Making A Name Magically Appear In A Form

Oct 27, 2005

In my DB I have a table of Member Names. It consist primarily of the key field MemRecNum and Last Name. I use a combo box to select the MemRecNum but show the Last Name in the box.

Further on down the form I either need to relate a guest to this member or his wife. There is a checkbox which identifies whether the name in that field is a guest or a wife. However, I would like to make it so that when I check the checkbox (yes) the last name of the member automatically appears in the field. I use this statement in the control: =IIf([Wife1]=Yes,Members!MemLastName,""). Since the recnum is what is stored in this table, when I use the above statement, I get a #name? error. Any Ideas? Thanks Jeff

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Forms :: Making Textbox Visible On A Form If Checkbox Is Checked On Same Form

Aug 30, 2013

I am having a problem with making a textbox visible on a form if a checkbox is checked on the same form. I have done research on this site and have written the code below, but I am getting a Syntax error, see yellow highlight.

- My checkbox is named: Case is a Readmission from WRCA IP to WRCA IP
- My textbox is named: Date of Current IP Admission (I have defaulted this textbox to not visible).

Here's the code I have written:

Private Sub Case_is_a_Readmission_from_WRCA_IP_to_WRCA_IP_Clic k()
If Case is a Readmission from WRCA IP to WRCA IP =true then
Date of Current IP Admission.visible=true
Date of Current IP Admission.visible=false

[Code] .....

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Help Making A Form...

May 17, 2005

This is probably a stupid question but could you please tell me how i can set up a form in access to look similar to the one in the attached picture?

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Making A Form Read Only

Jun 26, 2007

I have a form which I need to make read only. On Access 98 it used to ask how I wanted to open and view the form in edit mode or view. I cant find this option in 2003 anyone got a quick answer? Many Thanks

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Making A Form Act Like Excel.

Jun 13, 2005

I am sure the solution is pretty easy but this problem has stumped me for a good few weeks.

I have a simple Excel spreadsheet with a column for town and a column for the price to deliver to that town. An autofilter allows the user to select the town, which will then display the price.

I want to add this feature to an Access database but am struggling to implement it into a form. Does anyone have any ideas?

Many Thanks


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Making A Form For Meds

Oct 7, 2005

Okay, I'm pretty new at access. I have made tables for medication samples and sign out. I need some help in making a form to input and "sign out" meds.

I made the tables and allowed the wizard to create a form for me but I have some tables that don't show a relationship, and am not sure what to do.

The two forms I want are a data entry form that will enter the med, dose, lot#, exp. date, and number of samples for sign in, and, a form to enter date, patient last and first name, med, dose, lot #, expiration date, #of samples given, clinic and practitioner. I have attached the tables I made, can someone review and see if I messed up somewhere???? Thanks alot, I'm all for making our work lives easier! Robin.

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Making A Matrix In A Form

Aug 4, 2006


I am looking to create a matrix like table in a form. It would be used for accessing the capability of Project Managers for a recruitment company. On the X axis there will be different industries (ie IT, Finance etc). On the Y axis there will be different categories (like strategy, applications etc). Then I will need some kind of drop down box to link it all together and give each person a score out of 5. So for example somebody could have a score of 2 for their Strategy knowledge in IT Companies but a score of 5 for their Strategy knowledge in Applications etc...

Does anyone know if this is possible and if so any help on how to construct this would be much appreciated,

Many thanks in advance, Alex

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Forms :: Requery Form After Making Changes In Another Form

Sep 17, 2014

I have a form that shows a companies engagement with our company. If someone wants to edit the details of that company (address phone number etc...), they click the "edit" button, which then opens a form where edits can be performed.

After the edits are done, the user clicks a save and close button which runs docmd.runcommand acCmdSaveRecord, and returns to the companies engagement form.

When I return to the company engagement form, I would like to see the companies information reflect the changes that I just made. Currently, I can only do this by exiting the form and re-opening. I have tried using Me.Requery in the OnGotFocus, Activate and Current events to no avail.

I should mention that I have a company combo box with multiple columns that are used to display address, postal code, etc... in textboxes on the same form.

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Making Form Fill Whole Screen

Jan 27, 2005

I am working on a project at school and need the form to fill the whole screen with no task bars has anyone got any quiries plz

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Making A Form So Its Not A Whole Page. Must Be So Simple

May 5, 2005

i have created a form based on a query and basically the form comes up as a whole page spread and i would like it to just come up as a small form instead of a whole page. i think i go into properties and then choose the actual form but i just need to know how to make it so its small.

