Make Query - Defining Fields

Mar 30, 2007

When I run this query, the fields in the new table contains 253 characters. How do I specify in the SQL command that the field Carg2 and Carg3 will contain 3 charachters ?

SELECT dbo_allesc.AccReport, Left([AccReport],2) AS Carg2, Left([AccReport],3) AS Carg3,.........................
INTO regTabell

Thank you, Tor

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Defining Primary Key From Two Fields

Mar 23, 2008

I have this table:

intSalesID (Number, Indexed: (Yes No Duplicates)
intCarID (Number, Indexed: (Yes No Duplicates)
intQuantitySales (Number, Indexed: (No)

This table is a cross table from the two tables tblCars and tblSales where the intSalesID and intCarID are Primary Keys. In this table I didn't set the P.K. I saw databases that have P.K. in tables like this deined from the two fields (intSalesID and intCarID, would be in my case). I wanted to ask what is the difference if I leave this table like this and if I set this two fields to form a P.K.? What is the difference in these twi cases? What do I get and what I don't, if I do either way? Thnx.

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Defining The 3 Highest Values In A Series Of Fields

Nov 2, 2007

Hello Everyone,

I am in need of your vast array of knowledge and experience. I have been fighting with this Access report for a few days now, and I've finally decided to ask for your help.

I am running a report which provides a look at a set of 12 survey results. The 12 items are numerical in nature and are decimals with 2 decimal places. What I am trying to do is have Access automatically highlight the top 3 scores in one color, and the bottom 3 scores in another color.

So what I need is an expression that allows Access to discern the top 3 and bottom 3 from the series of 12 scores. in Excel you can identify the top score with this with the formula "Max(A1:A13)", but seeing as in Access we don't have the cell identifiers, this approach will not work.

I know that I will need to use conditional formatting in order to get the cells to highlight. I also see that there is "Max" and "Min" functions in Access as well, and I attempted to create and expression like this "=Max([field 1] AND [field 2] AND [field 3] AND, etc...)" with no luck. I also tried changing the "AND" to "OR", again without luck.

One thing that I should mention is that the report does contain a lot of other data, so I need to be able to apply whatever the best fix is, to only those 12 fields.

Unfortunately I am not accustomed to using code, and as a result I am unsure of how to input it properly. I am certainly open to code solutions, but I would also need a explanation of how to put it in properly.

The easiest solution for me, if possible, would be an expression that I can enter into the conditional formatting wizard to tell it to highlight the values.

If anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate it. I'll buy you a virtual beer :-)

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Defining Query Filters From A Form

Nov 28, 2005

I have a database about when computers have been installed

I have a form
It has a drop down list with Januray through to December

I want the user to select a month and a year and then click the command button and it will run a query displaying all the computers installed in the month of that year

any ideas people?

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Adding Fields In A Make Table Query

Oct 4, 2007

If I have a make table query where I want to add in some blank fields, say: Field1: “” , Field2: “”, etc…. is there a way I can make these fields a yes/no type instead of the default text?

I know I can manually go into the table in design view after I run the query, but I was hoping I could do it beforehand. :)


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Queries :: Make Table Query On Like Fields

Sep 18, 2013

I am developing a Make Table Query from 2 tables, one of which has an "Employee Name" field (lastname,firstname) and the other table has separate fields for LastName and FirstName. I've been able to accomplish almost what I need by:

WHERE ((([Table 1].[EMPLOYEE NAME]) Like [Table 2].[LAST NAME] & "*"));

Which works fine except when there are 2 employees having the same last name, then it generates duplicates. I suspect there must be a way to do this by incorporating the first name field in the sql statement but that's beyond my ability. I realize that names are not good things to base a query on, but the 2 existing tables have been preset and populated by others and I don't really have the capability to change them.

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Queries :: Create Numeric Query Fields In MAKE Table

May 25, 2014

Have a Make table query that needs to create (add) several new fields where each field must be numeric design.

Have tried:

Score1: Not Null - does not seem to work (results in a Binary field)
Score1: 0 - which does give me the numeric field designation but every field in table contains a 0.

Would like to show Blank field (makes data input easier at a later time) but still have the Numeric designation.

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Choosing Fields From Combo Box To Make Fields Visible

Aug 30, 2004

I have a combo box linked to a look-up table. There are 8 fields in the look-up table but only if one of three is chosen do I want additional combo boxes to become visible. Do I put the code in the "after update" or "on change" event of the combo box and how do I express the code-

If TechniqueCombo="caudal" or "spinal" or "epidural" then

(am I close??)


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Defining Relationships In Access

Apr 25, 2006


I seem to be stuck on the simplest of tasks with both google and forum searches coming up with information that’s either too simple or too complex for my needs (not time wasted though because I’m learning all kinds of related stuff).

How do I join my tables with one-to-one relationships?

[edit] Doh, got this one now - by indexing without duplicates then saying all in one have to link to one in another:D

How do I define both fields in a linking table as composite or two field primary key?

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Defining Criteria In Form

Aug 4, 2005

Hi all - I have a suite of reports which provide customer details. They all require the user to input the name of the customer.

