Making A MsgBox Appear After A Blank Record Is Shown?

Mar 10, 2005

i have a form, which when opened, gives me a blank record. which is what i asked it to do in the OnOpen property. however, i also need a msg box to popup - but after the form has been opened. i tried placing both pieces of 'code' into the OnOpen property, however, the popup displays first, then the form opens.

so currently i have:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Select Case MsgBox("Please select the Registration Number from the drop down menu or type it in", vbOKOnly, "Select Registration Number")

End Select
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

End Sub

but it does the same thing. so, is there a way to make the msg box appear after the form opens with a blank record?
thank you in advance :D

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Queries :: Records With Blank Field Not Shown

Aug 28, 2013

I have a query by form that has the criteria Like [Forms]![FormName]![ControlName] & "*" for each field. However the problem is that if one of the records have at least one blank field then the whole record wont show up in the query results. For example if there is a record with Fullname, and Age filled in but Address isn't filled in then if search Adam into the query by form the record wont show up because the address line is blank.

To make records that have a blank field show I know I could use Like Forms![FormName]![ControlName] & "*" Or Forms![FormName]![ControlName] Is Null but when I have used it, it has corrupted the query because I think if you use If Is Null many times in one query it becomes too complex for it to process.

Also, The other method is to use Nz in an expression but I cant do that because I want the query results to show up in a form where you can edit the records and the error message Field is based on an expression and can not be edited comes up if you try to edit the records. Anything else I could put into the criteria to show records that may have a blank field?

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Making MsgBox Disappear Automatically....

Apr 4, 2006

hi all,

Is there a way to make message box disappear automatically after few seconds....



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Making Specific Fields In A Current Record Copy Themselves When Making New Record

Mar 28, 2005

;) Hey everybody,

I am working on a database used in recording device characteristics/test information. The main table of information has dozens of columns for test/part detailed information. When inputing the data for each specific test, many of the info. details are repeated when testing say 20 devices of the same part all at once. Rather than retype every piece of detailed information in every field, everytime, is there an easier way? Does anyone know of a way to make specific fields copy/paste the previous record's information in the fields automatically when a new record is created? Please, if anyone could help or has ANY ideas, let me know...



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Modules & VBA :: Bring Up Msgbox If Certain Fields Blank And Not Run The Macro In Form

Jan 20, 2015

I have a form with various text, date and combo controls. There is a button at the button that runs a macro (Close NB) at the bottom. What I'm trying to do is bring up a msgbox if certain fields are blank and not run the macro. I only want the macro to run if all the fields specified have data in them.

The fields are :

The on click code is:
If (Me.cmb_cliname Is Null) Then
MsgBox "Please fill in the relevant details",
ElseIf (Me.cmb_Disease Is Null) Then
MsgBox "Please fill in the relevant details"

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Manage MsgBox With Blank Required Fields By Function In A Module

May 11, 2013

I created this function to manage a MsgBox containing all required fields with no data:

Function FormValidation(TheForm As Form) As Boolean
Dim boolResponse As Boolean
Dim strError As Variant
Dim ctl As Control
boolResponse = True
strError = Null


Then, I have a Form_BeforeUpdate event, where I wanna place the function, which contains also some VBA code to manage duplicates records:

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset, dbs As DAO.Database, strICAO As String
Dim ctl As Control, txtMsg As String


Now, how to add the function in this event to get these two results:

1. if required fields are blank and I press OK on the MsgBox, the routine must stop;
2. the focus must go in the first required blank control.

I tried some options but I get different kind of malfunctions: no custom message for duplicate records but only the access default one, "go to next record" feature with tab key not working and so on.

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Only One Record Shown In Sub Form

Mar 12, 2005

I have a form with a sub form. The parent form has a field called 'ReportedBy'. The user enters their name in this field. I want the subform to display all records that have been created by the name in ReportedBy. I have based the subform source object on the following sql query:

FROM tblFault
WHERE tblfault.reportedby=[forms]![frmfault]![reportedby];

The sub form only shows one record even though there are more records in the table????

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Record Numbers, Not Data, Being Shown In Query

Apr 2, 2008

Hello again,

A while back, I asked about the now-removed function of exporting Reports to Excel. I was told that there's no way to do so in Access 2007 and that the best best would be to export the underlying Query.

I did so and I found out that the query was showing the record number of some data pulled in via combo box (which gets data from a separate table) instead of the data itself. Logically, I can understand why that would happen, but is there a way to change that so that the intended data, not the record number, is shown?


2008.....spring.....45.....33.....222.....bookname .....bookauthor.....edition


2008.....spring.....johnson.....aspen publishing.....Intro to Criminology.....bookname.....bookauthor

Once this is sorted out, I can automate the export without a problem. ;)

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Table Record Entries Exists But 0 Shown In Form

Jul 23, 2005


In the current db there are some tables and queries, forms designed around them

With one table Test

That has 3 records in them

Just won't show in form anymore, at this stage

The Form was working previously. This is the second time this problem has came up, I thought it would go away if I made a new form and pasted all the controls and codes. It indeed went away for a while until this problem hit me again...

