Merging Data From Multiple Tables Into One Via A Form

Nov 2, 2004

Hi all, I'm not an Access programmer by trade, but unfortunately got handed a project that nobody else wanted.

I have a small database taking shape which will track the auditing of paperwork/files. Each file has a unique ID associated with it, in this case, an account number. Audits will take place by selecting the job area (department), then the type of file (Line, Loan, Increase). This will be used to sort which type of audit questions are asked.

I have the following tables created:

tblQuestions: ID, Question, Product question applies to, Function question applies to, Comment field, and result field.
tblTeamMember: MemberID, TeamMember, Manager, PrimaryFunction
tblAuditResult: AuditID, MemberID, AccountNumber, Question, Result, Comment, Date of Audit
tblProduct: List of product types (line, loan, increase)
tblFunction: list of job functions

Currently a form is displayed so the manager can select the job function, then the file type. This will display:

frmAuditCreate - this form contains the fields: txtAccount, cmbManager, cmbTeamMember, txtAuditDate
Sub form on frmAuditCreate - frmQuestionSub - this form contains the fields: Question, Comment, Result

The frmQuestionSub is built off a query which uses the function and product values to determine which questions to filter and display.

Now, once the user is done flipping through each question in the sub form and input the data into the comment and result field associated with that question, I need that information along with the information on the frmAuditCreate to be stored in the table tblAuditResult. This is the problem I'm having difficulty with. I can't find a way to copy the question, comment, and result and insert it into the same record as the rest of the data.

Unfortunatlly I can't strip the database down enough to meet the 100k or less attachment limit.

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General :: Merging Data From Multiple Tables Into Single Column

Sep 10, 2012

I've created a access database containing multiple tables, theres one main table that will contain all the data compiled.

I then have other tables that contain some matching data but with an additonal column filled in,

I want to be able to pull the data from these other tables into the main table and compile it including merging some data into a single feild.

Effectively this is what the inputs will be:


Table 1
Ident Number Solution TRN
T0941A1 SLN019149 EFE0008
T0941B1 SLN019149 EFE0008
T0941C1 SLN019149 EFE0008


Table 2
Ident Number Solution TRN
T0941A1 SLN019149 EFE0167
T0941B1 SLN019149 EFE0167
T0941C1 SLN019149 EFE0167


Table 3
Ident Number Solution TRN
T0941A1 SLN019149 EFE0188
T0941B1 SLN019149 EFE0188
T0941C1 SLN019149 EFE0188

Then the main table i want to compile the data like this:

Table 4
Ident Number Solution TRN
T0941A1 SLN019149 EFE0008,TRN0167,EFE0188
T0941B1 SLN019149 EFE0008,TRN0167,EFE0188
T0941C1 SLN019149 EFE0008,TRN0167,EFE0188

i want it to show as 1 line item and compile the TRN numbers into a single feild per row rather than having duplicates.

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Merging Multiple Tables?

Oct 26, 2007

I have data that splite by month, so january data separated from february data, an so on.
can i display those data on one table by using query?
if can i do that?


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Merging Excel File Into Multiple Tables?

Apr 18, 2005

I'm in the process of creating a database to track campaign contributions, and I'm kind of stuck.

I've created tables for the citizens, the candidates, and the contributions to the candidates. Now I'm trying to populate them with an Excel spreadsheet. The problem is I have no clue on how to split the Excel file so the appropriate parts go into each table.

The spreadsheet contains:
Name, address, etc. - This needs to go into the Citizens table
Names of candidates individuals contributed to - This needs to go into the candidates table.
Dollar amounts and dates of contributions - This needs to go into the contributions table.

Each citizen may have made multiple contributions to multiple candidates.

The easy way would be for everything to be in one table, but that would be a bad database design, right? Here's a shortened version of how my tables are designed:

Citizens: Name, contact info, etc. of citizens
Candidates: Name, party affiliation, etc. of candidates
Contributions: Candidate (fk is pk of Candidate table), Citizen (fk is pk of citizen table), contribution date, and contribution amount.

I appreciate the assistance, as I'm getting really frustrated.


