Making Call List In Access
Jul 5, 2012
We have 4 managers and 16 foreman. Each month a manager is tasked with calling 4 foreman for progress reports.
I'd like to create a simple program with Access to have the foreman assigned to the managers differently each month. It would have to remember the past 4 months so the same names aren't assigned to the same managers. It also has to randomly assign the foremen so the managers don't have the same foreman after 4 months (if that makes sense).
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Jan 27, 2005
I'm making a customer survey database. Also be aware I'm not proficient with access.
All the customer information is being imported from an excel spreadsheet. That will include ServiceRecordID, ServiceDate, TechID, CustName, ServLocation, PhoneNum, and DeptID.
Another table will include records for answers to 5 questions that will be asked by a manager on the phone. That table is called TblQuestions. This table will also have ServiceRecordID to go with the answers.
What I'm trying to do is create a Form that at the top has a box for ServiceRecordID. I'd like to be able to type in the Number for that ID, and then all the information shows up on the form for that specific ID. And below all that, fields to add the answers to TblQuestions for that specific ServiceRecordID.
The reason I'm doing this is because the manager will get a report with the customer information that needs a follow up call. So I want them to be able to call up that information on the screen with the ServiceRecordID number, and also be able to add in the information that they get back from the customer with the questions that will be asked.
I don't know why I'm having so much trouble with this. But I'm not experienced with access or VBA both.
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Feb 10, 2012
I've been asked to come up with a method of tracking outbound calls for my company. This is a new job for me and I'm aiming to impress.. but I'm a touch out of my element so I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel here.
I've found this starting point: [URL] .....
But I'm having difficulty conforming it to function the way I need it to. Basically, I want the applet to
-store the employees name
-store customer names that were called
-a checkbox for whether or not an appointment was set
-a textfield storing an appointment date/time [if applicable]
-four radiobuttons to select which area of the business the call pertains to
The employees would submit new values everyday, and ideally I would like the data to be accessible in a real time line graph.. I totally assumed this would have been done and redone before and that there would be a plethora of templates to choose from online, but for the most part my search has been fruitless and the only solid lead is the one posted above.
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May 19, 2014
I'd like to make noise to another computer, or start same sound file or simply to call another computer on lan or through vpn connected computer using vba...
That will be nice if I can press button on access form and user on another computer hear some noise or to loo like it is call
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Feb 23, 2007
Following on from that thread, I would really like to tidy up other areas of my front end. I am using the idea that Roy suggested and it works very well.
At the moment, I have a form, that has buttons on it that people click when they want to generate specific sheets from excel using data from access using VBA on the form. These work fine, however, now that the database is going live and all features need to be added, I think it would be nice to have one small form, with a list box.
I have converted a copy of the code on the form and placed in a module by declaring then functions instead of private subs.
At this stage, I tried doing it with macros running the code by using a series of runcode. I then created a table that has the macro name stored in it along with a decriptive bit of text detailing the excel chart that gets produced to make it easy for the user.
The list box populates itself correctly, but the problem I am having is I do not know how to make the 'go' button look at the list box, pull the hidden macro/function name from the list, then go and run the macro/function.
I have tried looking about, but have not found anyhthing.
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Nov 9, 2004
I have the following info in a table - I am trying to make a file to import into a label printing program. I have qty 5 of item X13 and so need 5 labels for it, 3 of X24's and so on. The output is basically a print file that will print the right quantity of labels for each of the names equipment.
Name; number
X13; 5
X24; 3
X77; 1
I need an output file as follows, in excel or query result:
How do i achieve this in a query or do I need code and if so what would it look like..
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Nov 4, 2004
I had a bigger question earlier and it was answered but I am still having problems with a small part of it. I am trying to track the details of a meeting. who requested it, for what project, date, duration, who attended. I have everything figured out except accounting for who attended the meetings. attendees also called "analysts" have a manay to many relationship with the meetings. Because they can be a part of many meetings and a meeting can have many analysts. So I created a seperate table called MR-Analyst which was supposed to help me track which meetings each analyst attended. I don't know how the data entery form should look like, right now I have everything on it and linked correctly to track everything excep the analysts. how can I create a list box or something that I can select multiple analysts for each meeting and have that recored linked to the MR-Analyst table? Please Help!!!
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Feb 14, 2013
I have created a database of club members in Access 2010. Each day I need to generate a report of who comes to the club. Up to this point I have been using an Excel spread sheet of members that I copy and paste to new daily spreadsheets each day. how to do this.