This db is in Access 2000 format and designed using Access 2003

I would appreciate if anyone is willing to point me to the right directions, many many thanks in advance

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Total Record In Each Query To Be Shown In Main Dashboard Form

May 23, 2013

I have a database with many Quires I want to create in the main form "welcome Form" many txt boxes cells

To show a total records in Each Quires

For Example I have the below list queries

Expired Employees PassportExpired Employees Work PermitExpired Employees VisasExpired Employees Insurance

In the "Welcome Forms" I will create a txt boxes Cells for Each one of those Queries to be Show only No "total Record in Each one". It is like a dashboard to monitor daily without opening the Report or Query...

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Forms :: Combo Box Search - If Record Not Exist It Will Display Msgbox To No Record Found

Oct 28, 2014

I have a problem with my database I have a combo box that will search for my record. Actually its working I input the specific number it goes to the specific record. But I want, if there no existing record in my database it will display a Messagebox that "No record Found" I try to put a code in a macro builder in a after update property field but nothing happened.

Expression code that it will display the msgbox if there's no record found.

the given code from macro builder is attached. I try to have an if else statement but I dont know how to not equal that giver conditional expression.

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Modules & VBA :: Add Record Name To Deletion MsgBox

Aug 19, 2013

I'm using this stardard piece of code on a button that deletes a record from a simple continuous contact form.

If MsgBox("Do You Want To Delete This Record?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "Delete?") = vbYes Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectRecord
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord
End If

If the form is called "CONTACTS" with a field called "Contact_Name", what code do I use to have the relevant Contact_Name appear in the MsgBox to be sure that I'm deleting the correct record ...... something like this .....

Do You Want To Delete The Record Called Paul Quinn ?

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Forms :: DLookup And MSGBOX With Record Details

Jun 18, 2015

I've got a form which holds data for employees, fname, lname, ..... and an entered date which defaults to now().

On the before update event, i have the following.

If DCount("*", "trainingdata", "[Empid]=" & Me!EmpID & _
" And [subjectid]=" & Me!SubjectID & _
" And [trainingdate]=#" & Me!TrainingDate & "#") > 0 Then
MsgBox ("This record already exists")
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

With the above vba code, a msgbox pops up if the record combination already exists. What I would like to do is in the same msgbox have the "entered" date display and make the msgbox say something like.

This record already exists and was entered on 6/18/2015, [entered]...

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Not Null, Msgbox, Ammend Record - Bringing It All Together For A Newbie

Mar 27, 2006

Hi all,

New to this, but found some helpful tips/code already that I've integrated into my project.

You may well be familar the issue tracker database available for download from Office Online, well I'm using this for a little project I'm running.

What I want to do is tie up a few snippets as follows:

1-On my form I have a button called "Close"
2-When I click the Close button I want to check two fields, "closure" and "fix" and ensure that they have content i.e. not null
3-If they have content then I want to alter the "Status" field of the displayed record from Open or Suspended to closed (these are the three options for this field)
4-If the "closure" and/or "fix" fields are empty then I want a msgbox to pop up promting the user to fill out the relevent field/s, otherwise mark the record as closed


Click close button, check contents of two fields, pop up a message if either or both empty, enter details in empty field/s, click button again and as both fields are now complete,mark the records status field as closed.

I've got so far but can't quite tie it all together, is what I'm asking possible? What do you need from me to help answer the question?

Thanks very much for your help.

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Forms :: Combo Box With Msgbox If Selected Item Is Not In Record

Oct 30, 2014

I want a Messagebox to be appear if the selected item or if the input item in the combobox was not in the record.

I used this condition in combobox

="[asstnumbr] = " & "'" & [Screen].[ActiveControl] & "'"

but when I try this run code function in macro via IFF will become error

IIf([asstnumbr]<>"'" & [Screen].[ActiveControl] & "'",MsgBox("NO RECORD FOUND IN YOUR SEARCH"))

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Modules & VBA :: Event Information - Deleting Record Creates A Blank Record

Sep 8, 2013

I have a form set to the table Client Information with a subform set to the table Event Information. Client Information has a one to many relationship to Event Information.

There is a button that deletes the current record in Client Information--also deleting the related records in Event Information--then closes the form. The code works fine but a blank record in Event Information is apparently being created before the form closes.

Here's the VBA that I'm using:

Private Sub CmdDelReturn_Click()
Dim CmdDelReturnMsg As String
CmdDelReturnMsg = MsgBox("Delete event & client then return to front?", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1, "Delete and Return?")

[Code] ....

It's not a big deal because the button won't be used often and I can manually go into the table to delete the blank record. But if there's a simple solution to prevent this that would be nice.

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Making Cursor Go Back To The Record I Came From?

Dec 27, 2006

I have a subform (continuous) which shows a summary of all clients basic data in a list. Clicking a client requerys and refreshes some other subforms so the accompanying data for that client is shown. Whenever I double click a record, the "main" window for that "object" opens. So say I double click on client A1 in the summary list, a form opens where I can view all the clients data and change it if necessary. That same form is also used to add clients to the database.

