Merging And Removing Duplicates

Aug 9, 2013

I have a table with few Employee ID re-appearing over and over again for two different job status.

Data Example

EMP ID Job Code Emp Name Country Job Status Time Spent (In Hrs)
222 9250 XYZ ABC Complete 6
222 1059 XYZ ABC InComplete 12
222 5050 XYZ ABC Complete 7
222 1050 XYZ ABC InComplete 9
111 2750 MNM IJK Complete 2
111 2150 MNM IJK InComplete 3
111 6550 MNM IJK Complete 7
111 8250 MNM IJK InComplete 9

I need an output which merges the data based on Emp ID, however, adds the time spent for completed and incompleted job status in 2 rows.

Output Requirement:

EMP ID Emp Name Country Job Status Time Spent (In Hrs)
222 XYZ ABC Complete 13
222 XYZ ABC InComplete 21
111 MNM IJK Complete 9
111 MNM IJK InComplete 12

Which query to use? I use Access 2010.

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Removing Duplicates From A Query

Aug 14, 2006

I am running a query to return records from a table. I want to eliminate records from the query if the values contained in one field are duplicated. I have tried using the DISTINCT keyword but it only works if the entire record is unique or if I was retieving just one field

Any suggestions appreciated

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Removing Duplicates From A Table

Aug 19, 2004


I'm running MS Access (2002 SP-2)

I have a table that has the following columns in it:

Sent NBR (text) / Sent Date (date/time) / PIC (text)

It's a customer listing of our customers and which long distance carrier they have selected. Unfortunately my data also shows OLD customers that no longer own that phone number. Because of this, various phone numbers are listed numerous times, but only the Sent NBR with the most current Sent Date is the one I need to see. The others are irrelevant and need to be deleted. I'd manually delete the duplicated Rows but I have over 115,000 duplicates!!

Do you guy know of a way to eliminated the duplicates for each Sent NBR and only show me the Sent NBR's with the Most current date?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Removing Duplicates From Dataset

Dec 12, 2011

I have data that I want to combine. However the separate data sets have some duplicates.

Let's say it is Customer Num field.

What I am saying is I am trying to combine the data sets to make a table with Customer Num and Customer Name.

I want to eliminate the duplicates. What is the best way to do this? Is there a feature in Access for this?

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Removing Duplicates While Keeping A Running Total

May 10, 2005

High everyone I've had a look around the FAQ's and other threads but haven't been able to find what I'm looking for.

I have a table that contains two fields, one being 'part number' and the other being 'quantity'. Unfortunately there are multiple duplicate 'part numbers'. I am looking at keeping only one instance of the duplicate 'part numbers' but at the same time I want to add the 'quantities' together to keep a running total.

For example:

Part Number Quantity
a1 1
a2 2
a3 2
a1 1
a2 1
a1 4
a1 1

Part Number Quantity
a1 7
a2 3
a3 2

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Access 97 - Query Help - Newbie - Removing Duplicates

Jan 25, 2007


just finding my way in Access 97 with no real support. I have made a query that creates duplicate records when I only need to see one for a certain criteria (lets say criteria X). This is due to the data feed involved in making the query where criteria X is found in numerous records.

What I want to display is only one record per entry containing an exact match for criteria X.

Finding it hard to articulate this but I would need something that defines:

If criteria X is the same, just display one record.

Hope this is somehow clear as I am struggling a bit. Would be gratefull of some help.


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Forms :: Removing Duplicates From Drop Down List

Jun 17, 2013

I have created a database which is used as a sign in and out machine for students. I have 2 forms a 'sign in' which has a lookup list containing all student names. as well as date and time and a 'sign out form' which uses a lookup list from the sign in form.

It collects data fine but when a student signs in and out a second time there name is duplicated in the 'sign out' drop down list. The student must select the right name out of the duplicates otherwise it wont record.

Im just wondering if there is some sort of fix to this.

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Removing Duplicates But Keeping Lastest Record

Dec 23, 2014

i have queries and tables with several duplicated "username" records. What should i do to remove the record with a smaller value of "win/loss" and keep the duplicated "username" with a bigger value of "win/loss".

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Queries :: Merging Multiple Tables And Extracting Duplicates To CSV File

Feb 27, 2014

We are a non-profit that does blind mailings for our membership drive. The company who we buy names and addresses from sends us a delimited file that has these fields as the headings


Once they send out the mailings, people then send in back a remit slip with a contribution that gets scanned through a program that creates a file that gives us these titles


The "ALT ID" and "ID" are the same in both tables.

I need to find a way to merge the tables and combine the fields that have the same ID # , and then have it create a csv file that reads like this (see below) for only the files of the people that responded so that I can import it into our membership software.

"Alt ID","Title","First Name","Middle Name","Last Name","Suffix","Address1","City","State","ZIP","ct y_code","Amount Paid","Run Date","Tender","Fund","Purpose","Solicitation","Me mbership Question","Member Type","Constituent Type","Segment"

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Find Duplicates And Create Table With Dates Of Duplicates

Feb 12, 2008

Hi this is my first post... so hi all :)

ok what i have is a table with contact details 900k plus

there are about 90k of which are duplicates.

this is the basic feilds that are important in this case.

