Memo Field - Popup That Shows Dates When Changes Made

Apr 7, 2015

I once saw a video online of a Memo field showing the times in which changes had been made to it.

I believe the instructor pressed a few keys when his mouse hovered over the Memo field and a pop-up with dates came up. I do not believe he used VBA.

I have a table linked to a form where I am able to change the values of my "Comments" field in my Source Table. I want to be able to see when changes were made (ie, new comments were added to my "Comments" field).

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Date Field That Shows Only Related Dates

Jan 27, 2013

I have a table that lists classes available (tblCourses); one that lists class dates (tblDates) and another that lists employees (tblEmployees). I have a fourth table that combines that data into classes taken by the employee (tblTraining). I have a form to input the employee's training with combobox fields for the COURSETITLE and CLASSDATE. I want the CLASSDATE field to only display the dates available for the specific class that was selected. How do I do that?

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Popup Shows Up Asking For ID

Mar 31, 2015

I am getting 2 problems what I am trying to do is depending on the user logging in I want to open form (Aform) on specific record for that person ID. However where Y=1 I am getting a popup asking for AForm ID and where Y=2 I am getting run time error 3075 Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression.

Private Sub Command6_Click()
If IsNull(txtUsername) Then
MsgBox "Invalid username"
Exit Sub
End If
If IsNull(txtPassword) Then
MsgBox "Invalid password"

[Code] ......

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Queries :: Payments Made Between Two Dates

Jun 18, 2015

I'm working two dates that will highlight the accounts that have made a payment Today (Last Payment) + 60 days & move the entire row to another tab

Payment Made: iif ([Date of Last Pay])>60 days from ([Dis Date) highlight and move to tab number 2


Payment Made60: iif ([Date ()])>60 days highlight and move to tab number 3

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DatePicker - Disable Any Past Dates On Calendar Popup

Apr 4, 2012

Is there a way to ONLY allow users to select a date starting today or in the future using the DatePicker? I want to disable any past dates on the calendar popup.

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Automatically Sort Through Report By Date - How To Choose Multiple Dates Through Popup

Jul 26, 2013

I created a pop-up that appears when i open my report so that I can automatically sort through the report by date. However, the report will only allow me to choose one date and i need to be able to choose multiple dates. This pop-up is connected to a list box which has the multi select turned on. How can choose multiple dates through my pop-up?

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Reports Showing ID Of Field Query Shows Name Of Field

Jun 6, 2014

I am trying to run graph on a report from query but what's happening is query shows name but report on graph shows ID'S of the field .

Below is my query

SELECT tblMainTWTTPSheet.txtRootCause, Count(tblMainTWTTPSheet.txtRootCause) AS CountOftxtRootCause
FROM tblMainTWTTPSheet
GROUP BY tblMainTWTTPSheet.txtRootCause, tblMainTWTTPSheet.Date
HAVING (((tblMainTWTTPSheet.txtRootCause) Is Not Null) AND ((Count(tblMainTWTTPSheet.txtRootCause)) Is Not Null) AND ((tblMainTWTTPSheet.Date) Between [Forms]![frmStratificationOfRootCauses]![startDate] And [Forms]![frmStratificationOfRootCauses]![endDate]));

My bound column on main menu form and back end table is 1

column count 2
column width 0;1

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Conversion Made On Field Type For Linked Tables?

Feb 10, 2012

I have a linked table using ODBC. The table linked has improper field type: all numeric fields are linked as decimal. Because of this if I want to import the contens of this linked table in one new, the database has high dimension.

find a place where I can set the field conversion for linked tables or to make Access to performe the better type conversion (if the field is integer on source table to be integer on linked table as well and so on).

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Report Shows ID Of Field Rather Than Data In Field?

Oct 16, 2013

I am working on a report and have found a problem. I have a field called "region". The data is geographical and is basically stuff like "southeast", "mid-atlantic", "southwest", etc. I reference this field in the report but the report shows the ID field of the table where this data exists, rather than the data in the "region" field. So, instead of "southeast", it shows "3".

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Calculated Field That Shows Sum Of Two Other Fields On Same Form

Feb 12, 2013

I have a calculated field that shows the sum of two other fields on the same form. I've got as far as making the expression work but it doesn't quite do what I want. I need the calculated field to update when any one of the reference fields are updated (i.e. currently it only updates once all the fields in the expression are updated).

How to I change the form so that the calculated field updates based on current values (including any fields that contain no value)?

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Table Select Field Shows Up As A Number To Text?

Sep 3, 2015

I have a KidShop table that shows the Diagnosis for the person,there are 5 diagnosis fields because one person could have up to 5 Diagnosis and each field is a lookup from the diagnosis the report they show up as the ID number not and not the text.

