Memo Truncating On Form

Aug 2, 2006

I searched the forum and realize that there are many posts on this subject, mostly related to exporting the data on reports and such. However, the problem that I am having is within the form. I have two memo fields on my form, named Memo1 and Memo2. Their data source is on a table where both fields there are also memo fields, called Notes and More Notes. I know a memo field can contain up to 65,000 characters, but mine don't seem capable of this and are truncating the data without warning the user, resulting in notations getting "lost". However, when I open the table that the form is bound to and check the Notes field, it DOES contain all the right data PRIOR to truncating. What's happening here? I've reviewed RG's link and have verified that I am not formatting or sorting on these fields, and I've utilized the ZOOM function, and I've checked the names of my fields. The form is built directly from the table, not a query, so I can't understand why this is happening. Starting to get very frustrated. Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks for your advice.

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Truncating Memo Field

Jan 26, 2006

I am using

DoCmd.OutputTo to export a query but this truncates the memo fields, but in the db window,right clicking and choosing to export does not truncate the data.

How do I code to output all the data without truncating?

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Memo Field Truncating :s

Nov 23, 2005


Ok, firstly i have search google and this forum from top to toe and no-1 has an answer that works for me.

I am running a query, now i have completely simplified it. The query is now just picking up a field called recommendations. Recommendations is a memo field with no formating or index on at all. Now, when i run the query as normal it works fine... everything is there. But when i have to group by it. It cuts it off at 255 charactors. The thing is i need to do some sums and counts within the query aswell so it has to be.

I have checked microsoft and there suggestions are not any use.

Any ideas???

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Truncating Of Memo Data Type

Oct 5, 2005

I have a table in my database to track survey responses. Some of these responses can be quite long so I am using the memo data type. I have some queries set up to display these responses but the queries truncate the responses to 255 characters. Is there a way to stop the query from truncating? Thanks in advance.

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Exporting Truncating Memo Fields

May 26, 2006

I have a query that is displaying exactly the correct results. However, when I export this to a text/tab delimited file (or even and XLS file) it truncates the memo field to 256 characters in the export file. I am sure it has something to do with this memo field being defined in part by a custom function. Below is the query and the function. The field in question is the "Formatting(First(description_text)) AS prod_Description" column. Any thoughts? Note: I know that if I don't perform the "First" on this memo field, during the group by, the query would truncate this to 256 characters becuase it has to be in the Group By clause. But by using the First function, this field does not need to be included in the group by and there for the query does not truncate it (even though the exporting does).

SELECT ProductList.cin_id AS prod_ID, Formatting([desc]) AS prod_Name, "" AS prod_Flag, "" AS prod_OverrideName, "" AS prod_SortName, Formatting(First(description_text)) AS prod_Description, "" AS prod_Bullets, ProductList.mfr AS prod_Mfr, "" AS prod_itemSort, "" AS prod_ProdGroup, "" AS prod_SubprodSequence, "" AS prod_Layout, "" AS prod_BaseProductID, "" AS prod_ItemSubheadAttr, "" AS prod_Keywords, "" AS prod_URL, "" AS prod_Type
FROM ProductList
GROUP BY ProductList.cin_id, Formatting([desc]), ProductList.mfr
HAVING (((ProductList.cin_id)<>''));


Public Function Formatting(Text As String) As String
Dim outString As String
outSring = ""
If Len(Text) > 0 Then
outString = Replace(Text, "<b>", "{")
outString = Replace(outString, "</b>", "}")
outString = Replace(outString, "<i>", "{i")
outString = Replace(outString, "</i>", "}")
outString = Replace(outString, "°", "°")
outString = Replace(outString, "™", "™")
outString = Replace(outString, "©", "©")
outString = Replace(outString, "'", "'")
outString = Replace(outString, "&reg;", "®")
outString = Replace(outString, "<sub>", "{^/")
outString = Replace(outString, "</sub>", "^")
End If
Formatting = outString

End Function

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Queries :: Query Truncating Memo Fields

Dec 16, 2014

I have a query that is truncating a memo field to 255 characters. There is no distinct, group by, format, union or concatenate in the query which are the common cause for truncation.The truncated memo field is comments.

