Making Stock Database HELP!
Nov 2, 2005
I am looking to design a simple stock database for work. This is just an idea at the moment, unless I can get my head round this problem.
I have throught that I can have 3 tables
NEW STOCK(this is where you enter all new and existing stock is)
USED STOCK(this is where all the stock that has been sold used for whatever reason is entered)
ACTUAL STOCK(this is where the items in NEW STOCK have the items sold in USED STOCK deducted from them to give you the ACTUAL STOCK)
PLEASE HELP ME, am I completely on the wrong line or can I do this?
Would be good if I didnt have to use SQL, VBA etc...
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Sep 6, 2007
I am creating a database which keeps control of stock. Each item is scanned in with a barcode scanner and given a unique stock number. The Manufacturer, System, Subsystem, Location and Classification is then added.
When a customer phones, and orders a product i.e. a camera, a customer order number can be added to the item in stock. The problem with this is that if the customer is ordering a number of items, and other items are not in stock yet, this item needs to be seen as unavailable. Due to large amounts of stock, i do not want to allocate the customer a specific item with stock number, but just allocate one of the many items of that sort. I do not want to allocate a specific item as when you go to collect the item from the stock room, every item of this type would have to be checked to find the specific stock number, which would be timely and difficult.
I tried using a make table query, which copies the information from the stock table, except the stock number, and so with this list, i will have a list of every item. I can then produce a table which shows me how many of each type of item is available. The problem is, this needs to update every time more stock is added, but i also need to be able to allocate a number of the items, and this becomes unavailable stock. At the moment, each time the query is run, the information is overwritten.
Please can someone help me if they can think of a better idea of how to do this! Im not that hot on programming, and so a in depth description of what to do would be great!
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Apr 28, 2005
I am a beginner with making databases, so am looking for a bit of advice so I can know where to start.
What I'm trying to do is make a stock control database for our drugs dispensary as there are constantly drugs going in and out and they need to be able to keep track of where drugs have gone and what quantity levels they have.
I also have a 2D barcode scanner which scans and reads the drugs barcodes in the following format:
Product Code [Enter]
Product Descripition [Enter]
Batch Number [Enter]
Expiry Date [Enter]
So I would have thought the best thing would be to have a form with these fields in so the user could scan a barcode in filling in these fields. and that would then input the drugs into stock (Obviously there would be a quantity field too)
But where Im getting stuck is how could I then produce a form much like the one above with a search button. So the user could blip in the barcode filling in the relavant fields and then search for that product based on the products batch number?
Any Help would be MUCH appreciated.
Many Thanks
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Jun 25, 2006
hey, is there anyone who wil be of help to me by creating me a quick and simple database. It needs to keep track how many spare parts I have. Therefore it needs to show how many of each spare part i have, and be able to update the stock levels with a submit request page that when the submit button is pressed the stock levels automatically update. the information required for each spare part is article (what the product is from), article number ( the unique article number of the product), colour (the colour which its from), spare part (what it actually is) and quantity.
Any more questions please ask
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Dec 14, 2006
I have started making a stock control database, i have spent about a week on it, And i am struggling! There are obviously lots of different ways to actually build them efficiently. My problem is that i want to add stock and take stock out, changing the stock quantity and obviously keeping track of stock. I only want to ammend the stock quantity, in the stock table if the item is not a new item. The stock is added via a log sheet which could also have a new item. My head is beginning to hurt, but with a bit of help from you guys i might be able to crack it.
The Tables I have are:
tblInventory transaction
Is this sufficient? Can i add stock and take stock out with one transaction table? Or would i need to add another table? I believe the code would be through a query but again am a little unsure as never done anything like this!
Please help!!
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Mar 26, 2007
I am quite new to access and i can grasp things quite easily.
Basically i am make a stock control data base for a food company. I am making it so theres an order table and a stock table. Basically i want to know how to change the Quantity avalible in the stock table fom the orders table.
I dont know if i have explained that very well. But basically i have related the product name in the stock table to the product name in the order table. So i can add a number so that that the quantity of the product will change on the stock table.
If there are any easier ways of doing this rather than having 2 tables it would be useful
Ive tried all types of things and i cant get it to work. Any help would be very much appriceated.
Thank You
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Jan 28, 2008
I'm in over my head with something I've been asked to do at work as my access skills are pretty basic.
I need a sample database containing PRODUCTS and SUPPLIERS, that lets you book IN stock received from the supplier (and adds to the stock level) and lets you book OUT stock issued to staff (and reduces the stock level)
I'll have a go at reorder levels, form design, stuff like that myself, but I'm having trouble with these very basic requirements.
Does anyone know of a sample database that I can download to learn some of this from?
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Jun 28, 2005
I need a basic Product database that allows you to have a drop down menu to select a product from a table. In turn this puts the unit price in for you, you then put the quantity in and it calculates the total.
