Making Changes In A Form That Updates A Table

Jun 3, 2013

In the attached DB I have a form that has a combo box which enables you to select an employee and all the employee info is then pulled based on the selection. I want to make changes to the info in the form and have the changes update the correct employee on the table. Currently the from will not let me make changes to the info and the table seems to add new lines rather than updating the corresponding line.

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Import Data And Making Updates To Them

Jun 25, 2007

Hi, I need some help with the following problem. Thanks in advance!

I have imported an Excel spreadsheet into Access database. I will need to constantly add new entries to the tables. I need to connect all my tables together, the main table is called "Data". From looking at Access examples, I believer there should be many other table IDs inside this table (so that they all get a relationship). I imported 5 tables, and each one is dependent of each other. I do not know how to connect the tables together because I'm importing all the data, instead of creating new tables and putting the table IDs into one main table to start off with. I know if I start off without needing to import any data, this will not be difficult to do.
The main "Data" has about 30 fields, and the user will only need to type in 15 fields and the rest of the fields can be looked up from the other four tables. So I'm not sure how I can make the connection between all the tables, plus when I need to add new entries to one of the tables, how do I connect the tables so that all of them will be connected?
I've tried using queries and having queries within queries and this takes forever to load. If there is a way that I can limit the use of queries or just use tables to do the job that would be great.
Thanks again!

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Forms :: Main Form Updates The Table When User Has Not Validated

Nov 30, 2013

I have a table in my DB named TblStock and another named TblStock2..I also have a form in the DB named "frmStock" with the control source being "TblStock" . This form has a sub form "FrmStock2Subform" with control source being "tblStock2". The two forms are lined by "PurchaseID". This form is made to be used in entering products that have been bought for replenishment of stock.The problem I have is that when I enter data in the main form, by the time i click on the subform to start entering data, the table "TblStock" gets already updated.

Now lets assume somebody was about to enter data in the subform and later on changes his mind when the "TblStock" had already been updated, this will cause a waste of useful space because there is no corresponding record in the table "TblStock2". Secondly, if many users are entering data into the DB using that same form, I guest there will be some problems too.What i want is that the form should update both tables when the users validates the records.

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Making Form Open With Data From A Table Based On Date And Time In Table?

Sep 12, 2014

How to make a form open with data from a table based on a date and time in the/a table?

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Making A Form To Call Up Information From A Table?

Jan 27, 2005

I'm making a customer survey database. Also be aware I'm not proficient with access.

All the customer information is being imported from an excel spreadsheet. That will include ServiceRecordID, ServiceDate, TechID, CustName, ServLocation, PhoneNum, and DeptID.

Another table will include records for answers to 5 questions that will be asked by a manager on the phone. That table is called TblQuestions. This table will also have ServiceRecordID to go with the answers.

What I'm trying to do is create a Form that at the top has a box for ServiceRecordID. I'd like to be able to type in the Number for that ID, and then all the information shows up on the form for that specific ID. And below all that, fields to add the answers to TblQuestions for that specific ServiceRecordID.

The reason I'm doing this is because the manager will get a report with the customer information that needs a follow up call. So I want them to be able to call up that information on the screen with the ServiceRecordID number, and also be able to add in the information that they get back from the customer with the questions that will be asked.

I don't know why I'm having so much trouble with this. But I'm not experienced with access or VBA both.

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Hide Selection Option On Form By Making Lines On A Table INACTIVE

Jan 15, 2014

I have several tables linking our employees to certain supervisors, etc.On the Form, there is a drop down with all employees listed that someone can select and then enter the stats required. When someone leaves the firm, I want to remove them from the form dropdown list, but not delete them from the corresponding table. I have seen this in other databases where they someone added an 'Inactive' column with a Yes/No response and when you selected the inactive - yes, that name would disappear from the form when people select names from a dropdown to enter to make the names disappear from the view in a form, but not in the table related to that form?

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Table Updates

Apr 7, 2006

I'm new at access and have added some expressions to a couple of my forms but the table is not being updated with the results. help!

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Table For Storing Updates

Nov 21, 2004

How do I create a table relationship where a secondary reltated table stores past dates, status code and customer ID. For example: I want to keep track of the past dates that an order was revised and why it was revised. So, if I have a customer who was due for installation on 10/21/04 and status is PEND for pending. THen on 10/18/94 I change the date of PEND to 10/25/04. I want to keep track of the times it changed and the reason why. HOw can I make the program automatically create a record in the revision table storing the past code, reason and date using customer ID as key and teh revision table would allow multiple records for each customer ID. DId I make sense?

