Merging 70 Individual Dbs Into One - Without Creating 70 Queries!!!!

Apr 8, 2008

Hi all - new here - hope to get some help :)

Situation: I have a bunch of individual databases (approx 70) - each holding one table called "Meter" with some GPS reads and additional information about the GPS point.

Am looking for solution to create one big database file holding all GPS reads.

One idea i have is linking all tables into a new database and run a create table query and then an append query.

Is there a way to somehow have the one append query run automatically on all existing linked tables (remember approx 70 tables so i really want to avoid of creating 70 append queries ;) )

To make it more complicated: data sets in the original individual databases could be modified or new data could be added. From what I know linked tables are updated but is there a way of keeping the my big, newly created (appended) database up2date automatically as well?

Hope it all makes sense?
Thanks a lot in advance
Regards from Ireland

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General :: Creating Individual Calendar For Each Record

Jul 16, 2014

Not sure if it's possible but I'm trying to create individual calendar's for each staff member and client to put availability and bookings on to them. I've tried using the active x control but it's not really what I want, not sure how else to approach this as my access skills aren't that great.

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General :: Emailing From Access - Individual Records To Individual Emails

Jan 8, 2015

I have a database where I record grades for my students. I would like to create a macro so that every time I record a grade as an "F", the student will receive an email that will contain an attachment of their scores. A lot of the information I want to include in this email is in several different tables. So to make it easier, I have created a query that lists the following:

Students name (SName)
Student's email (SEmail)
ID# of the form I use to record their grades (ID)
ID# of the studen'ts work (WorkID)
Date of their work (CreatedDate)
Date I graded their work (AuditDate)
Grade="F" (Accuracy)

How can I create something that will automate emailing of this information--to the individual student with only their information? I am using Access 2010. If I can't automatically send the emails, I would like to create a button in my audit screen that will send a report containing that student's information to them.

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Modules & VBA :: Send Individual Pdf Attachment To Individual Recipients

Feb 3, 2014

I have created a database that generates a report with customer debts. I have a lot of customers and in a report each page is a different customer with individual debts info. What i would like to do is to create a button and distribute individual report page as pdf to individual customer by email. I'm using Lotus notes. I have searched the forums i found something but it was not what i was looking for.

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Merging Queries

Aug 25, 2005

I have frequented this board on several occasions, and have used it extensively to help me on my project. But I am at a situation that I cannot seem to find a proper solution for, and feel like I need to solicit some input from more experienced people.

Problem: What I want to do is create a form utilizing two queries that will not only display the shoes and comments, but as I tab from record to record (each record a different shoe), the form will also display the total minutes for the shoe. (frmShoes in the database shows what I ultimately want)

Background: I am creating a database to track my exercise routine and jogging times, along with other variables. I have three tables (I deleted all the other extraneous garbage to alleviate any potential for confusion):

Run Session ID pk
Shoes ID
-one-to-many w/tblLaps-
-one-to-one w/tblShoes-

Laps ID pk
Lap Number
Lap Time
Run Session ID fk

Shoe ID pk
Shoe Name

I want to use a form built off tblRunSession to enter a new day of running. On the form I would enter multiple laps, and minutes each lap was completed, along with the shoes (only one pair used per day) I wore that day. I accomplished the input utilizing tblLaps as a subform to tblRunSession.

I tried creating two queries: one (Query 1) from tblshoes, and the other (Query 2) from tblRunSession and tblLaps. I summed the individual lap times in Query 2 for each shoe. But when I try to create a third query based on Queries 1 and 2, it gets all messed up and confusing. I tried to use dlookup, but I quickly found that was beyond my knowledge level. I think some of the problem I’m experiencing (besides my limited brain capacity) is the fact that I am trying to use three tables to pull data from, and trying to make it all mesh. I’m sure it can be done, but I’m at a loss.

I attached what I have been working on in case anyone wants to look at it and set me straight. Thanks in advance for any suggestions or ideas anyone has to offer.

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Queries :: Multi Concatenated Text Box To Individual Row

Sep 30, 2014

I have imported a lot of data from excel into a table. There is in one of the columns some multi concatenate info I want to separate in it's own individual row.I am not sure if there is a way to do this in a query or if there was an MsAccess2007 example somewhere. I looked on the internet but couldn't find anything.

the columns are like this now

123456 7RFE01, 7RFE03, 7MFE06, 7MFH04
237890 8RFE80, 8MFE03, 9GFE06, 5QFH06, 3QFY06

I want the columns to be like this in a query or new table.

