Message Box Based On Query Value

Dec 4, 2011

I have a query, TonerAudit, that audits toner inventory based on the [number of cartridges in inventory] - [cartridges installed in labs]. Data is grouped by the cartridge reorder number.

When the db opens I would like the switchboard form to run an On Open event that evaluates if [TonerAudit].[Expr1] < 2 and if so return a message box saying that toner needs to be reordered.I tried doing this using a macro but I ran into the problem that my if/then procedure will not access individual columns in TonerAudit.

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Pop Message In Form Based On Query Results

Jan 12, 2006


I have tried numerous things to try and create a pop up message or form to alert users of a timing conflict in a scheduling program.
I am not real familiar with codes and am not sure how to handle this.

I used Jason Browne's web site to help me construct a query that will list a result of time conflicts (ie some project is scheduled to occur before another one is completed).
What I need to have happen is the alert message or form opens when this conflict occurs but does nothing when the timing is ok.

I am not very familiar with code and am having a road block mentally. All help is appreciated!


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Triggering Yes/No Message Box Based On Date

Mar 4, 2005

I have a form in my database that opens by default. I want to trigger a yes/no (yes would run a query, no would end) popup based on the value of a field in a table or query (i.e. if "now" is fifteen days past date in the table/query).

Any help would be most appreciated.


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Modules & VBA :: Searchable Form - Message Box To Display Information Based On Expression

Nov 24, 2014

I have a searchable form that display information on agreements other companies have with us. If a company requests an inspection we have 30 days to go out and complete it.

I am trying to create a message box that will display all inspections that are due within 5 days when the form loads. No luck so far, only broken dreams.

Is it possible for message boxes to use expressions and display information that fits the criteria?

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Modules & VBA :: Device Table - Warning Message Based On Combobox Selection

Jul 26, 2013

I have a combobox with several options for a device's parts. When one part is selected, it gets added to a device table.

Generator A
Generator B
Gearbox A
Gearbox B
Blades A
Blades B
Blades C
Tower A
Tower B

I want to display an error message if an option is being selected more than once.

For example, if a gearbox has been chosen, then another gearbox cant be chosen too.

How do i display this warning message.

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Modules & VBA :: Table With 3 Fields - Warning Message Based On Combobox Selection

Jul 29, 2013

I have a table (ComponentT) of different device components a user can select from ( generators, gearboxes, etc.)

The table has 3 fields - ComponentName, ComponentType, ComponenentDetails

I have a query returning all the ComponentDetails values.

I then have a combobox that uses this query as a row source.

The user can select different components they want from the combobox. Once something is selected, it is added to a new table - UserSelectedComponentsT

As a device can have only one gearbox or one generator etc. I want a warning messagebox to be displayed if the user tries to select a generator from the combobox when one has been previously selected.

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Queries :: Differentiate A Query Based On All Group Records Or A Query Based On Only One Record

Dec 22, 2014

I have a combo named cbogroup. I have a tblGroup with several records (active, non-active, nursery, etc.). One of the records is *ALL*. Using the CboGroup the user can pick any of the records. Howeverr, if they pick the *ALL* record, I want the query to pull up animalID based on all records in the TblGroup. If another record is picked (i.e. nursery), then the query will pull up only animalIDs that are in the 'Nursery'.Can I put a (iff then) in a query in order to differentiate a query based on all group records or a query based on only one record?

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Queries :: Query To Run Before Report Based On Criteria Based From Two Combo Boxes On Form

Mar 20, 2013

I have a report that gets its data from a query. I need the query to run before the report based on criteria based from two combo boxes on a form.

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Chart Based On Form Based Parameter Query

Mar 22, 2006

Hi all,

stuck on this, not sure if it can be resolved....

I have a parameter query for which the parameter is based on a form field entry (i wanted to avoid the dialog box popping up).

No problems with this....however, I want to create a chart based on the same query however, i get the following error message because it does not recognise the query parameter.

Error Message: The Microsoft Jet database engine does not recognise '[Forms]![frmChooseDTDate]!DateOccured' as a valid field name or expression.

Can this be resolved?

Help most appreciated!

regards to all


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Update Query Message Box

Aug 1, 2005

I have a "Marking" function in my database. The function is so that I can mark certain records, then print reports for only those records. When the database is opened I have set it up to run a Query. The query is a Update Query and it unmark all marked records.
However, when the query runs 2 Microsoft Access message box pop up.
the first says "You are about to run an update query that will modify data in your table."
the second one says "You are about to Update # row(s)."

Does anybody know of a way to automatically have yes be chosen on both message boxes so there are no pop ups?

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Delete Query Message.

Oct 27, 2006

Sorry if there is already a post on this(I cant seem to find it).

Is it possible to remove the confirmation message when running a delete query? i know you can remove all the other query confirmations through tools>options etc but i cant seem to get rid of this one.



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Append Query Message

Jul 26, 2006

Hello, I used a commond button to run a query in a form. This is an append query that appends the new setups in the form to a table. However, every time I click the button, a message come out: You are about to run an append query that will modify data in your table.

Since this is a form application, I do not want this message come out when I click the button. Can anyone tell me how could I stop this message come out when I click the button.

Thank you.

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Error Message For Empty Query

Feb 11, 2008

i have a form which has as button that opens a query
how can i make it so that if there arent any results from the query then a error message will pop up saying "no results found" and the table dosent show?

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Eliminate Append Query Message?

May 27, 2005


Is it posible to eliminate an append query or update, delete querey message. So that users wouldnt have to click "yes" in a msgbox that show?