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Merging Multiple Tables With Auto-Numbering

Aug 3, 2007

I have 5 copies of a database that 5 users enter data into (including Pre, Post and Follow-Up information). These users send me their database quarterly and I am suppose to merge the data into one database from which to run reports, etc.

The problem comes in with the auto-numbering. Each "Pre" table has an ID that is auto-numbered. This auto-number is also stored when a corresponding "Post" (or follow-up form) is entered so that we can be sure the pre-, post- and follow-up are all linked to the same individual. When I merge the data, they are reassigned ID numbers in the Pre (while the Post still has the original Pre ID number) so now I've lost the link as to one individual's pre, post and follow-up form.

I realize now that the database shouldn't have been built this way, but is there any way to work around this. I've even tried exporting all of the rows for each of the 5 users into Excel and then importing them into Access in a new table (just so I could have the ease of running queries) but I seem to be getting errors doing that as well.

Any ideas?

Jen B. :)

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Merging Multiple Tables With Auto-Numbering

Aug 3, 2007

I have 5 copies of a database that 5 users enter data into (including Pre, Post and Follow-Up information). These users send me their database quarterly and I am suppose to merge the data into one database from which to run reports, etc.

The problem comes in with the auto-numbering. Each "Pre" table has an ID that is auto-numbered. This auto-number is also stored when a corresponding "Post" (or follow-up form) is entered so that we can be sure the pre-, post- and follow-up are all linked to the same individual. When I merge the data, they are reassigned ID numbers in the Pre (while the Post still has the original Pre ID number) so now I've lost the link as to one individual's pre, post and follow-up form.

I realize now that the database shouldn't have been built this way, but is there any way to work around this. I've even tried exporting all of the rows for each of the 5 users into Excel and then importing them into Access in a new table (just so I could have the ease of running queries) but I seem to be getting errors doing that as well.

Any ideas?

Jen B.:)

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Queries :: Merging Multiple Tables And Extracting Duplicates To CSV File

Feb 27, 2014

We are a non-profit that does blind mailings for our membership drive. The company who we buy names and addresses from sends us a delimited file that has these fields as the headings


Once they send out the mailings, people then send in back a remit slip with a contribution that gets scanned through a program that creates a file that gives us these titles


The "ALT ID" and "ID" are the same in both tables.

I need to find a way to merge the tables and combine the fields that have the same ID # , and then have it create a csv file that reads like this (see below) for only the files of the people that responded so that I can import it into our membership software.

"Alt ID","Title","First Name","Middle Name","Last Name","Suffix","Address1","City","State","ZIP","ct y_code","Amount Paid","Run Date","Tender","Fund","Purpose","Solicitation","Me mbership Question","Member Type","Constituent Type","Segment"

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Queries :: Merging Data In One Field From Multiple Records

Jul 30, 2015

I am linking to an SQL database that is designed in such a way that the problem description is recorded in multiple records. See a simplified example below. I want to run a query that will merge the information in the PROBLEM_DESCRIPTION and return only one record for PROB_ID 55678.

55678 Jim 01/01/2015 While cleaning my computer, I noticed
55678 Jim 01/01/2015 the screen was cracked. I called
55678 Jim 01/01/2015 the IT department and they said I had
55678 Jim 01/01/2015 to write a work order. However it
55678 Jim 01/01/2015 was rejected without reason.

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Merging Tables And Retaining Data

Oct 19, 2004

Newbie here,
i have two tables with 3 fields in each (code, Description and amount)
what i need to do is join these two together to show data from both tables (some of the
data in fields one and two will be identical, but the third fields in both
tables will need separate entries for each table)
the primary key would be the first field (code) ysee, the original table has been updated
by a n other, some codes and descriptions changed for others so, i would like to end up with
feild one, all codes from both tables, field two,
all descriptions matched to codes from both tables,
field three numbers matching from first table, field
four numbers matching from second table.

is this a possibility?

please help...loosing hair!


