHistorySub2 (Page 2)
On customers form I have a command 'Customer Orders'. When clicked focus is set to 'Page 2'. Page 2 should (and does) display ALL orders placed by the Customer currently being viewed on Page 1.
Problem: frmCustomerOrderHistorySub2 ONLY displays the details for the first order?
If you select the second order then the order details do not update?
I hope the attcahed DB will explain all?
I have spent a good few hours on this. Happy I got most of it to work unaided, could do with a nudge on this final issue.
I am modifying an existing form that has some tabbed pages(subforms) in it and I am wanting to know how to add another page. I have created another subform that I am wanting to add to this main form as another tabbed page.
I was able to create only 3 pages in access report. I am not able to go beyond 3 pages since the page footer is not moving down, means I am not able to drag it down.
It is a simple report of resume with only text boxes. My report comes around 10 pages.
Send only one or two pages of a multi-page report. I have a report that has three pages. I only want to send the first two as a pdf file. Can this be done with VBA? I know it can be done using Exporting Data on the External Data ribbon, but how can I do it via VBA?
I have a main report with 2 subreports. My main report has a header section, the 2 subreports are in the detail section of my main report. How can i prevent my report from splitting up my header and my subreports. (Header section of my main report is a company and the subreports are the detail of the company.. i don't want my compnay name on the bottom of a page and then the detail on the next page.. it does this sometimes. thanks!
Is there a limit to the number of fucntions/suroutines in a Form's module. I got an overflowerror when compiling and I moved a fucntion from the Forms mdoule to another module and the error did not re-appear.
I've created a report based on a query that shows me the jobs that have been added to tblJobs between two selected dates.
The report works fine and displays all the information I need, however other than being sorted by day of the week i.e. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc. The records just run on one after another.
I want to create a page break, so that a full week is shown on a single page before then forcing a new page when it moves in to the next week.
I want to create a main menu page for my database. I have tried the Navigation form and obviously I am doing something wrong....because the tabs won't open the forms. We have Access 2010 at work and I would like to create something similar to this:
Cardinal Rap - Main Menu
[button] Input Monthly data This button would take me to another screen that would list the tables for appropriation, expenditures and revenue, each with their own respective button
[button] Reports This button would take me to another screen that would would list the reports available each with their own respective button
[button] Monthly reconciliations
This button would take me to another screen that would list the tables necessary for my monthly reconciliations each with their own respective button that open that table.
The tabs in the Navigation form don't seem to do anything.
I have a database with a Main Menu Form, containing a Button that loads my main data entry form. When the Button is Clicked portions of the data entry form that is loading shows through the Main Form Background (e.g. portions of the navigation bars, and portions of the boarder on the form that is loading.)
I have a subform which makes a change to a field on the main form. When focus is returned to the main form, the BeforeUpdate and AfterUpdate events fire. Why? I thought from the form's perspective, the subform is just another control.
BTW, I get the same behavior if I modify the field from within the Exit event of the subform control.
In either case, the main form's Dirty event is NOT triggered.
I have one-page forms which print a second page, blank except for a block of grey shading at the top. I have tried moving the content of the form up but that doesn't eliminate the second page. If I look at print preview, every second page of the entire database shows up as blank, regardless of where that happens to appear in the record.
Not been doing this too long, but have a question. Have a sub that determines which checkbox(s) are selected. I then want to get the value from that sub and use it in another sub that runs a query to populate listboxes.
Code so far Public Sub TransportMode() If Me.checkAir = True Then strtypes = strtypes & "'Air'," End If If Me.checkCar = True Then strtypes = strtypes & "'Car Hire'," End If If Me.checkAll = True Then strtypes = "'Air','Car Hire'," End If strtype = Left(strtypes, Len(strtypes) - 1) MsgBox strtype End Sub
Public Sub FromToUpdate() TransportMode
strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT MasterTable.From FROM MasterTable WHERE MasterTable.Type IN (" & strtype & ")" If Len(strbgs) > 0 Then strSQL = strSQL & " AND MasterTable.BGID IN (" & strbgs & ")" End If MsgBox strSQL
How ever when get the message box, the value from first sub is not used by the second. How can I call it across? I'm trying to put bits of code like the first sub into many different sub as they are used again when buttons are pressed on the form etc.