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Sep 4, 2013
I'm having to recode some old MS Access DBs so they will run in the following environments:
Office 2000 on WinXP
Office 2003 on WinXP
Office 2010 on WinXP
Office 2000 on Win7
Office 2003 on Win7
Office 2010 on Win7
When I wrote my code for Office 2000 on WinXP things were simple because directory paths were the same across all computers and I could hard code pathing when using a shell command to launch other files.
My new approach is to make a function call to the Windows registry to determine the default executable and path for opening a file based upon its extension (see apicFindExecutable in basWindows API module).
I'm able to use code to create a shell call and debug print it to the immediate window. If I put my cursor in the immediate window at the end of the shell call and hit [enter] the external file will open as desired. If I try to open the external file directly through code, I get a file not found error.
To recreate the error take the following steps:
(1) browse to files that are accessible from your computer
Shell function call is made by the fnOpenFile function located in the basOpenFile module. There has to be a trick here that I'm missing.
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Sep 29, 2005
:confused: :confused: :confused:
Hello, I am new here to the forum.
I have a list box on a form that i want to display a list from a single cell or a table in my access database. The list in this cell is a list seperated by commas such as.....
Field 1 Field 2
example a, b, c, d
I want my listbox to display the list from the first cell in field 2.
Anybody have any ideas?
Kevin :)
PS I know something similar can be done in visual basic. For example, a simple program can be written to take a list (seperated by commas (,) ) and then display this list in a listbox on the form. Is there a way that the simple code such as that can be altered to work in access?
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May 27, 2013
I currently have the following setup for my database which is working as desired when only being used by one user at a time:
Front end: Access 2010 database in Citrix
Back end: SharePoint List
The problem is that only one user can open the Access Database at a time since this action locks the database for other potential users. The locking occurs due to this link to the back end SharePoint list.
allow multiple users to update the SharePoint list through the access database at the same time?
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Aug 27, 2013
Can I make a product in access which calls on click event from phone.
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Dec 7, 2004
I am trying to populate an Excel Shreadsheet (Template in Effect) with Data from Access. This is going ok no problem. Although I need to run an excel macro, which does some formatting to the WorkSheet after each entry in the Access Recordset. I've tried copying the VB over, but getting some errors, and frankly, I think it's easier if I just call the macro itself, rather than try to adapt it for the Access context. Though, I accept it would be a cleaner approach. Can I do this?
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Nov 3, 2014
I need a search function that will not just open files based on their names but also drill into the documents and search based on what's in it. The only way I can see now is to use the Window's search function (the one at the start button). Is it possible to call that function into access?how do I re-create the search style of the windows search bar for a specific folder? Something like streamreader
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Nov 30, 2007
Ok, so I've converted the database to 2003, split the database, compacted and repaired, but when I go to make an mde of the fe, the system "hangs" I even let it run overnight with no results. There's no error messages, nothing.... it looks like it creates a temporary database called "db1" but it never completes the conversion. Any ideas? Am I missing something simple? I have a feeling I am.
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Sep 8, 2006
hey all.
I used to know how to use access, and now haven't used it for years and I am having trouble getting started.
I wanted to make a journal that I could enter in data of an exercise routine.
But the thing is I have no idea how to get started.
I want to be able to add in a workout data for each day monday - friday (each a different body part).
do I make several tables? or just one?
Here is an example of all the data I want to put in, got a picture here
I find the excel version is messy and a form would be an easier way to save the data and easier to refer back to. If anyone has any idea's on how to do this thanks!
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Jan 21, 2005
Hello there,
I'm currently developing an MS Access 2002 application that I'd like to be bilingual.
I'm used to making bilingual stuff but for websites and I find it quite different to do it efficiently when dealing with forms.
Currently, I have tried to use a web technique and convert it for my forms.
Basically, I have a table that holds all my labels, classified by categories and owners, then when I load form, I do some VBA scripting to replace the content of my captions.
and it works...but because I always have to mess with a recordset, it gives me a feeling that its crappy and sluggish.
I have tried saving the recordset in XML and using the DOM to do XPath queries on the document (like I do for a website) but I'm not really used to dealing with the DOM object directly and its beginning to turn in a nightmare to run a XPath query with all those undeclared namespaces and all...
well anyway...all I meant to ask was what *you* do to make it efficiently bilingual ?
Thank you :)
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Jul 30, 2015
How to make pdf file in access 2003.