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Tables :: Merging Table Data Fields If Names Are Identical

Sep 24, 2012

Have 2 tables:

...TableA: 1 indexed field "Name" and many data fields in ~ 1000 records
...TableB: 1 indexed field "Name" and 2 data fields (DataB1 and DataB2) in about
~ 50 records

Tables currently have NO relationship set.

Want to add TableB data fields to TableA if Name are identical.

DataB1 and DataB2 fields are Not currently in TableA but could be added very easily.

Update (or whatever) will be done weekly where all previous data for DataB1 and DataB2 will be cleared from TableA before job is run.

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Data Entry Form - Multiple Tables?

Aug 18, 2006

I have been trying to figure this one out for a while and I can't seem to find anything helpful. I'm going to present a simplified version of my problem to help keep it simple.

I have an "Activities" table that contains fields:

I have a table of 7 Risk areas which contains fields:

What I need to do is to create a form that will allow the user to select an activity and then, for each of the 7 risk areas, input a risk measurement.

This involves the creation of a 3rd table to collect the user input which would contain fields:


I can do a dropdown of the Activities and have a subform that links to it but the problem I'm having is trying to get that subform to list the 7 Risk Areas AND collect the RiskMeasurement information from the user. How can I have a listing of these 7 areas from one table that are tied to inputs that go into another table? This seems so basic and simple yet I have tried numerous things and all have failed.

I hope this was clear. Any help is appreciated.

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Data From Multiple Tables On Single Form

Oct 14, 2004

I have a tabbed form that contains multiple rows of data just like the following: (it's a service checklist for a store where the user makes choices from the combo boxes: e.g. good, fair, poor, etc)

Paint (txtHrs), Action (cboPaintAction), Condition (cboPaintCondition)
Carpet (txtCarpetHrs), Action (cboCarpetAction), Condition (cboCarpetCondition)
Counter (txtCounterHrs), Action (cboCounterAction), Condition (cboCounterCondition)

Since the combo boxes describe data that relates only to that element I can't put all the data needed into a single table. There are 40 of these rows so does that mean I have to create 40 tables? If so, how do I add the data to them from the form? Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated!

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Data Input Form From Multiple Tables

Nov 4, 2004

Hi, I have a big problem. Here is the business rule, I am trying to track meeging request(MR) made. A meeting request is made by a manager,MR can include many analysts, and MR involves 1 project. I need to generate several reports from the MR information so I am trying to make sure the info is inputed correctly. I am trying to creat an input form for the MR table (tblMR) The input form is going to contain all the fields from the tblMR except the manager_ID and and the Project_ID, I am also going to have it track which analysts attended the meeting(1 or more). The problem I am having is in creating the form but having the analyst, manager, project values come from their own tables but after selecting them through combo box or list box, for values of Manager_ID and Project_ID to be entered in the tblMR. And for the analyst involved to be stored in a a composit table called tblMR-Analyst. this table will help me track how many meeting each analyst has been to. Any suggestions will help.

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Pulling Data From Multiple Tables Into One Form Or Report

Dec 26, 2012

I need to pull data from multiple tables in order to show a "financial summary"..Currently I have: Company; BalanceSheet; Debt; Liabilities; Income..All tables have a lot of information (which is why I built them in multiple tables).

I need to build a form where I can use a combo box to select a company from a list.Once selected - I need to the form to pull selected information from each of the above tables. (As well as perform some math functions).I've been struggling with the relationships (They don't seem to make a difference) and I believe I am above and beyond what the wizards will accomplish.

I have read thread after thread but cannot seem to find a specific answer on how to accomplish this.To make matters more complex - Once finished I want to be able to select multiple companies and create a report from the fields mentioned above (IE: pick company A, B, and C and have all of there "current Assets" add up on one report)

This task was originally achieved using an Excel spreadsheet but it has become to confusing for users and difficult to save information for future use.I believe all of my fields are constructed correctly. how to compile the data from multiple tables into one form/report.

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How To Create A Form That Can Update Data Linked To Multiple Tables

Jul 30, 2012

I'm using Access and Excel 2007.... I know how to import an Excel spreadsheet as a table.

