Merging Access With Word

Mar 8, 2006

I have an Access spreadsheet that I can't get to merge with a word document. It freezes up every time I try and the only message I get is overflow. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

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Merging Images From Access To Word

May 26, 2006

I am building a database for my job. I am trying to find a way that I can mail merge an Image that store in Access to a Word document. I tried doing it by creating a field in Access for the picture and its field type was set to OLE Object and I placed the merge field in its appropriate area in Word. When I go to merge it, its comes up with a message that says "Long Integer or Binary Number". If anyone has an idea as to how I can make this happen....please let me know, your help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

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Problem With Access Merging Into Word

Jun 20, 2007

Hello All,
I need some assistance.
First a little background on the database:
The back end is in AQL the front end is in Access.
The main form is called the "Register", here they enter claim information and if they need to create a printed loss they click on a button called "Loss Notice" This brings up another form which is filtered based on the claim number in the Register. Here they fill in additional information. On this form they have the option to print the Loss Notices by clicking on a button that Opens up Microsoft Word and all the fields are mapped to the Word Template where they need to be.

On my computer when I set this up it works great. I test it all the time and works perfectly.
However when the users try to do this from their computer they are getting a pop up box asking for the claim number. The Loss form is filtered and should only pull that claim number.

Why are they getting this pop up box and I am not?

If you need any additional information I will try and give that to you.
Thanks for trying to help!

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Merging Word Document With Access Query

Feb 7, 2006

Apologies ... but I am quite new to Access. My database contains about 1000 peoples' addresses.

The problem I have is that I need to merge, say, 20 of these addresses into a word document. In the word document I can select records using the "Surname" field but it will not give me the option to select more than 6.
I am sure there must be a way that I can select more than 6: I have tried separating the surnames with a "," or "or" but nothing seems to work!

Help, please!

Thank you,


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Merging Access Data Into Word 2003

Aug 29, 2007

how do i get the current record form access 2003 to merge the data into word 2003 template that I created.

The code I'm using is :-

Private Sub Command313_Click()
Dim oApp As Object
Dim doc As Object
Dim strDocName As String

Set oApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
oApp.Visible = True

strDocName = "K:Supported Living"
Set doc = oApp.Documents.Open(strDocName)

doc.FormFields("Title").Result = Forms!Personal!Title
doc.FormFields("fristname").Result = Forms!Personal!firstname

Set doc = oApp.Documents.Add(strDocName)

End Sub

I'm using 2 fields here but will be adding a lot more once I got it working.

Thanks inadvance

ps (only a novice at access)

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Merging With MS Word

Jul 18, 2005

Is it possible to populate a word document with the click of a button with records from an access form? If so could you give me some type of example?

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Underlined Merged Fields When Merging With Word

Jan 31, 2006

Does anyone know why when i link Microsoft Access with a Microsoft Word document, the merged fields in Word automatically underline?

Is there anyway I can stop the automatic underlining?

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Formatting Problems When Mail Merging Into Word

Sep 6, 2004

I have created a database of information which contains fields with Yes/No tick boxes. No problems there. When mail merging into Word the ticks are not formatted correctly. All I get instead are random symbols. All the other data merges successfully.

Can anyone help as I need to see ticks in the merged document?

Here's hoping

Gaz T

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Merging Two Different Access Databases

Jul 22, 2006


I've asked this on a few other websites with limited or no success.

this is from one db. this table originally had about 20-30 different fields,

WarehouseNum ItemNum load_date Shipped
101 31 6/26/2006 200
101 31 6/27/2006 180
101 338 6/26/2006 162
101 338 6/27/2006 357

this table is from another db. Notice how WarehouseNum is '9' instead of '1' and itemNum is '000'. This is just one of many impediments I face. As well, none of the table fields are the same, I changed them here to make it easier to work with.

SupplierNum ItemNum WarehouseNum PlannedDelDate DeliveredQty
869747 00031 901 6/26/2006 250
869747 00031 901 6/27/2006 300
869747 00338 901 6/26/2006 490
869747 00338 901 6/27/2006 490

The goal here is to query the two simultaneously, perhaps with linked tables, type in an ItemNum using a parameter and know for instance that on the 26th, we received 250 item31 and shipped 200 for a remaining balance of 50. The 50 is what I'm after. Basically, my company uses one program for sales and another for purchasing and absolutely nothing for inventory management. I started with this company about 3 weeks ago and unless i can implement some kind of temporary solution, it will drive me insane.

Advice? Best approach? As well, this db will use data on two different servers
Thanks for the help.
As well, my access experience is limited and our company I.T. is seriously backlogged, besides which, I would like to learn how to do this myself.
Thanks again

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Merging Access Records

Nov 2, 2004

I have 3 Dell laptops with data that was used in registrating participants for a conference (names, address, position title, email, and amount paid). Is there a way to combine the data from each computer to make one database? Please provide step by step instructions?