I inserted Diagnosis from the Diagnosis Table and a window popped up asking what Diagnosis from the Diagnosis table matched in the KidShop Table and gave the selection of Diagnosis 1 or 3 or 3 or 4 or 5. I could only select one and I selected Diagnosis1 in the KidShop table and that showed Diagnosis as text for the Diagnosis1 field but the other 4 diagnosis fields still show a number. I understand what that did but it does not give me the option to match Diagnosis 2,3,4,5 to diagnosis Table. If I changed the Data source for the other 4 to Diagnosis then only Diagnosis1 shows up it the other 4 fields which makes since.

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Forms :: When Subform Have No Records Then Total Field On Main Form Shows Error

Sep 1, 2013

In my database main form with subform. subform have query as of one of field in subform shown on main form. all is ok and show total correctly but when subform have no records then total field on main form shows #error. How to convert this value either into null string or zero(0).

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Making Subform Field Value Available To Popup Form

Mar 6, 2015

In my Student Administration database I am trying to launch a popup form from a sub-form of a Job Positions and Seekers form. The sub form is actually one of 2 sub-forms, both Continuous Forms default view, on a form linked via an unbound control (MasterJobPosID).

The first sub-form is called and lists open Job Positions and the 2nd sub form is called and lists all Students Seeking each of the positions. The Students Seeking subform is linked to the unbound control MasterJobPosID in the main form which is set to equal the Job Positions subform's JobPosRecNo field which is the key to the Job Positions table.

The popup form is called Job Employment and is being launched via an event macro from the Students Seeking subform. It will allow the user to create a record in the Job Employment table. The event macro has a Where statement that says "=JobPositionID And Student", an attempt to link it to both the Job Position record being filled and the Student filling it.

I am able to populate the popup form's fields in expressions setting Default Values equal to fields on the loaded Job Positions subform and the Student from the Students Seeking subform. What I am unable to get is the Job Position record key from any of the 3 fields it appears in on the Job Positions and Seekers form:

MasterJobPosID on the main form.JobPosRecNo on the Job Positions sub form.JobPositionID on the Students Seeking subform.

I want that to link the new Job employment record to the Job Position record the student is filling. In fact I get a parameter prompt for JobPositionID when the popup form is launched.

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Selecting A Field From A Popup Form To Be Populate Another Text Box

Apr 6, 2008

I have a field on frmOutpatient which is called EpisodeID.
I need to populate this field from a selection in a pop-up form.

The pop-up form (frmSelect) is a continuous form with a number of different EpisodeID numbers according to the date the patient was admitted. At the end of each record I want to put a command button (cmdSelect) and when pushed I want this SelectEpisodeID to be transferred to the field on the frmOutpatient.

Any ideas??

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Converting A Text Field To A Memo Field

Jan 4, 2006

I am in the process of changing over a text field to a memo field to generate more space (in 5 different databases :eek: ) Thanks to all the good info on several searches of this forum, I am pretty clear on how to do that.

The question is... when I convert a field that already has information in it, will I lose the current information?



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Memo Field - How To Stop Highlighting In Field

Aug 7, 2006

when i change records, my subform that has a memo field, shows the memo field data is "highlighted". i can make a mistake and hit any keyboard key and the memo field data will get erased.

is there a way to prevent such a problem?

if not, is there a work around. eg, hide the memo field until needed for more input? ideas on both issues?

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Forms :: Popup Error Upon Entering Field For Search Purpose

Nov 19, 2013

I get this strange behavior in multiple forms I have. When I click on a field for the first time, I get a quick popup that immediatly disappear. It only get the popup when I enter fields I added for search purpose (a listbox which has a query as source, which I build with the value from another input field that the user type in).

I get the error when :
-I enter the input field for the first time
-I type in a value for the first time
-I select an element in the listbox
-Also when I open a form for the first time (happens only for the first opened form)

I don't even have time to see what it is in fact. I had to time a screenshot to see what it was.

So, I get an error like this : "Search referenced file : MSOUTL.OLB". No text in the msgbox, only that title.

[URL] .....

I checked google, found various reference to Outlook stuff. Problem is, I don't use any outlook stuff. I don't get any of those popup when I open the projet under Access 2013, but under Access 2010 I get them. I created the project under Access 2013, but users will use Access 2010.

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Forms :: Subform To Popup Relationship And With Refresh Of Calculated Field

Apr 3, 2014

I have a "Main" form called frmProjects that sports multiple tabs. One of those tabs is labelled "Milestones", into which I inserted a datasheet subform called frmSubMilestones. The table that feeds the subform is tblMilestones. I established the parent / child relationship between frmProject and frmSubMilestones, and everything is working just fine...

To summarize: frmProject as main form -> Milestones Tab on main form -> frmSubMilestones as datasheet subform on the Milestones Tab (there are other tabs that are not subforms).

I have been asked, for each milestone in the frmSubMilestones subform's datasheet, to capture the number of days spent by employees on a monthly basis. The Milestones table and the PersonDays table have a primary key and a foreign key that are similar.

