Malfunctioning Forms When Loaded From Switchboard

Apr 23, 2013

I have a db that I added a switchboard to; it has 6 buttons, the first 4 work correctly. The remaining 2 buttons, Btn5 and Btn6 load forms "Gallery" and "Beginner_Pics" that display pictures. These 2 forms work perfectly when I load them directly. These Forms do not pause for a comboBox selection to be made; they act as though a selection was made ending with my error message display. No subsequent ComboBox selections work thereafter. At first I thought the Switchboard was loading old Forms, since the Switchboard was developed before the last two forms were totally debuged, but all old Forms have all been deleted. I do not know where to look for the problem Switchboard or the errant forms. Is it possible I need an "On Load" Event Procedure to force a ComboBox selection?

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Set Properties In Non-loaded Forms

Feb 17, 2006

Hi all,

I would like to set the filter property in some forms that are not loaded. Does anybody now how these forms and their properties can be accessed via VBA?


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Forms :: Access 2003 / Do Not Display Form Until Fully Loaded

Sep 23, 2013

Access 2003

I have a rather complex form with an ODBC connection to data that takes some time to load.

The Form has a continuous subform I am using in place of a listbox to select records (I need more functionality than a listbox)

The Form's Record Source is a query

When the form opens, I does so in pieces as it populates

I'd like to either keep the form hidden until it completely loads

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Forms :: Timer Event - Wait Until Form Fully Loaded Before Visible

Nov 7, 2014

I have tried using a timer event to not show a form until it is fully loaded, to no avail.

If CurrentProject.AllForms("FONNewEdit").IsLoaded = True Then
Me.Visible = True
Me.TimerInterval = 0
End If

I have tried using the onload, onopen but the form still displays before being fully loaded.

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Mail Merge Docmunets Not Loaded Up Correctly By VBA

Mar 28, 2007

I have created a variety of mail merged documents that are opened by a visual basic procedure using VBA from within my database system. e.g. the document is selected in Access from a drop down box in a dialogue box. The 'OK' button is clicked and visual basic loads up the document selected, my code is below:

Option Compare Database
Dim objWord As Word.Application

Private Sub cmdGOletter_Click()
Set objWord = CreateObject("word.Application")
objWord.Visible = True
Select Case cmbLetter.Text
Case "Clients"
objWord.Documents.Open "d:computing projectLettersClients.doc", , , False
Case "Funders"
objWord.Documents.Open "d:computing projectLettersFunders.doc", , , False
Case "Volunteers and Staff"
objWord.Documents.Open "d:computing projectLettersWorkers.doc", , , False
Case "Everybody"
objWord.Documents.Open "d:computing projectLettersEverybody.doc", , , False
End Select

End Sub

**This code loads the correct document fine, but however disables the mail merge top toolbar on load - something that does not happen when the document that is being opened is opened directly from file.

It is important that my user can navigate between the records of the mail merged document otherwise they will only ever be able to do a personalised letter for the first person in the list!

Read only is not an issue as I have tried it with and without. at the moment I have set them to edit protection, so that the user can open in read only to print off, and a technical analyst can use the password to alter it.

Any help would be appreciated

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Modules & VBA :: Determining If Another Form Is Loaded In Add Mode

Feb 2, 2014

I have two related forms.One is a list of transactions and the other is used for both inquiry and adding new transactions. If the Inquiry form is just sitting in Add mode and the List form tries to open it in Edit mode, it won't open. Is there a way I can tell from the List form that the Inquiry form is in Add mode and either close it or tell the operator about the issue?

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Modules & VBA :: Find Text On Loaded HTML Page

May 5, 2015

I am simply trying to find text on a Web Browser Control htm page.

Using MS Access 2003, I have a form that includes the activeX Web Browser Control. On load of the form I initialize the web like below:

Dim strURL As String
strURL = ""
Me.WebBrowser0.Navigate strURL
Me.WebBrowser0.Silent = True

The page loads fine.

Now, also, on my form is an unbound text box I call: [txtFind] and a command button I call [cmdFind]. I want [cmdFind] to find the first occurrence of the value in [txtFind]. My code below doesn't do anything when I click the [cmdFind] button.

Public oRange As Object
Public myfindFirst As Boolean
Public intTextLength As Long
Private Sub cmdFind_Click()
Dim sSearch As String
Dim strText As String

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Check Status Of Insert Key (On Or Off) When Form Is Loaded

Sep 12, 2014

is there a way in vba we can check the status of Insert key if it is on or off when the form is loaded?

i want for the insert key to be on, where the key strokes write over the existing entry.

i do set the key preview to "yes" in the form, and it works fine, but i wanted it only on a specific object.