Hope this explanation is adequate



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Making The Orders Form Into A Web Page

Jun 10, 2005

I've taking the time to create a complicated Form in Access, and would now like to have it accessed through a browser. Using the Northwind Orders from as an example, is there an easy way of making that from available through a browser without having to re-design it in InfoPath or a Data Access Page?

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Making One Form Input To Many Tables

Jul 11, 2006

Hi there, i have a database i am setting up with 4 tables and am trying to think of the best way to input new data into it. All the tables are linked and its all based on printers. When a new printer is brought if it exists in the database then thats cool it just needs a Printer number assigned to it and the database will do the rest looking up printer model and what cartridges it requires. But if u add a model for a HP printer for example you need to add the model number to the tblink and create new cartridges and use the cartid to link the modelID i hope u get the picture!? lol there is a pdf i have created using onenote with screen dumps and comments about what i need it to do. If anyone has some advice or help it would be very greatful! Thanx mike

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Making Changes In A Form That Updates A Table

Jun 3, 2013

In the attached DB I have a form that has a combo box which enables you to select an employee and all the employee info is then pulled based on the selection. I want to make changes to the info in the form and have the changes update the correct employee on the table. Currently the from will not let me make changes to the info and the table seems to add new lines rather than updating the corresponding line.

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Making Specific Fields In A Current Record Copy Themselves When Making New Record

Mar 28, 2005

;) Hey everybody,

I am working on a database used in recording device characteristics/test information. The main table of information has dozens of columns for test/part detailed information. When inputing the data for each specific test, many of the info. details are repeated when testing say 20 devices of the same part all at once. Rather than retype every piece of detailed information in every field, everytime, is there an easier way? Does anyone know of a way to make specific fields copy/paste the previous record's information in the fields automatically when a new record is created? Please, if anyone could help or has ANY ideas, let me know...



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Making A Form To Call Up Information From A Table?

Jan 27, 2005

I'm making a customer survey database. Also be aware I'm not proficient with access.

All the customer information is being imported from an excel spreadsheet. That will include ServiceRecordID, ServiceDate, TechID, CustName, ServLocation, PhoneNum, and DeptID.

Another table will include records for answers to 5 questions that will be asked by a manager on the phone. That table is called TblQuestions. This table will also have ServiceRecordID to go with the answers.

What I'm trying to do is create a Form that at the top has a box for ServiceRecordID. I'd like to be able to type in the Number for that ID, and then all the information shows up on the form for that specific ID. And below all that, fields to add the answers to TblQuestions for that specific ServiceRecordID.

The reason I'm doing this is because the manager will get a report with the customer information that needs a follow up call. So I want them to be able to call up that information on the screen with the ServiceRecordID number, and also be able to add in the information that they get back from the customer with the questions that will be asked.

I don't know why I'm having so much trouble with this. But I'm not experienced with access or VBA both.

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Making Controls On Form Update Automatically

Aug 3, 2006

I have a couple of drop down menus on a form i have designed which have values which are dependent on another drop down.

So, for example, when i select USA in country, the US$, appears in my currency box but i have to select US$ from the drop down when i want it to appear automatically.

Any ideas on how to do this?


Also, i have a calcualtion attached to a text box:

[Text87] = (1 / [List93]) * [Combo85]

However, the calculation will not be performed, even on click, until [List93] has been clicked on. [List93] is a constant value and is a hidden field so how can i make access perform the calculation without clickin [List93]

Many thanks in advance

Cheers again

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Making Data Visible Or Invisible In A Form?

Feb 16, 2007

My question is how can I make data in a form visible or invisible just by a button. In other words, if I have a group of buttons, based on the button selected I would want certain data to appear.

I know that this is possible, I have seen it done but just cannot find out how to do it or what this is called to look it up in Helps.


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Making Subform Field Value Available To Popup Form

Mar 6, 2015

In my Student Administration database I am trying to launch a popup form from a sub-form of a Job Positions and Seekers form. The sub form is actually one of 2 sub-forms, both Continuous Forms default view, on a form linked via an unbound control (MasterJobPosID).

The first sub-form is called and lists open Job Positions and the 2nd sub form is called and lists all Students Seeking each of the positions. The Students Seeking subform is linked to the unbound control MasterJobPosID in the main form which is set to equal the Job Positions subform's JobPosRecNo field which is the key to the Job Positions table.