To summarize: frmSubMilestones as subform -> txtAggregatePersonDays as calculated Textbox fetching data from tblPersonDays -> OnClick event -> FormLoad of frmPersonDays as datasheet PopUp form.

DoCmd.FormLoad is supplied with the usual parameters to make the PopUp form appear, filtered on the currently highlighted milestone. Everything works fine so far... well almost.

Problem 1: When I introduce new rows in the frmPersonsDays datasheet, everything seems fine at the surface, BUT the primary key of the calling form (i.e. frmSubMilestones) does not appear in the tblPersonDays table; this is normal because there is no form-based parent / child relationship between the two forms. As one might expect, I am trying, from frmPersonDays, to get the primary key value from the "parent" frmSubMilestones using the Forms collection. No dice. I surfed and surfed, tried the bang and the dot operators, drank scotch, but nothing worked. I had to add foreing keys manually in tblPersonDays to further my tests. I can't figure out how to reach any control on the calling form, which is a subform.

Problem 2: The calculated txtAggregatePersonDays on the frmSubMilestones works wonders for existing data in tblPersonDays. However, when I introduce new rows in the PopUp form, I also realized that the calculated Textbox in frmSubMilestones is not updated when I close the frmPersonDays PopUp. I have to close the PopUp form and move the cursor in the Main form (frmProjects) to refresh its associated milestones.

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How To Display Popup Text On Double Click Or Mouseover Of A Field

Nov 20, 2013

I know how to do an action on doubleclick or mouseover but I want some simple text to come up, possibly with a white background behind it that has some details about the specific production number that the user is clicking on. Is there something like this? I tried a dialog but it brings up an ugly form, I just want the text or something simple. Can this be done?

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Truncating Memo Field

Jan 26, 2006

I am using

DoCmd.OutputTo to export a query but this truncates the memo fields, but in the db window,right clicking and choosing to export does not truncate the data.

How do I code to output all the data without truncating?

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Memo Field Not Showing More Than 255

Jun 23, 2006

Hi guys and Girls

I have a txt box on a report which should show comments..
In the background table the field this txt box is bound to has a data type of memo. Yet the txt box on the report stops showing any more than 255 characters! any clues? I know 255 is the field size set for my Txt fields but memo fields should be able to display 65000000000000000 trillion characters with no problems.

When I look at the table the memo field has all the txt in it, it just wont display all the txt on the report.

Thanks for any help guys.

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Text Vs. Memo Field

Jul 28, 2005

Are there any other advantages in using a text field verses a memo field other than memory allocation? Memory allocation seems like such a small issue these days.

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Imported Memo Field

Mar 1, 2007

Hi, i have a fox pro memo field that has bill of materials information in like so:EACH KIT COMPRISES

1 RBS24690 £0.82
1 RBS354 £0.95
2 RBS345 £0.75
1 S95MMEXT £3.90

£36.77 PER KIT

I need to take out the carriage returns but keep the items delimited in some way so they all apear on the one line. These are the child parts for kits so i need to keep them on one line as i import them or via a query so i can see the parent part they belong to.

Many Thanks

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Memo Field Length

Mar 26, 2007


If I read the documentation then memo field in a Access table can be 65.000 chars long.
I have three memo fields in a linked ODBC table which is filled by a append query from SQL-server database. The text in these field is cut off by 255 chars.
Does somebody know what the cause of this can be?

1. Is there a limitation/property where I can configure the length of Access memo field? DAO? I have read something about this but I don't understand this.

2. How can I trace that everything is send from the source? Maybe it's cut off at the source site. On this moment I don't know something about a Linked tabel.
Is there a sniffer or trace tool so that I can see what kind of data is realy send?

Thanks in advance


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Query A Memo Field

May 31, 2005

Greetings All -

Let me say first I am a novice Access user, just trying to teach myself a few things to make my job easier. So take it easy on me with any feedback.

This is my situation. I am using a web based help desk ticketing software that has an Access DB. I have created a couple of queries and linked them together that seem to be working and giving me the data that I want with one exception.

I am tring to query a memo field, which is the description of a ticket, and the output is only a small portion of what is actually entered in to the table. Is there a way either in my query or report builder to make a change that will output all of the data from the description field?

A couple of things that I've tried on my own are to change the data type for that field from memo to text, however that that puts limits on the amount of data that can be entered in and causes the help desk software to function incorrectly. I've also turned on Can Grow and Can Shrink for the text box for the output in my form.

Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.


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Memo Field Truncating :s

Nov 23, 2005


Ok, firstly i have search google and this forum from top to toe and no-1 has an answer that works for me.

I am running a query, now i have completely simplified it. The query is now just picking up a field called recommendations. Recommendations is a memo field with no formating or index on at all. Now, when i run the query as normal it works fine... everything is there. But when i have to group by it. It cuts it off at 255 charactors. The thing is i need to do some sums and counts within the query aswell so it has to be.

I have checked microsoft and there suggestions are not any use.

Any ideas???

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