I have an Access table with a number of records which refer to the same [InvoiceNo] but with data in different fields. Normally, my database works like this:
1)Import data from Excel File to tblMain in Access
2)Import data from Excel File to tblVendorLine in Access
3)Import data from Excel File to tblDunning in Access
4)Query is sorting from two first tables only records that refer to the third one (by InvoiceNo)
5)We have only items from tblDunning with data from other two tables to be send (mail to the vendor).
The point is, that when I have relation between those three tables, I receive only few records, but sometimes - for example - tblDunning refers to 5 records in tblMain and to 7 records in tblVendorLine - but there is only 4 records related between tblMain and tblVendorLine, so query shows me only two records. Ive made a query for each table (tblMain & tblVendorLine - relation with tblDunning). Then make one query of those two queries. It append data to new table tblDunnAll
So for example the table would look like this after
Vendor | InvoiceNo | CoCode | Status | Clearing_Date | PBk
100000 23333 GB11 Complete 23/12/2011 K
233332 121212 GB18 Complete 16/12/2011 K
134444 777777 GB12 Complete
how to go about merging the data for each name into one record. There are lots of very useful posting about using SQL to delete duplicate but I can't find a posting with addresses this issue.
I am having problems deleting various rows from an SQL table, the message coming up is "The row value(s) updated or deleted either do not make the row unique or they alter multiple rows (xxrows). Any Suggestions?
I currently have a table in Access that contains over 2000 records, with a total of 20 fields (although some records do have null values for certain fields). Some of these records are nearly identical to one another and differ only in one or two fields. Others, however, are exact duplicates. Is there any way I can quickly go through the table and delete those records which are duplicates but, at the same time, ensure that those which are only similiar aren't deleted?
i have a data base with a primary key but some records have been added from a excel data base and now the data base has duplicate records with different primary keys. I do a Query looking for duplicate records based on a field not the the primary key. There are 315 out of 22000. I can sort the table and then manually delete the dups. The Query does not allow deleting records so finding the culprits in the full Data base is time consuming. How can i delete the duplicate records using a query? Is this function available hidden someplace in the guts of Access? Seems like this would be a frequent problem. The Microsoft forum addresses this problem and the only viable solution is the manual method, when they get to the Query method it looks like they just forgot what the subject was and tell you how to delete one record if you know what the criteria is. If two non Key fields are Identical then i want to delete one of the records.
We have a client who has managed to muck up their Access database by means of having two users on two computers attempting to use and modify it at the same time, and the primary (actually, the only) location for the database is on Dropbox.
What seems to have happened is that Dropbox detected a conflict, with two different versions of the same file, and resolved this by creating two separate files. How long this went on before the client noticed that they were entering data into two separate files, I can't say.
Their client list is 28,000 someodd people long. What I need to know is if there's a process for merging the two files together, without creating 28,000 duplicate entries. This is being run on Access 2002.
Currently am trying to get together two separate Access Databases into one, which is the way it was always supposed to be.
Basically, this person accidentally created a duplicate of the database in question, and has been updating both independently at different times, meaning that whilst a lot of the database information is duplicate, there are some instances where each separate database copy has unique information on both existing contacts, and new unique contacts.
The database itself is about schools, and has tables concerning information such as calls made, contact details, school details, etc etc. Obviously all of this needs putting back together into one set of tables in one file.
I've been messing around with append and import functions, but am having issues with duplicate ID fields with append queries, and a general lack of direction on the best way to go about fixing this problem, if its even possible.
I have a question I've been trying to figure out with no luck. I have 2 fields, companyname and zip, these 2 fields may have duplicate values or they may be uniquei.e.
companyname zip billybobs 68135 dilberts 68137 billybobs 68135
what I need to do is delete all of the duplicate records where both companyname and zip match. Is there a way I can do that with a query?
1. Persons (list of persons) 2. Job history (list of jobs)
each person have their own job history. all these jobs are stored in the job history table. when i delete a person i would like the job history for this person deleted as well. each job stored in the job table have a field with person name, so that it is linked to this person.
how can i do this? vba or simple properties options?
I am trying to import some data (job details for a machine shop), that is being exported from a CNC program.
The export has all the information we need, in a delimited format, but it spreads this over several lines. I also contains lots of junk we don't need.
Access imports this, but those lines then form an individual record in a tempory table.
I missunderstood what the 'UNION' query was, and whilst this has created nicely organised data, with just the stuff we need, it gives it over 3 individual records.
I either need to combine the 3 records from the output of the UNION query into a single record, or (and I suspect this is the case, as the UNION query doesn't actually do anything if I think about it), find a way of combining different fields from the temp import table into a single record in the query.