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Tricky - Highlight Listbox Pre-Loaded From Master Highlighted From Saved

Feb 13, 2006

Hello Everyone :D :

I have a reporting interface providing users with a multitude of reporting options and capabilities. One aspect involves utilizing the ability to allow users to save their settings on the interface due to the number of options provided. One of the aspects revolves around working with listboxes.

Each listbox is pre-loaded every time with a list of items from a master table pertaining to the listbox. The user selects their desired choices, saves*, etc...Once loading a setting, I'm looking to have the listbox pre-loaded (easy) but then auto highlighting the items selected or rather pulled from the user settings table (each listbox has own table for user saving of options). So, if a user selects items Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Falcon from a list of 100 choices, then those 4 items would be saved under that user setting, within the code table (user specific). When they load the setting back onto the user interface, it should pull the 100 choices and auto highlight the 4 items. Hopefully I've explained that properly.

*A user is able to save, save as, load settings, unload settings, etc...from the reporting interface. When a user saves settings, these settings are saved within the user settings tables. Each table varies depending on the nature of the values within the reporting interface. Listboxes have their own tables connected to the primary settings table.

Any ideas anyone? :rolleyes: :D

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Forms On Switchboard

Oct 23, 2006

I have created my switchboard.. and I put my forms on it.. my forms contain drop down boxes.. when I click on my switchboard and open up my forms my drop down boxes work, yet they are not pulling the information from the record like it is supposed to.. any ideas?

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Switchboard To Child Forms

Aug 13, 2006

Hello All,

I am trying to make a small database that just help users to enter there data. I am using a switchboard here. User should click on his name (Captions)and the switchboard should close and automatically user name should appear in a text box in child form.
I hope I will get an amicable responce.

With Best Regards

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Forms :: Switchboard Will Not Allow More Than 8 Buttons On It

Jul 22, 2014

I'm trying to create a switchboard through which one can access data entry forms. Now there are about 13 of such forms but I've put only 3 here for simplicity. The idea is to have a button (on the main switchboard) represent each category but I understand the switchboard will not allow more than 8 buttons on it? I guess that by the end of the day, I will probably have two secondary switchboards for these 13 buttons. I created the main & secondary switchboards (the second is called "This is the Look I want"). A button called "TheOtherBoard", on the main switchboard, should take me to "This is the Look I want".

1) I don't like the way the Main switchboard looks and decided to create the secondary switchboard with the look I prefer but it duplicates anything I do. How can I fix this?

2) when I double click on the main switchboard, the secondary board (with colourful buttons) opens. Should be the ugly one first!

3) Also, since I manually added the buttons & stuff, I think I'll need to link them with the forms.

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Forms Created From Starting A New Switchboard

May 13, 2006

This is probably elementary, but I'm entirely lost. Here's my issue:As most of you probably know, when first creating a switchboard in a database will automatically create a form based on it.Somehow I managed to delete that form, and have no idea how to make a new one with the same default switchboard format (where command buttons are automatically generated, and there's a default title label with the shadow effect, etc.)I thought I might try to just delete the switchboard and create a new one so that another form would be created, but it won't let me delete the switchboard!If I understand correctly, I have to create a switchboard without any other switchboards already existing for Access to create a related form for me. Any suggestions?

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Linking From Switchboard To Switchboard On Two Or More Databases

Nov 21, 2006

I am working on a database that will be an addition to an existing one on the company server. However, to make the overall layout not so complex and allow room for other additions in the future, I'd like to keep the databases separate. This will also ensure more efficiency, integrity and troubleshooting overall.

I have the original database with the name of "Cell MFG Screen" that contains a switchboard. I am now creating a db to keep track of manufacturing waste (which will also be on the same server when completed). That switchboard is called "Cell Waste Weight". Again, I want to keep these db's separated from one another as well being able to add future dbs. Now, what my plan is to make up a one db that consists of only a switchboard that will be used as the main switchboard to be able to navigate to other dbs that are located on the server.

Does anyone know how this is done?

Thank you in advance for your help,


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Forms :: How To Display Form In Datasheet View From Switchboard

Jul 31, 2015

Have created a form to display/change table info in Datasheet View and added the form to a switchboard.When selected from switchboard, it displays a single record. When executed from the Forms (objects), it displays in Datasheet view.? How can I get it to display in Datasheet View from Switchboard?

Default view = Datasheet
Allow Form View = Yes
Allow Datasheet View = Yes

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Forms :: Give Warning When Switchboard Form Opens?

Oct 2, 2014

I have a table which holds information relating to a fleet of vehicles; each of these vehicles is currently physically checked on a daily basis for a number of items, one of which being to check that the vehicle has valid VED (tax disc).