I also have a stock control. When one is bought it takes the quantity down. Very simple I know but I can’t get it to work….
If there are any good basic database templates i could use let me know
I have attached a sample zip file
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Nov 30, 2007
Dear Reader
I am a realtivly new user and I do not know alot of things about Access
I have set up a database, and within this database, i have a table with my product details (the products are books, details include: ISBN, Title, Stock Level, and Price), I also have a table with customer's information (Name, Contact details, etc). I have created an order form, from which a user selects the customers name from a drop down list, and then he selects his name, and finally the date. Following this the user then works within a subform.
This subform has the following details, Order ID, Book ID, and Quantity Ordered. After this I want there to be a subtotal. I have no idea as to how to set this up, but I am assuming that I would need a query or something, to look up the price of the books, and then to multiply it by the quantity that the customer wants. Following this ideally I would like a small box on the main form saying the total value of the order.
Would their be anyway, to add the book ISBN number into the subform, where the user could either type in the ISBN number or select from a combo box the book title, but either way, both fields are updated, what ever method is used.
From this subform, I would like to be able to print out an order summary/invoice. This would contain all the books ordered by the customer in the current transaction, as well as the customer’s information, and the total of the order.
And my final question is probably the hardest one. Is their anyway (possibly by pressing a button) to automatically minimize the stock value on the products table, by the quantity chosen by the user in the order form? And if the quantity wanted is greater than the amount in stock, for a message to appear on the Order Summary/Invoice stating "On Order"
Using the above method, would it then be possible through the creation of a query to show what customers have ordered in the past, in a tab on the customer's details form.
Thanking you in advanced
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Nov 30, 2007
Dear Reader
I am a realtivly new user and I do not know alot of things about Access
I have set up a database, and within this database, i have a table with my product details (the products are books, details include: ISBN, Title, Stock Level, and Price), I also have a table with customer's information (Name, Contact details, etc). I have created an order form, from which a user selects the customers name from a drop down list, and then he selects his name, and finally the date. Following this the user then works within a subform.
This subform has the following details, Order ID, Book ID, and Quantity Ordered. After this I want there to be a subtotal. I have no idea as to how to set this up, but I am assuming that I would need a query or something, to look up the price of the books, and then to multiply it by the quantity that the customer wants. Following this ideally I would like a small box on the main form saying the total value of the order.
Would their be anyway, to add the book ISBN number into the subform, where the user could either type in the ISBN number or select from a combo box the book title, but either way, both fields are updated, what ever method is used.
From this subform, I would like to be able to print out an order summary/invoice. This would contain all the books ordered by the customer in the current transaction, as well as the customer’s information, and the total of the order.
And my final question is probably the hardest one. Is their anyway (possibly by pressing a button) to automatically minimize the stock value on the products table, by the quantity chosen by the user in the order form? And if the quantity wanted is greater than the amount in stock, for a message to appear on the Order Summary/Invoice stating "On Order"
Using the above method, would it then be possible through the creation of a query to show what customers have ordered in the past, in a tab on the customer's details form.
I have attached a copy of the relationships, as well as various images, the order form, customers’ details and product details forms.
Thanking you in advanced
*If more images are needed feel free to ask
Order Form
Product Form
Customer's Details Form
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Apr 17, 2015
I have been working on a stock database for my company. It needs to hold stock data, Any adjustments in the storesperson may do (QtyIn or Out). And allow Customer PO's to be raised (just to show prices and quantites sold to customers)
I have 4 Tables:
PartNumber (Primary Key)
I then want to create a query to work out the total stock.
At the moment i have two queries, one to Sum the adjustments and one to sum the PO's. (The stock is not removed from the Customer PO until invidual line is shipped)
I then need to combine both these queries to work out the total stock value.
There will always be a value in the Sum of Adjustments but not in the Customer PO. So when i run the query to =SumofAdjustments - SumofCustomerPO's, if there is no record in the SumOfCustomerPo's, no value will appear.
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Nov 18, 2007
I am student, in high school, and I have to make a stock database, for ITGS, so as to receive my IB diploma.
I have created forms so as to enter stock information, and customer information, but I have no idea, as to how to connect them, so as to create an order summery and invoice. I started by creating 2 tables, one for the books, and one for the customers. I then made 2 other tables, one being an order table, and the other the linking table between the order and the books (see relation.jpg). I created a form so as to input information, but I can’t seem to get it to work, (see form.jpg)
Ideally, I would like the end-user, to select the customer's name, from a drop down list, and then for the rest of the customer information to update automatically, then, for the end-user to select a date, and finally the end-user to select books from the stock. Once the end-user has finalized the selection, they would ideally press a button, which would automatically print out an order summary/invoice (Maybe a report?)And that would also automatically reduce the quantity of the books in stock by one.