Id, data_source, data_recived, data_code,

what i want is to have a table with unique records (no dups in data_code)

this table will look like this...

Id, data_code, Num_dups, dup1_source, dup1_date, daysbtw_Dup1_dup2, dup2_source, dup2_date, daysbtw_Dup2_dup3 ,dup3_source, dup3_date, daysbtw_Dup3_dup4 ,dup4_source, dup4_date,

I know there is no more than 4 dups of each record.

what i want from this is a table that will give me a record of how many dups for each record then all the dates that they were added and the date between each record entry.

if anyone can help it would be great .

thanks in advance.

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Find Duplicates Different Than Duplicates Deleted

Dec 8, 2005

Hey, all! Thanks for helping, here is my situation.

I have a table with about 70,000 records that have duplicate Address field values. The rest of the field values for those records are different. When I do a find duplicate querry I get the result that 17,000 records have the same address. However, when I do the append qurrey as instructed here: I get a total of only 600 records in the new table. I have tried deleting all of the indexes for both the new and old table, with no luck.

I'm using Access 2000 on XP Pro.

If anyone could help with this I would greatly appreciate it!



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Changing From Duplicates OK To No Duplicates

Nov 1, 2014

I have an Access table with an indexed key that is currently set to duplicates OK. There are not supposed to be any duplicates in that field. But it is possible than a small number have crept through.

Two questions:

1. What would happen to those duplicate records if I changed the setting from duplicates OK to no duplicates?

2. Is there any way to ferret out those duplicate records first and change them manually? The table currently has 48000 records so it would be a pain to go through them page by page. (I know how to export them to Excel, where the dups can easily be found; I was just wondering if something could do it within Access.)

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Help With Merging

Feb 5, 2007

My network was using Access 2000 and Word 2000. We recently upgraded to Access 2002 and Word 2002, but now none of my merge forms are working. I don't get any error messages, and the merge function does open Word, but all I get is the original source document and not the actual merge information. I checked my VB references and nothing is glaringly missing. What's the deal?


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Merging Databases

Aug 24, 2005

I am new to Acess, I am trying to merge 2 Access DBs and am not sure of the steps to accomplish this, if it can be accomplished and/or are there any tools to reach the same goal.

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Help Merging Tables

Aug 24, 2007

Hi, I'm very new to access so sorry if this request seems a bit stupid.

I'm trying to get one csv file for a database of cars so I can upload it to my open-realty account.

In one table is the car ID and there are fields like Price, Extras, Mileage etc associated to that ID. (this is how I want everything to stay) I would like additional fields like Photo 1, photo 2, photo 25 related to each car.

In the second table there are photos of the cars but each photo has its own unique ID but a field that relates to the ID of the car it is associated to.

How do I merge the two tables into one simpler version?

I've attached screen shots of the two tables.

Thanks for any help.

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Merging Databases

Oct 25, 2007


We are using an Access database for off-site data entry. We therefore have one master database we keep in the office and then a "template" version -which is identical to the master version except no records - we bring to each site, do the data entry and then merge that data back into the Master database.

Can anyone help suggest ways to make the data merging process more efficient. The database has approx 12 tables, so I dont' want to create an append query for each one every time. Is there a way to just "merge" two identical databases??


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Merging 3 Records

Feb 15, 2008

I am trying to import some data (job details for a machine shop), that is being exported from a CNC program.

The export has all the information we need, in a delimited format, but it spreads this over several lines. I also contains lots of junk we don't need.

Access imports this, but those lines then form an individual record in a tempory table.

I missunderstood what the 'UNION' query was, and whilst this has created nicely organised data, with just the stuff we need, it gives it over 3 individual records.

I either need to combine the 3 records from the output of the UNION query into a single record, or (and I suspect this is the case, as the UNION query doesn't actually do anything if I think about it), find a way of combining different fields from the temp import table into a single record in the query.

I've done a fair amount of searching on 'merging records', but can't seem to find a similar problem. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Merging Tables

Jan 27, 2005

I need to merge a set of Access tables. I am creating a database which will hold a large amount of records (upto 250 000 in one table). I am importing the data from an excel spreadsheet. As each spreadsheet is limited to 65000 records I had to save the file in 4 different spreadheets. However in Access I need all these files saved in one table. Can anyone please help me?



