Medical Chart Database

Mar 7, 2008

I am a doctor with a knoledge of computer greater than most of doctor. Even though i use a company for part of my office managment, i would like to develop a small database as a project, that can save my patient charts and i though that microsft access should work for this (please correct me if i am wrong, and also let me clarify that i have not use access),

This is what i want, when i dictate a patient chart i do it on a word document template, if i take pictures i save them as jpeg in zoombrowser, and other material is safe as pdf in paperport. Would it be possible to develop a database that will combine this on for example a record called Peter smith # 1234, and when i find this patient, it will have folders like chart, photos, bills, etc

Your hlelp will be very greatly appeciated


Rafael :)

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Forms :: Database For Medical Facility - Admit And Discharge Radio Buttons

Apr 18, 2015

I have been writing a database for a medical facility. Currently, I have a box to check if a patient in the database is admitted. What I would like to do is create two radio buttons: one to admit and one to discharge.

When the patient is discharged, I want the data in some of the fields on the form(s) to clear, but not all the fields.

I realize the I will need some scripting here.

As an example: the fields for Unit and Room number will clear upon discharge. As well as fields for diagnosis and informed consent signature located on another form within the same table.

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Forms :: How To Display Next Medical Due On A Subform

Jul 24, 2014

I have a form call "frmemployee" that holds employee's details. I have page tabs with sub forms on and the one I'm now concentrating on now at the moment is a Sub form called "medical Sub form" this holds data regarding the last medical the employee has had on continuous form e.g. MedicalDate ,Doctor , Place

now what I'm trying to do is find last medical date for the employee selected and add +730 days to show next medical date in text box on the footer of the subform

I have a sample with bubble speech show what I'm try to do

medical Test For

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How To Create A Template For A Medical Practice

Oct 26, 2012

I am just wondering if theres a way I can create a customise database for my workplace. We are looking at replacing the old record cards that sit on the desk that records each clients visit and the price they paid. We do use MYOB for all our accounting etc but we are wondering if there is a way that we can create a database that enables us to record the date and price paid for each visit for every individual client?

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Reports :: One Chart For Each Team In Database

Nov 11, 2013

What I'm doing wrong with the chart in the attached DB? I need just one chart for each team but I'm getting 5 times as many charts as I want.

I'm using Access 2010 on Windows 7 & Vista

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Forms :: Show Multiple Records In A Medical Form

Apr 11, 2013

I work at a small mental health clinic and am trying to accomplish the following.

What I have:I have one table that lists all of the patients, their phone number, address, etc.

In another table, it lists the medications that each patient takes, as well as the strength, dosage, etc.

The two tables have a relationship via the "Patient ID" column in each table.

Most patients have multiple entries in the second table, as most patients take multiple medications.

What I am attempting to accomplish:The main form in my database simply lists all the patients names in datasheet view. I want to be able to click a Patient's name, then go to a form that lists all of that patients medications. I've attached a screenshot that encapsulates precisely what I am looking to accomplish.

Since most patients take multiple medications, I need to be able to list multiple records in a single form, grouped by medication name, just like in the attached image.

I am uncertain as to how to accomplish this. I've tried using subforms but it doesn't list the data at all? Also, it looks like an Access report can create precisely what I need, but I need to have a live form that I can use to update data real-time.

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General :: Tracking Patients Medical Tests Then Alerts When It Is Overdue

Apr 8, 2015

I have been asked to create a access data base (using 2007) on tracking patients medical tests that then alerts you when it is overdue set against a scale:

Physical Test - age 20-39 - every 3 years - Male and Female
Physical Test - age 40-49 - every 2 years - Male and Female
Physical Test - age 50+ - every 1 years - Male and Female
PAP Test - 20+ - every 3 years - Female

There is about 10 of these tests like this and then tests specifically for Cancer type patients.

I figured out one way by creating a table with each column being a test but this didn't really work as I need to keep a record of each time they come in and the test is done and then it spits out the next reoccurring test from that date.

I then will need to make a report created from this that alerts on everybody who is overdue to not gotten any of the tests by category.

I then thought okay I will create a table that has the fields as ready something that this is better and to append the records to another form:

Illness - Pulling from tables of Illness
Test - Pulling from table of Tests
AgeGrp - multi-field, referenced from Table of Patients
Gender - Multi-field, pulling from the Table of Patients
Frequency - pulling from table of frequencies with amount of days to calculate

I did this and now I can't figure out anything past this point and how to link all this data up so the right information pops out.

Or is there a better way of going about this.

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Can Form UseMicrosoft Excel Chart Instead Of Microsoft Chart Wizard

Mar 22, 2006

Hi all,

I'm trying to create a chart in a form, this is not a problem, however, the chart types available are a bit limited compared to if i inserted a Microsoft Excel Chart object.

I'd do that except I'm trying to create a chart based on a query.

Is there a way to make the chart wizard use the Microsoft Excel Chart object as its chart creator so I have access to the chart types available in that object?

any assistance much appreciated.

thanks all.



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Limit Chart To Date Range / Chart Isn't Updating

Jun 28, 2015

I have a form with a chart , 2 textboxes for start date and end date and a button to filter the data( filter the data by date range) How do i continue from that? The chart isnt updating.

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Help With A Chart

Oct 11, 2005

I have a stack bar chart that shows hours an event took including delays so its 3 stacked bars. I want to add a goal or target line to the chart but can't seem to keep the bars stack because I have to change the chart type. Any ideas ??