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Merging Columns In Access 2000

Jun 23, 2004

I really never use Access but a client gave me a database with a couple thousand records in it. Two columns were "Area Code" and "Home Number". What I have to do is merge those two so that the area code and number appear in a single column. How do I do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Merging PDF Docs Using Access 2007

Apr 1, 2015

Any simple code that merges multiple pdf documents that they are willing to share. I don't seem to be able to find anything that works so far.

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Queries :: Merging Changing Excel Forecasts Into One Access Table?

Oct 22, 2014

Say you have multiple excel sheets where forecasting is done daily.

For example, sheet one headings: Depot, department, location, 01/09/10, 02/09,10, 03/09/10

and then second sheet is similar but: Depot, department, location, 02/09/10, 03/09/10, 04,09, 10 - as you can see each day the forecast starts a day after and ends one date late (14 days each in the real one)...

How to I join all these forecasts into one table; vertically with each forecast identified by the day it start for analysis later.. rather than doing cross-tabulate which would take ages, I just need to keep adding more excel sheets but the headings change as they are dates...

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Access To Word

Jul 9, 2007


This is my First post - so please be kind. I'm quite new at coding things and have learnt almost every thing from this forum so far by search old posts but can't find the answer to the below. I know how frustrating it must be to answer the same question over and over again so if this has been answered before please accept my appologies and if you could direct me to the old post I'll pick it up from there.

I have managed to get my DB to output to Excel using the below code:

Set Xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Xl.Visible = True
Xl.Workbooks.Open ("C:TEMPPACLPACL - Blank") ',,True

Xl.range("C8").Value = [Text78]
Xl.range("C9").Value = [tender name]
Xl.range("C10").Value = [Request Number]
Xl.range("F10").Value = [Accepted offer]
Xl.range("C14").Value = [Site Status]
Xl.range("C16").Value = [Accepted offer SPO]
Xl.range("C17").Value = [Type]
Xl.range("C19").Value = [Mpan]
Xl.range("C20").Value = [HH MOP]
Xl.range("C32").Value = [Payment Terms]
Xl.range("C13").Value = [No of sites]
Xl.range("C4").Value = [Text173]
Xl.range("A47").Value = [Additional comments]

I now need to do the same for word;

I have managed:

Dim oApp As Object

Set oApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
oApp.Visible = True
oApp.Documents.Open ("C:TEMPQuatation") ',,True

but I have no idea how to get the info held in field [tender name] in my database into the Ln 5, col 10 in my word document.

I hope this makes sense, any help will be greatly received as I am very new at this and very eager to learn.

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Access To Word, Once Again!

May 16, 2005

Okay, m sorry to bring this topic up again!

I have created this command button from tools that output the access report into word file. However, it prints all the record into word file, is there a way that it would print one record or selective record at a time. I mean, lets just say if I am on record 3 after I am done I press the button and I don't want it to output 1 to 3 record just the 3rd one. Is it possible to do it like that or not?

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Word In Access

Nov 19, 2005

Hey all! :cool:

I have a question to ask you all. This has been killing :( me I have not been able to find an answer. :confused:

Lets say I have a form open. In this form, there are text boxes that have a persons name, address, an account number, and phone number. This part is the easy part.

Now, what I would like to do is some how when you click on the account number, (it doesn't have to be a link) it will open up another form that shows available Word Documents for only that account number.

Different account numbers will have different Word Documents available to them. When this new form opens, then the user can pick a Word Document that is available to them.

Please help! Your help would mean a lot! :)

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Word To Access

Oct 21, 2004

Hi does anybody know if there is a way to import data from a word

template to fields in an access database? any help will be greatly appreciated!
thanks, Treasa

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Access And Word

Mar 23, 2005

Is one better than the other to get information into Word Documents

Using access to control word and use mail merge (can I set up the data source for the word document from


Using access, fill in bookmarks created in Word

I have about 30 word documents from a real estate company that they want data from the database merged into the word documents. Too much formating in the word documents to use access report. Any suggestions?

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Access To Word

May 4, 2006

I have given up on doing this since I am obviously stupid, but I have a word document that has most things static and about 6 fields that are dynamic. I would like to develop a small GUI in access that the user can input the data into the fields and then click the print cmdbutton that I create and it will open the Word doc, fill the fields that need filled, then print the form.

I tried a mail merge, but I really need this to be a seamless process.

If I use a report in Access, will it hold Word formatting?

These are legal documents that are being printed out.

I wanted to do it with some type of web based app, but my web server is Windows and not Unix so I cannot use CGI.

Any ideas on what I should do?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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How To Match 4 Character Word Or Number Or Combination By Identical 4 Characters Word

Apr 11, 2013

How to match 4 character word or number or combination by identical 4 characters word or number or combination in one word have 10 or 15 characters.