The popup form is called Job Employment and is being launched via an event macro from the Students Seeking subform. It will allow the user to create a record in the Job Employment table. The event macro has a Where statement that says "=JobPositionID And Student", an attempt to link it to both the Job Position record being filled and the Student filling it.

I am able to populate the popup form's fields in expressions setting Default Values equal to fields on the loaded Job Positions subform and the Student from the Students Seeking subform. What I am unable to get is the Job Position record key from any of the 3 fields it appears in on the Job Positions and Seekers form:

MasterJobPosID on the main form.JobPosRecNo on the Job Positions sub form.JobPositionID on the Students Seeking subform.

I want that to link the new Job employment record to the Job Position record the student is filling. In fact I get a parameter prompt for JobPositionID when the popup form is launched.

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Making Command Button Flash/Preview Form

Feb 2, 2007

I. The two issues I am trying to address is to see if there is simple code that can be used to make a command button flash.

II. I need to show in a small pop-up box users that have expired licences. When the main License form is first called to open, I would like a smaller pop up box or preview form to open up(without operators except for the close button). The pop-up box will be based on a query that already exists to show those with expired license. Can the form be similar to the pop-up calendar found in Access already?

Thank you:o :)

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Making A Search Form And Sending Values To A Query

Nov 9, 2007

Hi, I am a complete idiot with VB/SQL/*anything for that matter*

Made an unbound form to search and retrieve records from a query (parameter query) (for property listings)

I've got the following fields in my "Search_Form"

1) Project (combo box pulls data from projects table)
2) Size (from - to)
3) Rate (from - to)
4) Date (from - to)
5) Price (from - to)

I've set variables for each field .... VAR_sizeFROM....... VAR_sizeTO etc.

Now here's my problem.

1) How do use VB to send the user inputs from my "Search_Form" to "Search_Query". And is it possible for either of the search fields to be blank in the form?

2)How can I do the same for a report?

Please help, I've been stuck with this for some time..

Thanks in advance

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Forms :: Hiding Parts Of A Form Or Making Them Greyed Out?

May 15, 2014

hiding parts of a form if a option button is selected. There are two option buttons and two parts to the form. I would like each part of the form greyed out or made invisible depending on which radio option button is selected.

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Modules & VBA :: Button On Form - Making A New Windows Folder

Aug 22, 2013

I currently have a button on a form which, when clicked, I would like to do several things:

1) Check if the folder, "folder name (1)" exists
2) If no, make it; if yes, check if the folder, "folder name (2)" exists
3) If no, make it; if yes, check if the folder, "folder name (3)" exists
4) repeat this process until a new folder is made

The code I currently have seems to not work, and makes an infinite loop

Private Sub Export_Click()
Dim checker As Integer
Dim projPath As String
checker = 1

[Code] ....

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General :: Multiple Forms And Making One Form Primary

Jul 15, 2013

I have got 3 forms, and at the time of running, I want to make one primarily one form to be showing up and the other 2 to be hidden or closed, and the primary form will have 2 buttons, and clickning respective buttons should be able to open another 2 respective forms.

At the moment am using, DoCmd.OpenForm "Form1", which works fine, but am confused in brining the form 1 only to be shown at the first most time.

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Forms :: Making Data In A Field On A Form Appear If Content Is Not Null

Dec 31, 2014

I have a subform with continuous records. One of the fields in the recordset of the subform is a field named "Remarks". This field does not need to be visible on the continuous subform as it is rare that this field will have any entries.

I plan to apply conditional formatting on another field (IDcardNo) in the record line of the continuous subform so that when field "Remarks" contains any data it will show as a different format on the field IDcardNo.

I would like to make a small form appear when one points to the IDcardNo field with the different format, so that the data in the field "Remarks" pops up when one points to the field IDcardNo with altered format, showing that there is data in the field "Remarks".

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Making Navigation Form /main Menu That Linked To Tables

Sep 6, 2013

I have been trying to figure out how to make a main menu that link to certain tables I have. I want the links to go to the tables/forms so that they can be edited, but I don't want the user to be able to enter design view. I have attached an image of what I want to have below.

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Making Form Buttons Visible/Invisible Depending On The Contents Of A Field

Oct 23, 2004

I am trying to make a button on a form visible and invisible dependant on the contents of a field in my form, any ideas?

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