Null AS appealcaseid,
Null AS DecisionCode,
HearingAuditTbl.DECISION_DT AS ALJ_Date,


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Tables :: Excel Memo Field Truncating

Apr 18, 2013

I have a strange issue where im importing an excel using docmd.transferspreadsheet. I have a memo field which is importing fine and is not being truncated but I have another which is being truncated every time. The destination field is set to memo and the top cell in the excel is over 255 chars yet it still truncates. The other column does not truncate for some reason.

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Access Truncating Data In Export

Mar 3, 2006

I am trying to export an Access table to a csv file.
I have several fields in the table that are type double and go to 3 decimal places. When I export the data, it truncates it to 2 decimal places.
I changed the table design from "Auto" decimal places to 3. and that didn't help.
When I am in the Table Export wizard, it shows all 3 decimal places, but when I look at the text file, it's only 2.
Anybody ever have this problem?
Thanks in advance!

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Memo Form Field

Jun 26, 2005

Hello All...
I've got an address multi-line field in my form. The user types his 1st line of address in the field, presses enter, types the 2nd line of the address, presses enter & so on....And submits the form. The problem is only the 1st line is uploaded into the access database. The field is a memo data type. Can anyone help me with this problem? Cheers...

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Extracting Records From A Memo Form

Aug 25, 2006

I need some help. I created a database to capture information from an employee survey. Most of the answers required a check if they agree or no check if they do not agree. There was one "memo" field inwhich we allow the employee to VENT. I have provided the team with all sorts of reports with percentages and figures. Now they want to remove any comment that had money, pay raise, bonus etc. They also want to organize the comments in some type of flow. Like all the "pats on the back" in one area, Day offs in another, plaque on wall grouped together, etc.

Can one of you experts, please give me some help?


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Form Problem With A Memo Field

Feb 4, 2006

I have a memo field set up on a form. When I add more information to the field the old information in the field deletes? WHat can be wrong.

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Memo Field Punctuation - Form Help Needed

Jun 8, 2005

I have a form set up where user's type in an explanation of how a claim is being appealed and resolved in a memo field.

One problem, for some reason management doesn't want these explanations to end with a period. But the users keep ignoring our request and keep using the period.

Is there a way that you can code this memo field to where it will allow punctuation throughout, except at the end?

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Form To Send Values To Memo Field

Oct 3, 2005

I'm trying to develop a form that opens when you select a tab from another form. The first form would contain Standard Instructions (from a table) and the second form would have a Memo Field for special instructions. The user wants to be able to click a check box for each standard special instruction and when they close the first form all the check standard instructions to update the special instructions memo field on the second form. I'm thinking I have to set up a loop to go thru all records when the first form is closed. Any ideas on how this would work best?

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Memo Data Type Field On A Form

Jan 25, 2006

Hi all,

I have a question about an Access form that I am creating. I have a "Due Notes" field, which has Memo data type and I create a form "Estimates" using a text box with the control source is that "Due Notes" field to enter notes when needed.

Although I have the vertical scroll bar for that text box (due to other controls, I can not size the text box too big), does anybody know how to display that text box in form "Estimates" with the data of the last text within the size of the box without scrolling down so I can start typing for the next entry? Do I make sense to you?

Please help and let me know if you know HOW. Thanks so much in advance.

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General :: Search Form For Memo Field

Feb 7, 2013

I'm developing a program to search several fields. One of which is a memo field with large characters. Using wildcard in the search form I made, it only returns the record if the first word of the field is typed in the search box. I want to type any word in any part of the field to return the record.

This is my code

' Check for LIKE Subject
If Me.txtsubject > "" Then
varWhere = varWhere & "[subject] LIKE """ & Me.txtsubject & "*"" AND "
End If

subject is a memo field.

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Forms :: Memo Field Display In Form

Apr 1, 2014

I have a form with a memo field which is used by users to input transctiptions of Customer Contacts but the form is getting busy and the box now only 2.77 wide X 0.683 High.

this makes it impossible to read on the form even as a text box with to add a mouse over on it so that it fires up a large text/meg style box to display the contents?

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General :: Change TXT Box To A Memo Field On A Form?

Dec 2, 2014

How do I change a txt box to a memo field on a form? (I need to allow for more than 255 chars...) I've already set the backend DB (sql server) to accept the many chars, and the linked table access see's the datatype as memo. But I can't figure out how to get a memo field on the form, or how to change the current txt box to a memo control to support the extra characters.

I've been looking for 20 minutes... I guess I never used a memo field before, since I can't find/see how to set this.