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Merging Columns

May 6, 2006

Hi I have search the forums for an answer to this..i have 4 fields address 1, 2,3,4 and i would just like to all all the information to one field call can i merge the information..please bear in mind i am useless at access..i thought there might be a way of copying the columns and just having a merge function to do so ..but cant find anything...please help..Williebear:(

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Merging Tables

Jun 14, 2006

Hello first post here, I need some help!Sorry not sure if this should go under queries or tables.Anyway I'm working with quite a large access db (64mb).I want to merge data from several tables into one table.Its a supermarket db (not a real one). Its got a customer and product tableIts also got a table called agg_c_special_sales_fact_1997with the fields customer_id and product_id this shows what customers bought what product.I want to merge the data from customer, product and agg_c_special_sales_fact_1997 into one big table. I want the merge to be permanent so I can see the which customer (and all their details) bought which product (all details) in one big table. I ve been trying to do this all day (im quite new to SQL) I copied the data in agg_c_special_sales_fact_1997 into a new table "new_sales_fact". I added a row called brand_name to that I want to copy from the product tableSo far I ve come up with this:SELECT product.brand_name INTO new_sales_fact FROM product, agg_c_special_sales_fact_1997WHERE product.product_id =;unfortuantely access asks me enter a parameter value when I run the query.Could this becuase agg_c_special_sales_fact_1997 is huge, its got 86,000+records?Can anyone help? I'd be most greatful this has been driving me insane all day!!thanks in advance! P.S the database is the test database that comes with Mondrian......P.P.S I know its not good practice to have all data in one big table but for the purposes of what im doing it will simplfy things a lot!

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Merging Tables

Aug 14, 2007

Hello all

I'm not really an Access programmer, but I maintain a couple of databases for my own use (music collection etc.). I hope no-one minds me posting here :)

I've made a bit of a mistake. I had two copies of a database on different machines, and I entered new data into both of them.

Is there any way of merging two tables, discarding any records which are identical?

Many thanks in advance for any responses!



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Merging Tables?

Nov 14, 2007

Hi all :) I have 22 tables in my Access database, which is my catalogue data. I have it set up on dreamweaver. Now tho, i need a search engine going thro it, i have a script in access/dreamweaver that works. Only thing is, that the script only works thro one table. Now, is there some way to merge tables into one? Not just copy and paste, but all have the same specific name that i maybe able to link? (ie Name, description, code) Any ideas? A tutorial link would be great if anyone has come across a similar thing, thx!

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Merging Queries

Aug 25, 2005

I have frequented this board on several occasions, and have used it extensively to help me on my project. But I am at a situation that I cannot seem to find a proper solution for, and feel like I need to solicit some input from more experienced people.

Problem: What I want to do is create a form utilizing two queries that will not only display the shoes and comments, but as I tab from record to record (each record a different shoe), the form will also display the total minutes for the shoe. (frmShoes in the database shows what I ultimately want)

Background: I am creating a database to track my exercise routine and jogging times, along with other variables. I have three tables (I deleted all the other extraneous garbage to alleviate any potential for confusion):

Run Session ID pk
Shoes ID
-one-to-many w/tblLaps-
-one-to-one w/tblShoes-

Laps ID pk
Lap Number
Lap Time
Run Session ID fk

Shoe ID pk
Shoe Name

I want to use a form built off tblRunSession to enter a new day of running. On the form I would enter multiple laps, and minutes each lap was completed, along with the shoes (only one pair used per day) I wore that day. I accomplished the input utilizing tblLaps as a subform to tblRunSession.

I tried creating two queries: one (Query 1) from tblshoes, and the other (Query 2) from tblRunSession and tblLaps. I summed the individual lap times in Query 2 for each shoe. But when I try to create a third query based on Queries 1 and 2, it gets all messed up and confusing. I tried to use dlookup, but I quickly found that was beyond my knowledge level. I think some of the problem I’m experiencing (besides my limited brain capacity) is the fact that I am trying to use three tables to pull data from, and trying to make it all mesh. I’m sure it can be done, but I’m at a loss.

I attached what I have been working on in case anyone wants to look at it and set me straight. Thanks in advance for any suggestions or ideas anyone has to offer.

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Merging Tables

Dec 10, 2006


I have a few tables with the same row and column headings but contain different data in their cells. Is there a query whereby I can basically merge everything to give me one view with everything in it?



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Merging Two Fields In SQL

Apr 9, 2007

Hi, this is really puzzleing me!

What i want to do is take a field from one table and a field from another and join them together to make a single field.

I know this wouldnt work in practice without selection statements etc so only one field is selected, but if you could just help me on this code i would be greatful!

For example, assuming that the tables tblMyDatatable, and tblOtherData consists only of one record with each containing a letter of "y" then:

SELECT [TheData FROM tblMyDatatable] & OtherData AS ThisQuery
FROM tblOtherData;

Should produce the following:


It dosent! Can anybody help?

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Merging Data

May 3, 2007

I have an excell spreadsheet with member names

the member names are duplicated up to 6 times each depending on how many months from october - march they have been members.

The excellspreadsheet looks like this

Member name Member number October care level November care....
triscuit83 1234 1
Triscuit83 1234 1

Is there a way in access I could make triscuit 83 show up once and have all the care levels stay on the same line.

Please let me know if there are any clarifications needed.
I need help hardcore

****edit****** the example doesnt show up formated right basically 1 will be in the october column the first time and a 1 will be in the november column the second line.

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