I have been tasked to create a multi-keyword search form, however, my form isn't working right and only the first record of the table is opened.
Code: Public Sub txtSearch_AfterUpdate() Dim strWhere As String Dim strWord As String Dim varKeywords As Variant Dim i As Integer Dim IngLen As Long
[Code] .....
These are the codes that I am using for my search form. I have a feeling that I am not calling the variable from the after update portion the right way.
to automatically create a second, third, fourth... page depending on how many characters are in the narrative. The only other thing needed to be changed is the page# of Page#.
I have added the Allen Browne Calendar 2k control to my form.
My form consists of 4 pages. On pages 2 and 3 I have subforms and on page 4 I have Personal data. Page 1 is general data and the Calendar is on Page 1.
What is happening is that the Calendar is also being displayed on my 4th page, in the same position as page 1. When I try to move it, cover it or delete it from page 4, it is also gone from page 1.
I have a form with six tabbed pages on it. Since data entry follows in a logical order I would like to put a command button on the bottom of each page (subform) that can be used to go to the next page. What I am going to though? If i put a command button (open form) then it opens the whole form not as a subform on a tabbed page. if I try and put a command button (open page) then it will not let me enter the page number. Hope that makes sense! Any ideas
I've built a PostgreSQL database for some ecology data and am trying to use MS Access 2010 to make a front-end for it.
I've created a form to display site data; it includes such fields as site ID, site name, county, state, landscape, etc. (There are more, but if I can get the idea down with a couple of these, I should be good to handle the rest). One can click through the form and see 14 pages of site details, which is fine because there are 14 sites.
What I want to do now is make a search form in which one can enter values for site ID, site name, county, etc, and somehow get the pages of the display form that match those values. It's not terribly important to me how that output looks - whether it's a list of matches that allows for clicking on a match and showing just one page of the display form, or whether it's a filtered subset of the display form pages that one still clicks through to view them all.
if there is code to write, where do I type it? Do I start my search form by making a form with the search fields as values, or is there some other way? How do I make those search fields into search boxes rather than display boxes?
I am using the "Tab Pages" on a form. On one of the pages I have a subform. If I'm doing a routine in VBA regarding that subform, do I need to reference the Tab Pages object as well as the form and the subform?
Can anyone help me on this? I've just started a database in Access and I've created a form with vertical scroll bars. The problem is that when I use my mouse wheel to scroll down the page, it doesn't! It just cycles through the records...
Is there any solution to this? I'm ripping my hair out here!
I'm probably being really really stoopid and I bet it's just an option I have to set, but I really don't know!
I have a form that looks and prints exactly as I want it to, except for two little things. These things are extra pages. They don't appear on the print preview, but they always show up on the printer and on the pdf file when I email it. One page is blank and the last page has "Page 1 of 1" at the bottom right corner of the page. I would always limiting the printing to one page.
Is is possible to create a form that is 4 pages in length? After info is entered in first two pages I would like to print out all 4 pages to pass on to another person.
I have a form in datasheet view, and I am wondering if it's possible to specify "pages" with a set amount of records per page.Think like the search results of Google, you get a huge number of results, but only so many are displayed per page.
Hi! I'm a newbie and have very very basic understanding of Access...I'm running a small group of about 19 members that is expected to grow within the next two months to 11 more members...
I haven't been able to find a freeware club/membership database so having the fun of creating my own.
I used the "membership database" that microsoft offers and I figure out (very easily) how to do the page breaks, but I tried to add an option on the top of the form to goto page 3 and have access take my viewer to "page 3" of the form...
I've looked at the coding for page 1 and 2 that is already in place for the form where member info is enter, but it's just over my head and hoping someone can help me figure out how to build an event that when someone clicks on page 3, it will take the viewer to the "third page" of the form for additional information I hope to add.
I have been asked to create a database very quickly for a small group that needs to scan multiple pages into an Access 2007 form. They they would like all scanned documents to be converted to PDF and stored on a shared network folder which can be accessed by their group. I have tried several ideas posted but, I have been unable to get any to work correctly. Any sample of working database that the scanning portion is working? I am so involved with other projects right now that I just don't have the time to create a scanning process on the database.
I have a report which includes several subreports. There will be times when a subreport prints partially on one page and completes on the next. I don't always want to break to a new page with this subreport. However, I would want to break to a new page if the subreport cannot fully print on the current page.