I have several supplier price lists in Excel. I want to keep my vendor price lists up to date.

When one of my vendors tell me that a price has changed on a particular item, I figure that I could have a form that I could use to enter the changes.

I believe the form would look like:

Field: "Vendor" (drop down list to choose from. Name of the Supplier price lists) Required.
Field: "OEM" (Key Field found in each table) Required.
Field: "Brand" (Field found in each table) Not required.
Field: "Price" (Field found in each table) Required.

OEM would be the unique key field.

If I enter the Vendor name and then the OEM number it would show if there is already that number in the Vendor price list and I could make changes. Or I could enter new data in that vendor price list.

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Forms :: Unable To Enter New Data In Form With Fields From Multiple Tables

Jan 6, 2014

I had an existing database with 2329 records entered into it. All of the fields (220ish) were all in one table. Myself and my co-workers wanted to rebuild the database without losing the data. We wrote queries to transfer the data from the original database to the new database and split the data from the original 1 giant table to 9 smaller tables.

The transfer of data worked so I went to start making forms. When I went to add fields from different tables I had to built a relationship, which I did. All of the data that transferred over from the new database is in the form (now multiple forms linked by button) but I can't add new information. I get an error stating, "You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table ..." and the table referenced keeps changing.

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Forms :: Input Data Into Multiple Tables Using Single Form - MS Access 2013

Jan 15, 2015

I have 5 tables that I would like to input data in. It can only be done with a single form. The fields I want to input in have the same names in all 5 tables, for example:

Table 1:

Table 2:

Table 3:

Table 4:

Table 5:

Is it possible to input data into all of these fields in each table using one textbox for each field?

Preferably without having to use code but if it cannot be done without it then that would be fine.

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Import Excel Data From Multiple Sheets Into Multiple Tables In Access

Aug 25, 2012

I would like to know which way is the best way to import excel data from multiple sheets in to multiple tables in access.

For example data from Sheet1 -> Table1, Sheet2->Table2, Sheet3->Table3 etc...

I have tried using this:
Cmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel5, "Table1", "C:Importedfile.xlsx", True, "Sheet1!"

Ironically, data from Sheet2 and Sheet3 seem to be properly imported in to table2 and table3, but some of the data from Sheet1 seems to be missing in Table1 after import.

Any other ways to import the data?

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Merging Multiple Databases

Oct 12, 2006

Ok, this is only a very general question, but I'm hoping somebody here can give me some general advice.

Basically, I have three separate database which I've written for my company. They were all written at different times, hence the fact there are three and not one that does three things. The first is used to raise, edit, delete, and track RMA records for returned merchandise. The second is used to raise, edit, and track Training data for people who have undergone my training course. The third is my main database that contains all of my clients' details, plus a log of all calls taken from them. This is the largest and most complex of the databases and has some fairly advanced relationships setup to enabled hundreds of call logs to be linked to a single record of necessary.

Now all three databases have been written using the same kind of structure. They all use popup modal forms to prevent malicious/accidental damage to the database by the staff who use them. They are all locked down and Access cannot be broken into whilst they are running. they all also have their own primary keys.

All these databases work just fine, but I'm now a little tired of each staff member having three shortcuts on their desktops, depending on which database they need to use. what I'd really like to do is somehow merge all three of these databases into one single database, and alter the switchboard accordingly to allow users to access any of the three parts of it.

The problems - as I see them - are: (a) that my main database uses a lot of relationship links to maintain certain records, whilst the other two use none, and, (b) that each database, having been written separately, has records with their own ID keys and autonumbers.

I did toy with the idea of having some kind of function on my main switchboard that would allow me to close the current database being used and open another, all without closing Access, but I haven't been too successful in my tests..., my question is, does anybody have any bright ideas as to how I can go about merging these three, or, at very least, centralising access to all three?

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Merging Multiple MDB Files Into One

Apr 4, 2014

We've got a software that is creating a mdb file with one table and 10 columns. Every day we have around 30.000 entries in the table. At the end of the week we have 7 different mdb files and usually we copy/paste them into one single file to do the base research. Everything is fine until the mdb's file size is 2GB. I understand that mdb files start behaving strange with files over 2GB of size. Therefore after a couple of months we have several 2GB mdb files. When doing a history research we have to open each and every file to check and search in that file. That can take a lot of time if you have 20 or more mdb files.