123456 7RFE01
123456 7RFE03
123456 7MFE06
123456 7MFH04
237890 8RFE80
237890 8MFE03
237890 9GFE06
237890 5QFH06
237890 3QFY06

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Queries :: How To Set Rolling Year Based On Individual First Record

Mar 31, 2014

I wanted to know if it is possible to set a rolling year based on the first recorded date for an individual. In other words, my table is updated every time an employee receives a point. The record includes the employee's name (empName), the date (dateOfOccurrence), and the point (occurrencePoint).

I would like to create a query that would be based on a rolling year from the very first record of an employee based on the first dateOfOccurrence. The first date/record of this employee would be the start of the rolling year. I am writing this in SQL in Access 2013.

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Queries :: Merging Records Into One Record?

Apr 9, 2015

My database was working fine before there was an update to my external data source.

This was my original Append Query

INSERT INTO RLCR4000_CODED ( FY, PayPeriod, ProjCode, DelTask, RegHrs, OTHrs, TotalHrs, FYTDTtlHrs, ProjDesc, TtlCost,
FYTDRegHrs, FYTDOTHrs, FYTDTtlCost, TaskDesc, EmpName, ORG, EmpId, CostCtr, PPBegDate, PPEndDate,
Level2Nodes, Level3Nodes, Level4Nodes, Level5Nodes, Level6Node )
SELECT RLCR4000_pp5_RAW.[Fiscal Year], RLCR4000_pp5_RAW.[Pay Period], RLCR4000_pp5_RAW.[Delphi Project Code],

[Code] .....

The data source changed and the result is now I have a bunch of "Near duplicate" records. I built this query and found the duplicates:

SELECT [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].DelphiProjectCode, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].DelphiTask, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].EmpId, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].CostCenterCode, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].RecordTypeCode, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].FiscalYear, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].PayPeriod, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].RegularHours, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].OvertimeHours, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].TotalHours, [RLCR4000_-


There is a field called "RECORDTYPECODE" that was inserted in the external data source. It has one of four values : R, L, N, C

Ideally this is what I want

WHERE ((([RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].DelphiProjectCode) In (SELECT [DelphiProjectCode]
FROM [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi] As Tmp GROUP BY [DelphiProjectCode],[DelphiTask],[EmpId],[CostCenterCode]
HAVING Count(*)>1 And [DelphiTask] = [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].[DelphiTask]
And [EmpId] = [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].[EmpId]
And [CostCenterCode] = [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].[CostCenterCode])))
Then R+L+N+C=

NOTE and in some cases the fields are null

I have attached a sample of the data. And the second tab is desired result. I have over 9000 near duplicates so it is imperative I create a formula to merge them

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Queries :: Merging Info From 2 Tables

Nov 15, 2013

I am trying to update an existing table in Access with current information that I have imported into Access from excel into a separate table. I was able to use an unmatching query and append all records that were not already in the original table. But there are records in the update table that match the original table, and there in information in fields within that records have new information.I need to find the records that match in the two tables and update the missing data.I am able to create a query that displays the matching records but when I run it as an update query the information in not entered into the original table.

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Queries :: Merging Two Expression Columns Into One

Oct 2, 2013

I have two column of expressions

1=(<(Now()+365)-([Service Interval]*30) Or <(Now()*365)-(([Service Interval]*2)*30))

2= (<(Now()+365)-(([Service Interval]*2)*30) Or <(Now()*365)-(([Service Interval]*2)*30))

I want to merge these two columns into one but then have two entry's not one !

And then I can sort by date in a report (i am trying to sort all service due for the customer in the next year)...

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Queries :: School Database - Student Rank In Individual Subject

Sep 25, 2013

I am developing database for my school. I am done with everything except the examination aspect where i need to indicate students position in every subject beside their overall position according to the sum of all the subject scores. How to indicate student position in subjects.

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Queries :: Merging Multiple Fields Into One Field

May 15, 2015

I have a table which has each claim as a single record. A client wishes us to provide the data in a format that lists the each procedure on its own line. I have attached a highlevel example of what the data currently looks like and what the query results should look like.So I need to create a query that would repeat the Claim Number and place all the Procedure fields into one field.