I want to make pdf of a report in access 2003.
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Jan 23, 2007
There are posts elsewhere on this forum about the adjustments you can make to Access to improve its performance on a wireless network, i.e. make sure you have XP SP2 and not an earlier version of XP, but the fact is that no programme will perform well on a network if the network isn't performing well. Here are a few things I've learned (the hard way!)
- Use USB wireless adapters, not card type adapters. One of the prime rules of wireless networking is to keep your adapter - and your Router - away from electrical equipment and metal objects, so why anyone even makes card adapters is beyond me.
- Place your adapters/Router as high as possible (above head height is best) using a USB extension lead for the adapters if necessary. Do not put them on or near metal filing cabinets!
- Think about line of sight when placing your equipment. If your Router and an adaptor are just on either side of a wall , opposite each other, the signal may only have to pass through, say, 6 inches of wall. If they are at opposite ends of their respective rooms, however, it may have to pass through several feet of the same wall!
-If there are other wireless systems nearby using the same channel as yours, change yours to a different channel even if the other signal is weaker than yours. Remember that you need to be 5 channels away from anyone else before there is 0% overlap in the frequencies. If you cannot achieve this because there are too many nearby networks, any difference is better than none.
I have a 9 user (each in a separate room) p2p network in my office running a split Access 2000 db. The place looks a bit odd with USB adapters stuck high up on the walls but it works. Only one user has the occasional hanging problem (about once a week) but she's using an oldish laptop with only 256k of RAM and it has to run Norton Internet Security at the same time. Three of the users have the db open more or less constantly, the rest have no problem or speed issues getting in whenever they wish.
Nearly forgot, our Wireless system is standard 802.11g. max distance from an adapter to the router is about 80 feet.
Sorry if any of the above is stating the obvious, thought it might help.
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Jul 17, 2006
Could anyone out there tell me if it is possible to make the output on an Access form read only.
I want to be able to input information as records, but when it is saved I don't want it be able to be altered.
Mainly I am saving recipes on a form, and I don't want my children to be able to add anything to a record once it has been saved.
Thanks in advance
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Nov 14, 2006
focking pissed off. i want to add an image to a some forms, the database is all working and that. but when i put a picture in in the design view and then go to view it the whole thing crashs. i nearly lost the whole data base from putting one on the home page, thank fock i had a back up and now ionly have to redo one form as the other one wont open anymore it will just crash every time i try to open it. i have no idea whats going on, i have other images that i put on it before, but i cant put any on now. anyone every encounted this and how do i over come it!
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Dec 6, 2012
there is a need to make access database (access 2007) accessible over net. I know Access Database is not web based application. So I want to know if there is any way of making it accessible via net.
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Jul 4, 2012
Is it possible to make a path or a shape in access? I'd like to do some graphical representation of some data and change colors of the shapes based on given values that would correlate to the shapes.
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Oct 5, 2013
I have records of vehicles numbered from B1 to B300. Can I make Access display records in the sequence B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 instead of B1 B10 B100 B101 etc?
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Aug 29, 2013
I have a table which has the fields: Agentname,SaleDate,Branch,Sales, Percentage, Comission, Corrections, rent and Total
Total = Sales-comission+Corrections+rent
This table has the name of the agent that made the sale, the branch(location) where he made it, the date, the commission of how much he gets from the sale, Corrections which is various correction that need to be made like a refund and or bonuses, Rent which he pays and the total.
what i want to do is to get access to make me a sheet( a sales invoice) where i can see the sales for a specific agent for a specific branch. agents can work at multiple branches.
so lets say agent A on branch A sold 400 on 1/8, 300 on 2/8 and 500 on 5/8 i want to get a list of all the days from 1/8 till 31/8 and the records of 1/8, 2/8 and 5/8 automatically attached to the correct dates and the rest of the dates should have a value of 0.
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Jan 21, 2014
I have made a new access 2013 database. I have created a linked table that has imported a substantial amount of data from an external data source, (an Excel spreadsheet). So far no problem. I created a select query that plucked data from the original table mentioned. Again, no problem. Then I decided to create another table, using certain fields only from the select query. Microsoft's guide tells me to start with CREATE, then Table design. I am happy to use just 4 fields from my query, but what I keep ending up with is a table, that, when I double click on it gives me the following:
ID Field1 Field2 Click to add
It is presumably expecting me to enter an ID number and it will come up with some record, but I want a complete table that should show several hundred records.
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