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OLE Object Won't Get Focus In Form/Memo Field Problems

Jul 26, 2006

Hi all,

I have added an OLE WordPad object to a form. However, when I use the form, I cannot select/give the object focus to activate it. Even if I right click the object, it give me the correct popup menu. :confused:

I am using this object as I am having troubles with Memo fields. I use a form to update records, one field of which must be greater than 255 characters long. When I press my update button (it just runs some code to turn off warnings, run two simple update queries and the turn the warnings back on) the update process seems to complete. However, if I go to the table/refresh the form contents, only the first 512 characters are displayed and the last few are strange system characters.:confused: This occurs no matter what I do. I was tole that copy/paste operations can mess memo fields up, but I tested this by using a fresh field and typing everything in. Hence I am now trying the OLE object to get around this problem. :confused:

Any ideas peeps??



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Forms :: Using A Form To Search Keywords In Memo Field

Dec 6, 2013

Currently, I am trying to search a memo field on a table by having the user enter keywords on a form (up to 10 keywords can be entered). It works when just one keyword is entered, however it doesn't work if more than one is entered. How do I account for more than one keyword being entered to search the memo field and return the recors where any of the terms show up in that field. Each one of the keywords [KW1] ...etc are in a separate unbound box.

Current formula looks as follows:
Like "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW1] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW2] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW3] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW4] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW5] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW6] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW7] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW8] & "*" OR "*" & "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW9] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW10] & "*"

Should I be using AND?

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Forms :: Include Scroll Bar On A Memo Field In A Form

Oct 24, 2014

I gather that there is no way to include a scroll bar on a memo field in a form. What is the best workaround? The source is a mysql odbc table. It is set as medium text and comes into Access 2010 as a memo field. For a user coming to this field to read the material entered there, unless they click somewhere within the field, there isn't a scroll bar. It isn't obvious that that is what they need to do to see all of it. Is there any way to work around this limitation?

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Forms :: Quick Filter Not Working When Memo-type Fields In Form

Jul 1, 2013

I recently made a new version of our database complete with forms, querys etc.. using Access 2010. It looked good and nice, but we encountered an unexpected problem. In all forms that contains memo-type fields quick filter is not working (there is no lists, checkboxes etc..). My users really like quick filters and are understandably irritated. I would understand if this disappearance would affect only memo-type fields, but it affects ALL the fields.

I also know that there are problems with memos in Access 2010. I have tried to make new forms, but every time I add memo fields quick filter stops functioning. I have also tried to change properties, options and what not, but to no use. In older versions of our forms this feature works just fine, but they were made in older version of Access (don't know which since oldest ones are from year 2003).

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Unbound Text Box Truncating Text

Mar 2, 2006

I'm using a form with a combo box bound to a table (but all other boxes are not bound). When the user selects from the combo box, the other fields on the form populate.

The problem is, there are two fields which are memo fields, but the form is truncating the text. When I type text in the form and save, it truncates, but in the table itself the text is not truncated. However, if I go back to the form and make a change, the truncated text overwrites what's in the table.

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Asking Memo

Nov 28, 2006


I create the table, and fieldname,

What is the datatype, memo?

Datatype: Text
Fieldsize : 255 (max char)

Datatype: Memo

For the memo datatype, what is the size for that?
Is it unlimited size?

Please let me know, thanks.

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Can't Group On Memo

Jan 18, 2006

I have a field on a table that is a memo field. I am trying to write a query to include this field but get the "Can't group on memo or OLE object. Any ideas on why and how can I query with this memo field included?

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Memo Datatype And DAO

Sep 21, 2006

Hi all

I've posted this in my usual Excel forum without any response so I figure someone here might be able to help. I'm using an SQL query in an Excel VBA macro to extract info from an Access table and dump it into an Excel worksheet, which works fine except for a Memo field, which is truncated to one character length - text fields are fine, just this one Memo field. I'm using the Microsoft DAO 3.6 library. Any ideas?


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Memo Fields

Aug 15, 2007

Hi All,

This is probably the simplest question to answer but alas I can't find the answer in any of my books!

I have a memo field which when made into the form is for a comments box (therefore has to be a memo box). However, the end user wants to be able to type in the comments and have this is paragraphs but of course the field doesn't want to do it.

I've tried various commands in the properties and also in the formats etc. and now I'm at a loss - can someone please give me some much needed guidance, and I really am sick of looking at this database and would like to get rid of it!

Thanks in advance guys.

Donna :eek:

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