The way it works is that I have a query which returns everything for the customer.

Then I have other queries based on the first query which bring back the specific information I want regarding the customer.

This works fine when the customer's name is entered using [Enter Customer Name] in the criteria of the relavant field in the first query.

However, because a user might want to run several different reports on the same customer it becomes a chore for them ot repeatedly have to enter the customer name.

My solution is to have an unbound field in the reports menu for the customer name and to use this as the criteria in the query, so it now reads [Forms]![FrmMenu]![Text42].

The first query runs fine, but the queries based on it are suddenly not returning any records.

There is undoubtedly a simple explanation for this but as I'm quite dim, I can't see it. Could somebody enlighten me and maybe even suggest a solution?

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Defining A Checkbox As A Variable

Jun 6, 2006

Hello all,

I was wondering what should I define a chechbox as if I want to make it a variable, so that when it is checked (= -1), I can check for the -1 and loop somewhere.


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Defining A Checkbox As A Variable

Jun 6, 2006

Hello all,

I was wondering what should I define a chechbox as if I want to make it a variable, so that when it is checked (= -1), I can check for the -1 and loop somewhere.


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Defining A Checkbox As A Variable

Jun 6, 2006

Hello all,

I was wondering what should I define a chechbox as if I want to make it a variable, so that when it is checked (= -1), I can check for the -1 and loop somewhere.


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TransferSpreadsheet - Defining Range Syntax?

Mar 7, 2005


I am trying to auto-import data w/ a single-click from several Excel sheets. A sample line:

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, , "tblTS1", filename, True, Product!A1:H100

tblTS1 - tbl where I'm putting the data
filename - c: est.xls
Product!A1:H100 - range of data I want in sheet Product

I am having problems w/ the "range" portion of Transferspreadsheet (I know it's this portion, because it works when I pre-name the range in Excel). I have tried all sorts of variations on the syntax:

"Product!A1:H100" or 'Product!A1:H100'
"Product" & ! & "A1" & : "H100"
"'Product'" & ! & "A1" & : "H100"
Product & "!" & A1 & ":" H100

I get the error msg:
The MS Jet database engine could not find the object '$:'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly." or "Syntax error"

I wanted to mistake-proof the data transfer, so I did not want to:
- predefine the range in Excel (under InsertNameDefine)
- have the user enter values in text boxes

Any help w/ the syntax would be greatly appreciated!

dvs :confused:

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Modules & VBA :: Defining New Date Format

Mar 17, 2015

how shall i define my new Date or numbers.Now "yyyyXX" this is my date "y" is year 4 digits and "XX" is my problem 2 digits. I ll give an example,

(XX = 01....36) XX can be max 36 and min 01 of course. f. Exp. 201436 and next number shall be 201501.

the biggest problem is different of these number with basic math 201501-201436= 65 but for me it should be 01... The Question is; How can define these ??

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Defining Sampling Periods Using A Calculated Field

Jun 6, 2006

We have a db of salmon survey data where catch data is recorded by date, site, etc.
Historically, we have used ‘sampling periods’ to group our results into blocks of time that can be compared from year to year, and within year.

Now, having frequented this forum I’ve read that we shouldn’t store information in tables that can be calculated from fields and I want to try to follow that advice in this instance but am having trouble working this out.

Here’s how we define a sampling period.

1.The start date of the first sampling period in a sampling year is the last Monday in the most recent November.
2.Each sampling period is 14 days long.

What I want to do is have a query use the date of a set to calculate what sampling period the set belongs to. I have an idea that I could use a datediff function to calculate this if I can figure out the ‘last Monday in the previous November’ part. I’ve searched this forum and googled but am having trouble finding anything that I can adapt to this as a query expression.

Anyone care to help a fish bio out? Much obliged :)

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Forms :: Defining Colors On Form Control

Mar 30, 2014

I have to create a control on a form that will be able to change to one of ten colors, some of them are subtle shades. I will be doing this from vba on the control. I know how to do all of this except defining the colors.

I keep seeing the 3 part RGB(xx, xx, xx) etc. but I can't find the values for it that will give me the exact colors that I need!

I also saw a possibility of using a the hex equivalent for the color but I couldn't make that work?

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How To Make Fields Talk To Each Other

Feb 24, 2005

hi, i am creating a website with flash, asp and an access database.
in my database i have a 'users' table with the fields, username, password, score, and access level.
the score is automatically set to '0' at the beginin,
as the user does various things on the site, it begins to adjust their score.
eg. they answer a quiz, and they get 7/10 so the 7 points are posted to the database, and the score is 7.
in my access level field, i have used the lookup wizard to have 3 options, level 1, level 2 and level 3.
what i want is the access level to automatically change for each user depending on their score.
so they start on access level 1, and once they reach 50 points, they get to access level 2, and past a 100, access level 3 if you see what i mean.
i will then be using these levels to restrict certain users from certain pages.
just wanted to know how this can be done in my simple ms access database.

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Make Fields Active

Apr 3, 2006

hi all

I have a form that has invisible fields. Depending on the navigation to the form, those fields are turned on/off using the visible command.