With the paper disc being abolished now, we have a situation where the individual using the vehicle cannot be certain about its VED status (the chances of one not being taxed is next to nil, but we are talking a fleet of nearly 1000 vehicles here, so anything is possible)

Our current database has most of the vehicle information stored already, so in theory I think I only need to add a couple of fields, which will make the table structure (roughly):


With the latter two being the added fields.

Now, what I was wondering.....

Is it possible that when a Form (not related to the table, and most likely the main switchboard form) is opened that both the MOTExpiry and VEDExpiry dates are checked, and if either or both of them are due to expire within 7 days or have already expired that a warning appears (vbaOKOnly messagebox would do fine) stating that there are vehicles that require their MOT & VED dates to be checked and updated accordingly)?

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Switchboard Front Page - Users Able To Access Forms For Data Input

Dec 8, 2011

I have created a switchboard 'front page' through which I hope for users to access the forms for inputting data.

Within this front page I have an 'enter' button - successfully created - everything.

However, I am unclear as to how you activate this, or any other button. I have linked it to the appropriate form and stated the action I want it to undertake, but nothing is happening.

What further instructions do I need to provide ...and where?!

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Forms :: Form Name Switchboard Is Misspelled Or Refers To A Form That Doesn't Exist

Apr 23, 2013

I am using Access 2007. I have had an application running now for about 1 year and now getting an error when user opens the database. (Have one for front end and one db for backend)

Here's the error message:The form name Switchboard is misspelled or refers to a form that doesn't exist.Also, multiple users are accessing the database at the same time.

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Filtering A Subform - When Is A Subform 'loaded'?

Nov 22, 2006

I have an SQL query that filters a subform based on the selected item in an option frame that runs on the after update event of the option frame.
Forms!fsubPrjPersonnel.RecordSource = SQLText & WClauseWhen I try this out, I get the following error message:

2450 - xxx can't find the form 'fsubPrjPersonnel' referred to in a macro expressions or Visual Basic code.

I then ran the following snippet and found that the form is not recognized as being loaded when it is "open" as a subform
If IsLoaded("fsubPrjPersonnel") Then
MsgBox "form found"
End If

If I open the subform as a form as well as having the main form & subform open, i.e. open a second instance of the subform from the database window, it filters fine.

I have been able to requery the subform so where am I going wrong?:confused:

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Apr 14, 2006

Hi All, looking for some help.

I am looking for a way to link a help file to a button on the switchboard. I have several pages that all work well and open up the required forms and reports but I would like to add a help file to a button. Any idea would be appreciated thanks Williebear.

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Aug 10, 2005

hi everyone,

I am new to MS Access. I've created a database and now i want to add a switchboard to launch whenever i open the database file. i created the switchboard form and table following the access help. but i can only view the switchboard when i manually open the switchboard form. can anyone tell me how to make the swithboard launch automatically? i'm using access 2003


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Nov 14, 2005

I have a main switchboard, with a few Open Form command buttons on it, but what i would like to have is another button to bring the user to another switchboard screen giving the option to open a few Reports (obviosly the button on teh main switch board would read "Report Section), can this done, and also how would i go about putting Back or forward buttons withing the second (report Section) screen so the user can nav. to back to the main screen?


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Switchboard Help

Dec 12, 2005


I have created a new switchboard but don't know where it is. When I create it using the Switchboard Manager and then click close, it doesn't appear under any of the options. I have also set is as default but it fails to appear on startup.

Silly question I know. Any ideas?

Many Thanks

version: MS Acess 2003

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Jan 10, 2006

Was wondering how one might go about creating a swithboard similar to the Northwind one found in the sample database. Thanks

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Help With Switchboard

Jan 31, 2006

Brief Summary,

I have limited experience in Access but have a bit more understanding of databases and tables. I am helping a friend create and access database to track the time his employees spend on different job sites. i am using a template from Microsoft called "Time and Billing" I am going to be manipulating the structure a bit but other than that the template should work fine.

My main struggle is I need to have a screen that the employees access that takes them straight to add / edit a time sheet. i want the rest of the data, reports, views to be password protected. Ideally the switchboard would load up to a page that had a button from employees to click on where they would be taken to the form and a button the owner could click on, enter a password, and be taken into the back-end where the main switch board and the rest of the data resides.

If anyone can help me out that would be great. Oh yeah, The Access database in is Access 2000 being used on a machine running XP Pro.

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Feb 22, 2006

Ok, so I will sound like the dumbest person but essentially what is a switch board?

I have searched this place I have searched google but no luck, all I get is that its a menu to navigate, so basically a form with buttons that open frm's qry's etc... I have made a main menu with a basic form so whats so special about a switchboard.


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