I've done a fair amount of searching on 'merging records', but can't seem to find a similar problem. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Attached is a spreadsheet showing data from an Access table. The Ivd Id field has produced 2 records.
I need to show this detail on 1 row. I have tried using crosstab queries to do this, but there a lot more fields than the ones shown and the processing required is too much.
I have colour coded the data on the spreadsheet to show the 2 records for Ivd Id =36926 (rows 2 and 3 on the spreadsheet), and how they would need to appear in an access query or table (row 16 on the spreadsheet)
I have 3 Dell laptops with data that was used in registrating participants for a conference (names, address, position title, email, and amount paid). Is there a way to combine the data from each computer to make one database? Please provide step by step instructions?
There is a field called "RECORDTYPECODE" that was inserted in the external data source. It has one of four values : R, L, N, C
Ideally this is what I want
WHERE ((([RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].DelphiProjectCode) In (SELECT [DelphiProjectCode] FROM [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi] As Tmp GROUP BY [DelphiProjectCode],[DelphiTask],[EmpId],[CostCenterCode] HAVING Count(*)>1 And [DelphiTask] = [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].[DelphiTask] And [EmpId] = [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].[EmpId] And [CostCenterCode] = [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].[CostCenterCode]))) Then R+L+N+C=
NOTE and in some cases the fields are null
I have attached a sample of the data. And the second tab is desired result. I have over 9000 near duplicates so it is imperative I create a formula to merge them
I am linking to an SQL database that is designed in such a way that the problem description is recorded in multiple records. See a simplified example below. I want to run a query that will merge the information in the PROBLEM_DESCRIPTION and return only one record for PROB_ID 55678.
PROB_ID ORIGINATOR DATE PROBLEM_DESCRIPTION 55678 Jim 01/01/2015 While cleaning my computer, I noticed 55678 Jim 01/01/2015 the screen was cracked. I called 55678 Jim 01/01/2015 the IT department and they said I had 55678 Jim 01/01/2015 to write a work order. However it 55678 Jim 01/01/2015 was rejected without reason.
I have two tables (same data but slightly different attribute structure) with a one-to-one relationship (the join field is "ID"). There are 69 matching records in these tables. How can I delete these matching records from table A, while leaving them alone in table B?
I'm confused because I brought both tables into a select query, created a join from ID to ID (within in the query's design view), and then added all fields from table A to the query. I then ran the select query and saw the 69 records from table A in the query's data view that I wanted to delete, highlighted all records and clicked delete. However, this action deleted the 69 matching records from TABLE B, not Table A!!! How is this possible? What should I do instead? Thanks.
A strange request but I hope someone can help with this one
I have a table (tbl_Econ) where I have to delete a specified number of records from a table. It does not matter which records as long as I delete the exact number
e.g On a form text box I enter the number or records to be deleted (e.g.6000).
The table (tbl_Econ) has 8000 records, so I have to delete 6000 records. I need to be able to do this automatically :eek:
how would i go about deleting a set of records? i can get a list of records together in a query taken from 4 tables and would need to, if necessary, delete a single line. not all information needs to be deleted from all 4 tables though? the info to be deleted would only be deleted from 1 or 2 tables being the last 2 in the relationship.
i guessed it might be an append query but im not too familiar with them.
Hi there, i have a master reset to delete all the data in the database. Although, as there is a username and password entry to get into the admin module, i wish for one entry in the table participantTable to not get deleted (to save one password/username so its possible to log into the admin module after the reset). The code below will delete everything, how can i change it so it keeps the first record in the table, and then deletes all the other records after.
if i have a sales order that the sales order # is an autonumber and i manually delete the records my next new record still follows the last number i had before that is now deleted..
sales order 1001 sales order 1002
if i delete all the records on the table and clean it all out
the next new autonumber will be 1003...
i want it to be 1001 again... and yes its set to an index of no dups
I have 3 tables: 1. customer 2. DVD collection 3. Borrow
The aim of this system is to create a home borrowing system.
The customer table has a one to many relationship with the borrow table, while the dvd collection has a one to one with borrow. I can create a new book with no problem, and even view these on a form. Here my proble arises.
I ahve another form to return a DVD. I view the records from the borrow table, and once found what i want there is a button which deletes the record from the borrow table. Sadly, when i press this button, not only does it delete the record in the borrow table, but it will also delete the record from the DVD collection table.
I have tried everything i can think of, and i don't want to change to change the design as i have found this mnethod very easy to generate reports and the like. Any help??
EDIT: the button i used was from the wizard that comes up when you create a button.