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Queries :: Merging Results To Single Text Box

Oct 28, 2013

I have a large database which runs various reports however i am struggling with the last bit to get this report working.

Under each "Works Order" is a set of scrap which is associated with this batch. Instead of rows of data i would like to add all the "reason for scrap" to a single text box for each works order:

i.e. WO: 259953 | Scrap: Sub contract inner open; Untraceable short; short to plane etc etc.

I have attached an image in its current format.

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Queries :: Merging Data In One Field From Multiple Records

Jul 30, 2015

I am linking to an SQL database that is designed in such a way that the problem description is recorded in multiple records. See a simplified example below. I want to run a query that will merge the information in the PROBLEM_DESCRIPTION and return only one record for PROB_ID 55678.

55678 Jim 01/01/2015 While cleaning my computer, I noticed
55678 Jim 01/01/2015 the screen was cracked. I called
55678 Jim 01/01/2015 the IT department and they said I had
55678 Jim 01/01/2015 to write a work order. However it
55678 Jim 01/01/2015 was rejected without reason.

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Merging 2 Queries Of Same Data To Get Lowest Price And Matching Items

Sep 4, 2006

I must admit I am a "newby" to Access but I have bought my Access 2000 bible, as I am running Access 2000, and attempted to create my desired database. I have linked to 2 tables that I download on a daily basis. This is my inventory from two different suppliers. I then have created two queries that filters each of these files to only show positive quantity items, filters out item specifics, etc.What I want to do is join the 2 queries with their data already filtered. Both of the files from 2 different suppliers contain some of the same data. Once joined if there is an item that is the same I want to delete the higher cost item and only show the lower cost item, I also want to show the rest of the items that do not match. It is easy to identify the same items as every item contains a 12 digit identifier called a upc.I can create a UNION ALL query that shows every item from the two queries. However, I am unsure as to how I go about deleting the higher cost item and only showing the lower cost item if the item is the same. On a side note after I get the results desired I will then be createing an append to query and append all this information to another file that is then uploaded to another system.I will try to attach some sample data that I am using from the two queries I want to join, this data is only a sample of a much bigger file.Thank you and any and all comments or suggestions is much appreciated.

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Queries :: Merging Two Separate Databases With Duplicate As Well As Unique Information

Jun 12, 2013

Currently am trying to get together two separate Access Databases into one, which is the way it was always supposed to be.

Basically, this person accidentally created a duplicate of the database in question, and has been updating both independently at different times, meaning that whilst a lot of the database information is duplicate, there are some instances where each separate database copy has unique information on both existing contacts, and new unique contacts.

The database itself is about schools, and has tables concerning information such as calls made, contact details, school details, etc etc. Obviously all of this needs putting back together into one set of tables in one file.

I've been messing around with append and import functions, but am having issues with duplicate ID fields with append queries, and a general lack of direction on the best way to go about fixing this problem, if its even possible.

Here's an example of what i've been trying to do:

INSERT INTO Contacts ( ContactID, ContactTitle, Name, Surname, JobTitle, TelephoneSTD, Telephone, FaxSTD, Fax, Locale, SubjectKeyword, SchoolID, Reply received] )
SELECT [1Contacts].*, [1Contacts].ContactID, [1Contacts].ContactTitle, [1Contacts].Name, [1Contacts].Surname, [1Contacts].JobTitle, [1Contacts].TelephoneSTD, [1Contacts].Telephone, [1Contacts].FaxSTD, [1Contacts].Fax, [1Contacts].Locale, [1Contacts].SubjectKeyword, [1Contacts].SchoolID, [1Contacts].[Reply received]
FROM 1Contacts;

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Queries :: Merging Multiple Tables And Extracting Duplicates To CSV File

Feb 27, 2014

We are a non-profit that does blind mailings for our membership drive. The company who we buy names and addresses from sends us a delimited file that has these fields as the headings


Once they send out the mailings, people then send in back a remit slip with a contribution that gets scanned through a program that creates a file that gives us these titles


The "ALT ID" and "ID" are the same in both tables.