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Need Chart Help

Jun 12, 2007

I have a report that is populating from one query. It takes data for a year and groups it by month with the lost time for that month. I am comparing 3 years data 20005, 2006, and 2007. I have set the chart up and it looks good except that my time for each month goes into the data area as a "CountOf" lost time and all months are therefore one. I want to show the lost time for each month. I have tried right clicking on the field in the data area and Autocalc is set to Count, but everything else is grayed out and unavailable. How can I change this setting to just display the value? Thanks in advance for the help.

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Dec 5, 2005

I need some help with charts:

I know that the wizard wont allow me to put in more than six fields in the chart. Is there any way that I can get around this???

PivotChart: if i have a field named "Jan", when i put it in the pivot chart or table as a sum, it changes the name to Sum_Of_Jan. Is there any way that i can change this??
thank you.

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Where Did I See That Chart?

Mar 27, 2006

I once saw in this forum a link to a table that had instructions for referencing forms, controls, subforms and all that good stuff depending on which form you are on. I have searched and searched and I can't retrace my steps to find it again. Could someone please point me to it?



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Chart Help

Oct 18, 2006

What field do I select from my table and where do I place them on the sample
graph in order to get a pie chart showing the correct information?

I'm trying to insert a chart into a report. Each page of the report is for
a different model name and then breaks down the model into parts:

Model 1
section a=25% section b=30% section c=45% ....

I would like a pie chart to represent the way each model is broken down (one
slice=section a, one slice=section b....)

Here is the table I'm trying to base the charts off of:
section a section b section c
Model 1 25 30 45
Model 2 ..................

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Chart Query

Aug 19, 2006

I'm currently using MS Access 2000 - When using the chart wizard is there any way of sorting the data by month ? At present I'm getting all my data on one chart but I want to spilt this into seperate months. (ie; 1 chart for July, 1 chart for Aug etc) I know there is the option for choosing 'between dates' but I don't want to have to do a fresh chart every time



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Max 6 Fields Per Chart?

Nov 22, 2006


I am trying to add a chart to a form/report which will show sickness for each month (ie. 12 fields).

When I goto insert - chart and start adding my fields Access tells me I'm only allowed six!

What am I doing wrong?


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Two Plots On One Chart

Jul 16, 2007

I'm paying a programmer a lot of money to make me a financial application with MS-Access 2003.

What I need is a Moving Average superimposed over a Candlestick Chart.

But he tells me Access 2003 cannot perform this miraculous feat..!!

Is there anyone in this or any forum/support group that can verify that it is impossible to have two plots on one graph..???

Please & Thank you
Glenn Pilkey
The Web Group

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Help With Query For A Chart

Apr 4, 2006

Hey,I have a table with a date of birth field and I need to produce a pie chart showing age groups from this.The groups should be:< 16> 15 < 18> 17Help me!

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Query For Chart

Nov 20, 2007

I want to make a chart that shows the number of PLANNED CLOSE DATES and the number of ACTUAL CLOSE DATES for each month of the current financial year.
How do I make the Query to base this chart on?

Its been driving me crazy! :confused:

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Query For A Chart?

Dec 6, 2007

I have a table called Projects
Each project has a Target Close Date
And some have an Actual Close Date

I want to create a chart that has months on the vertical axis (July to June)
and number of projects on the Horizontal axis

Then I want 2 lines on the chart showing how many projects were supposed to be completed and how many actually completed by each month. ie a running total

I think I need to make a query to get the data for this chart, but i dont know how...

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Basic Chart?

Jul 6, 2005

I have a table with eight fields. I want to do a chart where I the piles are "tighten" togther two and two. I would like the chart to look something like this (Example):

|___ _ __________________________
|___|x|______ _ ____ _ _____ _ ____
|___|x|_ ___ _| |___|x|_ ____|x|___
|___|x| |___|x| |___|x| |____|x|____
|___|x| |___|x| |___|x| |__ _|x|____
|___|x| |___|x| |___|x| |__| |x|____

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Chart On Form

Aug 26, 2004


I am trying to get a chart to work on a form,

I want the 'Results' to be the data shown (lines),
over the date range (bottom),
with value range (left)

I can't get it to do this though...

can someone please help....


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Chart / Report Help!

Oct 18, 2004

Report repeats the SAME chart for each value on the x-axis (i.e. x-axis is the date and same chart repeats for each month). The chart on the first page is correct and is the only chart I need. How can I change the settings of the chart so the report is the first page???

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Org Chart In Access?

Jan 11, 2005


I am developing a database that requires the entry of multiple levels of corporate structure and would like to be able to show that structure using an org chart.

I know you can create org charts within Word, Excel or Powerpoint, but does anyone have any suggestions on how this might be accomplished using Access? I have searched the web pretty thoroughly and haven't come up with any answers yet.

I am not necessarily apposed to using an additional software package either, but I need to be able to supply it with variables from within Access and have it produce the desired result.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Chart By Day Of Week

Apr 2, 2005

I am new to Access and I am trying to use a chart in a report to display the injuries by day of week. Sunday thru Saturday. I am using a qry to pull the information from a tbl that we have entered the information into. I would like to use a Column Chart.

The problem is that it will display the day of week alphabetically and not Sunday -Saturday. I would also like the chart to display each day even thou there were no injuries for that specific day.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Creating A Chart

Apr 17, 2006

I have this database where I track how long an employee has been with the company. I need to make a chart to show this data. I've got a field that calculates how many days the employee is/was with the company. I now need to group them into categories:

Less than 7 days
Less than 1 month
Less than 3 months
Less than 6 months
Less than 1 year
1 - 2 years
2 - 5 years
5 - 10 years
10+ years

Question is...since charts seem to need to pull from only one source how the heck can I the counts for each of those criteria above into one query or table. I've got them all in separate queries right now because I can't figure out if there's any other way.

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