I have no idea as to how to do this and I would really need someone’s help, seeing as I have less than a week to hand this in by (The deadline is Monday 16th November 2007)
Here are the images
form.jpg -
relation.jpg -
Thanking you in advanced
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Feb 15, 2008
I am trying without any success to build a small stock control database.
very simply put I am the main site and I have many other sites. each site has a unique code. I have 4 products only. I want to have the total stock that I hold in my site and as I send stock to other sites I want the number to decrease from my site and be added to the other specified site.
any ideas anyone.
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Feb 7, 2015
Im building an inventory database for my company and have the tables, relationships, forms and query's built but im struggling to figure out a way to make all the quantities move around when I have a purchase order or sales order that either adds to removes from inventory.
My database is fairly simple as all I need to do is track what is coming and going and what is the current levels of inventory. I have for instance a product table that has all the information on what products I have and what their part numbers, item number (primary key), description and so forth, separate customer tables and supplier tables, as well as an inventory table setup similar to the northwinds database. I used queries to combine my purchase order and purchase order detail tables and to combine the sales order and sales order detail tables to make sales orders and purchase orders through their respected forms and all is good in that sense but it doesn't move the inventory numbers just lists what is in each purchase Order/Sales order.
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Sep 10, 2012
I am planning my new DB and am contemplating the best design. It will be used for warehouse stock rotation and control of pallets. I want to track each pallet (product/time in/time out etc) to each pallet space within the warehouse. There are a total of 400 pallet spaces or 'locations' as i will refer to them as.
Now, would it be possible for me to have a table set up for each location? Will access object to having 400 tables in my data base?? Is there a limit?
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Nov 14, 2006
Ive just started creating the table..and Ive put fields like name/address etc as text but there are a few fields that need you to select an i want to use the "lookup wizard" to create a listbox or combo box dont know which is best.. BUT the problem is when I select lookup wizard it says "unable to start lookup wizard. The lookup wizard doesnt apply to fields of this data type".
Why does it say that?
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Jun 5, 2006
I need help making a front and back end to my database. How should I do it!?!? All I know is what I should put in the front end and what goes in the back end. The rest needs to be explained to me somehow...
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Mar 23, 2008
How do I make my database so only the creator (myself) can edit the tables, forms etc and other users see an interface starting with the switchboard, which they can't use any database tools except what the forms allow them to do?
Basically some kind of user permissions.
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Aug 9, 2007
I have discovered a problem with my database and wonder if anyone here can point me to the best solution...
The problem is this... when I took our company database over about 3 years ago it was around 45MB... now it is almost 350MB and growing steadily.
I have today discovered the main cause of this... the audit trails on a couple of the tables. If I remove these 2 fields only from the database it cuts it down to under 100MB. The Audit trail is quite important for us and so I'd like to keep it if I can. It is stored in a memo data type (the data is well over the 255 char limit of a text box). Is there any other better way to store this data or is there anything I can do to reduce the size of the memo data type?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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Mar 15, 2015
If you make your database into a executable file to package it, does the other person you are sending it to have to have or own Access to use it. I was under the impression that I could create a database, package it as its own program and give it to someone that does not have access and it would still work? If not, how would I do such a thing.
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Apr 28, 2012
We have a shared personnel access database for our department. Another department is wanting to use the same database. Is there a way to go about deleting all the info and making a template to give the other dept to use?
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Oct 29, 2013
As my database is growing and hold more and more data i want to make a daily backup to the local hard disk (it works on a network now) automatically.The way i want it to work is as follows :
When a user quits the application i want to check if there is a copy already existing with the date of today.
If it does it skips the copy process and just quits.
If it doesn't, i want it to make a backup in a directory. if the directory doesn't exist it must be made.
The backup file name must hold the date of today off course.
I realize that i have to have a procedure to delete obsolete (outdated) backups as well, but ill worry about that later.
Off course Ive tried this a few times, otherwise i wouldnt ask it here. But i seem to fail every time..
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Dec 6, 2012
there is a need to make access database (access 2007) accessible over net. I know Access Database is not web based application. So I want to know if there is any way of making it accessible via net.
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Jul 23, 2015
I need to start using the database I've created (desktop database). However, I don't want my current version to be the final version.
Should I create another file to work in and use the old version for data entry? When I am ready to start using my new version, is it easy enough to transfer all the data from the old?
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Feb 14, 2013
I have created a database of club members in Access 2010. Each day I need to generate a report of who comes to the club. Up to this point I have been using an Excel spread sheet of members that I copy and paste to new daily spreadsheets each day. how to do this.
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Feb 7, 2015
I've created and tested my database. What step or steps do I take now to make it so it's a program that only shows the forms and menu's I created, not all the Tables, Queries etc and the formatting options? Is there a link that explains what to do step by step?
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