I need to find a way to merge the tables and combine the fields that have the same ID # , and then have it create a csv file that reads like this (see below) for only the files of the people that responded so that I can import it into our membership software.

"Alt ID","Title","First Name","Middle Name","Last Name","Suffix","Address1","City","State","ZIP","ct y_code","Amount Paid","Run Date","Tender","Fund","Purpose","Solicitation","Me mbership Question","Member Type","Constituent Type","Segment"

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Queries :: Merging Changing Excel Forecasts Into One Access Table?

Oct 22, 2014

Say you have multiple excel sheets where forecasting is done daily.

For example, sheet one headings: Depot, department, location, 01/09/10, 02/09,10, 03/09/10

and then second sheet is similar but: Depot, department, location, 02/09/10, 03/09/10, 04,09, 10 - as you can see each day the forecast starts a day after and ends one date late (14 days each in the real one)...

How to I join all these forecasts into one table; vertically with each forecast identified by the day it start for analysis later.. rather than doing cross-tabulate which would take ages, I just need to keep adding more excel sheets but the headings change as they are dates...

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Queries :: Updating Individual Records In A Table From Another Table

Jan 11, 2015

I have an Access 2007 application that has a Parts Table that contains a list of automotive parts.I have attached a screen shot (parts.jpg) showing the structure.I have another table called Web_Parts that has exactly the same structure as Parts. The Web_Parts table gets its data from a CSV import that I do that is data extracted from an MySQL database used by an eCommerce website.

You will notice that there is a field called "Web_Product_Id" (number). This is the unique ID for each of the products that I have exported from the Web shop system. I need to regularly (probably every couple of weeks), export out of the web shop system and import into the Access environment.

Due to the fact that the data in the web shop system may change (pricing, description, add new items, delete new items etc), I need to find a way that I can simply update any existing records in the Parts table with any new information contained in the Web_Parts table......

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Queries :: Creating A List Based On Multiple Queries

Jun 23, 2015

I have 3 select queries which Im trying to output to a combo - Ive tried a UNION query but I get an error

ODBC-- call failed ODBC Driver SQLBase.....

Firstly is do the results need to match within a union query? I mean they have no relationship what so ever Im just trying to populate this combo with the same results.

Secondly is there a better way to do it? 2 of the select queries query a linked SQL table and the third is a local table. All of the select queries work on their own.

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Creating A Form To Get Queries, Run Queries...etc

Aug 17, 2006

Hi All,

I want to create a form with a Command button, when we click on the command button it needs to bring the Query from a particular mdb, the path for this mdb will vary so we should be able to provide the path info, after bringing the query it needs to be run, how do I do this by just clicking couple of Command buttons?


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Creating Queries On An MDE

Aug 9, 2007

I have split my database and have the BE on a network server. Users were each given a copy of the MDE file to enter data from using a Form.

When I bring up my copy of the MDE and create a query or edit an existing one and give it a new name... only I can see this new query. Is this the way it's supposed to work?

What would I need to do if I wanted the query I created to be seen by everyone who has access to the database? Do I need to create the query on the MDB and then create a new MDE?


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Creating New Queries And Reports

Aug 9, 2005

I am trying to create a new query and a new report in my database. The program will not let me. The "new" is grayed out. Can anyone help me? :confused:

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User Creating Their Own Queries

Mar 20, 2008

I want to keep the user away from the tables, but want them to beable to query the tables on their own from a selection on the Main Swichboard. My question is twofold, one being is this advisable and two how would I go about that? I can't seem to find anythng on it in my searches.

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Creating Basic Queries

Feb 15, 2006

I need help setting up some basic queries on my database, i dont really know what fields im meant to be querying so help would be great.

Sample data Included in attachment.

In the sample, seconds is the time step, so 5 minutes would be 300 seconds.

Queries i need to create:

Query 1 - Number of spill timesteps >0.001
Query 2 - Total number of timesteps

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Creating SQL Queries From Strings (VB)

Dec 14, 2005

Does anyone know how to create a query object using a string that contains SQL code?

The reason I ask is that I want to be able to run an ad hoc query, but I can't use a RecordSet because there's no way (that I know of) to take the results of a recordset and create a query display out of it (meaning, make it look like a query was executed)

So what I really want to do is to create a query, and then execute it with "DoCmd.OpenQuery()" If that's possible. Any ideas?

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