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Update Query Error Message

Jul 18, 2006

Trying to create a query that will look up a barcode and subtract 1 from the currnet stock levels, i have the exact same sql statement for the adding of stock part from the -1 to a +1 the relised i may need a gap between the "-" and the 1 but it still comes up with the message. Anyone got an idea how i can make this work??

UPDATE table1 SET table1.quantity = "quantity - 1"
WHERE (((table1.barcode)=[Barcode please]));

Microsoft office access didn't update 1 field due to a type conversion failure, 0 record(s) due to key violation, 0 records due to lock violaation and 0 records due to validation rule violations

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How To Customize Append Query Confirmation Message

May 11, 2005


Is there any way to customize append query confirmation message? Unclicking Confirm Tools-->Options-->Edit/Find-->Confirm-Action Queries disables all warning messages.

My query takes some records from one table and append them to another table. When I run the query, first warning message says "Warning you r about to run an append query that will modify data in your table" (this is the message I do not want to see) and then if OK is clicked, the message says "you are about to append XXX rows...(this is the message I would like to customize)

How can I customize the 2nd message?

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Error Message For No Results In Parameter Query

Jul 25, 2005

This may be a really dumb question, but those are the easiest to answer right? ;)

Anyway, I have a parameter query where the user enters in certain criteria that it wants to look up. If there are no results that pertain to what a user enters in, is there a way that I can put in an error message that tells them that there are no results? Right now it just goes to a blank form/report/table (depending on what they are searching). I'd like something to pop up telling the user that there is no information cooresponding with what they've typed in.


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How To Set Up An Error Message If Criteria Is False In A Query ?

Aug 9, 2005

How to display an error message if the specified criteria is false in a query?
what function should be used for that?

I have a query which has to check 3 conditions and if the 3 conditions are true then it should display an error message.

What should be done for that?

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Stopping Message Popups In Update Query

Dec 2, 2006

Hi again all,

Im wondering how I can stop the messages that pop up when im about to run a update query,

I get the following

1. You are about to run a update query blah blah....
2. You wont be able to undo the changes this action blah blah
3. You are about to update X Rows

Idealy Id love to be able to turn off the messages in just this query, and not globally over the whole database, can this be done?
Also, Id like to get a error if there is one.. so only stop those message that are currently showing...

Any help would be awesome,
Cheers Ezy

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Forms :: Display Query Parameter Value In Message Box?

Sep 10, 2014

I have a few update queries that will check X number of items, based on what the user inputs.

What I want to do (if possible), is return the number of items selected based on what they type in a message box.

I have set all warnings to false for update queries.


User runs the "Check Items By Location" query via the form, then receives a message stating "[Total Selected] Items Have Been Selected from [Location]."

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Queries :: Remove Message While Running Query

Sep 15, 2013

I have a count and store data INTO a table named USTATE

When I run the query it works within 30 seconds. but when i add INTO USTATE then it takes 4-8 minutes to complete it and asks for if i want to delete the existing.

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Unknown Message Error While Opening A Query

May 23, 2014

When I open a query whether by double click or command button, the following error appears

What does it mean ?? this error appears sometimes not always. I can't figure out what this error refers to, as long as there no any error description or code.

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Queries :: Display A Custom Message Box When Open Query?

Jun 20, 2013

I want to display a custom message box when I open my query. how to do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Error Message When No Data Found In Query?

Jul 18, 2013

I have a search query that searches for different results based on 3 criterior. I have set up a form so that the user can input the text into the form and then once the Submit button (that i created) is clicked the query table will be shown.

My question is:

Is it possible to have an error message box appear when i click submit and no data is returned by the search query?

I'm hoping for the message box to say "No corresponding records to your search criteria. Do you want to try again?"

Then the options given in the message box are Yes (where they should be taken back to the search form) and No (Where they are taken to another form).

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Error Message '3075' Missing Operator In Query Expression

Dec 3, 2007

Sub PickRandom()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strTableName As String

' 1: Create a new temporary table containing the required fields
strSQL = "SELECT tblWoodrow Odom.ReviewTopic,tblWoodrow Odom.TeamMember1, tblWoodrow Odom.TeamMember2, tblWoodrow Odom.TeamMember3, tblWoodrow Odom.TeamMember 4" & _
"INTO tblTemp " & _
"FROM tblWoodrow Odom;"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

' 2: Add a new field to the new table
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set tdf = db.TableDefs("tblTemp")
Set fld = tdf.CreateField("RandomNumber", dbSingle)
tdf.Fields.Append fld

' 3: Place a random number in the new field for each record
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("tblTemp", dbOpenTable)
rst![RandomNumber] = Rnd()
Loop Until rst.EOF
Set rst = Nothing

' 4: Sort the data by the random number and move the top 25 into a new table
strTableName = "tblRandom_" & Format(Date, "ddmmmyyyy")
strSQL = "SELECT TOP 25 tblWoodrow Odom.ReviewTopic,tblWoodrow Odom.TeamMember1, tblWoodrow Odom.TeamMember2, tblWoodrow Odom.TeamMember3, tblWoodrow Odom.TeamMember 4" & _
"INTO " & strTableName & " " & _
"FROM tblTemp " & _
"ORDER BY tblTemp.RandomNumber;"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

' 5: Delete the temporary table
db.TableDefs.Delete ("tblTemp")
End Sub

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Reports :: Create Message When No Records Found From A Form To Query

Jul 28, 2014

How to create a message when no records are found from a form to a query in the report.

Example; Donations From Great Britain have no records

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