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Updating 1 Table That Updates Multiple Fields

Sep 20, 2006

I've been working on this problme for several weeks, thinking about it for the last month or so, and am at a loss of what to try next. I'm working on a database for my office that tracks all of the permits we have issued. Every year our permit fees increase by the CPI (consumer price index) and the permit fee entry in the table needs to be updated (75 to 80 entries).

Rather than typing them in every year (too many chances for errors) I'd like to be able to update our fee schedule table (8 entries, look up table) and have that table update all of our fee entries in the permit table.

Any ideas of how to go about this? Thank you for your help.


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Forms :: Trying To Create A Subform That Updates A Table

Jan 6, 2015

Here is the set up. I have a primary school database.

There is a main form that shows the students name and class.

The main form contains tabs for each subject (maths, english etc.). Each tab has a subform that is supposed to allow me to enter a comment about the student's progress.

My tables are set up properly (as far as I can tell).

The tables (simplified)

tbl_Students (has StudentID, StudentName)
tbl_SubjectList (has SubjectID, SubjectName)
tbl_Comments (has CommentID, SubjectID (foreign key), StudentID (foreign key), Comment)

The forms

The Master and Child (main form and subform) are linked using StudentID.

I use a query for fields in the Master form. Each subform has its own query that shows results for a particular subject.

The problem

My subform allows me to edit an existing comment fine (if I enter dummy data directly in a table).

BUT, if there isn't an existing comment, and I attempt to enter one, I get an error - "YOU CANNOT CHANGE A RECORD BECAUSE A RELATED RECORD IS REQUIRED IN TABLE tbl_Subjects."

What I have tried

I understand this error means I am violating referential integrity rules. But I can't see why. The tbl_Subjects is populated with 10 subjects and I am only trying to put a comment against an existing SubjectID.

I've checked that my Form Master / Subform Child is ok. I experimented with having StudentID _and_ Subject_ID to link the master and subform to see if that worked. It only made things worse because my subforms wouldn't display correctly.

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General :: Query Not Showing Updates In Table

Aug 7, 2012

I have a split database, a front for data entry and of course the back end with all the tables. I have created several Append queries to move records from one table to another (from Applicants to Students, once they are Accepted). The queries work - when I go into the tables and look, there's the data right where I told it to go. But when I open the Students input form (which draws from the destination table), the new data doesn't show up. I double-checked the destination table, and yes, the appended data is all there.

I tried running the simply query that populates the input form, and it doesn't show up in the simple query, either. I've tried Refreshing everything numerous times, tried updating the Linked Table Manager numerous times, opened and closed the program, and no dice - the data is in the table but never shows up in the simple query that populates the data input form. There's no filters on the simple query, so everything in the table should show up - but doesn't.

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Kinda Like Recent Post Macro Updates Table

Aug 13, 2007

ok i have this query.
Code:UPDATE [Claims Header] SET [Claims Header].status = 'I'WHERE ((([Claims Header].Claim_ID)=[claim id]));WHERE ((([Claims Header].Claim_ID)=[claim id]));
i want to have a button that runs this query but how do i pass over the claimid from my form? also when it's done running the query i want it to run a report.
so i was trying to make a macro, but how do i tell the macro to find the claim id from the form?

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Form Updates With Carriage Return

Mar 19, 2005

I have a bound form which opens as a new record. If I accidently press carriage return by mistake whilst entering it goes to another new record, how do I stop this behaviour?

I only want the record to save with the click of a button.

regards in advance

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Is It Possible To Create A Form Which Updates Multiple Recrds At Once?

Jun 8, 2006


I am new to access and DB in general.

Is it possilbe to create a form that updates mutiple records at once with the click of a button? If each record has 4 fields and for each group I want to update at once there are 2 fields with the same value and 2 fields with different values?

Any help on this would be appriciated..

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Creating A Form Which Updates All Information In Multiple Tables

May 17, 2005

is there anyway you can create one form which updates all the information in multiple tables. I need to create one of these to make the navigation of the database more easy, so if anybody could help me it would be much appreciated.


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Write Conflict When User Updates Customers Information On Form.

Oct 24, 2007


Well I know why this happens b/c the table that the information is being pulled is the subsequently being updated however when moving to a diff customer or closing the form etc.. The user is then displayed the MsgBox of Write Conflict and supplying the user with 3 options of Disregarding Changes, Saving changes to Clipboard or Save Changes.

Baisically is their a way to restrict this write conflict msgbox and have it so that it saves the users changes every time.


monkey o_0

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Forms :: Blank Textbox When Subform Updates Main Form

May 15, 2014

I have a subform with a textbox in the footer to count[id]. then on my main form i have another textbox that has a control source of =[subform].[form]![subformfootercontrol].

