Match Max Value In A Row Of Fields With Row Header

Feb 25, 2014

I am trying to setup a table that tracks the progress of an item from a cradle to grave process with 26 steps in between. I would like a calculated status column that is calculated by finding the max value (Date) in a row and returning the "header" that is associated with the max value.

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I Need To Match 3 Fields For Duplicate

Sep 26, 2005

I am exporting an Oracle report to excel, and using an Access macro to import into a table.
The records contain some duplicate info that I do want to capture, but I don't want to import the same records. (I import the file on one day, and someone comes in and imports the same file later).
This would work if I could get the table to not duplicate if three of the fields are the same as an existing record. I tried using the index, but it reconizes any/all of the fields that duplicate.
Any help would be appreciated.

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Need To Match Data In All Fields In 2 Tables

Apr 14, 2008


I need to match the data in all the fields between 2 tables.

Field 1 (Table 1) = Field 2 (Table 2)
Field 2 (Table 1) = Field 2 (Table 2)
so on......

Using the wizard, I'm only able to match 1 field at a time and this is very time consuming as I have 45 fields to match. Any advise? Can this be done via SQL?

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Queries :: Two Fields Don't Match Query

Jan 24, 2015

Is there a way to have a query return only records where the text in two fields doesn't match?

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Display Records When Two OTHER Fields Match

May 20, 2015

I currently have a query that uses a function to get the current users email address. This is matched with a "Teacher Email" address in a table of students to only show students which match the logged in teacher. I'd like to modify this so the teacher can see any student in their department. Is there a way to do this without creating a separate "Teachers" table that would contain a department and email?

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Tables :: Split Fields And Look For Updated Match?

Apr 20, 2013

I have done this in Excel before, but not Access. I do not know VBA. I figure this will have to be done in a query or a macro. I don't even know if all of this is possible in Access. I need to be able to split an Address field into:

Street Number
Street Name
Street Type
Street Direction

And the purpose of this is so that I can pull out the Street Type (Drive, Road, Lane, etc) and update the abbreviations (DR, RD, LN) to the Street Type spelled completely out.

I did this in Excel by creating a Named Range "Types" on a sheet that has the abbreviations in Column A and the spelled out versions in Column B so that I could convert the abbreviations to complete street types. I broke down the entire address into each part on another sheet. Then I did a VLOOKUP to look up the Street Type in Column B in the Types range. Works great! And the only way I knew at the time to do that.

But, by doing this, I have to get the data I need from a download into a spreadsheet, break the address fields down on a second sheet, do all kinds of field update conversions (to get the field names from the download to match the field names in my Access table). This takes extensive Excel programming. I just thought there might be a way to do it by simply importing the data from the download straight into Access. That is easily done, but the Street Types aren't consistent.

There may even be a better way to do this than splitting....something like if a field CONTAINS DR update it to Drive. This would be a long process to set up because there are so many different street types to consider.

This is basically for the purpose of finding duplicates. If there is one entry called 123 Main St and another called 123 Main Street, they are not going to show up as duplicates, rather as two separate records.

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Reports :: Make Fields Invisible In Detail Or Field Header?

Aug 20, 2013

Is there a simple way, or special event, that can be used to turn off the visibility of fields when they are in the detail or in a created header for a field?

I tried using the report's Load event, but this kept giving me errors. Are any of the events in the detail able to allow this?

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General :: Find Records That Match Criteria Of Multiple Fields

Mar 12, 2013

Using sql or access query I would like to create an expression that aggregates the first field and I would like to see all records grouped by the relationship with another field. Let me show an example.

My query shows:

field1 field2
apple a
apple b
banana a
carrot a
carrot b
dog b
elephant b

I would like my query to now display a third field and group field :

field1 field3
apple both
banana a
carrot both
dog b
elephant b

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General :: Auto Resize Fields Width To Match Length Of Name

Dec 26, 2012

I would likw for my first and last name fields width to match the length of the name. So if the last name is Smith then the field width will resize itself to fit perfect fit the name. Then if I have a last name of Connor then it will grow to fit it perfect. I dont need this but it will be nice so everything looks a bit nicer an cleaner. I thought the following would have worked:

Code : Me.Lastname.width = Len(Me.Lastname]

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List Box Header

Dec 19, 2006

The header in a list box is derived from the data source. I have a list box that derives it's data from a select query, now one of the columns in the list box/query is an Expression (Expr1).

My question is, is there a way of replacing the column header "Expr1" with a more meaningful header?

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Subreport Header

Oct 28, 2004

i have a subreport on a header of one group and sometimes has data and sometimes hasnt.I would like that when subreport is empty it doesnt show subreport header but I dont know how.code Me!subreport.Visible = Me!subreport.Report.HasData
doesnt work properly since it always has data,just not on every page....

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Report Header

Apr 11, 2005

On a report, I have it grouped by last name. Right now, because of a large number of information in the detailed section, the last name doesn't continue on the next page. How do I make it so the last name shows up on the next page if the detailed section continues on the next page?

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


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Report Header

Jul 25, 2006

How can I get the Report to display the Date Criteria (Start and End Date) that I select when I run it?


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Report Header

May 15, 2007

How can I make the Criteria entered when running a report print on the report?