What I am asking is ... if there is a possibility to merge all the 2GB files into one or maybe more so that the research wouldn't take so much time.

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Queries :: Merging Multiple Fields Into One Field

May 15, 2015

I have a table which has each claim as a single record. A client wishes us to provide the data in a format that lists the each procedure on its own line. I have attached a highlevel example of what the data currently looks like and what the query results should look like.So I need to create a query that would repeat the Claim Number and place all the Procedure fields into one field.

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Tables :: Multiple Table Data To Save To A Different Table From A Form

Mar 6, 2014

I have three tables: Vehicles; Vehicle Reallocated; and Vehicles Retired. I have a form that runs a query to find all the info in the Vehicles tbl that is not "Retired", not visible in the form. I then have the option to toggle to a Reallocated or Retired form. When i toggle to the reallocated form, i have the like fields in that table (ie Van #, Vin, Make etc) pulling the info from the hidden subform with the vehicle query, so i do not need to fill in repeat data. However, when i add a reallocated date and the new clinic that vehicle is for, i get the record ID for the vehicle reallocated table as expected, but when i save none of the data moved over from the query saves in the record?

How to get all the data on the reallocated form to save?

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Help Merging Tables

Aug 24, 2007

Hi, I'm very new to access so sorry if this request seems a bit stupid.

I'm trying to get one csv file for a database of cars so I can upload it to my open-realty account.

In one table is the car ID and there are fields like Price, Extras, Mileage etc associated to that ID. (this is how I want everything to stay) I would like additional fields like Photo 1, photo 2, photo 25 related to each car.

In the second table there are photos of the cars but each photo has its own unique ID but a field that relates to the ID of the car it is associated to.

How do I merge the two tables into one simpler version?

I've attached screen shots of the two tables.

Thanks for any help.

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Merging Tables

Jan 27, 2005

I need to merge a set of Access tables. I am creating a database which will hold a large amount of records (upto 250 000 in one table). I am importing the data from an excel spreadsheet. As each spreadsheet is limited to 65000 records I had to save the file in 4 different spreadheets. However in Access I need all these files saved in one table. Can anyone please help me?



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Merging Tables

Jun 14, 2006

Hello first post here, I need some help!Sorry not sure if this should go under queries or tables.Anyway I'm working with quite a large access db (64mb).I want to merge data from several tables into one table.Its a supermarket db (not a real one). Its got a customer and product tableIts also got a table called agg_c_special_sales_fact_1997with the fields customer_id and product_id this shows what customers bought what product.I want to merge the data from customer, product and agg_c_special_sales_fact_1997 into one big table. I want the merge to be permanent so I can see the which customer (and all their details) bought which product (all details) in one big table. I ve been trying to do this all day (im quite new to SQL) I copied the data in agg_c_special_sales_fact_1997 into a new table "new_sales_fact". I added a row called brand_name to that I want to copy from the product tableSo far I ve come up with this:SELECT product.brand_name INTO new_sales_fact FROM product, agg_c_special_sales_fact_1997WHERE product.product_id =;unfortuantely access asks me enter a parameter value when I run the query.Could this becuase agg_c_special_sales_fact_1997 is huge, its got 86,000+records?Can anyone help? I'd be most greatful this has been driving me insane all day!!thanks in advance! P.S the database is the test database that comes with Mondrian......P.P.S I know its not good practice to have all data in one big table but for the purposes of what im doing it will simplfy things a lot!

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Merging Tables

Aug 14, 2007

Hello all

I'm not really an Access programmer, but I maintain a couple of databases for my own use (music collection etc.). I hope no-one minds me posting here :)

I've made a bit of a mistake. I had two copies of a database on different machines, and I entered new data into both of them.

Is there any way of merging two tables, discarding any records which are identical?

Many thanks in advance for any responses!



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