However when the subform updates the main form text is blank. typically i see a ?#Name or#Error if the control is pointing to the wrong place, but i have never see it stay blank.

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Making A Query A Table

Aug 15, 2006

Hi guys,

Does anyone know how to turn a query into a table? There is like 400,000 records in my query so the easy copy and paste option won't work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


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Making Calculation From Query Appear In Table ?

Feb 16, 2005

hi - i have tried search for the solution to my query - but to no avail, so here goes:

I have a query which is based on more than one table. In the query, I have specified a calculation, eg. Final Price: SUM([Sale Price] - [Discount])
From this query I have a form, just showing everything. Details are put into the form, and viola, they appear in the query if checked. However, they do not appear in the table
My assumption why this is not happening was because the Final Price is no longer "record source"d from the original table. How can I combat this so that it does appear in the table?
Thank you (sorry if it is easy - but i dont have a clue!)

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Making A Calc Based On A Table

Mar 7, 2006

Hello everyone. I am very new to databases, may have bitten off more than I can chew, but I was tried of working in 4 different spreadsheets and decided to pull them all into a database so that I could get what I wanted when I wanted. Here is what I need to be able to do: In a table I have 3 different industries entered 5 different times. They all cover a Monday to a Friday. Each day for each industry I record a reading from a meter. I make a calculation by subtracting Mondays number from Tuesadays, Tuesday from Wednesday, Wednesday from Thursday and Thursday from Friday. This calculation gives me how much water each industry used each day, over 24 hours. Doing this in a spreadsheet was simple. My table has the Industry name, date, previous day meter reading, present day reading. I want to have the calc show in my query. How do I set up this calculation. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. I attached a sample database that contains the table and query.:confused:

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HELP, Making A Label List From A Table

Nov 9, 2004

I have the following info in a table - I am trying to make a file to import into a label printing program. I have qty 5 of item X13 and so need 5 labels for it, 3 of X24's and so on. The output is basically a print file that will print the right quantity of labels for each of the names equipment.

Name; number
X13; 5
X24; 3
X77; 1

I need an output file as follows, in excel or query result:


How do i achieve this in a query or do I need code and if so what would it look like..



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General :: Making Copy Of A Table?

Sep 5, 2014

Sometimes extensive updates have to be made to a table using an update query or loop through a record set.

In order to be able to undo changes in case of a mistake I am thinking about the following procedure:

In code:

1 - Make a copy of the table

2 - Make the changes in the original

3 - Check if updates are correct and if so: delete the copy and if not:

delete the default table and rename the copy so it will be the original.

Is that common practice or not?

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Tables :: Making Table Query

Jul 10, 2013

Here i have a situation i have a table where like below

Name | orderno | mail no | contact No |
a |123 |5555 | 553453 |
b |321 |8569 | 52353 |
a |123 |2344 | 553453 |
c |143 |567 | 553453 |
d |173 |6787865| 553453 |

But i need a separate table where the entry of all the entries where a is coming only once.

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Forms :: Making Textbox Visible On A Form If Checkbox Is Checked On Same Form

Aug 30, 2013

I am having a problem with making a textbox visible on a form if a checkbox is checked on the same form. I have done research on this site and have written the code below, but I am getting a Syntax error, see yellow highlight.

- My checkbox is named: Case is a Readmission from WRCA IP to WRCA IP
- My textbox is named: Date of Current IP Admission (I have defaulted this textbox to not visible).

Here's the code I have written:

Private Sub Case_is_a_Readmission_from_WRCA_IP_to_WRCA_IP_Clic k()
If Case is a Readmission from WRCA IP to WRCA IP =true then
Date of Current IP Admission.visible=true
Date of Current IP Admission.visible=false

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Joining Table Without Making Another Query

Apr 30, 2014

I'm new to access. Basically I've put this formula in a field within my query(Query A):

PERIOD: [YEAR] & "-" & [Month Number]

And I want to use this newly created field "Period" to join another table (Table A) without having to create another query.

PERIOD(Query A) -> PERIOD(Table A) = Month Name (Table A)

I need the month Name from Table A but because Period(Query A) is a formula I created, I don't know any way of joining it to Table A without creating another query. Is there another way...

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Queries :: Making Tables Using Parameters From Table?

Jun 11, 2013

I've got a table of associate directors "t_ADnames" and want to build separate tables for each AD name that pulls a pass through query from our data warehouse. I'm thinking it's got to be done with a macro somehow? So it would run pass_query where AD name = "John" and insert into t_john, then it would check the next name in t_ADnames and run the same query for say "Mark" and insert all his data into t_mark and so on until the list (of about 12 people) has been completed.

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