However, the tab order on the form always takes the user to the first field visible on the form.

How can I tell access to default me a specific field first.

i.e. I have chosen to amend a training file via payroll number. I would like the payroll number data entry box to be the active field when the form opens.


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How To Make Fields In Form Non-editable

Mar 6, 2007


how do i make the fields in my form uneditable(cannot delete or add but can copy a field from form), i tried setting the properties..allow additions deletions by setting it to no, but even then when i open the form and when data is dispalyed , if i go jus delete (say address field)a field it just gets deletd,
i tried locking the fields too!..nothing worked,
so how do i do this,?
p.s IF i set allow edits to No then i am not able to copy the field (say name has to be copied and pasted into another application or something) how could this be accomplished.
tried setting it in VBA as formname.form.allowdeletions=false , still no luck!

Pls help!

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How To Make Particular Fields Of One Record Equal The Value Of Another

Nov 14, 2012

I have created my first two tables ever.

The first is ClientList, which contains typical contact and biographical information (name, address, citizenship, etc), and unique ClientID# for each client. The primary key for this table is the default Autonumber ID that comes with each new table.

The second table is WillInfo, which contains information specific to drafting the client's Will (e.g., spouse name, spouse address, spouse citizenship, similar data on beneficiaries, similar data on executors, etc). The primary key for this table is ClientID#.

I then created a One-to-One relationship between ClientList and WillInfo, binding by Client ID. All this appears to work.

My question arises because I have two clients who are married to each other, which means much of the spouse info I require for the WillInfo table in respect of these particular clients is already accurately recorded as client info in the Clientlist table. So for these specific clients (but not generally!), I want the spouse information in the WillInfo table (e.g., SpouseAddress, SpouseCitizenship for ClientID# 12.001) to EQUAL specific values provided in the ClientInfo table (i.e., ClientAddress, ClientCitizenship for ClientID# 12.002).

I read and understand this is the best approach, following the principle that data should not be entered twice, so as to increase efficiency and avoid mistakes and future problems.

My question is: How do I do this? In Excel, if the client info I wanted to replicate was in cells B4-B9, I would enter =B4, or =B5, or =B6 and so on in the cells for spouse info. What is the equivalent expression for replicating specific client info from a different table.

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Combine 2 Fields To Make Email Address

Nov 22, 2006

I've spent about an hour searching this site for email issues but most I found we how to send. I want to take existing data and make an email address.
I have a FName field and an LName field. In my email field I want the will always be the ending. Also where (on gotfocus) is the best place to put this code so it autopopulates after the FName and LName are entered?



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Make A List Of Fields That Aren't Null

Nov 26, 2007

I have a table that has several fields that contain a date if a user is licenced to use a certain piece of equipment and is null if not. Each recor has other data in it such as name, and a unique identifier (numeric). What I want to do is make a list of the fields which have a date in them to create a licence for what they can operate. Any help on which way to go...pretty new at access.

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How To Make Form Txtbox = Multilpe Fields?

Jun 17, 2005

Having had a pretty good look around, I think I must have missed something...

I just want to try and make a Forms single Address textbox = multiple table fields values:




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Option Group ==> Make Fields Disappear

Aug 28, 2005

hey, i hav seen a similar thread about this (i think bout a year ago or so) and i didnt no whether to continue it or start a new thread.Option boxes - Making items visible
that thread did not fully answer my question and after searchin around n finding nuthin i hav decided to ask

in my form i have the payment methods=> cash, cheque, credit. i did have these in a drop down menu, but i wasnt sure how to do what i wanted...which is based on the selection either make a couple of fields (credit card details etc) visible or invisible. so what i have done is changed the drop down list into an option group with radio buttons.
i currently have this coding

Code:Private Sub Frame_Click()If Me.Frame.Value = 3 ThenMe.CardHolder_Name.Visible = TrueMe.Credit_Card_Number.Visible = TrueMe.Expiry_Date.Visible = TrueMe.Type.Visible = TrueElseIf Me.Frame.Value = 2 ThenMe.CardHolder_Name.Visible = FalseMe.Credit_Card_Number.Visible = FalseMe.Expiry_Date.Visible = FalseMe.Type.Visible = FalseElseIf Me.Frame.Value = 1 ThenMe.CardHolder_Name.Visible = FalseMe.Credit_Card_Number.Visible = FalseMe.Expiry_Date.Visible = FalseMe.Type.Visible = FalseExit SubEnd IfEnd Sub

this seems to work although say if my first record has credit card selected, then all the fields are visible, but wen i move onto the next record which is cash or cheque...they are still visible until i reselect cash or credit again..(and vice versa)

i hope this makes sense :P

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Forms :: Make Fields Selectively Updatable

Nov 6, 2014

I have a form consisting of a list box and some fields belonging to a single record. When the user highlights a row in the list box then the fields show the details of that record. Now the whole process is Read only. But I wish to put a toggle switch on the form so that the detail fields of the record become updateable. I have tried the following constructs but I could not make those fields updateable.

Me.AllowEdits = True
Me.DataEntry = True
Me.fld1.Enabled = True
Me.fld2.Locked = True

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