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No-Match Query

Apr 17, 2006

Probably an easy one...I have two tables, each with a number field say "Cat-ID" and "Ref-ID". The query I am looking to write will show the outstanding values. For example

Cat-ID: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500
Ref-ID: 100, 200, 500

Query Result: 300, 400

Any ideas on how to do this? I'm stumped.

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Inexact Match

Jul 26, 2006


I have two tables of software names.
A count is needed of those names that are in both tables, as follows : name Count1 name Count2

matching on software name.

The problem is that names match only partially, for examle:

Table 1 :

Acrobat Writer 6.0 std

Table 2:

Adobe Acrobat standard edition 6.0

This is the same software, but how do I make Access recognize that?
can't enter every parameter manually using wildcards, because
1) tables are too large to ask for each name separately
2) Sofware names matches on different parts, not only a first or second word.

Does anyone know how to do that ?


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Select First Match

Jan 24, 2007


how can i make query that selects the first match of a criteria, or multiple criteria. lets say list of members first record in CA only then first record in OR only .... basically select first record from list of criteria.

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Query To Match

Apr 17, 2008

I have a table with two fields:
Field1 Field2
S11.1 111001
S13 130001
S11 110001
S13.1 120001
I need to query to find where Field2's first three digits does not match the numbers in field1. Giving the sample: 120001 would be listed in the results because it does not match the numbers in S13.1 130001(2nd record) does because if there is no "."; it defaults to zero.
I don't know to set up the criteria or what to ask so it would give me the results needed.
Can anyone help please.

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Searching Form Header

Apr 14, 2006

Hi all. This is one has been troubling me for quite a while and once more I seek for solution to the right (hope so) place.

I have imported from a Excel a table and based on that table I created a form. But when I try to add a combo box on the form header in order to search for a particular record to display on screen the error on the attachment occurs. I didn't add even a single character of code, and the error message seems weird.

I tried doing the same thing on another pc (an older one) and it is working fine...I've added search via combo boxes in the past without any problems but this time something isn't going right.

Any clues?

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Page Header For A Table

Sep 18, 2007


Is there any way I can put a page header on a table in Access - so that when it gets printer in Data View I can identify who's work it is

(sorry this is needed for a ICT class)

At the moment the only way I can think to do it is to rename the table with the student name in it e.g. Table1 John

Any help would be great


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Copying Data Without The Header Row

Apr 6, 2008

Hello All,
Does anybody know a away of copying access data into other applications without the header row. An example being if you copy access data into excel it includes the header row in the spreadsheet. I often have to copy access data into industrial application software but usually paste into excel first (to get rid of the header rows) then from excel into the application. I would like to eliminate this step if I could but not sure how to copy without the header row.



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Header & Detail Keys

Apr 22, 2008

Straghtforward problem I hope!

Header table keyed on ProjectID
Detail file keyed on ProjectID and then IssueID

IssueID shoud start at 1 for each project, then 2,3,4 etc.

Autonumber seems to just increment by 1 regardless of ProjectId, rather than within it.

I'm new to Access, so what options do I have for autonumbering, or what other technique can I use?

Thanks in advance

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Form Header Causes Flicker

Sep 1, 2005

The problem: If a form's header is set to visible, all objects on the form will flicker when the scrollbar is used.

This problem has annoyed me for some time and I figured to do a little testing. I have narrowed the problem down to when the form header is visible, all objects flicker. I was wondering if anyone knows a solution to this or if anyone has similar experiences with this problem. I have done some searches and haven't found any solutions. I have a set of form controls that I want on top all the time but don't like toolbars. I prefure to customize the look myself. Any solutions/help/words would be awesome. Thanks for your time.


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Report - Breaking After Header

Apr 26, 2007

I have a report - I have a agent header and code header.

It should look like this:

Jeff Moenning Agent Header
1-Active Code Header
Report Details

For some reason the first page just has Jeff Moenning and nothing else - after that the pages are correct. They are breaking when the agent changes and also when the codes change within the agents.

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Report Header Sum Problem

Jun 1, 2007

Developing a DB to track purchase orders. Each order can contain one or more items.

Table Design/Relationship:
I have two tables 1) Order and 2) OrderDetails in a one to many relationship. The Order Table contains general order info and has a field "GrandTotal" which is the sum of all the item prices in the order. The OrderDetails Table has a record for each item in each order.

I have a report that joins the two tables and displays the current months orders and the contents of each order. The report is grouped by order number and displayed in the group footer is the GrandTotal field. The order contents (the items making up the order) is in the details section. In the report header i want to display the the total of all the orders. In a text box i placed =Sum([GrandTotal]) but the grandtotal of each item gets multiplied by the number of items in the order. For example, if there is one order with a GrandTotal of $2 and in that order there are two items, Sum([GrantTotal]) returns $4 instead of $2.

Does anyone know how I can display the sum of all the order's GrandTotals in the report header?

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Reports :: Header To Always Appear At Top Of Screen?

Jul 30, 2013

Is it possible for a Header in a Report to always appear at the top of the screen - i.e. even when you scroll down the report?

I have a few buttons at the top of my report (viewable on-screen only) and would like them to remain at the top of the screen and the rest of the form to scroll if possible.

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