I have to two separate tables (Table A and Table B). Table A has one column (Tag No) and Table B has about 15 columns with one column name Tag No as below

Table A

Table B

Tag No

Tag No






They're both in MS Access.I am trying to match 2 tables - columns (Tag No) with join query, but not success. I want to match 4 characters in Table-A with 4 similar characters in Table-B (Tag No) cell.What query is suitable to compare two tables.

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Access And Word' Work Together???

Jul 13, 2005

I have an application on access that export the data to word.

I did a query and the data export to word

my code is:
Dim db, rst
Dim strSQL As String

Set db = CurrentDb
'קישור ופתיחת וורד, והצגתו בצורה מוסרת
Dim objWord 'As Word.Application
'Set word as an application and make it invisible
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWord.Visible = False 'True is visible

'שם המסמך
objWord.Documents.Add ("C:doc3.doc")

strSQL = Me.strSQL
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Dim strString As String
strString = ""
Do While Not rst.EOF
strString = strString & rst!nameID & vbTab & vbTab & "|"
If Not IsNull(rst!fName) Then
strString = strString & rst!fName & vbTab & vbTab & "|"
End If
If Not IsNull(rst!lName) Then
strString = strString & rst!lName & vbTab & vbTab & "|"
End If
strString = strString & vbCrLf
objWord.Selection.Text = strString
objWord.Visible = True
my question:

I want to export the data to a table in word.
I attach the file
(to work good put the file "doc3.doc" to "c:/")
how can I do it?
thanks :)

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Exporting From Word To Access

Nov 7, 2007


I'm new to this forum and it's my first post, any help is greatly appreciated.

I have just been given a big project of firstly transferring information we hold in word documents over to Ms Access and then using ASP or .NET I got to make this a searchable, more user friendly web page displaying the information from the database.

I have tried searching on the web but have not found anything that can transfer information from a table in a word document to a table in Ms Access, does anyone know of anything out there that allows this to be done without losing any data in the transfer?

I have tried saving the document as a text file and importing it into Access but it did not transfer the data across correctly.

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Microsoft Access To Word, Please Help

Nov 9, 2007

Hi there, I am doing a project for my A level computing, and for my mum's financial advising.

I am to assume no knowledge of computing on her part, and so i cannot make it up to the end user to know how to mailmerge.
I was wondering if you could help.
I can have it in a query, form or table form, whichever is best for this, but i need to be able to make a button which exports a record into a MS word mailmerge. This is just to make a simple letterhead. I need a button that says " Write to client ", and once it is clicked it needs to open a letter addressed to them. This is my problem. I have noticed when the data is in a report, there is an export to MS Word button, which is very close to what i want as i could use that and get a good enough mailmerge, but is there a way to run this from a macro or using VB? I did VB last year for my computing project and so i understand a fair amount of it. I want to just make one word document, which will open as mailmerged with the clients data.
Please help if you can, I am sure it is possible as i can see you can mailmerge from access, and there is even a button to do it.... kind of, i just need to be able to make my own.
Thankyou so much for your help.
( Microsoft Access 2003 )

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Access To Word To E-mail

Nov 14, 2007

I have an Access 2007 Database, containing Dues records for a Membership type application. Each Month I produce a Newsletter vis Publisher 2007, which ends up in PDF format. e-mail Address information is in Outlook 2007, snail mail adress info is in Access.

I want to be able to send an e-mail (Merge ??) to all those who have e-mail, with the Newsletter as an attachment, and with the Dues data in the body of individual e-mails (Merge ??). As the data resides in a number of applications, can someone point me in the direction I should take to achieve this.


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Access Form To Word Doc?

Nov 28, 2006

Howdy folks,

I have a rather large form that I created in Access. It is mainly a travel reimbursement form. It has numerous drop down fields for travelers, dates, etc.

My problem is, how do I email it? I would like for the receiver to see the "printable version". When I try and export it currently, I don't have the ability to send it that way. I can send it as an Excel document, but when I view it, it is about 10 pages wide.

Is there any easy way to make the screen view visible to the receiver?

Any help would be appreciated as my company is opening a satellite office and our administrative assistants will need to get these forms.


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TRying To Open A Word Doc From Access

Sep 20, 2004

I have a word doc which i can open from Access but i need advice on something i would like to try out.

I have a form with a patients name and i can scroll through the table through here(on the form using nav buttons) as well and see other patients information. What i'm trying to do is according to whoever is on the form when they click on the button to open the word doc i want the patients name to appear on the word doc.

I guess it's like a Mail merge but i want the data to be pulled from the form like the patients name and address and i want this information to go onto the Word Doc. Any ideas on how to do this.

Access 2003 and Word 2003.

Thanks in advance,

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