Whenever I change or add a clients data and close the form, the following code is executed:

Private Sub Form_Close()
On Error GoTo ClientsAdd_Err


Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume ClientsAdd_Exit
End Sub

Which makes the new client appear in the summary list or makes the changed data of an existing client appear in the summary list. That's what I want it to do of course.

But whenever that is done, the cursor jumps back to the first record (client 1) in the summary list. What I would like to have happen is:

- when a new client has been added, keep the cursor on that client in the summary list after the form closes and the list is updated.

- when a record of an already existing client is changed and the form closes, keep the cursor on that client in the list also.

DoCmd.GoToRecord acForm, "ClientsViewSummarySubForm", acLastgives "The object ClientsViewSummarySubForm isn't open. As does the same line of code but then using the name "ClientsViewSummary". The form itself is called that way. The subform object itself goes by: "ClientsViewSummarySubForm".

I've tried some variations but all without succes.
Which line of code is the correct one to use for a subform on a parentform instead of "just" a normal, open form?

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Error Making Duplicate Record

Apr 9, 2014

I am having an issue with one person having trouble getting an error when trying to duplicate a record.

The subform is set up with a button to duplicate a record. This allows most of the data that stays the same to be copied to a new records and then minor changes can be made to update the record for the new month. Since there are memo fields, in these records, this saves a lot of retyping. One person who is using the database gets the following error when clicking on the duplicate record button.

The command or action 'Copy' isn't available now.

It makes a new blank record but won't copy over the information. You can go to the record and copy each field individually and paste it into the new record, but this is not very practical.

I have not been able to duplicate the error and no one else using the database is having this happen.

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Making Last Record Appear In Macro Button

Apr 14, 2014

I have created a button with Macro located on form in record. It does what I want except I want it to display only last record. Currently it is displays first record and I have to scroll. See attached photo of what I have. Access 2010

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Problems Making A Field In A Record With A Unique Value

Oct 23, 2004

Hi I have a very simple table, with say 5 fields (all text). There is only 1 table. The first field is name, and I want to enforce its uniqness across all other values. I am completely new to Access database and am not sure how to do this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Edin

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Finding Sequence Of Fields Making A Unique Record

Aug 23, 2006

I have a MS Access 2000 database with 136 data tables in it. What I would like to do is execute a piece of VBA code which will list for me in another table, (for example: Field1: TABLE NAME Field2: FIELD NAME 1 Field2: FIELD NAME2 etc), starting left to right, how many fields would have to be combined in each table to represent a unique record.

For instance:

1 1 "Cats"
1 2 "Dogs"
2 1 "Rabbits"

In this example a combination of the fields TYPE and ID give a unique record.

Any help most appreciated.


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New Blank Record

Dec 4, 2006

I've created a form for updating / inputting data to my table. Currently it is defaulting to show the existing data from record 1 of my table. But as the most frequent requirement of the form will be to add a new record to the table, I would like it to default to show a new blank record. Is there a way of doing this? Perhaps some code that I could incorporate against the "on activate" for the form.


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Need Blank Record On Form

Aug 1, 2006

I have a form with a drop down of employee names and a tabbed subform.

I have the form and subform set up to open on a new record and, when the employee name is selected to fill the subform with that employee's data.

It is a split db with the be on the network server and everyone has their own copy of the fe. When I open the front end the combo box is blank but the first page on the tabbed subform shows data. If I close it and reopen it, sometimes its blank and other times it still shows data.

What else do I need to do to ensure that it is a blank record?

Also, I am using the MouseHook.dll and included it in my .exe (zip) file to all of my users, instructing it to download to the same location as the .mdb file (C:/Training Database). Will this work or does the MouseHook.dll need to be somewhere else?



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Blank Record In A Form

May 5, 2005

i have a subform as a continuous form, and at the bottom, there is the normal blank record (created automatically), to enter a new record. Is it possible to attach a piece of code to a field but which will be available only to the field of this blank record, rather than being available for the particular field of all the records in this continuous form ?

Basically i want that if the focus is on this blank record, and i will hit the tab key i want to move the focus to a control, on the main form, that's why i want it specifically, when only this blank record at the end has the focus.

Thank you for any suggestions.

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Blank Record In Subform

Feb 22, 2006

I have a main form with many subforms. The sub forms are all continuous but one and I want the editors to be able to put in more then one record if needed.
My problem is I have my tabs set up so that when the box is empty it will tab to the next subform. When I do this, a extra blank record is automatically saved in the subform above. How do I get rid of the blank record?
Thank you in advance for any advice shared.

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Any Way Of Not Showing The Blank Record?

Oct 20, 2004

I've got a text box, populated by a query.
(it looks like a list because it's tabular view)

you can always see the empty record... any way you can stop it showing?

or failing that, I have a dblclick event on all the textboxes. But It doesn't work with the blank record..

this is quite frustrating.. any help please?

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